Watchman Newz

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Watchman Newz

Watchman Newz


From "Dissident7" via bitchute, this is a powerful message of the importance of fasting & why The Most High as well as the Son of Man talked about fasting soo much in the bible

Video from "JW Tv" on YouTube
The 2020 plan-demic was only the precursor of what's to come soon. So to the unvaxed, the same morals you stood on, the same principles you held, and the same beliefs of right and wrong, dont buckle under the pressure of being sent to these death camps so The Most High can count you worthy at the end (obviously following the Laws, statutes and commandments to the best of your abilities as well) Shalom

I want the power that is promised to the chosen seed via the covenant

Just how the Holy Spirit downloaded John in the book of Revelations, I feel as though she is using me in that same way! All praise to Father I AM THAT I AM

Exodus 21:23-25

23 And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life,

24 Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot,

25 Burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.


Time is ticking for Babylon the Great and the Eagle is about to loose her wings, are you physically, financially, mentally and most importantly SPIRITUALLY ready for what's to come? I dont think anyone is 😔

This song is inspired by the fact that nothing, not war, not famine, not death will separate my love for father I AM and His son, The Son Of Man I'm forever grateful for what He has done and continues to do until that dreadful day...

Wisdom took hold of my brain and I AM was the mediator. My voice said what is pleasing to I AM

Its coming to a city near you whether you like it or not ⏰

In this dark and gloomy world, here is a piece of candy to brighten your day 😊

Philippians 4:13
“I can do all things through I AM which strengtheneth me.”

Song inspired by King David's Psalms . I love The Most High for he is the Ancient of Days and I cant wait to meet him, I have 1000 questions

Hosea 4:6 lack of knowledge is the leading cause of rape, robbery and murder in the Black community and if we as a collective all came back to The Most Highs Laws, do you understand how much more sooner the Son of Man can return? 🙏🏾

What is I AM backwards? Ai gasp!!!!
Just like the fallen ones made a deal with mankind to give us Ai in exchange to create a base in Antarctica, do you not think The Most High also made a deal of some sorts with the Devil like let HIS truth be in the form of a bible worldwide in exchange he would will allow Satan to run a muck on the earth for a period of time to get as many souls as possible to corrupt their flesh by not following the Laws statues and commandments of I AM? The Most High is a mastermind

• The powerful brother JW TV's channel on YouTube:

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🔴 Channel Info:

•This new channel is based on current events that will ultimately lead to our Saviors return, as my channels name intels. All praises to The Most High Ahayah Yashaya! I am an Israelite watching the news and signs to give to my brothers and sisters in the faith.

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So iRobot was the elite showing us our future world, smh

🔴 Watchman Newz social media/business gmail:

🔵 Bitchute:

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[email protected]

🔴 Channel Info:

•This new channel is based on current events that will ultimately lead to our Saviors return, as my channels name intels. All praises to The Most High Ahayah Yashaya! I am an Israelite watching the news and signs to give to my brothers and sisters in the faith.

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What up bitchute fam, a new year and new adventures, I've created a new youtube channel, this is the url:

check me out, all my new grows will be on that channel, ya boi was never gone, just took a few year spiritual hiatus to get my mind, body & spirit right.

I will still be posting on this channel, but mainly spiritual vids, so dont give up on this channel, but if you want to see any of my current grow vids, check me out over there.

or go to the search bar and type:


and my page should pop up (pic of lollipops)

youtube flagged this channel and I dont want to risk loosing you all who been riding with me since day 1 back in 2013.

Alrighty then I'll catch yall over there

All Praise to I AM, this song reflects the precious time we still have to get right before the grace and mercy period expires and judgement comes like a thief in the night. People still dont believe in His word, the bible, but only time will tell...
John 14:15 If ye love me, keep my commandments.

🔴 Watchman Newz social media/business gmail:

🔵 Bitchute:

🔵 Rumble:

🔵 Odysee:

🔵 Business inquiries email:

[email protected]

🔴 Channel Info:

•This new channel is based on current events that will ultimately lead to our Saviors return, as my channels name intels. All praises to The Most High I AM and His son, the Prince of Peace! I am an Israelite watching the news and signs to give to my brothers and sisters in the faith.

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All praise to the power of Israel, The great I AM, using XXXtentacion's instrumental "moonlight" and changing it to "Sunlight" to describe His holiness. as stated in Matthew 15:24

“I AM not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”

🔴 Watchman Newz social media/business gmail:

🔵 Bitchute:

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🔵 Odysee:

🔵 Business inquiries email:

[email protected]

🔴 Channel Info:

•This new channel is based on current events that will ultimately lead to our Saviors return, as my channels name intels. All praises to The Most High Ahayah Yashaya! I am an Israelite watching the news and signs to give to my brothers and sisters in the faith.

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Just incase yall were wondering where I been, I'm good, just been soo busy working a 9-5 that I hate I haven't really been in the spirit of dropping videos but hopefully I'll snap out of it and get the motivation back.

🔴 Watchman Newz social media/business gmail:

🔵 Bitchute:

🔵 Rumble:

🔵 Odysee:

🔵 Business inquiries email:

[email protected]

🔴 Channel Info:

•This new channel is based on current events that will ultimately lead to our Saviors return, as my channels name intels. All praises to The Most High Ahayah Yashaya! I am an Israelite watching the news and signs to give to my brothers and sisters in the faith.

