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Schoolofthewest.world offers support for pro-white homeschooling.

WhiteDate member Alex is from Montreal, Canada, and shares with us his viewpoint about dating and race from a French Canadian perspective.

US member John shares his life story about the ups and downs of dating, as well as his vision for a wholesome white family.

This video took second place in a contest organized by Kindred Creators. Check out the other participants and the awards show: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4evrq09Bf0ZCk8wtl8Zz_g/videos
Thinking of alternative possibilities to withdraw from the system, I suggest you explore the strawman. We are not a name, a piece of paper, a strawman, a 'person'(!). We are living men and women with souls. All written laws are fictitious and made for 'persons'. Companies are 'legal persons'; they are not alive, cannot be touched, and do not breathe. 'Human persons' can enter into contracts by the signature of the breathing human identifying with them, but the 'person' itself is still not alive, cannot be touched, and does not breathe. Notice how we were taught to use the term 'person' to describe humans made of flesh and blood. Note how we were made to accept that we need passports to cross borders but, at the same time, find it natural that for birds there are no borders, no papers, and no tax declarations. This is the beginning of our awareness that we are free, by natural law, to do as we please as long as we keep the attributed 'persons' at arm's length. If the 'person' is useful, use it. If it blocks you from being what you want to be, reject it by formally terminating the contracts. You MUST respect the form, though, to not become attackable. Forget about state law; this world runs on commercial law. Get informed. UK example: https://www.freemanmovement.com/meet-your-strawman/

Contact Liv on WhiteDate.Net/contact

Contact Wolverine on Gab.com: @Kill_Your_TV

Reupload from 2020
Tabitha talks to Liv, the founder of WhiteDate, a pro-White dating site.
They discuss ethnocentric dating, miscegenation, the 6 pointed star, anthropology, the gut microbiome and more!
Tabitha's Podcast: https://whitewellnessradio.podbean.com/
Liv's site: https://www.whitedate.net/

This love coach has half a million subscribers on Youtube. The videos I watched gave advice on the courtship and early relationship stages. Sounded as if he taught the 'women's rules' of the bestseller 'All The Rules' to men. Very untraditional approach, but check it out for yourself. Here is the link to the original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKEE3BVsNtk:

Der Gamer und politische Aktivist Der Vagrant befragt Liv Heide von WhiteDate zu ihren Erfahrungen mit den Antiweißen, welche romantische Ingruppenpräferenz von weißen, europiden Menschen kriminalisieren möchten.

Out of contest contribution to the Spooky Short Film Contest and Festival initiated by Jeff Winston of White Art Collective. The whole show is available here https://dlive.tv/p/dlive-dxyatqhojz+ULJif2pMR

This is a very personal video, but I think you should know. It is also one of the reasons I have not been very active recently. When I wrote this text, I felt nothing, as usual. I was convinced that it was just another failure. Then the miracle happened. For women like me, it is incomprehensible that a mother would ever want to abort her child for trivial reasons such as the desire to accumulate more hedonistic, consumeristic moments. Giving life is the highest achievement and very fulfilling. For me, motherhood is the biggest adventure of all; no climbed mountain or crossed sea could fill me with more pride.
And no, this beautiful lady is not me, just an image from a photo bank :)

Trust is the glue that keeps the pro-white community together. But it is very difficult to filter the new sign-ups on White Date as long as the real users do not show us that they are trustworthy. We cannot read people's minds and trolls, infiltrators and sex selling spammers are overwhelmingly attacking the site on a daily basis. So please help us and show us that you are real and one of us.

Die antiweiße, antideutsche FAZ Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung fährt auf ihrer jahrelangen Propagandalinie mit geschlossenen Augen weiter Richtung totaler kommerzieller Selbstzerstörung. Man weiß nicht, ob man lachen oder weinen soll.

... Who We Are.
A project directed by Jared George of The Great Order, https://thegreatorder.com/whoweare/ .
I took the opportunity to add some personal thoughts and a thank you.

