
channel image




I'd like everyone watching this video...to observe the maturity level of the comments of
those who TRY TO SUPPRESS THE TRUTH & contrast it with those who are accepting it.
The information revealed is indisputable continue to search for abnormal synchronicities,
Sorry to offend. This video isn't meant for everyone.
Just those who can think for themselves & appreciate another viewpoint.
are you doing exactly what yore told to do and think exactly what yore told to think & go
around calling others sheep & say You seem very defensive when facts are presented

can you prove any pic can be seen as a fake, & can you prove any pic can be seen as a real




cdn.esahubble.org/archives/images/screen/ann0817.jpg = thumbnail full version


imgur.com/a/ZeyrOOs = archive.is/zb79c

= most citation archives MUNGED due to youtube link bot & censor flag threats

don't, rate, comment, subscribe, or hit the bell, till you pause this & read the title & description.
my work is transformative in nature as criticism so some usage of the original is required but
uses no more of the original than is necessary & this has no negative affect on the market for
the original work its self & my work is protected speech as outlined by the 1st amendment to
the united states constitution & falls under fair use as outlined in united states copyright laws.

I denounce & DEBUNK any acts of violence on any person, being, group or establishment

Are you comin' home for vacation
Can you leave your work behind
Will someone man your battle station
Will you give them all your time
We all feel the same frustration
And hope to God you're on our side

Are you comin' home to stay
Or will you spend this winter drivin' me insane
Are you comin' home to stay
Or will you spend the season at the CIA

Last year you studied Russian wheat fields
Searched for silos you'd never find
And when they found out, you struck a deal
To bring back Levis on company time
But you jumped ship once in lsrael
And slipped away at the Arab line

Are you comin' home to stay
Or will you spend this winter drivin' me insane
Are you comin' home to stay
Or will you spend the season at the CIA

Can you paint a still life of your location
Will the children wear a smile
Do you believe that's liberation
Or is it trimming for your file
If someone deserves a commendation
Let's present it at his final mile
Are you comin' home to stay
Or will you spend this winter drivin' me insane
Are you comin' home to stay
Or will you spend the season at the CIA

Are you comin' home to stay
Or will you spend this winter drivin' me insane
Are you comin' home to stay
Or will you spend the season at the CIA

Are you comin' home to stay
Or will you spend this winter drivin' me insane
Are you comin' home to stay
Or will you spend the season at the CIA

Are you coming
Are you coming home

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
tool used = audacity 2.2.2, input vocaroo file, split stereo track,
highlight right channel, affect, amplify 10 DB, make stereo track.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

uploads claim its from 1984 or 1985 & 1 said august - September

archive.is/832bQ = lyrics
youtu.be/-Q46N3IYg0Y 1985 2020 first upload? &
vocaroo.com/15qPlI7kPFfn = 2020 reupload

youtu.be/9V4e8UwmjPI full remake / cover

youtu.be/1Krx74STgas 1985 2021 reupload
youtu.be/CRKqXDlAx0A ???? 2021..

26 year old National Bureau of Standards ionosphere physicist Carl Robert Disch
had walked the 7,000 feet or 2.1 km of handline that ran from the "Longwire ?"
radio noise building south to Byrd Antarctic station 25 times in his 3 months
since 1965/02/??
1965/05/08 in the morning he radioed that he was going on his 26th trip
09:15 AM he left going south
10:00 AM he was noticed as missing
11:30 AM footprints lead south from the radio building
but drifted west towards a runway or skiway 4 miles out
1965/05/14 the 6 day 13 mile search was called off & memorial
services were held in his Monroe Wisconsin home town & in Antarctica

much later it was claimed that McMurdo Station received "AA2 Weather Circuit
messages" that claimed to be him as relayed from from a foreign Antarctic Station in 1971




Antarctic Scientist Wanders, Dies ( WASHINGTON UPI )
A young U.S. scientist doing research in the Antarctic apparently lost his way in a blowing snowstorm and wandered to his death,
the National Science Foundation reported yesterday. The missing man is Carl Robert Disch, 26, of Monroe, Wis.
A spokesman said Disch was missing from Byrd Station in the Antarctic and is ‘presumed lost.”
The temperature at the time of his disappearance was 45 degrees below zero, with blowing snow pushed by 35-mile winds.
Disch was operating a small radio - noise substation sli..

