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High school girls in Randolph, Vermont are facing backlash for pushing back against a biologically male student using their locker room. These girls tell The Daily Signal that they bear no ill will against the trans-identifying student, but it makes them uncomfortable to have a biological male around them when they are changing. And even as school officials accuse dissenters of hatred and bigotry, these girls are not backing down.


1 ) Report:Transgender player injures 3 girls in high school basketball game | On Balance
2 ) Trans Athlete Forces Girls Team to Forfeit
3 ) Trans DESTROYS Girls High School Basketball Team! They QUIT At Halftime
4 ) Huge 'transgender' rugby player injures three women during game

Transgender footballer Francesca Needham, who broke a female player's knee has quit after female players refused to play. They were reportedly terrified to play against a biological male. Needham is now threatening legal action. However, more about the story was revealed this week, with information about the Francesca's past being exposed. A social media profile has recently resurfaced, where Francesca was offering 'services' dressed as a school girl. Francesca maintains that the profile is no longer active and has nothing to do with playing football.


Three female GOP state senators who tried to protect abortion rights in South Carolina lost primary elections this month to men who ran on anti-abortion platforms. This leaves No Republican Women in the South Carolina Senate. No One in the State Senate to Fight for Women's Rights, but Men...who want to take those Rights away! WOW!!! Is This America, Home of the Free and The Brave? I Think Not, at this time. South Carolina state senators Sandy Senn, left, Katrina Shealy, center, and Penry Gustafson

Three female Republicans who tried to protect abortion rights in South Carolina lose primaries to men

Sky News Australia:
1 ) Sky News host slams Victorian government’s transgender campaign
2 ) ‘Gaslighting’: Victorian government faces backlash over new equality campaign ad
VID 1 ) Sky News host James Macpherson has slammed the Victorian government for using taxpayers’ money to make “glossy advertisements”.

“Your government is using your money to make glossy advertisements warning you that if you don’t celebrate men in women’s sports, you are a bad person,” he said.

“The Victorian government has seriously overstepped with this commercial.

“They should stay out of things they clearly don’t understand and stop wasting public money vilifying women.”


VID 2 ) GT Communications founder Gemma Tognini has hit out at the Victorian government's campaign ‘The Unsaid Says A Lot’.

The 60-second ad depicts multiple scenarios where trans or gender-diverse people are made to feel either excluded or welcomed and accepted.

“It shows a woman in a lift with a trans person and she feels uncomfortable and the woman leaves the lift and the inference of that is, oh you being really mean, your being really mean you need to stay in the lift with that person,” Ms Tognini told Sky News host Chris Kenny.

“The Victorian government should be ashamed of itself because you are gaslighting women to say that your feelings are not valid because you need to make a cohort of people feel okay.

“If a woman is in any situation with any other person of any other iteration and she feels unsafe that is her prerogative.”

Black & White Sports: Chinese badminton player COLLAPSING! DIES SUDDENLY of CARDIAC ARREST in match! The Video Event and the Aftermath. Questions Asked; "How much longer before People wake up? Athletes are still Dropping Like Flies with Heart Issues! It's becoming too obvious to ignore any longer."

GALLOP POLLS - Newsweek - Democratic Party Affiliation Plunges to Record Low 23%, with Republicans sinking to 25%. Independents Rise to 51% of U.S., Now the Majority of Voters in the U.S., and only 16% Trust the Federal Government... It's Time for a New Party. Americans Reject Both Democrats and Republicans

Democratic Party Affiliation Plunges to Record Low
Published Jul 02, 2024 at 7:39 AM EDT

Americans Deeply Dissatisfied with Government and Both Parties: Study
Published Sep 22, 2023

The Victorian government released a Ad that had a disturbing message for women. The Ad aims to encourage women to be kind to males who identify as female, however, their idea of 'kindness' seems to be to the detriment of women. It gives a clear message of where Victoria stands concerning women's rights. Women's rights doesn't seem to be the priority unless they are for men who identify as women. The ad received huge backlash for the overall message it portrays.

SOURCE VIDEO: Backlash: Woke Australian Ad Has a Disturbing Message for Women

SPOTLIGHT 7 On VACCINES: Recognition of Covid-19 Vaccine Adverse Reactions ( Side-Effects )

It seems that the tide is finally turning as a mainstream outlet from Australia is now giving a voice to the vaccine-injured.


It seems that the tide is finally turning as a mainstream outlet from Australia is now giving a voice to the vaccine-injured. Jackie Stricker-Phelps, the partner of former Australian Medical Association President Professor Kerryn Phelps, shared her harrowing experience with 7News Australia, revealing that the Pfizer shot “ruined” her life and that she won't be taking a vaccine again.

In fact, she said, “I wouldn't go near them [vaccines] with a ten-foot barge pole.”

Jackie didn't stop there. She detailed a series of devastating side effects that have left her life in shambles:

• “Within five minutes, my head nearly blew off my body.”

• "My face went bright red"

• "My vision was impaired"

• "I couldn't hear"

• "My feet went numb"

• "My hands went numb"

• "I had paresthesia all over my body"

• "My hair started falling out"

• "I could hardly walk"

• "Neurological, rheumatological" problems

• "I've had to have a chairlift put into my house because I can't walk up and down stairs anymore."

Jackie’s testimony was not only powerful but also a turning point. On a mainstream media platform, public health "experts" present in the studio had to bear witness to the devastating side effects of the shots they promoted.

