Vegan Queen V

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Vegan Queen V



Hello beautiful souls!

In celebration of the impending release of my second album (!!!!) I have decided to release my first album Freedom Warrior as a Karaoke album! I know so many of you love singing along to the songs so I hope you will love these 11 instrumentals too. You can use them just for your own use or please feel free to use them in performances, crediting me where you can.

I have put all the songs in this one video and you can jump to each different song by using the time stamps here:


00:00 Start
00:05 Dominion
04:00 Mother
08:06 Only One Life
11:38 What Hell is Like
15:56 I Don't Wanna Change
19:51 Beautiful Powerful Free
23:57 What's It Gonna Take
27:20 Sides
30:29 AWAKE
34:31 The Power
39:09 Hold On

I'd love to hear your versions of the songs! Tag me on instagram @veganqueenv

Please keep your eyes open for the release of my next album.. TBA...

All the love in the world - you are beautiful, you are powerful, you are FREE.

Love Jen / VQV xxx

Buy your own signed copy of Freedom Warrior at
Or digital version from

I'm so happy to introduce my brand new single, Mother Nature's Conversations 💚

This song was written in the wilderness, at the beautiful, stunning Black Bay Studio. This gem of a space sits at the end of the land overlooking the sea in the Outer Hebrides, where sea birds, the water and the sun (wind and rain!) are a big part of the writing and recording process. This song was born between 3 friends - myself, Ellie Grace and Ailsa Shaw who joined me in the studio October last year.

Thanks to Pete and Cal at Black Bay for their stunning work and musical expertise once again 💜 I am SO excited about the music we will be making together this year (album 2 stay TUNED!)

Thanks To Ailsa and Ellie for writing such a banger of a track with me and to their musical inputs in the recording of the song. Another huge thanks goes out to Ellie for her assistance during the video shoot, and for all the joy and happiness she brings to my life.

To The Northern Poet for gorgeous flute and backing vocals.

And thanks goes out to everyone who has given me such wonderful feedback as I've been playing the song solo piano vocal at my shows this year. I love you all!

Thank you so MUCH to everyone involved in the making of this song and video!! What a TEAM 💚✨

Mother Nature's Conversations written by Jen Armstrong aka Vegan Queen V, Ellie Grace and Ailsa Shaw
Recorded at Black Bay Studio on the Isle of Lewis
Produced by Pete Fletcher and Cal Rodan
Mastered by Pete Fletcher
Video filmed by Billy White
Video edited by Oscar Gogerly

I hope you love the music and the message.

If you are an animal rights or human rights activist and want to use the song in your work please message me at [email protected]


Who the hell am? Why am I here?
Born in to something where they live in hate and fear
So disconnected from the place we call home
Do I belong here? When I listen then I know

I see it when the birds ride the breeze
I feel it when the river rushes over me
I hear it in my..


Change is coming


Are you ready? Head to to support and be a part of it.

Thank you to @mhgmusicvideos for this spectacular footage. The mist dissipated a few minutes after we stopped filming. I'd say we got lucky. But there's no such thing as luck 💜 set your intention and the rest will follow.

Who am I?

It doesn’t really matter who I am.

I am here to tell you this truth. You are beautiful and unique and oh so powerful.

You were born in to a world of money and madness, abuse and deceit.

You have the power to free yourself from the system.

Will you join me on this journey? We can do it together.

I am here to set you free.


Support my debut album:

Support my debut album:

Beautiful people, thank you so much to you who have donated to my album and UK tour crowd funder project so far. Some of you will have heard my song 'What Hell is Like.' I have re-recorded the song for the album, and it is sounding absolutely incredible. The song was inspired by and written after I watched 'Land of Hope of Glory', a brilliant and extremely hard-hitting documentary by @earthlinged and @surgeactivism

In this video you also hear a little clip of my song 'Beautiful Powerful Free.'

Support my album crowd funder here:


Video MHG Music Videos 💚🙏

I am releasing my debut album! I have 30 days to raise the money to make this a reality, and I need your help! For more information click here:

The album has 10 hit tracks raising awareness around animal exploitation, abuse and imprisonment, whilst also talking about a future where this is no longer allowed to exist. I truly believe human liberation will only be achieved when our animal brothers and sisters and happy and free.

Always remember -

You are beautiful
You are powerful
You are free



Created 2 years, 6 months ago.

7 videos

Category Music

When animal rights and music collided - Vegan Queen V was born