Tony Gosling

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Tony Gosling



Yemeni army conducts joint operation with the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, hitting a vital Israeli target in Haifa with missiles

The Yemeni armed forces say they have carried out an anti-Israeli military operation along with the Iraqi resistance forces in support of the Palestinians in Gaza.

Yemen’s Houthis claim joint raid on Israeli ships with Iraqi militia

The Houthis say they targeted vessels in Israel’s Haifa port together with the Islamic Resistance in Iraq.

The group has launched more than 60 attacks, sunk two commercial ships, seized another, and attacked dozens more since the start of the war [Bernat Armangue/AP Photo]

Published On 23 Jun 2024

Yemen’s Houthis have claimed carrying out a joint military operation with an Iranian-backed Iraqi militia, known as the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, to target four vessels in Israel’s Haifa port.

Houthi military spokesman Yahya Saree said in a televised statement on Sunday that the group fired drones at two cement tankers and two cargo ships at the port a day prior over noncompliance with a ban on entering “ports of occupied Palestine”.

Saree added that the group had also targeted a Shorthorn Express ship in the Mediterranean Sea using drones, and both operations “successfully achieved their goals”.

Israel’s Channel 12 reported an explosion occurred in Haifa at dawn after an air defence missile was launched towards the sea without activating the sirens. Israel’s military did not comment on the Houthi claim, but stated in a post on X that it had shot down a drone approaching the country overnight from the east.

In yet another incident, the British maritime security agency UKMTO said that a merchant ship was damaged by a drone attack in the Red Sea near Yemen early on Sunday morning, though no injuries were reported.

The attack occurred about 65 nautical miles (120km) west of the Yemeni port city of Hodeidah, said the agency, which is run by the British navy.

“The Master of a merchant vessel reports being hit by uncrewed aerial system (UAS), resulting in damage to the vessel. All crew members are reported safe, and the vessel is proceeding to its next port of call,” said a bulletin from the agency.

“Authorities are investigating,” it added, offering no attribution for the attack.

It later claimed that yet another incident was detected on Sunday near Yemen’s Nishtun port, urging vessels to take caution.

Vessels in and around the Red Sea have come under repeated attack for months by Iran-backed Houthis who say they are acting in support of Palestinians.

On Saturday, Houthis claimed an attack on a ship that docked in Israel – a claim the US Central Command (CENTCOM) said was “categorically false”.

CENTCOM, which has carried out retaliatory strikes against the Houthis over their attacks on shipping, said it had destroyed three nautical drones belonging to the group over the past 24 hours.

It also said the group had launched three antiship missiles into the Gulf of Aden, but no injuries or significant damage were reported.

The leader of Yemen’s Houthis, Abdel-Malik al-Houthi, said earlier in June that the joint group’s operations with the Islamic Resistance in Iraq would intensify against all ships docking at Israeli ports “in solidarity with Palestine”.

FULL SHOW This Show CANCELLED by PRSC Trans Lobby, Green Cllrs cancelled too, Reform UK surge, Assange Is Free exclusives, NTBCFMPS-full-show-28Jun24#

