Yah's Health Support Group

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Yah's Health Support Group



In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. He created man out of the dust of the earth and breathe into his nostrils then he became A LIVING SOUL, We are electrical being. We eat food and it is converted to energy. We have a frequency and the earth has a frequency. Walking bare foot on the grass puts healing electrons into our body. Earthing has helped to relieve pain, heart problems, back problems, behavior problems, etc. The Creator has blessed us with natural remedies.

Lida explains how to keep the immune system healthy and what can cause problems.

Essential oils were used in the Bible and are used today for natural remedies.

Life is physical and spiritual. How can it be the best?

Are people still eating from the tree of good and evil?

Did the Creator know what was best for our bodies? Did He give us a blueprint of what to eat and do?

You will learn food has frequencies and how to have good health.

How to take control of you life!

God put a clock in our body, are we listening to it?

God will show us what to do. Don't be afraid. Activated charcoal was used.

Not all sweeteners are created equally. Some will kill you slowly.

Can one change their body chemistry by eating whole foods?

Your brain should continue to learn and keep in good health. See what helps the brain to keep healthy and grow. Philippians 4:8

This lady shows how her parents passed on their good health to her and how you can pass it on.

Your body is a lot of water and if you do not keep good water coming in you will have major health problems, from heart problems to weight gain.

Learn how you can keep youth longer.

The Creator added to The Creation Week an anti-stress day which most folks do not do but your body does. Your body slows down physically sundown Friday night until sundown Saturday night, it is in your cells. We can try to override this slow down by working which will lead to all types of health problems. Not until one tries enjoying The Creator's Sabbath can they totally find rest. Sunday is the first day of the week, which The Creator said we were to work. God knows what is best for us.

Tips on how to do organic gardening with Dr. Land. Dr. Land shows how adjusting the body is like adjusting a tree to develop.

This lady shows how to combine foods for the best of health. Bananas have more protein that the body can assimilate than a T-bone steak.

This elderly lady turned her heart problems around with a plant based diet.

Water and the good type of salt will improve your health. People are dying from lack of water. High blood pressure? Try good salt and ditch the regular table salt.

He grew up in the Bahamas and ate outside which added to his health. He has learned the 8 laws of health and is sharing this exciting truth.

Does sin have anything to do with dementia? This RN will show you what she found.

Cycling for health increased her balance, health and helped her to loose weight. Cycling out in the fresh air is great. Dust off your bike and hit the trails!

Have you ever had a "brain freeze?" You have to stop, don't you, it hurt in the brain but YOU PUT IT IN YOUR STOMACH. A doctor shows what he did to help people who had strokes. The stomach and brain are connected.


Created 2 years, 6 months ago.

35 videos

Category Health & Medical

Just as The Creator has 10 laws, called commandments, that are written on every cell of the body. He also has 8 health laws that are written on every cell of the body to keep us healthy. We can obey and let The Creator lead the WAY or disobey and go the way of sickness and death. This channel is to encourage you in following His Way that will bring health and job, with encouraging speakers that share how they have found blessings in keeping His laws through The Saviour who gave His Precious Blood. John 3:16