I would not consider myself to be a nationalist. For me race beats nationality and ideology. Looking at the big picture, the white race has bonds that exceed their regional/local linguistic and cultural expressions. We feel it when we meet a White individual who was brought up on another continent speaking another mother tongue. We still feel trust due to shared values that must somehow be enshrined in our similar DNA. Slowly we are coming to realize that this phenomenon exists because We Are One.
- Liv Heide, Founder of WhiteDate.Net

Thank you for supporting our work: WhiteDate.Net/Crypto

"Woke" in this video means "awakened.

WhiteChild.Net is our platform for White sperm and egg donors as well as surrogacy and adoption.

Single? Sign up on www.WhiteDate.Net and join the #TradRevolution
Couples? Help build local pro-white communities on www.WhiteDate.Net/groups

Also discover our platform for white freelancers/ providers catering to white and pro-white non-white customers: www.WhiteDeal.Net

Article from the Why & How blog on WhiteDate.Net https://www.whitedate.net/disaster-western-demography-necessity-develop-group-preference/?preview=true

Support our work with Bitcoin/Ethereum: www.WhiteDate.Net/Crypto

Are you a content creator with a substantial follower base? Partner with us: www.WhiteDate.NET/Affiliate and www.WhiteDeal.Net/Affiliate

Comment from April 2024: At the time I apparently had not understood that the term "woke" was for the liberals and "awakened" for the pro-whites.

Single? Sign up on www.WhiteDate.Net and join the #TradRevolution
Couples? Help build local pro-white communities on www.WhiteDate.Net/groups

Also discover our platform for white freelancers/ providers catering to white and pro-white non-white customers: www.WhiteDeal.Net

Article from the Why & How blog on WhiteDate.Net https://www.whitedate.net/disaster-western-demography-necessity-develop-group-preference/?preview=true

Support our work with Bitcoin/Ethereum: www.WhiteDate.Net/Crypto

Are you a content creator with a substantial follower base? Partner with us: www.WhiteDate.NET/Affiliate and www.WhiteDeal.Net/Affiliate

The questions:
1) Men and women are not equal. Thus, the mating strategies vary. What are the most important things men and women are looking for in a mate?
2) Women are most attractive at the age of 25 and at the peak of their fertility that continues to fade away with age. Men are most attractive at 37. Therefore an age difference of 6 to 12 years seems appropriate.
3) What advice would you give a couple who is about to found a family?
4) What do you think of the pill?
5) Is it true that the Western women are perceived worldwide as being very promiscuous ? How do you as a woman see the development?

This video got banned by YouTube right after the show. Maybe talking about the financial system and people such as Lincoln, JF Kennedy, Hitler and Gaddafi who all challenged this dept based funny-money system was not appreciated. We can only speculate.

Klickt hier um euch anzumelden: https://www.whitedate.net/ref/frankkraemer

Ethnodating ist für Afrikaner und Asiaten nichts besonderes. Doch wie schaut es bei uns Weißen aus? Mit whitedate.net hat Liv Heide diese Lücke geschlossen und bietet Etnodating nun auch für weiße Menschen an.

Die Graswurzelbewegung THIE auf Discord vernetzt mehrere Hundert Deutsche, die nach Lösungen für eine deutsche, weiße Zukunft suchen, weit entfernt von dem zerstörerischen heutigen System, welches Weiße/Deutsche im eigenen Land benachteiligt und Nichtweiße hereinspült und der authochthonen Bevölkerung gegenüber bevorzugt.

Single? Sign up on www.WhiteDate.NET and join the #TradRevolution
Couples? Help build local pro-white communities on www.WhiteDate.Net/groups

Also discover our platform for white freelancers/ providers catering to white and pro-white non-white customers: www.WhiteDeal.NET

Article from the Why & How blog on WhiteDate.NET https://www.whitedate.net/disaster-western-demography-necessity-develop-group-preference/?preview=true

Support our work with Bitcoin/Ethereum: 1PtBqKfGhz4S5vA8gKoeRMESiijJhDD9WF

Are you a content creator with a substantial follower base? Partner with us: www.WhiteDate.NET/Affiliate and www.WhiteDeal.NET/Affiliate

Single? Sign up on www.WhiteDate.NET and join the #TradRevolution
Couples? Help build local pro-white communities on www.WhiteDate.Net/groups

Also discover our platform for white freelancers/ providers catering to white and pro-white non-white customers: www.WhiteDeal.NET

Article from the Why & How blog on WhiteDate.NET https://www.whitedate.net/how-to-find-your-dream-partner/

Support our work with Bitcoin/Ethereum: 1PtBqKfGhz4S5vA8gKoeRMESiijJhDD9WF

Are you a content creator with a substantial follower base? Partner with us: www.WhiteDate.NET/Affiliate and www.WhiteDeal.NET/Affiliate

Message de Bernhard Schaub, fondateur de l'Action Européenne,
à la Communauté de la Rose et de l ́Épée et aux „Brigandes“

Chers amis et camarades en France !