Not The BCFM Politics Show comes this week from The Kuumba Centre Cafe after being CANCELLED by Keith Cowling's PRSC LGBTQ+ Trans-rights activists – Jude English, expelled Bristol Green Councillor, joins Tony and Martin. What Bristol Council was like under Marvin. What working with the Greens was like. – Eight Green Party Members Expelled in Gender Critical Purge including one former councillor, claim to have been expelled from the party for expressing gender critical views. – Tony, Dave and Martin’s NOT The BCfm Politics show CANCELLED/EVICTED from People’s Republic of Stokes Croft (PRSC) arts centre – ‘Transphobic’ leaflets were left in the building by a recent guest! Compromise and political discourse lacking: Subject: Use of the Radio Studio – But this cancellation of NOT The BCfm Politics Show show by PRSC was a decision really made by the PRSC board, hand-picked and chaired by Keith Cowling. – PRSC founder Chris Chalkley was expelled in an upsetting 2019 coup, organised by the same Keith Cowling. So who is Keith Cowling – 11th Hour Blog with Jennifer Bilek – The Billionaire Family Pushing Synthetic Sex Identities (SSI) The wealthy, powerful, and sometimes very weird – How has the transgender issue become so toxic? Or was it always designed to be so in order to fracture and destroy communities, campaigns and organisations, particularly on the left? – Origins in CIA interference with 1960s French politics. Many believe postmodernism and post-structuralism have been deliberately funded to infiltrate the left in order to destroy it. – BIG, HIDDEN, Constitutional changes coming to the UK with Keir Starmer next week – Peter Hitchens – what he thinks is real agenda of Labour Party under Starmer. – Paul McDonald, Reform Party candidate for NE Somerset and Hanham, joins Tony and Martin. He used to do lobbying for big business two economic views – Keynesian and Austrian – – Farage blames EU/NATO for Ukraine war, Reform UK surge 3% ahead of Tories in UK election poll – Talk Radio, Peter Cardwell – David from Exeter on Labour rejoining the EU and EU army. UK’s Labour would target defense ‘pact’ with EU – Not The BCFM Politics Show comes this week from The Kuumba Centre Cafe after being CANCELLED by Trans-rights activists from (PRSC) arts centre – Julian Assange is finally free and back in Australia! His lawyer Jen Robinson at the press conference in Australia – the plea bargain Julian had to agree to. – EXCLUSIVE Kristinn Harfnsson, present editor of Wikileaks, on Julian being free and what Wikileaks is doing now. Invisible digital fingerprint now on leaks. May be traced. – EXCLUSIVE Craig Murray, ex-ambassador, journalist, standing in Blackburn for The Workers Party of George Galloway. Ukraine war and Assange being free. – EXCLUSIVE: Wafa Aludaini, Palestinian journalist, gives an update on the terrible situation in Gaza. Drones. Famine and the rising death toll in Gaza by Wafa Aludaini – – Naomi Wolf, Jewish author, relates verses from Old Testament on Jews and tpromised land’.hese promises from God come with conditions such as mercy, kindness and justice . – Annual #1984symposium: Two Orwell-loving tech writers by the name of Christian at George Orwell’s grave this week on his birthday giving their views on latest tech dangers. – Why 2024 Is More Like 1984 Than We Realise, Daily Express Fergus Kelly TIMELESS WARNING: Author George Orwell his iconic 1984 novel – not published online – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

EXCLUSIVE Kristinn Harfnsson, present editor of Wikileaks, on Julian being free and what Wikileaks is doing now.

Invisible digital fingerprint now on leaks. May be traced. !HOW IT HAPPENED! Assange plea came after warning that U.S. would lose extradition fight .......Then, in March, a British court ruled that it was preparing to send Assange to the United States — if the Americans affirmed he was entitled to the same free-speech protections as a U.S. citizen. Otherwise, the judges said, Assange could argue he was being discriminated against based on his Australian nationality. The U.S. prosecutors said they could not and would not make that commitment. In a 2020 civil case, the Supreme Court said that “foreign organizations operating abroad have no First Amendment rights.” Rulings from the high court in other cases have held that foreign nationals do not have the same free-speech rights as U.S. citizens. That dilemma spurred the April 4 warning that without an immediate deal, the extradition effort might collapse. Without the First Amendment assurance, one trial attorney said in an email, the British lawyers representing the U.S. government concluded they would run into “an ethical obligation to drop the case” because of “their duty of candor” — they could no longer argue for extradition when a condition required by the court had not been met. The U.S. trial lawyers on April 4 pleaded with their superiors to get Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco to approve the deal, multiple people said. If they missed the deadline in 12 days, one attorney told leaders in the counterintelligence and export control section of the department by email, they would “face a situation where we lose our leverage and the UK potentially abandons us.” Frustrated by the delays and disagreements, the entire team from Virginia disengaged from the case, a highly unusual move. Attorneys from the Justice Department’s National Security Division picked up the negotiations with Assange’s lawyers. To meet the April 16 deadline, U.S. Embassy officials sent a letter to the British court promising Assange could “raise and seek to rely on” the First Amendment at trial but saying “a decision as to the applicability of the First Amendment is exclusively within the purview of the U.S. Courts.” The British judges were unimpressed and, in May, let Assange pursue his appeal. For the Justice Department’s British representatives, it was game over. “They asked for an assurance the United States government couldn’t give,” said Nick Vamos, former head of extradition for the Crown Prosecution Service. “It could have gotten really messy.”...

What Really Happens in Blackburn 86
June 24, 2024 in Uncategorized by craig

When I stood in Blackburn against foreign secretary Jack Straw in 2005 as an anti-Iraq war candidate, Jack Straw’s campaign manager was Ibrahim Master. He is now the campaign manager of “Independent” candidate, vote-splitter Adnan Hussain.

This is him on the right campaigning with Adnan.