UPDATE = youtu.be/ROzuzieVlxY Mar 2, 2021 Skyline Helicopter Tours saw it & "reddit said"
it was seen 2024/04/08 3.3 miles south east of Gass Peak radio site @ 36.3626,-115.14465

would its reflection be visible from 215
BLM wont remove it any time soon Since it is not a wilderness study area like that
one seen in google earth maps from 2016 to 2020 in Utah, at 38.343,-109.666

maps.app.goo.gl/hapui62ah5n81KeYA = 36.3626,-115.14465 ?

archive.is/X1yJf reddit says

2016 - 2020 etc
youtu.be/j-pKKM6CXr0 Ididathing admitted to placing one of them
maps.app.goo.gl/DuKQcDn4o9H7kGRm8 = 38.343,-109.666 Utah,

archive.is/RuhvY =
= most citation archives MUNGED due to youtube link bot & censor flag threats

don't, rate, comment, subscribe, or hit the bell, till you pause this & read the title & description.
my work is transformative in nature as criticism so some usage of the original is required but
uses no more of the original than is necessary & this has no negative affect on the market for
the original work its self & my work is protected speech as outlined by the 1st amendment to
the united states constitution & falls under fair use as outlined in united states copyright laws.

I denounce & DEBUNK any acts of violence on any person, being, group or establishment

COPPA children's on line privacy protection act disclosure & DISCLAIMER =
the uploader of this video is NOT the website, service, or app operator & thus
lacks the ABILITY to collect, use, or disclose ANYONE'S personal information
& has a general mixed audience that is specifically EXEMPTED under COPPA .
fear, ignorance & anger are the 3 horsemen of the apocalypse, don't be #4!


metadata is kept inside the file, as exif & or IPTC data even if you copy or move
or make an picture a public image in icloud photo library & or many online sites

my pinned comment said
show you are the original person in contact with Pedrocultas

2024/06/06 i get carmellolb200 carmellolb 2016, claims as
I am the original person I had the file in my library since I was a kid
i downloaded it browsing random websites which I don't remember.
I don't have to prove myself anymore because the
date is the same in the real image they found!!),
this leads to
archive.is/wky0I = instagram with no backrooms references?
archive.is/kJb8Q = unreachable site with no backrooms references?
archive.is/m2im9 = deviantart with no backrooms references?
archive.ph/CYWBU = github with no backrooms references?
archive.ph/gtBeD = carmellolb site with no backrooms references?
archive.is/EeEeh = youtube channel UCefWHFsxVBYRQHcUihXQnQg &
archive.ph/V3zSK = youtube about page with no backrooms references?
BUT then
archive.is/MwpnD = 16:58 & 18:43 UTC 2 posts reddit user &
archive.ph/bSMbJ = 12:22 - 12:30 am 5 posts lostmediawiki say
"I can't believe not a single person is willing to credit" me ?!!

so i say
what did you mene by "my library" & "since 2014 " etc

so 2024-06-11 i get
pedrocultas vid referenced a person who said
they had a photo in their library since sep 2014
I didn't directly contact him
it was in my 2014 icloud photo library & reupload to catbox moe &
2020 - 2021 i posted on the backrooms discord & was disbelieved



= most citation archives MUNGED due to youtube link bot & censor flag threats

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my work is transformative in nature as criticism so some usage of the original is required but
uses no more of the original than..

1950/05/11 after 7:30 PM from Paul & Evelyn Trent's Oregon farm back yard
it came from the NE & into the west, overcast , sunset it sped away

1950/06/08 The McMinnville, Oregon Telephone Register,
1950/06/10 The Portland Oregonian
1950/06/11 The Los Angeles Examiner,
1950/06/?? Life monthly magazine
the International News Photo Service & UPI "lost" The photos in their files ?
1968 The photos were "found" by the Condon UFO study project

if it really was a 1948 Universal Camera Corp "Roamer 1" made in New York
& 100 mm focal length, f/11 f stop, 1/50 second shutter, 75µ x 75µ aperture,

