X Marks The Spot

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X Marks The Spot



They want your souls

My first Beauty and Fashion post! hehe
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I can see pious lefties in office admin thanking people who get drafted now... I can also smell the chaos to ensue. Wait til the videos roll out of Western Military combating one another, fighting for both sides. Imagine the confusion when those videos release eh? Tell me, why has no one spoken of that chubby red head from Canada who died fighting for Ukraine? Where is his parade? Did you guys see the vid I posted of the soldier begging for his life to a drone? He clasped his hands in prayer, begging for mercy, to some soulless monster sitting at a remote station. War Crimes ahead folks. Don't get drafted, what ever you do, do whatever it is you have to to survive outside of the meat grinder they call a War. Yahuah be with you all. Did anyone notice the meeting place for the DRAFT was at the MASONIC TEMPLE? I don't know about you, but I am done seeing bloodlines sacrificed unto Wars for these fucking red and blue monsters in purple, who rape kids on checkerboard floors to open 2nd portals and more, how about you, you tired of them yet? Their meeting places and times are all listed online, all dates relate to ritual. Red shoe rituals for example. Put on yer shit kickers and grab your peace makers, this is a call to PEACE!
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Interesting audio to go along with the artwork, listen well.

Confused yet? LMao
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Psalm 6
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Yup a biological man pretended to be a little girl and fraudulently wrote in her stead, misleading masses of people across the World and here we are in 2024, if only "Shrek" knew how to write, eh? damn frauds. When will you all open your F@#$ing EYE'S ?! EARS?! HELLO?!!
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How does today sound? No, how about CANADA DAY?!
How about a song about taking our Freedom back?!
Enough negativity, it's time for positive change... otherwise, come November, there won't be anything to salvage, so I hear.
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No MOBY did not create that song, I as well am not dead. Ask AI it thinks I am dead, claims I died in 2014. Regardless, why is a human being begging and praying to a drone for its life? Who was flying it? Why did they not let him surrender? THIS IS WAR CRIMES !!!
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"Kneeling in the name of"

[Verse 1]
Some of those that try to influence us
Are the same that try to infect us
Some of those that try to influence us
Are the same that try to infect us

Some of those that try to influence us
Are the same that try to infect us
Some of those that try to influence us
Are the same that try to infect us
[Post Verse 1]
Kneeling in the name of
Kneeling in the name of

You didn't do what they told ya
You didn't do what they told ya
You didn't do what they told ya
You didn't do what they told ya

[Pre Chorus 1]
And now you can say "I told ya!"
And now you can say "I told ya!"
And now you can say "I told ya!"
And now you can say "I told ya!"
And You didn't do what they told ya
'Cause You didn't do what they told ya
But now you you can say "I told ya!"
Well, You didn't do what they told ya

[Chorus 1]
Those who died, trusted blind
For serving the jabs, in their stupid masks
Those who died, trusted blind
For serving the jabs, in their stupid masks

Those who died, trusted blind
For serving the jabs, in their stupid masks
Those who died, trusted blind
For serving the jabs, in their stupid masks
[Verse 2]
Some of those that try to influence us
Are the same that try to infect us
Some of those that try to influence us
Are the same that try to infect us

Some of those that try to influence us
Are the same that try to infect us
Some of those that try to influence us
Are the same that try to infect us
[Post Verse 2]
Kneeling in the name of
Kneeling in the name of

You didn't do what they told ya
You didn't do what they told ya
You didn't do what they told ya
You didn't do what they told ya
You didn't do what they told ya (you broke their spell)
You didn't do what they told ya (you broke their spell)
You didn't do what they told ya (you broke their spell)
You didn't do what they told ya (you broke their spell)

You didn't do what they told ya (you broke their spell)
You didn't do what they told ya (you broke their spell)
You didn't do what they told ya (you broke their spell)
You didn't do what they told ya
[Chorus 2]
Those who died, trusted blind
For serving the jabs, in their stupid masks
Those who died, trusted blind
For serving the jabs, in their stupid masks

Those who died, trusted blind
For serving the jabs, in their stupid masks
Those who died, trusted blind
For serving the jabs, in their stupid masks, come on
[Guitar Solo]