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I should've known better than to think this event wasn't staged just like all the other major televised events throughout history SMH! And to think the day it happened I truely believed it was real until I dug a little deeper. Dont be fooled and keep watch!

Matthew 24:24
24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

🔴 Watchman Newz social media/business gmail:

🔵 Bitchute:

🔵 Rumble:

🔵 Odysee:

🔵 Business inquiries email:

[email protected]

🔴 Channel Info:

•This new channel is based on current events that will ultimately lead to our Saviors return, as my channels name intels. All praises to The Most High Ahayah Yashaya! I am an Israelite watching the news and signs to give to my brothers and sisters in the faith.

Like👍🏾 comment🗯 subscribe🔔 and stay tuned for your daily dose of Watchman Newz and may peace be with you!

It's rare to hear a humbled, shame-faced gentile acknowledge who he is in scripture and take ownership of himself because way too many gentiles are too proud and would rather ignore or find a way around scripture, mainly Christian gentiles who believe in their Ceasar Borgia "Jesus". Scripture tells us that when the Messiah returns, most gentiles will still not acknowledge Him and be in shock and disbelief of the Son of Mans bronze skin and wooly haired appearance. Bless this humbled gentile.

🔴 Watchman Newz social media/business gmail:

🔵 Bitchute:

🔵 Rumble:

🔵 Odysee:

🔵 Business inquiries email:

[email protected]

🔴 Channel Info:

•This new channel is based on current events that will ultimately lead to our Saviors return, as my channels name intels. All praises to The Most High Ahayah Yashaya! I am an Israelite watching the news and signs to give to my brothers and sisters in the faith.

Like👍🏾 comment🗯 subscribe🔔 and stay tuned for your daily dose of Watchman Newz and may peace be with you!

Palestinian Group named Hamas has presently attacked Israel and could be the precept for World War 3, stay tuned.

🔴 Watchman Newz social media/business gmail:

🔵 Bitchute:

🔵 Rumble:

🔵 Odysee:

🔵 Business inquiries email:

[email protected]

🔴 Channel Info:

•This new channel is based on current events that will ultimately lead to our Saviors return, as my channels name intels. All praises to The Most High Ahayah Yashaya! I am an Israelite watching the news and signs to give to my brothers and sisters in the faith.

Like👍🏾 comment🗯 subscribe🔔 and stay tuned for your daily dose of Watchman Newz and may peace be with you!

So this is part 2 of my "Vaccine zombie payload release" video, and again sorry for the inconvenience but its bitchute not me.
Here are links to part 1 of this video as well as the full video (part 1 and 2) together on rumble:

• Part 1 of "Vaccine Zombie Payload Release" video:

• Full "Vaccine Zombie Payload Release" video on Rumble:

🔴 Watchman Newz social media/business gmail:

🔵 Bitchute:

🔵 Rumble:

🔵 Odysee:

🔵 Business inquiries email:

[email protected]

🔴 Channel Info:

•This new channel is based on current events that will ultimately lead to our Saviors return, as my channels name intels. All praises to The Most High Ahayah Yashaya! I am an Israelite watching the news and signs to give to my brothers and sisters in the faith.

Like👍🏾 comment🗯 subscribe🔔 and stay tuned for your daily dose of Watchman Newz and may peace be with you!

Sorry family but I guess bitchute has some kind of new upload policy where you only can load videos 2gb and under, unfortunately the original video to this was 2.60gb and I couldn't upload it so I was forced to cut it up into 2 parts. I will release part 2 on my channel so look out for it. And also I will leave a link below to the full video I was able to post on rumble if you want to see both parts together.

What if in the near future the deep states vaccine agenda will finally be completed with the releasing of certain 5g frequencies, thusly causing a chan reaction to everyone with the vaccine in their body? Truth is stranger than fiction, stay tuned.

•Vaccine Zombie Payload Release pt. 2 video:

• Full "Vaccine Zombie Payload Release" video on Rumble:

🔴 Watchman Newz social media/business gmail:

🔵 Bitchute:

🔵 Rumble:

🔵 Odysee:

🔵 Business inquiries email:

[email protected]

🔴 Channel Info:

•This new channel is based on current events that will ultimately lead to our Saviors return, as my channels name intels. All praises to The Most High Ahayah Yashaya! I am an Israelite watching the news and signs to give to my brothers and sisters in the faith.

Like👍🏾 comment🗯 subscribe🔔 and stay tuned for your daily dose of Watchman Newz and may peace be with you!

A powerful parable by the Messiah in Luke chapter 19 was the cause of me writing this song, in summary The Most High gave us Israelites, aka the salt of the earth, flavor that all other nations envy and you better use the gift because it can be taken

Today, September 24, 2023 as I celebrate the Most Highs High Holy Day, "The Day of Atonement" by afflicting my soul in a 24 hour fast and reflecting on the goodness of The Highest, what better way to show forth fruits than to give my Hebrew Israelite brothers and sisters encouraging music to drain out and combat this demonic music of today's society. Happy Day of Atonement and all praises to The Power of Abraham, Issac, Jacob and our Messiah Yashaya, shalom.


Created 4 years, 2 months ago.

89 videos

Category Entertainment

This news channel is based on current events that will ultimately lead to our Saviors return, as my channels name intels. All praises to The Most High Ahayah Yashaya! I am an Israelite watching the news and signs to give to my brothers and sisters in the faith.