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Globalist control freak Bill Gates has been working behind the scenes to computerize the human body without our consent for years, and now chilling discoveries regarding the state of vaccinated corpses reveal that something very serious changed after 2021.

Are the vaccinated already walking, talking human cyborgs, fulfilling as yet unknown functions for the global elite – before they keel over and die at the flick of a switch?

This may sound like science fiction, but when you see the stone cold evidence we have coming up for you, what sounded like a horror movie will suddenly look like a living nightmare for the vaccinated.

Part 2: Jesse Ventura confirms the concept in Dec 2012. Follows at 43:44

Dive into the harrowing world of mind control experiments and targeted individuals with Richard Lighthouse, a former NASA scientist and Stanford graduate with a Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering. This episode sheds light on the chilling realities faced by millions of targeted individuals from a firsthand perspective.

In this episode, Richard Lighthouse presents evidence showing that over 6 million people are actively targeted. He explains how everyone is being tracked using their unique resonated frequency. Discover the terrifying technologies involved, such as Voice to Skull technology, subliminal messaging, and targeted frequencies delivered via satellites, 5G/4G towers, and microwave and radio technologies.

Key topics you will learn:

Understand the scope and scale of mind control experiments targeting millions of individuals.

Explore how resonated frequencies are used to track and influence everyone.

Learn about Voice to Skull technology and its applications in mind control.

Discover how targeted frequencies from satellites, cell towers, and other technologies are used for covert manipulation.

Richard Lighthouse brings his extensive scientific background to expose the methods and technologies used in mind control experiments, offering crucial insights into the experiences of targeted individuals.

Jesse Ventura, Brain Invaders Mon, Dec 17, 2012

Could the so-called crazies in the tin-foil hats be on to something? Targeted individuals, or TIs, claim that the government is harassing - even torturing - them by sending microwave signals into their brains and bodies to drive them to despair. It's not an isolated case, but thousands of people across the country experiencing the exact same symptoms, all of which began after speaking out against the powers that be. Jesse knows that they aren't nuts - but could it too late to stop these "voice of God" weapons from turning the population into mindless zombies?
Global Warming is caused by Humans.
The Megalomaniac Psychopaths that are out to exterminate mankind are behind it all.

Updated version with more evidence and testimonies from Trump and Hannity, saying that Biden is an imposter.

The agenda of the World Economic Forum, explained by Yuval Noah Harari, to create a new breed of humanoid cyborgs, that will rule over all of humanity.

The plan for a one world govenment is being pushed as never before, by globalist entities.

This film contains the most important message humanity has to hear, in this time.

Download this video here:

Let the CRY FOR FREEDOM go around the world.

Learn more here:

From Jason James Substack.
Michael Yon is an author, combat correspondent and former Green Beret. We discuss his recent journeys to the Darien Gap in Panama, the millions of illegal immigrants heading to the United States via the Darien, and China’s involvement in it all.
In this episode, I speak with attorney Todd Callender, Esq. He explains the polymerization from self-assembly nanotechnology in the Covid 19 bioweapons, the upcoming worldwide Class Action Lawsuit for which I will be an expert witness. Todd and his research team have come independently to the same conclusions as I and we explain our views of this technological AI takeover of humanity and our fight for freedom from it.
We discuss the transhumanist technology that is transforming humanity into a new species – homo borgensis – the modified human that is owned by the patent holder. However, despite all the darkness, there is hope. We discuss the goodness of humanity, the hope of divine intervention and the grace of God.
Todd Callender, Esq – Lawyer (Disabled Rights Advocates) worked in the disability, health and life insurance industry for more than 20 years and focuses on the international convergence of biomedical, morbidity and mortality risks in the global legal context.
He was the first lawyer in the US to sue the US Department of Defense, HHS and FDA in relation to the mandates and as such, he acquired 400,000 military clients (plaintiffs) with scores of them and others that have provided ample whistleblower evidence.
Todd knows from the DMED Database that in 10 months of 2021 all cause morbidity and mortality has increased by 11.000% between 18-40 years of age only for military personal. Callender: “This is Genocide”

Australians are fighting back. PROOF of coercion by the media. Arrest everyone who says you should get the shot. It is a conspiracy to commit injury murder and death. Is it suicide if the media talls you to 'get the shot' and you die from it? That is a conspiracy to commit murder!
Barack Obama is busy behind the scenes laying the groundwork to thrust his wife Michelle Obama into the presidential race in place of the ailing and failing Joe Biden, according to multiple Democrat party insiders.