When I attended a meeting with Adnan until 2.30am three nights ago to try to resolve the vote split that could let Labour back in, Ibrahim Master was in the meeting as Adnan’s second, and did much of the talking.

Jack Straw was the Foreign Secretary personally responsible for the war in Iraq and the death of a million Iraqis, with the blatant lies about Iraqi WMD which he personally told as Foreign Secretary.

Yet in 2005 Master openly campaigned for Straw on the basis that the war in Iraq was not important in Blackburn.

Master drew great criticism for this pro-Straw stance from the wider Muslim community outside Blackburn, but the Muslim community here was under such tight control they voted overwhelmingly for Straw.

Now consider this.

When my candidacy for Blackburn was announced in March, Jack Straw issued an attack on me on 3 April, stating that I had “no cause” to stand in Blackburn.

Then lo and behold, two months later after the election was called Jack Straw’s old fixer turns up with an “Independent Candidate” to split the pro-Palestine vote.

Now you can believe that the man who thought that at least 1 million dead Iraqis was not important enought to oppose Straw and Labour, has had a conversion and is desperately concerned for the children of Gaza.

Other explanations are available.

We are still fighting very hard here. We need help. Come and join us as a volunteer here in Blackburn. Floor space is available.
Contact [email protected].

We are also now completely out of funds! Please donate.

'Are you two really the best we've got?' Sunak or Starmer two useless cheeks of the same Uniparty 4th Reich rear end. BBC Tory/Labour leader 'debate'. #Election24BBC

BBC debate: 'Are you two really the best we've got?'

The two men battling to be PM after the general election faced a tough question from an audience member during the BBC head-to-head debate in Nottingham.

Robert Blackstock asked Rishi Sunak and Sir Keir Starmer if they were the best choice of leader for the UK.

Greens a Toy Party Playing At Being Politicians Bristol Green Councillor Jude English CANCELLED By Trans Lobby NTBCFMPS-full-show-28Jun24

Jude English, former Green Councillor, joins Tony and Martin. What Bristol Council was like under Marvin. What working with the Greens was like. Jude was part of Place Scrutiny - Bristol Arena. No democracy under Marvin.

Jude was cancelled from the Green Party for saying you can't choose your sex. Freedom of speech. Green Party not professional. Intellectual rigour needed. Eight Green Party Members Expelled in Alleged Gender Critical Purge Eight members of the Green Party, including one former councillor, claim to have been expelled from the party for expressing gender critical views. This week, eight members received a letter notifying them of their expulsion from the party. The letter claimed they had broken a clause of the party constitution which prohibits members from campaigning for someone who is standing against a Green Party candidate. Seven of the eight members expelled had supported the campaign of Alison Teal, who was suspended from the Green Party in 2022 for arguing that sex is a biological characteristic which cannot change over time. She is now running as an Independent in Sheffield Central at the General Election. However, with six of the eight expelled previously signing the Green Women’s Declaration, which advocates for women as a sex, and three as current or former members of the Green Party Women Committee, those expelled saw this as “a fundamental attack on women who defend their sex-based rights”. A statement by the Green Women’s Declaration following the expulsions said “the Green Party has no agreed definition for ‘campaigning’ and some of the expelled did as little as sharing social media posts acknowledging a candidacy.” It added: “At least 17 signatories to the Green Women’s Declaration have now been expelled or suspended, mirroring the actions of the Scottish Green Party who expelled 14 members for signing our sister declaration.” While PoliticsHome previously reported the Green Women’s Declaration “were considering” taking legal action, English now said that with “about 20 people who have had their membership of a political party denied purely on the grounds of their belief”, they are “now at the point where we report to the EHRC [Equality and Human Rights Commission]”. English was expelled this week for retweeting three tweets in support of Teal. However, English claims she is technically no longer a Green Party member so cannot be expelled. She said: “I've been expelled with no disciplinary process. The reason they think they can do this with no disciplinary process is because I campaigned against another Green Party candidate in Sheffield. “But I am not a member of the Green Party at this point, so that can't be used. So we have to go back to the original complaint, which was the complaint about my gender critical beliefs which originally expelled me on 16 March. “What it really makes clear is this is just a process where they've got a list of people, and they’re just going: ‘[let’s do] anything we can do to get rid of these people outside out of our party’”. English said her expulsion was evidence that members of the Green Party Regional Council, which oversees disciplinary processes, are “just shooting down anyone left, right and centre” who disagrees with gender identity ideologies within the party.

