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Orphaned Kangaroo hugs a teddy bear...

The IPCC models are GIGO: "Garbage In, Garbage Out"...

Gee.. Would that be half the world now that most sane people have stopped having shot upon shot upon shot?

Leftwing fucktard gets sliced & diced...

No one can now say that Ice Cream Man is competent for another 4 years...

That's what these folks are saying...

It’s brilliant that a college dropout is somehow allowed to make life or death medical decisions for the entire world.

Tucker tells the Aussie mainshit media how it is at the Hyatt Hotel, Canberra...

Bobkiwicelt Films / Fuck Authority Pictures & Woodwork Kittens Productions present a compilation of sports stars dying from heart attacks after vaccinations.
1) 33-year-old professional dancer Santo Giuliano suffers a heart attack following a medical practice.
2) Football player Jalen Leavey dies.
3) Football player Tirrell Williams dies.
4) Football player Okafor Kelechi dies.
5) Football player Lee Moses dies.
6) Footballer Stephen Sylvester dies.
7) Footballer Emmanual Antwi dies.
8) Footballer Cayetano Nsofor dies.
9) Footballer Moira Claire Arney dies.
10) Baseball pitcher Andrew Roseman dies.
11) Footballer Nickolas Lawrinas dies.
12) Footballer Miquel Lugo dies.
13) Footballer Devon DuHart dies.
14) Footballer Ivan Hicks dies.
15) Footballer Joe Bradshaw dies.
16) Footballer Drake Geiger dies.
17) Footballer Joshua Ivory dies.
18) Quandarius Wilbur dies.
19) Footballer Dimitri McKee dies.
20) Rugby player Dave Hyde dies.
21) Baseball player Yusuke Kinoshita dies.
22) Olympic cyclist Olivia Podmore dies.
23) Speeder Cameron Burell dies.
24) China Olympic champion Gilbert Kwemoi dies.
25) Former footballer Franck Berrier dies.
26) Belgian footballer Jente Van Genechten suffers cardiac arrest.
27) Venezuelan marathon champion Alexaida Guedez dies.
28) 29-year-old Jose dos Reis collapses on the field and has to be resurrected.
29) Diego Ferchaud suffers from cardiac arrest.
30) Austrian ASV Baden player collapses on the field and needs to be resuscitated.
31) 16-year-old football player in Bergamo suffers cardiac arrest.
32) 27-year-old Belgian footballer Jens De Smet dies.
33) 13-year-old football player suffers a heart attack on the field.
34) Football player Dylan Rich dies.
35) Birati Club Münster player suffers cardiac arrest.
36) Abou Ali collapses with cardiac arrest.
37) Ice hockey player Sebastian Bos dies.
38) Former NFL professional Parys Haralson dies.
39) Football player Francis Perron dies.
40) 19-year-old FC Nantes football player suffers cardiac arrest.
41) Germany volleyball coach Traktor Divitz dies.
42) Shrewsbury striker Ryan Bowman treated with defibrillator during game.
43) Goalkeeper Lukas Bommer dies.
44) Professional footballer Fellipe de Jesus Moreira suffers a double heart attack.
45) Cycling champion Gianni dies.
46) Englishman Helen Byrne with heart problems has to be removed from the field at the World Cup.
47) Germany team leader Dietmar Gladow dies.
48) German goalkeeper Bruno Stein dies at 15 years.
49) US 14-year-old soccer player Ava Azzopardi collapses in coma.
50) Dies after collapsing during a basketball practice in US 12-year-old Jayson Kidd.
51) Robert Lima dies of heart attack in Uruguay and within hours his wife dies.
52) Bodybuilder George Peterson dies.
53) Former Kick Boxing Champion Steel Cali dies.
54) Mr. Olympia Shawn Rhoden dies.
55) Italian footballer Giuseppe Perrino dies on the court

Most people in America watch Cable news or read NY Times / Washington post & have no idea what’s actually happening in any of the wars the U.S. is fighting /funding/instigating. Zero idea.

Most people I know, including most comedians, believe what they are told about the U.S. war machine & still think we are the good guys just like Piers Morgan - who has a child like understanding of current events.

Bravo to Jeffrey Sachs for smacking down his stupidity with cold hard accurate facts about the West being the baddies.

