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The enemies (perverts and subhumans (especially the Chinese)) try desperately to silence these messages (by Dragan Glavasic) and they are obsessed to sabotage, downvote or block the videos. Therefore, visit www.glavasic.com and download all you can, safekeep, repost or show to others as much as possible! UNITE AND ORGANIZE then commence the real resistance! Give them hell!

The enemies (perverts and subhumans (especially the Chinese)) try desperately to silence these messages (by Dragan Glavasic) and they are obsessed to sabotage, downvote or block the videos. Therefore, visit www.glavasic.com and download all you can, safekeep, repost or show to others as much as possible! UNITE AND ORGANIZE then commence the real resistance! Give them hell!

The enemies (perverts and subhumans (especially the Chinese)) try desperately to silence these messages (by Dragan Glavasic) and they are obsessed to sabotage, downvote or block the videos. Therefore, visit www.glavasic.com and download all you can, safekeep, repost or show to others as much as possible! UNITE AND ORGANIZE then commence the real resistance! Give them hell!

The enemies (perverts and subhumans (especially the Chinese)) try desperately to silence these messages (by Dragan Glavasic) and they are obsessed to sabotage, downvote or block the videos. Therefore, visit www.glavasic.com and download all you can, safekeep, repost or show to others as much as possible! UNITE AND ORGANIZE then commence the real resistance! Give them hell!

The enemies (perverts and subhumans (especially the Chinese)) try desperately to silence these messages (by Dragan Glavasic) and they are obsessed to sabotage, downvote or block the videos. Therefore, visit www.glavasic.com and download all you can, safekeep, repost or show to others as much as possible! UNITE AND ORGANIZE then commence the real resistance! Give them hell!

Naši SMRTNI NEPRIJATELjI (izrod, MUSLIMANI, pederi, cigani, kinezi, crnci) očajnički stavljaju NEGATIVNO GLASANjE i komentare. Zato posetite www.glavasic.com kako bi oni bili u još većoj panici jer su nakaze opsednute sa te NA SMRT PRESTRAVLjENE pisanjima Dragan-a Glavašić-a... Za ostale video prezentacije idite na www.glavasic.com i pokažite ih drugima, pokažite ih svima! SMRT IZRODU i OKUPATORU; SLOBODA NARODU! Ima da ih smoždimo, sve odreda! ~RD ekipa~

The enemies (perverts and subhumans (especially the Chinese)) try desperately to silence these messages (by Dragan Glavasic) and they are obsessed to sabotage, downvote or block the videos. Therefore, visit www.glavasic.com and download all you can, safekeep, repost or show to others as much as possible! UNITE AND ORGANIZE then commence the real resistance! Give them hell!

Naši SMRTNI NEPRIJATELjI (izrod, MUSLIMANI, pederi, cigani, kinezi, crnci) očajnički stavljaju NEGATIVNO GLASANjE i komentare. Zato posetite www.glavasic.com kako bi oni bili u još većoj panici jer su nakaze opsednute sa te NA SMRT PRESTRAVLjENE pisanjima Dragan-a Glavašić-a... Za ostale video prezentacije idite na www.glavasic.com i pokažite ih drugima, pokažite ih svima! SMRT IZRODU i OKUPATORU; SLOBODA NARODU! Ima da ih smoždimo, sve odreda! ~RD ekipa~

The enemies (perverts and subhumans (especially the Chinese)) try desperately to silence these messages (by Dragan Glavasic) and they are obsessed to sabotage, downvote or block the videos. Therefore, visit www.glavasic.com and download all you can, safekeep, repost or show to others as much as possible! UNITE AND ORGANIZE then commence the real resistance! Give them hell!

The enemies (perverts and subhumans (especially the Chinese)) try desperately to silence these messages (by Dragan Glavasic) and they are obsessed to sabotage, downvote or block the videos. Therefore, visit www.glavasic.com and download all you can, safekeep, repost or show to others as much as possible! UNITE AND ORGANIZE then commence the real resistance! Give them hell!

The enemies (perverts and subhumans (especially the Chinese)) try desperately to silence these messages (by Dragan Glavasic) and they are obsessed to sabotage, downvote or block the videos. Therefore, visit www.glavasic.com and download all you can, safekeep, repost or show to others as much as possible! UNITE AND ORGANIZE then commence the real resistance! Give them hell!

The enemies (perverts and subhumans (especially the Chinese)) try desperately to silence these messages (by Dragan Glavasic) and they are obsessed to sabotage, downvote or block the videos. Therefore, visit www.glavasic.com and download all you can, safekeep, repost or show to others as much as possible! UNITE AND ORGANIZE then commence the real resistance! Give them hell!