Things are so dire in the Biden camp that even the mainstream media has been forced to intervene and campaign for Biden to step down for the former first lady.

But there is just one problem for Barack Obama and his plans to steal yet another term in office by controlling another puppet president in the White House.

The Obamas have more skeletons in their closet than Ed Gein and now scientists are confirming that Michelle Obama was born male.

The truth is not the Obamas’ friend and its our job to expose this to the masses.

Is Joe Biden just another compromised pedophile selected by the globalist elite to serve as a puppet president – or is there something even darker and more dangerous going on?

Biden’s debate performance last week was the stuff of nightmares for liberals, with prominent Democrats joined by leftist media outlets calling for Biden to exit the presidential race.

Now members of Biden’s own family are admitting that the real Joe Biden is not the man making decisions at the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office.

A series of damning videos featuring Biden glitching have raised serious questions about his health and whether he is being represented in public by actors and in videos by AI.

At this point we have to ask, is there anything real about Joseph R. Biden – or is the Biden presidency the biggest con job in history?

It is about time the law finally started getting back to what the law should be.

Original post by Aussie17, Reposted 02-Jul-2024, reposted by me 02-Jul-2024.
This video reposted from
Prof Dalgleish demands that all 'boosters' and mRNA injections be banned immediately.

Sarah Westall interviews Dave Hodges.
Dave Hodges, a former college professor of psychology has two decades of experience teaching at various institutions and guiding graduate students in psychology research. Dave offers unparalleled insights into these critical issues. He takes us on an eye-opening journey into the realm of mind control, frequencies, and bio & mind science from a psychological perspective

Dead Doctors Don't Lie Dr Joel D. Wallach, B.S. D.V.M. N.D. 1995
(Mal-Nutrition is the major cause of disease.)

Don Huber Glyphosate Dangers and Soil Remediation 22-Apr-2024
(Glyphosate chelates minerals necessary for life)

Dr Lee Merritt Propaganda War on Vitamin D Don't Let Them Kill You 08-Apr-2024
(Dimming Sunlight causes disease)

Dr Lee Merritt A Parasite Paradigm 17-Mar-2024
(Parasites could be the cause of Cancer - and other diseases as well?)

more at

Chris exposes the facts about things wrong and right in Canada today.
With files downloaded from BitChute.
This petition is open to every person inthe world.

For information about U.N.’s ongoing investigations into banning Cybertorture:

NSA Whistleblower Powerhouses William Binney and Kirk Wiebe Stand Up to Support “Targeted Individuals” Worldwide:

Bigger Than Snowden. 20+ whistleblowers speak out.
(Original site taken down/hacked, recreated here by Renee Pittman Mitchell):

Recommended video:
We have all seen the freakish and unnatural chemtrail patterns in the skies above major cities and regional centers. While the mainstream media attempts to convince the public that there is nothing to see here, these freakish geometric chemtrails do not fit into any natural cloud pattern and they have only begun appearing in recent decades.

What are they spraying into the sky? Who’s doing it? Why are they doing it, and what are their motives? Most importantly, what can we the people do to put an end to this?

According to commercial pilots who have been investigating the phenomenon, the answers to these questions are dark and disturbing and the paper trail exposes the depopulation agenda of the global elite.
S01E03 Global Warming Wed, Dec 16, 2009 Update 2024
Whether global warming is real or not, some people are using the issue to make billions of dollars, start a one-world government-- and control our lives, from the cars we drive to the food we eat?
Trudeau, Rockefeller, Soros, Strong all in bed with the UN. Remember that Trudeau tried to get a position on the UN.
The World Economic Forum has ordered infiltrated world governments to pass new laws that will ensure Artificial Intelligence (AI) will be used to destroy all freedoms and clamp down on anti-globalist dissent.

According to Klaus Schwab’s right-hand-man Noah Yuval Harari, the WEF now commands the technology to become the “worst totalitarian regime in history” and completely eliminate every last human in the world who opposes the globalist agenda of the elite.

As Harari explains, the elite will view the disposal of non-compliant humans in the same way they view recycling – it’s ethical and vital for the survival of our planet.

Banned on YouTube
Conspiracy Show with Richard Syrett
Did this pop icon and blond bombshell die of a drug overdose in 1962 as we've been led to believe, or was she killed for knowing too much? Did pillow talk with her lovers, Bobby and John F. Kennedy, lead to her premature downfall? "The Conspiracy Show" travels to southern California to uncover the truth behind the death of this silver screen all-star.
Deep State operatives running America are preparing to unleash a second pandemic to disrupt the 2024 election and blame the bioweapon release on Russia or another adversary, according to urgent information issued to the world by Russia at a military press conference.

