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UTU the Avenger


The jewish matrix narrative of the moon landings were real are breaking down... finally and now hitting the mainstream normies...

Credit: https://old.bitchute.com/video/3R0hk2FbvB22/

I know this organization hates me because my mom was a mudshark Irish woman and my Dad a Nigger from the Cape Verde Islands... however I'm emotionally mature enough not to get triggered by words...truth is the truth no matter the race. I support their message
Every race has its place...amoung its own. No more racial mixing.

Mini documentary created by Jew Matthew Tower... can't call this antisemitic.

What a positive little guy ready for change...wish the best for him.

This is why I'm against interracial dating...

The joke is on us...funny collection of clips turned into full length video.

Follow me on Kick.com to watch the livestream

Most of us know he's the number one shabos goy when it comes to the alternative news networks...this is a good documentary

Follow me on Bastyon.com

Trumptards wake the fuck up

Jews killed their own citizens October 7th not Hamas...
What is the Hannibal Directive?
The directive, also known as the Hannibal Procedure or Hannibal Protocol, is an Israeli military policy that stipulates the use of maximum force in the event of a soldier being kidnapped, said Shaul.

“You will open fire without constraints, in order to prevent the abduction,” he said, adding that the use of force is carried out even at the risk of killing a captive soldier.

In addition to firing at the abductors, soldiers can fire at junctions, roads, highways and other pathways opponents may take a kidnapped soldier through, Shaul said.

The Israeli military has denied the interpretation of the directive that allows for the killing of their fellow troops, but Israeli soldiers, including Shaul, have understood it as a licence to do just that, as it is preferred to a scenario in which a soldier is taken prisoner.

I suggest you research the Talmud. This is where Netanyahu gets his ideology from.

Found this on YouTube...seems people are waking up fast over there finally ...
CREDIT: https://youtube.com/shorts/EvFstXFA0hw?si=FaLSaxjWsngz3Ky2


Created 4 years, 2 months ago.

578 videos

Category Education

I AM here to influence. Not to harm. You wanted the truth. I answered your call.