Tony's show cancelled from PRSC - email from Chloe explaining why. Compromise and political discourse lacking. Politicians pretending to know what they're doing. Big business controls politics. Marvin new job at University. Twitter X - Jude Brew. Green Women's Declaration - Jude's complaint. Free Speech Union letter supporting Jude.

s science dead? ‘cancelled’ doctors Chris Exley and Chris Busby and their research which has challenged industrial lobbies – getting unorthodox research published in peer reviewed journals is considerably easier in China than in the West which may help explain why China is such a successful innovator and economic powerhouse – scientific taboos such as Covid vaccine deaths, nuclear power stations causing cancer, vaccinations causing autism, and challenging climate change orthodoxy.

Shockingly, we hear that getting unorthodox research published in peer-reviewed journals is considerably easier in China than in the West which may hep explain why China has been such a successful innovator and economic powerhouse.

Is Science Dead? Drs. Chris Exley & Chris Busby discuss research which challenges industrial lobbies

Pharmaceutical, Nuclear and Aluminium Industry Lobbies like to control information about their potentially dangerous products so that peoples and governments don't threaten their bottom line.
But how far have those lobbies been responsible for killing any challenge to the marketing lines they take on scientific questions? And have they ended up 'killing science' in the process of suppressing research which may affect their profitability?

Dr Chris Exley Aluminium Research

The Birchall Centre
Welcome to the website of the Aluminium Research Group. The group was previously based in The Birchall Centre, Keele University from 1992 to 2021. We are currently looking for a new home. In the meantime, we have set up this website to keep as many as possible informed about our research and research activities.

Our Research
The Unit started off with three general themes, of which our group focus is Aluminium and Silicon in Biology. The group is led by Professor Christopher Exley, FRSB and the current research themes within the group are varied, including metals and amyloids; biosilicification in plant species; human exposure to Aluminium, whether intentional (e.g. in antiperspirants or adjuvants) or unintentional; and hydroxyaluminosilicates.

Dr Chris Busby: Green Audit and the Low Level Radiation Campaign
What is Green Audit?
Green Audit was founded in 1992 as an environmental consultancy and review organisation with the aim of monitoring the performance of companies and organizations whose activities might threaten the environment and the health of citizens. Democratic values are threatened when information is kept from the public and all routes of access are controlled. The aim of Green Audit is to give citizens the information they need to be able to question the companies which are destroying the environment we all depend on. It was the worrying recognition that such information is presently suppressed and restricted which provided the impetus for the founding of Green Audit.

Low Level Radiation Campaign
Radiation and reason: the impact of science on a culture of confusion
The key message
Evidence of disease associated with routine reactor operation, accidents, fuel reprocessing and nuclear weapons testing shows far more harm than official risk factors predict. Rates of cancer, leukaemia and congenital malformations are all higher than expected on the basis of estimated doses. The report explains that this is because official risk factors conceive radiation as an average dose to body tissue, but particles of alpha-emitters such as uranium and plutonium emit a quality of radiation which can travel only a tiny distance. This means that when a particle is in the body (following inhalation, for example) it can only affect the few cells nearby. Each particle deposits very high densities of energy into that volume of cells with a high potential to damage their genetic material, but the rest of the body gets no dose at all.

Busby's Rowntree and other research funding stopped after he was attacked by George Monbiot in the Guardian, who wrote in 2011 incorrect and dishonest reports about his activity after Fukushima and his research into child leukemia. The Guardian refused to allow him to reply.

He acts as Expert witness and representative in court cases in the UK, USA and other countries, currently representing in Scotland the widow of a nuclear submariner who died from non Hodgkin lymphoma.

Busby currently lives in Latvia after Brexit, has no institutional funding, and carries out his work on a old age pension of 680 Euros a month. He has 7 children and 12 grandchildren.

See also:, and

UN aid chief warns of ‘potentially apocalyptic’ spread of Gaza war to Lebanon

Wed, 26 June 2024

UN aid chief Martin Griffiths on Wednesday said he was concerned by the possible spread of the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza to Lebanon and warned of a "potentially apocalyptic" humanitarian situation in the region.

The outgoing United Nations humanitarian chief warned Wednesday that a spread of the Israel-Hamas war to Lebanon would be "potentially apocalyptic", as fighting raged in the southern Gaza Strip.

Martin Griffiths described Lebanon as "the flashpoint beyond all flashpoints", especially its southern border with Israel which has seen daily cross-border violence since the October 7 Hamas attack on Israel.

"It's beyond planning. It's potentially apocalyptic," warned Griffiths whose term as UN humanitarian coordinator ends this week.