.028 radians photo 1 angular diameter object
.025 radians photo 2 angular diameter object
.004 radians photo 2 angular thickness object (with "mast")

the location was listed as 9 to 11 miles from McMinnville, Oregon
due west by Gopher Valley Road
or 6 miles east by Dayton or 10 miles South West
or 9 miles South West towards sheridan & or on ballston road ,
or 1056 feet South of "Salmon River Highway" U.S. 99 W &
@ 123° 19' 50" W, 45° 06' 15" N = 45°06'15"N, 123°19'50"W =
45.104167, -123.330556
& is 1570 feet north east of
45.100722, -123.334389 where wikipedia said it was & is now called Christensen road
this is 250 feet west of the other potential building
both images "can" match 21301 or 21407 Christensen Road

since both photos the object appear in the same place with respect to the wires
"above" it & the shadows & weather do not match the stated time , we could decide

at 8:20 AM a small asymmetrical model UFO was suspended
from overhead telephone wires by two very thin threads &
photographed & then from a new perspective when it swung
it was photographed a second time

life magazine pics & more
archive.is/Ns29v = the kid!?
archive.is/7S4vo = 1948

imgur.com/a/4EsRJ7O the vids images & more

21301 Christensen maps.app.goo.gl/y6fwYjfwp6mcTeVx5

SONY CYBERSHOT, 2002/06/12 08:21:13 Dsc00161.jpg & Dsc00159.jpg 2 DOWN STAIRS pics
taken 56 seconds apart were used in a web page story as of 2003/03/02 by 811 Oregon street
"Oshkosh R/C" that procured a building with the blue awning on the front that had allot of water
damage specifically for R/C & slot car tracks by the fall of 2003 & so were ripping out old display
walls, ceiling & carpets then cleaning, patching, texturing painting walls & adding new ceiling
tiles & flooring done with some donated wood, insulation, ceiling material, light fixtures, tile
& carpet & ended up almost as big as the former Eagles Club Studio Hall floor, they had used

the "business" was at 2075 S. Koeller Road, Aviation & or Wal-Mart Shopping Plaza
till the march 2004 move to 811 & then 807 Oregon St new location as of the April 4th
web page update that mentioned a 9th Ave parking & entrance under a red awning
like the current "back" entrance & the web page was last UPDATED 2008/10/03
"THE "addressed" was 811 & then 807 Oregon St Oshkosh Wisconsin but at
220 W 9th Ave & 212 W 8th Ave their was an 65' x 60' roof at 44.0109,-88.543
& it was called the upstairs back room ?!! so that is where the race way was
BUT the image was somewhere else ? , likely at ground level ,,, was it real?

flashpix version 100,
Little Indian Intel II byte order, exif version 210,
6.1 mm focal length,
iso 190 AE,
1/30 exposure time,
2.8 max aperture value & f number
640 X 480, .307 megapixel, 63 kB

FYI 1,019 OTHER URLs have been captured for

maps.app.goo.gl/gUbtMyFJiXLEcejh9 = WTF!

yahoo "6.7 million results" @ 7 per page (no time range setting) cryptic url line ?

metager "6.5 million Results"

mojeek "11.6 million results" no time range setting

yep "many" (no result number claim,) way to basic

qwant "many" (no result number claim,) no time range setting

duckduckgo "many" (no result number claim,) has time range setting

bing 400+ results in 29 pages @ 14 per page (no result number claim)
has time range settable as numbers of days since unix epoc 1970 =

dogpile 300 results in 29 pages @ 10 per page (no result number claim,)

yandex, 216 results in 25 pages @ 9 per page, (no time range setting)

brave 160 results in 9 pages @ 18 per page, has time range setting ,no result number claim

presearch 140 results in 10 pages @ 14 per page & no result number claim or time range setting

swisscows 100? results in 10 pages @ 10 per page (no result number claim,) no time range setting

gibiru 96 results in 5 pages @ 20 per page, no time range setting (no result number claim,)

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

most citation archives MUNGED due to youtube link bot & censor flag threats

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199 of 54,??? CIA documents released as of the year 2000
list of news paper reports of alleged UFO mishap evidence

"holos ukrayiny" (Voice of Ukraine) a kiev newspaper page 5 reprinted
a ternopil vechirniy (ternopil today) newspaper's "cosmic revenge" story that said
THE AUTHORITATIVE MAGAZINE Canadian "weekly world news" said
the CIA said
the KGB claimed to have
a 250-page file of photos, drawings & participant testimonials that claimed

a Siberian military unit on training maneuvers fired
a missile at a saucer shaped ufo & the 5 survivors
had big heads big black eyes & they merged into
a single sphere that began to buzz & hiss sharply,
became brilliant white grew bigger & exploded ,
23 soldiers were now limestone poles & 2 alive
because they stood in the shade & the UFO &
"petrified soldiers" & remains went to a secret
Moscow scientific research institution
somehow a CIA representative "really" said
if the KGB file corresponds to reality this is an extremely menacing case.
the aliens possess such weapons & technology that go beyond all our assumptions.
they can stand up for themselves if attacked a picture that makes one’s blood freeze
a horrific picture of revenge on the part of extraterrestrial creatures

imgur.com/a/fnJfNMm =
archive.ph/8FnvT =

= most citation archives MUNGED due to youtube link bot & censor flag threats

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my work is transformative in nature as criticism so some usage of the original is required but
uses no more of the original than is necessary & this has..