For decades, Dan Rather delivered the news with authenticity, integrity and courage. RATHER chronicles his rise to prominence, sudden and dramatic public downfall, and redemption and re-emergence as a voice of reason to a new generation.

Suddenly New Zealand has two governments. One is unelected, but has assumed the right to challenge the elected govt whenever it feels it should.

The Waitangi Tribunal was initially established to settle perceived land injustices between Maori tribes and govts past. It is today challenging the present govt on matters that are completely outside those original terms of reference.

So far, over $900,000 dollars of taxpayer’s money has been spent on legal costs associated with these challenges. Activists Tuku Morgan and Labour MP Willie Jackson are promising there will be much more spent, as they’re only just getting started.

Tuku and Willy clearly don’t give a damn for the rights of NZ voters, and care even less about govt money that could be used to so much more benefit elsewhere.

The Tribunal has no democratic authority. Maori are actually over represented in the legitimate parliament at 27% in the house and 17% of population.

New Zealanders with a long memory will remember the last time Tuku Morgan came to prominence. (see video) That time too it was related to a total lack of care for taxpayer’s money.

Video is part of a TV One report that was delivered by Political Editor Maiki Sherman. It has been added to and edited for greater objectivity and relevance.

An investigative journalist uncovers the money, influence, and alarming rationale behind covert land grabs by some of the world’s most powerful countries.

Everyone needs to take a moment to watch this.
This is exactly why they forced quarantines, vaccines, and masks onto people.
They wanted to get a good gauge of how many people would comply.

For those who do not already know how corrupt US judiciary is, it would be time well spent.
Judge Roy Bean lives on as African American judge...

Fulton County CORRUPT Judge Has Attorney ARRESTED For Exposing His Crimes With Fani Willis!

Would be funny if it wasn't so sad...

Right now the US and NATO are playing chicken with Russia. They think that Russia will blink. They can't comprehend that Russia will not blink...

The story of brothers Jimmie and Stevie Ray Vaughan. Jimmie and Stevie went from a small, post-war house in Oak Cliff, Texas to becoming rock and roll legends, selling millions of records and playing alongside the likes of David Bowie, Jimi Hendrix, Carlos Santana and more. Interviews with Billy Gibbons, Jackson Browne, Eric Clapton, Jimmie Vaughan, Fabulous Thunderbird members Keith Fergurson & Mike Buck...

Documenting the recovery of a Tuskegee Airman's downed WWII plane in Lake Huron and uncovering its 80-year-old mystery through underwater archaeology, firsthand accounts, and footage of the wreck.

A censored Doctor during the pandemic confronts Fauci after being proven right about the vaccinations, the masks, and social distancing. Those who refused to follow the governments orders have been vindicated completely in light of all the information that has come out. Those who think for themselves have won this battle.

"Everything I was censored on, I was proven to be right.

You said in an interview that an institution should make it hard for people to live their lives so they'd feel pressured to get vaccinated.

*Plays audio where Fauci says that all objections to the Covid vaccinations were ideological bullshit*

Are all objections to Covid vaccinations ideological bullshit doctor Fauci?

In reference to making it hard for people to get an education, traveling, and working I'd say it very much was in context. I take great offense to this.

​I think America should take great offense to this.

Making it hard for people to live without getting a vaccination. You affected people's ability to work to flourish in American society. Shame on you.

Doctor Fauci, you've become doctor fear. Americans do not hate science. The American people hate having their freedoms taken from them. You inspired and created fear through mask mandates, school closures, and vaccine mandates that have destroyed the American people's trust in our public health institutions. This fear, you created, will continue to have ripple effects for generations to come. Quite frankly, you said, if you disagree with me you disagree with science. Doctor Fauci I disagree with you because I disagree with fear."

Military mandated Adenovirus vax which caused cancer in animal tests and took 3 years for it to be pulled from market.

A line has been crossed…

"Ladies & Gentlemen, the next President of The Disunited States of America"...

The deranged left in all their glory...

Imagine believing these monstrosities are "green" and "environmentally-friendly".


Created 2 years, 8 months ago.

805 videos

Category Entertainment

Hi, this channel's main focus is the Nazi Covid / Climate Change State being shoved down our throats. Interesting documentaries of a historical nature will also be featured. Have a nice life.