The letter was written by the Apostle Paul. That is declared in 1:1 and 3:1, and
the early church accepted it as an authentic letter of Paul. Irenaeus referred to it that way, as did Clement of Alexandria and Tertullian, and the second-century document known as the Muratorian Canon listed it as one of Paul's letters. (1) S. M. Baugh states that before the seventeenth century "there had never been any question about Pauline authorship or the canonical identity of this epistle, including its acceptance in the early church among even the earliest apostolic fathers." (2)

(1) For specific references, see Barry Smith, The Letter to the Ephesians, retrieved on 3/11/19.
(2) S. M. Baugh, Ephesians, EEC (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2016), 1.