from the 865370 mile across Sun, our 7917.5 mile across Earth reaches its ;
94509100 mile aphelion early July or 2 weeks after the summer solstice, &
a easy to heat land dominated north hemisphere is tilted towards the sun
91402500 mile perihelion in early January, 14 days after the winter solstice
& hard to heat ocean dominated south hemisphere is tilted towards the sun
03106600 mile or 392 earth diameter & 7% thermal variability per year &
a 3% change in distance that's not called apogee & perigee like the moon
& variables like the Moon, the dates & distance change slightly each year

non condensation water vapor (gas) has 10X the power of C02 seasonally ONLY

2024/01/02 19:38 Perihelion
2024/07/05 01:06 Aphelion
2025/01/04 08:28 Perihelion
2025/07/03 15:54 Aphelion

the Sun’s 11-year high & low light sunspot & magnetic activity cycle &
ANY grand solar minimum & maximum in watts per square metre =
1362 vs 1360 W/m2 or .07353 % change vs .04 % Carbon dioxide


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uses no more of the original than is necessary & this has no negative affect on the market for
the original work its self & my work is protected speech as outlined by the 1st amendment to
the united states constitution & falls under fair use as outlined in united states copyright laws.

I denounce & DEBUNK any acts of violence on any person, being, group or establishment

COPPA children's on line privacy protection act disclosure & DISCLAIMER =
the uploader of this video is NOT the website, service, or app operator & thus
lacks the ABILITY to collect, use, or di..


C:\Program Files\AMD\CIM = AMD Catalyst Install Manager

= most citation archives MUNGED due to youtube link bot & censor flag threats

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my work is transformative in nature as criticism so some usage of the original is required but
uses no more of the original than is necessary & this has no negative affect on the market for
the original work its self & my work is protected speech as outlined by the 1st amendment to
the united states constitution & falls under fair use as outlined in united states copyright laws.

I denounce & DEBUNK any acts of violence on any person, being, group or establishment

COPPA children's on line privacy protection act disclosure & DISCLAIMER =
the uploader of this video is NOT the website, service, or app operator & thus
lacks the ABILITY to collect, use, or disclose ANYONE'S personal information
& has a general mixed audience that is specifically EXEMPTED under COPPA .
fear, ignorance & anger are the 3 horsemen of the apocalypse, don't be #4!


This video is only for scientific Experimental entertainment ,
Any actions in this video shall not be a call to repeat them ,
the author shall not be held liable for any actions you perform ,
Do not try to do this , & if this video discusses weapons
it is not a demonstration of it or its production process

a knowingly & intentionally false statement, necessary to the finding of probable cause,
contained in a affidavit, to grant a warrant, MAY render it & any resulting evidence null!
as in court case law , Franks v. Delaware 1978
wikipedia.org/wiki/Franks_v._Delaware = Jerome Franks

a defense dubbed 12-page Odin report "attributed to" Kevin Murphy, with Greg Ferency
& Todd Click "Rushville connection" affidavit info & a Franks hearing Memo random

archive.ph/phdYq = the text of the page as 3 comments! =
archive.ph/mrX0H, archive.ph/C8ybN , archive.ph/hFRPd =

Todd Click's 2023/09/27 statement = "the defense is twisting facts for sensationalism"
& "no one in law enforcement believes" they "were killed in a ritual sacrifice", &
"You can quote me on those two items.”

archive.ph/6I5YR = greensburg daily news VS
archive.ph/dgnb8 = carroll county comet article VS
archive.ph/50u67 = February 11, 2022 FBI posting
archive.is/MHNck = half of the comment survived?

