Watchman's Prayer

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Watchman's Prayer



Dating back to early 2021, this video remains relevant to the current understandings of the rollout that are emerging today. It focuses on both its physical and spiritual aspects of its deployment at the time, with special emphasis on sharing this information within the framework of the watchman’s duty as set forth in Ezekiel 33: 6-7.

Download the PDF described in this video at:

Within the early weeks of the rollout of the COVID vaccine, a word of knowledge came a Messianic believer and notable teacher Maria Merola. She recorded in her blog that on March 21, 2020, that she was instructed to look up the meaning of the words ‘corona,’ and ‘virus’ in Latin and then instructed to read Revelation 6:2 (The Book of Revelation is the last book in the Bible and describes the final spiritual battle before the arrival of the the risen messiah and his followers). Although others have shared a similar view - her revelation is special, since it was personal and as described on her blog - and was ‘of a supernatural origin’. This short video is condensed version of her understandings at the time and highlights what was revealed to her in her encounter. Now 4 years later, we know a lot more about the agenda behind the jab, wrought with fraud, deception and most importantly - a breach of the social contract and the Nuremberg framework - injecting graphene-based nanotechnology into the bloodstream of literally billions worldwide. Revelation 6 describes the emergence of the First Horseman - with 3 others are to follow on the world stage - war, famine and death. This is a time to truly repent and seek the Saviour. We are IN the end-times as described in the Bible - the final hour of this present age. Sadly many will not heed this warning. Those that do heed the warning will be among the wise.

And He said, Go, Daniel! For the words are closed up and sealed until the end-time. Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried. But the wicked shall do wickedly. And none of the wicked shall understand, but the wise shall understand. (MKJV Dan 12:9-10)

Link to one of Maria Merola’s blogs describing her encounter:

The prophetic message for Passover 2024 heralds a significant shift from an old season into a new one - a season heralding the certain and immanent return of the true Messiah of Israel, Yahushua ha Mashiach (Daniel 2:44-45). The message urges all to relinquish their old patterns of thinking and various subtle forms of idolatry. It emphasises the importance of being honest within oneself - a not so easy task. It also warns against hidden pride and presumptuous self-righteousness in the hearts of all listeners. Despite the chaos in the world, there's assurance that those who have been tried and proven their loyalty to Messiah and keeping his commandments will find sustenance and guidance in the journey ahead - reminiscent of the Exodus, with the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) as guide. This call for true humility and obedience resonates throughout the message, highlighting the necessity of surrendering to the Father’s will even in the face of uncertainties. Ultimately, the message underscores the choices individuals must make to follow the Narrow Path, trusting in the wisdom that surpasses human understanding. Original message: Given by Nataliyah posted at her Voice in the Wilderness YouTube channel.

Created over 3 years ago - this video looks at how the globalists' false pandemic created enough alarm to bypass all safety protocols in mounting an effective response. Standard safety measures were abandoned, allowing experimental mRNA vaccines to go to market, despite warnings. Hidden from the public were numerous findings showing adverse and life-threatening effects occurring 3-6 months after administering mRNA vaccines. Leading doctors and researchers are sounding the alarm.


Created 2 months, 1 week ago.

4 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

A Scriptural-Based Response to Current Events