The enemies (perverts and subhumans (especially the Chinese)) try desperately to silence these messages (by Dragan Glavasic) and they are obsessed to sabotage, downvote or block the videos. Therefore, visit www.glavasic.com and download all you can, safekeep, repost or show to others as much as possible! UNITE AND ORGANIZE then commence the real resistance! Give them hell!

The enemies (perverts and subhumans (especially the Chinese)) try desperately to silence these messages (by Dragan Glavasic) and they are obsessed to sabotage, downvote or block the videos. Therefore, visit www.glavasic.com and download all you can, safekeep, repost or show to others as much as possible! UNITE AND ORGANIZE then commence the real resistance! Give them hell!

The enemies (perverts and subhumans (especially the Chinese)) try desperately to silence these messages (by Dragan Glavasic) and they are obsessed to sabotage, downvote or block the videos. Therefore, visit www.glavasic.com and download all you can, safekeep, repost or show to others as much as possible! UNITE AND ORGANIZE then commence the real resistance! Give them hell!

The enemies (perverts and subhumans (especially the Chinese)) try desperately to silence these messages (by Dragan Glavasic) and they are obsessed to sabotage, downvote or block the videos. Therefore, visit www.glavasic.com and download all you can, safekeep, repost or show to others as much as possible! UNITE AND ORGANIZE then commence the real resistance! Give them hell!

The enemies (perverts and subhumans (especially the Chinese)) try desperately to silence these messages (by Dragan Glavasic) and they are obsessed to sabotage, downvote or block the videos. Therefore, visit www.glavasic.com and download all you can, safekeep, repost or show to others as much as possible! UNITE AND ORGANIZE then commence the real resistance! Give them hell!

The enemies (perverts and subhumans (especially the Chinese)) try desperately to silence these messages (by Dragan Glavasic) and they are obsessed to sabotage, downvote or block the videos. Therefore, visit www.glavasic.com and download all you can, safekeep, repost or show to others as much as possible! UNITE AND ORGANIZE then commence the real resistance! Give them hell!

The enemies (perverts and subhumans (especially the Chinese)) try desperately to silence these messages (by Dragan Glavasic) and they are obsessed to sabotage, downvote or block the videos. Therefore, visit www.glavasic.com and download all you can, safekeep, repost or show to others as much as possible! UNITE AND ORGANIZE then commence the real resistance! Give them hell!

The enemies (perverts and subhumans (especially the Chinese)) try desperately to silence these messages (by Dragan Glavasic) and they are obsessed to sabotage, downvote or block the videos. Therefore, visit www.glavasic.com and download all you can, safekeep, repost or show to others as much as possible! UNITE AND ORGANIZE then commence the real resistance! Give them hell!

The enemies (perverts and subhumans (especially the Chinese)) try desperately to silence these messages (by Dragan Glavasic) and they are obsessed to sabotage, downvote or block the videos. Therefore, visit www.glavasic.com and download all you can, safekeep, repost or show to others as much as possible! UNITE AND ORGANIZE then commence the real resistance! Give them hell!

The enemies (perverts and subhumans (especially the Chinese)) try desperately to silence these messages (by Dragan Glavasic) and they are obsessed to sabotage, downvote or block the videos. Therefore, visit www.glavasic.com and download all you can, safekeep, repost or show to others as much as possible! UNITE AND ORGANIZE then commence the real resistance! Give them hell!

The enemies (perverts and subhumans (especially the Chinese)) try desperately to silence these messages (by Dragan Glavasic) and they are obsessed to sabotage, downvote or block the videos. Therefore, visit www.glavasic.com and download all you can, safekeep, repost or show to others as much as possible! UNITE AND ORGANIZE then commence the real resistance! Give them hell!

The enemies (perverts and subhumans (especially the Chinese)) try desperately to silence these messages (by Dragan Glavasic) and they are obsessed to sabotage, downvote or block the videos. Therefore, visit www.glavasic.com and download all you can, safekeep, repost or show to others as much as possible! UNITE AND ORGANIZE then commence the real resistance! Give them hell!

The enemies (perverts and subhumans (especially the Chinese)) try desperately to silence these messages (by Dragan Glavasic) and they are obsessed to sabotage, downvote or block the videos. Therefore, visit www.glavasic.com and download all you can, safekeep, repost or show to others as much as possible! UNITE AND ORGANIZE then commence the real resistance! Give them hell!


Created 2 years, 7 months ago.

1550 videos

Category None

There are so many of us and so few of them...