= most citation archives MUNGED due to youtube link bot & censor flag threats

don't, rate, comment, subscribe, or hit the bell, till you pause this & read the title & description.
my work is transformative in nature as criticism so some usage of the original is required but
uses no more of the original than is necessary & this has no negative affect on the market for
the original work its self & my work is protected speech as outlined by the 1st amendment to
the united states constitution & falls under fair use as outlined in united states copyright laws.

I denounce & DEBUNK any acts of violence on any person, being, group or establishment

COPPA children's on line privacy protection act disclosure & DISCLAIMER =
the uploader of this video is NOT the website, service, or app operator & thus
lacks the ABILITY to collect, use, or disclose ANYONE'S personal information
& has a general mixed audience that is specifically ..

he told his wife and mother he was responsible for kills 5 times & a pistol cartridge was found & lead to him & he had a knife, Police haven't released details BUT they had been stabbed ?! archive.is/UqF1c archive.is/VkDV
zealots! "need" for SRA Satanic/sadistic ritual-istic abuse to exist has
driven over 12,000 unsubstantiated & FALSE accusations since 1980s

i found 3 murderers identified with Odinism SEO! this is NOT a real basis for exonerating a confessed killer

religious study Scholars classify this as a neo religious movement ,
a modern reconstruction of North Europe Scandinavia Paganism




this has been a dog whistle since 1998 some Norse/Celtic/Viking neo-Pagans went bigot!

like the Thors Hammer, Mjolnir,

specifically witch patch were they wearing & how did it have a specific meaning

2023 Defense claim to see “In Odin We Trust” patches on 2 prison guards in Sep &

Prosecutor claim they wore "Odin patches" in Oct &
later guards removed the patches by order of their commanders
devil worshiping cops state they wear in odin we trust on their uniform?

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my work is transformative in nature as criticism so some usage of the original is required but
uses no more..

this original work is published & distributed under NON exclusive License terms
to permit unrestricted Creative use, distribution, & reproduction in any Medium,
cited properly VIA EXPLICIT inclusion of the ISO 8601 publishing date & time stamp
( CCYY-MM-DD ) & original video title & the authors identifier" & a short URL link
such as youtube & archive today, all as a Commons open access, Attribution

AS "WapTek 2024-05-01 http://youtu.be/koE-sVLqNMkhttp://archive.is/dfsGn " OR
if restricted you use " WapTek 2024-05-01 youtu be /koE-sVLqNMk archive is /dfsGn "
"how to cite this video properly under WapTek open Commons access ISO 8601 Attribution "

 the cultural & natural resources accessible to all members of a society, are held in common even when owned privately or publicly.
as The commons that include natural materials such as air, water, and a habitable Earth


protecting authors against plagiarism can be done by making work available via a Creative Commons licence BUT NOT FORCING distribution under the same license as the original author like CC BY-SA etc

Creative Commons Attribution license CC (BY?)
Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike licence = CC BY-SA


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don't, rate, comment, subscribe, or hit the bell, till you pause this & read the title & description.
my work is transformative in nature as criticism so some usage of the original is required but
uses no more of the original than is necessary & this has no negative affect on the market for
the original work its self & my work ..

as of now "waptek" = About 54,800 results (0.62 seconds) &
the other guy was About 16,300 results (0.69 seconds) NOICE

= most citation archives MUNGED due to youtube link bot & censor flag threats

don't, rate, comment, subscribe, or hit the bell, till you pause this & read the title & description.
my work is transformative in nature as criticism so some usage of the original is required but
uses no more of the original than is necessary & this has no negative affect on the market for
the original work its self & my work is protected speech as outlined by the 1st amendment to
the united states constitution & falls under fair use as outlined in united states copyright laws.

I denounce & DEBUNK any acts of violence on any person, being, group or establishment

COPPA children's on line privacy protection act disclosure & DISCLAIMER =
the uploader of this video is NOT the website, service, or app operator & thus
lacks the ABILITY to collect, use, or disclose ANYONE'S personal information
& has a general mixed audience that is specifically EXEMPTED under COPPA .
fear, ignorance & anger are the 3 horsemen of the apocalypse, don't be #4!