J'ai le plaisir et l'honneur de pouvoir vous adresser un salut de la part de l'Allemagne et d'exprimer ma satisfaction que nous luttions avec vous dans une solidarité spirituelle pour notre sainte Europe, pour sa race et ses peuples, son esprit et sa culture.

Nous, Européens, sommes sur le point de perdre notre identité culturelle et biologique et de périr dans un chaos racial barbare.

Mais notre volonté de fer et notre intelligence innée nous aideront à surmonter cette crise mortelle.

Nous éviterons l'activisme sans tête aussi bien que l'intellectualisme impuissant : la perspicacité et la vigueur doivent être combinées.

Le troisième élément, le plus important pour la reconquête de l'Europe, cependant, est la dimension spirituelle, le retour à notre tradition religieuse indo-européenne.

Bien que l'influence corrosive du monothéisme sémitique ait déjà été perceptible au Moyen Âge, l'éthique européenne est restée guerrière et aristocratique pendant mille ans.

Quatre révolutions de gauche, cependant, ont fondamentalement changé l'humanité blanche dans les temps modernes : la révolution anglaise de 1649, la révolution américaine de 1776, la révolution française de 1789 et la révolution russe de 1917.


Grußbotschaft von Bernhard Schaub, dem Gru¨nder der Europa¨ischen Aktion, an die Communaute´ de la Rose et de l ´E´pe´e und die Gruppe Les Brigandes

Liebe Freunde und Kameraden in Frankreich!

Es ist mir eine Freude und eine Ehre, Euch auf diesem Wege einen Gruß aus Deutschland zusenden zu ko¨nnen und meine Genugtuung daru¨ber auszudru¨cken, dass wir mit Euch zusammen in geistiger Verbundenheit den Kampf um unser heiliges Europa, um seine Rasse und seine Vo¨lker, seinen Geist und seine Kultur fu¨hren.

Wir Europa¨er stehen kurz davor, unsere kulturelle und biologische Identita¨t einzubu¨ßen und in einem barbarischen Rassenchaos unterzugehen.

Aber unser eiserner Wille und unsere angeborene Intelligenz werden uns dabei helfen, diese to¨dliche Krise zu u¨berwinden.

Dabei werden wir kopflosen Aktivismus ebenso vermeiden wie blutlosen Intellektualismus: Einsicht und Tatkraft sind zu verbinden.

Drittes und wichtigstes Element fu¨r die Ru¨ckeroberung Europas ist aber die spirituelle Dimension, die Ru¨ckbindung an unsere indogermanische religio¨se Tradition.

Obwohl der zersetzende Einfluss des semitischen Monotheismus schon im Mittelalter bemerkbar war, blieb die europa¨ische Ethik doch tausend Jahre lang kriegerisch und aristokratisch.

Vier linke Revolutionen vera¨nderten aber in der Neuzeit die weiße Menschheit grundlegend: die englische von 1649, die amerikanische von 1776, die franzo¨sische von 1789 und die russische von 1917.

Mehr lesen auf : https://www.whitedate.net/bernhard-schaub-les-brigandes-de/

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Also discover our platform for white freelancers/ providers catering to white and pro-white non-white customers: www.WhiteDeal.NET

Support our work with Bitcoin/Ethereum: 1PtBqKfGhz4S5vA8gKoeRMESiijJhDD9WF

Are you a content creator with a substantial follower base? Partner with us: www.WhiteDate.NET/Affiliate and www.WhiteDeal.NET/Affiliate


Created 6 years, 10 months ago.

46 videos

Category People & Family

Dating site for European People. Where white men and women who wish to build traditional families find love.