No Way!
Wont take that jab

Fuk you, I won't jab what you tell me
Fuk you, I won't jab what you tell me
Fuk you, I won't jab what you tell me
Fuk you, I won't jab what you tell me

Fuk you, I won't jab what you tell me
Fuk you, I won't jab what you tell me
Fuk you, I won't jab what you tell me
Fuk you, I won't jab what you tell me
[Outro Chorus]
Fuk you, I won't jab what you tell me
Fuk you, I won't jab what you tell me
Fuk you, I won't jab what you tell me
Fuk you, I won't jab what you tell me

Fuk you, I won't jab what you tell me
Fuk you, I won't jab what you tell me
Fuk you, I won't jab what you tell me
Fuk you, I won't jab what you tell me

Moderna Pfizer!



not funny but something definitely funny taking place.

Ever search videos related to Satanic Churches?
Take a look see for yourselves just how many have opened.
Odd, their temples are not burning like Christian Temples eh?
Wonder why?
Burning the evidence and joining forces I guess.
One only needs to watch the cabaret show at the Vatican to note that plausibility.

No need for special glasses, you can all see the colors at play for what they are now.

Its all out there in plain sight
More color alchemy at play.
Shame on those whom masked the children ,
Paid opposition, dawning the masks of Guy Fawkes
Do tell, is that guy with the sign the one who ran for Mayor and lost?
Tell him his Daughter and her degenerate Husband still owe me thousands from the settlement in court. The interest is building, might be time to garnish some wages eh?
You sad lot of degenerates.

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Am I the only one connecting the "Coincidences" with Ricky's behavior?
30+ years of behavioral sciences tells me there is something not right with Ricky, and no, it's not a disability.
Sick and shameful behavior.
Shame on those enabling him to continue this debauchery. At first many years ago I came across some of your vids that were actually poignant and entertaining. But now... what was it, the Pfizer or Moderna that threw your switch?
You mock suicide, mock sexual abuse, 911 victims and more, tell us Ricky what next? Bestiality? You know its not safe to drag your cat by its front leg like that, it's actually animal abuse. Should we contact your VET next and see if the Cat has a history of "health related issues"?
Reports from victims speak of a crippled man whom terrorized them before being assaulted and harvested for adrenochrome. These are the children often seen in stores and other public settings with black eye's, thus the term #PandaEyes. Tell us Ricky, know of anyone with "Panda Eyes"? Anyone you know wear a Panda Hat? Hmmm... ? I am sure your long term fans will piece this together faster than those in search through your library as we speak... yes, as we speak
we will be watching...
expect us...


watch related RICKY BERWICK vid here : https://www.bitchute.com/video/EieiWVwb_IY/
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Some "entertainment" , or is it? ;)
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I often wonder if this clown is my good friend Al's clone at times, his polar opposite. What, did you Saturnalia practitioners have no idea Al converted to Christ in his final day's? Yup.. Jared on the other hand, he's a bit of a work in progress.
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MIRROR RUMBLE : https://rumble.com/v4r7zc9-damning-foip-proves-edmonton-police-services-knew-staff-were-vax-injured-an.html
ref: librti.com/odessa
The Freedom of Information & Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP) PROVES the corrupted leader(s) of The Edmonton Police Services KNEW some of their staff were injured & that masks didn't work, but they continued on with their unlawful bullying and manipulation tactics. Interview with Natasha Gonek. Edmonton police staffers with the aid of Canadian hero Natasha Gonek used the law to get the FOI. Even with the damning report about what they did disclose...they are still trying to hold back thousands of pages. Natasha is going after those too. Hear this story as well as the power of going after FOI's (Freedom of Information Requests.) Episode links at bottom of description.

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CANADIANS WAKE THE F#$% UP!!! Shedding is mass ignorance. The "Vaccinated" need to be kept apart from those not infected.
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When are you going to realize it's more than the wall getting "humped" ?
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The Gord Downie inspired track DUKES made
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"TRAGICALLY", the song at the end is pretty "HIP"? ;)
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Created 3 years, 11 months ago.

1167 videos

Category Entertainment

A Mixed Bag of Truth and Entertainment with Artistic Mash-ups and the assumed creative right to use anything published online as creative fodder to entertain the masses or be reviewed. Enjoy!