This video is only for scientific Experimental entertainment ,
Any actions in this video shall not be a call to repeat them ,
the author shall not be held liable for any actions you perform ,
Do not try to do this , & if this video discusses weapons
it is not a demonstration of it or its production process

1998 Cooler master CPU fan
1998 184pin DDR DIMM memory sticks ?
1999 White Microsoft explorer a USB Intellimouse
2002 dell dimension 4?00 Clamshell computer case
2001 IBM Deskstar 120GXP an 80GB hard drive
2002 Logitech-Internet-Navigator 3 Y-BE22 a USB Keyboard
2003 ATI Radeon 9800 Pro a 128MB DDR 256-bit a video card
2003 Sound Blaster Audigy Player a PCI sound card
2004 Dell 1704FP or 1505FP LCD Monitor
2004 ASUS A8V DELUXE 939 VIA K8T800 Pro ATX AMD Socket 939 Motherboard
2004 AMD Athlon 64 3000 or 4000 CPU
2000 IBM/LG 40x optical disk drive 5.25 IDE, with phone jack, volume control, & eject button
200? A???? Technology power supply ,,, WHAT WAS IT!





archive.is/bfHdd the actual opticle drive ?

tcrf.net/images/5/58/Counter_Strike-Source-screen.vtf.png = fart ?


en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Counter-Strike:_Source 2004

firefox about:config

toolkit.telemetry. = False

& then their is thease
pointer-lock-api.warning.timeout 0

more of the partial list of


= = = set these to False = = =


toolkit.telemetry.server (set this to blank not false)



= most citation archives MUNGED due to youtube link bot & censor flag threats

don't, rate, comment, subscribe, or hit the bell, till you pause this & read the title & description.
my work is transformative in nature as criticism so some usage of the original is required but
uses no more of the original than is necessary & this has no negative affect on the market for
the original work its self & my work is protected speech as outlined by the 1st amendment to
the united states constitution & falls under fair use as outlined in united states copyright laws.

I denounce & DEBUNK any acts of violence on any person, being, group or establishment

COPPA children's on line privacy protection act disclosure & DISCLAIMER =
the uploader of this vide..

a creator may submit a strike appeal only once! & it goes to human review, ,,, HONEST! ;-)
& IF we find ourselves to be wrong (LOL) we'll remove the account strike ,,, HONEST!
BUT we'll still keep the video down or reinstate a video behind an age restriction LOL!.

http://archive.is/pfbtM = 2016 version of the interface that was not cheating
http://support.google.com/youtube/answer/185111?hl=en 2024

Transparency Reports
http://archive.ph/1K7h2 & http://archive.is/PDcDm = 2024
http://archive.is/60wCA = 2022

most citation archives MUNGED due to youtube link bot & censor flag threats

don't, rate, comment, subscribe, or hit the bell, till you pause this & read the title & description.
my work is transformative in nature as criticism so some usage of the original is required but
uses no more of the original than is necessary & this has no negative affect on the market for
the original work its self & my work is protected speech as outlined by the 1st amendment to
the united states constitution & falls under fair use as outlined in united states copyright laws.

I denounce & DEBUNK any acts of violence on any person, being, group or establishment

COPPA children's on line privacy protection act disclosure & DISCLAIMER =
the uploader of this video is NOT the website, service, or app operator & thus
lacks the ABILITY to collect, use, or disclose ANYONE'S personal information
& has a general mixed audience that is specifically EXEMPTED under COPPA .
fear, ignorance & anger are the 3 horsemen of the apocalypse, don't be #4!


This video is only for scientific Experimental entertainment ,
Any actions in this video..

Eye of Apophis reserved the right to ban anyone from participating in their "scenario-based channel saying The purpose of the scenario is to spur debate and explore counter-intuitive explanations for unanswered questions. & EVERYONE surrounding the topic is open for discussion. & All constructive speculation is welcome in the comments. as long as the topic at hand remains the subject of debate, and doesn't deteriorate into personal attacks against each other they support free speech and will tolerate most heated exchanges, as their channel deals with sensitive topics. but will not show graphic content.


https://youtu.be/uCCWXK59vzw =
Eye Apophis's redacted very pixalated proof of hidden pics & clues hidden in delphi bridge guy vid screen shots

this vid is in response to a DEEP STATE beliver zellot that said
Eye of Apophis is Military Intelligence and said in video that They have never seen
before. I doubt Your Knowledge is better than CyberCommand from the U.S. Marines.