Russia has uncovered US plans to release an avian bioweapon false flag before the November election, allowing the Biden administration to declare a state of emergency and lockdown the nation, roll out Bill Gates’ new bird flu vaccine, and send non-compliant citizens to secret new detention facilities currently under construction in all 50 states.

As prosecutors close in, the global elite are more desperate than ever, and according to the Kremlin, the world must be on high alert, refuse to be distracted, and question everything the Biden administration says and does as the globalists shift into high gear before the election which they know Biden cannot win, but which they cannot afford to lose.

Dr Makis Exposes the Pedohilia Agenda supported by the National Democratic Party of Alberta. The NDP (Federal Party) is part of the coalition government that is currently governing Canada. The Federal NDP has agreed to support the Trudeau Liberals in order to prevent another election that could be caused by the defeat of bills presented to parliament. (It's Canadian, Eh)

Trudeau is suspected of pedophilia and an association with the Picton Pig Farm (Near Vancouver, BC) where 'snuff' films were created and many women were murdered and fed to the pigs. Justin's buddy Ingvaldson is currently in jail for pedophilia. Why did Thrudeau give a minor female $2.5m? Where did he get the money? He didn't own enough to pay that judgement. Is that why he sudeenly became interested in politics?

It makes sense that a pedophilia ring operates out of BC and according to information we have discovered there is likely an entire ring operating in BC with the use of members of the Health Systems in Alberta and BC. Some Information has been supplied by Dr Makis.

The 'Highway of Tears' is a video that exposes the volumes of native women who are lost and missing along Highway 16 across the provinces of BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. From near Winnipeg to Prince Rupert. It follows the train tracks that are owned by CN Railroad. Bill Gates is heavily invested in the CN Railroad Company, which was originally a crown corporation, like Petro Canada was originally intended.

Highway of Tears Video exposes only 18 of the hundreds of native Canadians who have disappeared along this stretch of highway.

SGANON has pointed out that there are pedophile tunnels that end in the mountains of BC. I wonder if there is a connection between the 'Highway of Tears' and the tunnels that end in BC.

A list of all Alberta Members of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta email addresses are found on my substack

List of all Federal Members of Parliament is posted to my substack

An Injection of Truth -FULL MEETING

Dr Daniel Nagase Rumble page

Dr William Makis email address
[email protected]

Dr William Makis substack
A consortium of world leaders are preparing the prosecution against the global authoritarian elite who tried to depopulate the world during the Covid plandemic.

According to insiders at the International Criminal Court, the European Union, and Capitol Hill, arrest warrants are being coordinated and 2024 will go down in history as the year the global elite were exposed for the psychopaths and ghouls they really are.

As election year continues to build and the media continue pumping the airwaves full of propaganda and manufactured narratives, it’s important to keep a very close eye on what the global elite are doing while everybody is distracted.

[email protected]
Over a hundred million Americans say that civil war is coming
In a recent interview with Clayton Morris on Redacted, US Border Patrol agent turned filmmaker, J.J. Carrell, discussed his new documentary and the fact that prison facilities are being built in all fifty states to hold millions of political dissidents.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has vowed to shut down the adrenochrome supply chain servicing Hollywood after Russian forces made a series of horrifying discoveries in Ukraine in recent days.
Putin has enlisted Hollywood insiders including Mel Gibson and Steven Seagal to put all the chess pieces together so he can make his move.
The elites in Tinseltown are already feeling the effects of Putin shutting down child factory farms in Ukraine, and according to reports on the ground they have begun moving their operations elsewhere – including with in the United States and Mexico.
However, Putin has a plan to save those children as well and it involves enlisting the help of those who are intimately acquainted with the sick Hollywood system.
An Israeli intelligence official has admitted the state of Israel was behind 9/11 and the black swan event was designed to sabotage the American project and enslave the people.
The Saudis and the Israelis worked together on behalf of the global elite to light the fuse that marked the acceleration towards the destruction of the American republic.
Ever since then, the US has been a police state owned and controlled by the globalists who are continuing to tighten the screws to this day.


Created 1 year, 4 months ago.

785 videos

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This video will scare you.
There are things we need to do immediately
God have mercy on our souls.
Cognitive dissonance is alive and well in all of humanity.
Watch and Share for the sake of Mankind