Jackie, who had previously suffered from anaphylaxis to foods, was extremely cautious and went to the hospital for the vaccine, fearing a severe reaction. Unfortunately, her fears were realized in the most alarming way possible.

Click here to watch the full segment from 7News Australia.

SOURCE: https://vigilantfox.news/p/pfizer-shot-ruined-my-life-vaccine?utm=

Quick-Build Homes That Will Blow Your Mind - Fresh Tech (20:07 Min)
Modern Quick Build Homes in many Designs, including a 28 Hour Build Multi-Story Apartment Bldg..

20 Mobile Homes That Will Blow Your Mind (26:02 Min)

Mobile Homes are a viable and sometimes way to live depending on the kind you have. To that end, mobile homes have evolved greatly over the years so that they can have many different amenities and fit all sorts of needs. As such, you might be surprised by how fancy and luxurious they can get. So allow us to show you 20 Mobile Homes That Will Blow Your Mind!

Quick Build Homes:

20 Mobile Homes That Will Blow Your Mind

Eye Witness of Lahaina Maui Fire from Front Street Police Blocked Off the Exits

Witnesses: Roads blocked as firestorm swept through


Fitting room 🐇 Try on Haul: skirt, tops, mini dresses - ZARA W/ Classical Music. - Robin Goldfinch
Beautiful Simple Fun with Beautiful back ground Music. Beautiful and perfect!

Today, I’m trying on some cute clothes that are not transparent in the dressing room. If you want to find something more transparent, ask me here - https://linktr.ee/howdoilook
I think that such clothes on a girl can be more attractive than see-through, giving free rein to fantasy on a date. I admit, it was a bit embarrassing to shoot a video in the public dressing room 👉🏻👈🏻 support me with your like 💕

SOURCE VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSORp_W7MUQ

WITNESSES: Police Blocked Roads As Fires Raged! MULTIPLE NEWS And CITIZEN REPORTS: WE still need answers for why Water was Cut Off to Fight Fires, Why No Warning Sirens, No Fire Fighter Response, What happened to the Missing Children...more

Local window washer, Jonathan Herzog filmed the Front Street roadblock at 5:30 p.m. the day of the fire. At the same time, evacuees were fleeing into the ocean and Police had Roads Blocked out of Lahaina, effectively Directing People back into the Lahaina Fire Zone and trapping them there...

Kelly Bacher Interview and Blood Analysis Examination of Vaccinated Blood and Self Assembly of Living Creatures and Metal Debris that Hatch and Self Assemble into Alien, Unknown Living Creatures. This is Real, Documented Science Fact, Not Science Fiction.

ALTERNATIVE ROOTS - Kelly Bacher: Live Blood Analysis - https://www.youtube.com/@Alternative-Roots/videos

Source Video:

Alien Organisms In Blood Post Covid Vaccination. Canadian Blood Specialist Interview on Unknown Living Organisms Polluting Blood after Covid-19 Vaccination(s)

ALTERNATIVE ROOTS - Kelly Bacher: Live Blood Analysis - https://www.youtube.com/@Alternative-Roots/videos

A Group of Spanish Doctors and Scientists say that the Covid Vaccines, maybe others, Contain Alien Lifeforms that are being Directly injected into Humanity Worldwide by Aliens who control this Planet, using Nano Technology. I and Others have been saying that for years!

This is Old School Conspiracy Theory News that show Past and Future U.S. Attacks when U.S. Currency Bills (money) are Folded a certain way.

Before all of this I would have said no way could they cover up 200K dead people. But since they have been able to cover up tens of millions injuries and deaths, I believe they very well could have done just what he is describing.

And, they got exactly the results they wanted. The trials they did with the animals were a joke. They were almost nothing as far as size goes.They really did not do enough to know how successful they would be at killing off people…unless they had already done some very large trials on human subjects over several years. They would need that test data to get the dosage right to not kill off everyone too quickly to give away what they were doing and planning to do. What he is saying actually makes sense.

This might be how this was done to us at “warp speed”…they had already tested it years earlier, had started manufacturing the clot shots and were waiting until everything was in place to go forward. Murdering bastards.


ABC NEWS: 8-year-old girl dies after medical emergency aboard flight to Chicago ...
Jun 14, 2024: The child suddenly became ill and unresponsive on the flight, officials said. An 8-year-old girl died after suffering a medical emergency aboard a flight to Chicago Thursday morning, which was ... https://abcnews.go.com/US/8-year-girl-dies-after-medical-emergency-aboard/story?id=111112708

January Littlejohn is a wife and stay-at-home mom in Florida with a background in mental health counseling. In 2020, her 13-year old daughter was socially transitioned at her public middle school without her knowledge or consent.

Since then, she has become a parental rights advocate and a Senior Fellow Parent Advocate with Do No Harm and helps other families navigate this crisis with their children.


Women's And Girls Rights Video, Banned By Tik Tok?
It's a Ad about Women's and Girl's Rights and says that Females and Girls are different from Men and Boys. Upsetting that Tik Tok would Ban such a simple video about simple and plain truth.

2 ) Is A Cell Tower Causing Cancer In School Children?
3 ) After several childhood cancer cases at one school, parents question cell tower radiation
4 ) Sprint announces relocation of Ripon cell phone tower suspected of causing cancer


Created 1 year, 4 months ago.

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