& YES!
i do think my " Knowledge " is better than some youtube channel , that
made "Military Intelligence" credentials claims without providing proof
& is it
2010 United States Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM) or
2010 Marine Corps Forces Cyberspace Command MARFORCYBER

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my work is transformative in nature as criticism so some usage of the original is required but
uses no more of the original than is necessary & this has no negative affect on the market for
the original work its self & my work is protected speech as outlined by the 1st amendment to
the united states constitution & falls under fair use as outlined in united state..

for 30 ensembled scenarios, over the next 50 years,
from all earthquake sources, 2% chance of occurring,
Probability of experiencing shaking strong enough to
damage weak building vs Highest level of shaking &
damage expected vs Median shake level magnitude
of a level 9 Cascadia Subduction zone earthquake


= most citation archives MUNGED due to youtube link bot & censor flag threats

don't, rate, comment, subscribe, or hit the bell, till you pause this & read the title & description.
my work is transformative in nature as criticism so some usage of the original is required but
uses no more of the original than is necessary & this has no negative affect on the market for
the original work its self & my work is protected speech as outlined by the 1st amendment to
the united states constitution & falls under fair use as outlined in united states copyright laws.

I denounce & DEBUNK any acts of violence on any person, being, group or establishment

COPPA children's on line privacy protection act disclosure & DISCLAIMER =
the uploader of this video is NOT the website, service, or app operator & thus
lacks the ABILITY to collect, use, or disclose ANYONE'S personal information
& has a general mixed audience that is specifically EXEMPTED under COPPA .
fear, ignorance & anger are the 3 horsemen of the apocalypse, don't be #4!


the failure see or make a difference or to make the "correct" choice between to between
2 or more things or people , 1649 was the first known use of indiscrimination


don't, rate, comment, subscribe, or hit the bell, till you pause this & read the title & description.
my work is transformative in nature as criticism so some usage of the original is required but
uses no more of the original than is necessary & this has no negative affect on the market for
the original work its self & my work is protected speech as outlined by the 1st amendment to
the united states constitution & falls under fair use as outlined in united states copyright laws.

I denounce & DEBUNK any acts of violence on any person, being, group or establishment

COPPA children's on line privacy protection act disclosure & DISCLAIMER =
the uploader of this video is NOT the website, service, or app operator & thus
lacks the ABILITY to collect, use, or disclose ANYONE'S personal information
& has a general mixed audience that is specifically EXEMPTED under COPPA .
fear, ignorance & anger are the 3 horsemen of the apocalypse, don't be #4!


This video is only for scientific Experimental entertainment ,
Any actions in this video shall not be a call to repeat them ,
the author shall not be held liable for any actions you perform ,
Do not try to do this , & if this video discusses weapons
it is not a demonstration of it or its production process

= most citation archives MUNGED due to youtube link bot & censor flag threats

don't, rate, comment, subscribe, or hit the bell, till you pause this & read the title & description.
my work is transformative in nature as criticism so some usage of the original is required but
uses no more of the original than is necessary & this has no negative affect on the market for
the original work its self & my work is protected speech as outlined by the 1st amendment to
the united states constitution & falls under fair use as outlined in united states copyright laws.

I denounce & DEBUNK any acts of violence on any person, being, group or establishment

COPPA children's on line privacy protection act disclosure & DISCLAIMER =
the uploader of this video is NOT the website, service, or app operator & thus
lacks the ABILITY to collect, use, or disclose ANYONE'S personal information
& has a general mixed audience that is specifically EXEMPTED under COPPA .
fear, ignorance & anger are the 3 horsemen of the apocalypse, don't be #4!

This video is only for scientific Experimental entertainment ,
Any actions in this video shall not be a call to repeat them ,
the author shall not be held liable for any actions you perform ,
Do not try to do this , & if this video discusses weapons
it is not a demonstration of it or its production process


Created 6 years, 3 months ago.

540 videos

Category Education

fear, ignorance & anger are the 3 horsemen of the apocalypse, don't be the 4th

WAPTek 2007 - 2010 UCNothinAsGoogleErasedItAll
waptek0 2014 - 2018 UC4a51EsigkzWq4AgKPzbI5w
waptek2 2011 - 2016 UCav4TZewprgVr1ZGFhAX_yg
WapTek 2016 - ???? UCRT-a-9YRDFURafc1G7j_ew
waptek2 2016 - ???? UCer5_T8lH8hknVWziK7Wkmw
WapTek 2018 - ???? UCinzzUttd1EuoOzLllijLUQ

2007 embedding & playlist experiments as waptek
2011 embedding & playlist experiments as waptek2
2011 baby squirrel FAQ project
2012 security tech FAQ project
2012 denihilist research project