A war involving Lebanon "will draw in Syria... it will draw in others", he told reporters in Geneva. "It's very alarming."

Germany on Wednesday echoed a Canadian warning from the day before, urging their citizens in Lebanon to leave the country.

"German nationals are urgently requested to leave Lebanon," updated foreign ministry advice in Berlin said.

"The current heightened tensions in the border area with Israel could escalate further at any time."

On Tuesday, Ottawa advised Canadians to leave Lebanon "while they can".


"Guinness are vindictive bastards. We are all furious; not only have they evicted our new friends, they have flattened the site. London Wildlife Trust surveyed the site, and declared it a site of prime Metropolitan importance. I've now got massive floodlights glaring through my window. We have to hit them where it hurts - their profits. I want a national boycott of Guinness."
- Len James, Wandsworth local resident

On Tuesday morning 300 police and bailiffs invaded the Pure Genius site in Wandsworth and evicted 150 eco-activists. The 12 acre site had been derelict for six years before the occupation by The Land Is Ours campaign in May. In five months the campaigners built a sustainable, low impact community offering and alternative to the unsustainability of modern life. Vegetables were planted in raised beds, dwellings constructed and keys to the site were handed over to locals to share the running of the site.
Kicked Off

Guinness like to describe themselves as an "environmentally sensitive company". Some people even believe them. In the same week that they kicked everyone off the Wandsworth site they won the Ecology Sponsorship Award in Geneva!

The brewery giant evicted the greenies a month before a public enquiry decides whether to give planning permission to build a supermarket on the site. It seems unlikely that Wandsworth Borough Council will grant permission for the supermarket and luxury flats originally destined for the site, especially in light of the nine other superstores within a mile and a half radius.

A spokeswoman for Guinness told SchNEWS, "I'm not surprised that the eviction went ahead. We tried to offer an 'orderly resolution' to The Land Is Ours while they were illegally squatting but they refused to cooperate and continued the occupation."

Orderly resolution? Guinness offered to include The Land Is Ours in talks about 'possible future co-operation on one of the conservation projects in which Guinness in involved'. A prime example of words not deeds. Unfortunately, nice little corporate funded projects don't house people or offer radical solutions to urban problems.

The eco-village managed to highlight issues surrounding urban regeneration, but it also highlighted a recurring problem in the direct action movement. People with mental health, drink, drug problems or just couldn't-give-a-toss attitudes appear when we create 'temporary autonomous zones'. At the eco-village, life was often severely disrupted by people not willing, or able, to take responsibility for their own actions.
Energy Vampires

Thanks to the government's 'Care in the Community' scheme and the continued running down of social services, thousands of people with serious mental health problems are finding themselves with little or no help - and on the streets. People are turning up at protest sites with severe problems that we do not have the time, energy or resources to deal with.

Chris from the Third Battle of Newbury told SchNEWS, "It is slightly arrogant to assume that we can "heal" people who may have been ill for many years, especially when living on protest camps can be highly stressful (at least 6 people have been sectioned at Newbury under the Mental Health Act) and they are far from an ideal environment for people who are vulnerable to start with."

As one activist told SchNEWS, "ideally, each of us would like to be free to do as we please , but when this infringed on the rights of others and diverts for the issue at hand, action mist be taken. It has been the case in the past that the irresponsibility of a few have put themselves and others at risk on actions. Let's be honest - the last thing you want at an eviction is some pissed nutter trying to throw themselves or someone else off the roof."

It isn't inevitab1e that any space we take over should end up like this. In other parts of the world community activist groups have found ways to deal with these problems. In Brazil, The Movement for Rural Workers Without Land organise land occupations of up to 12,000 people, but they eliminate major problems by enforcing a strict set of rules. Drunks, drug users, and prostitutes are told to leave, and children are expected to go to the school run by activists. Nearer to home, the Exodus Collective in Luton take a pro-active stance by using peace stewards to patrol their parties. The yellow jacketed crew look out for everyone's safety, and ensure mutual respect among party-goers.

Thousands of organisations, especially in the poorest and most oppressed countries in the world, have learnt important lessons about how to organise effectively amongst those kicked around the most by the powers-that-be. It's not easy, it means being organised and self-disciplined - and it works. We are learning more and more about how and why we stop people disrupting our actions. But we're not for

Uploaded on Aug 16, 2008 - deleted by YouTube from PublicEnquiry channel was

The Land Is Ours - 'Pure Genius' Wandsworth Eco Village (1996) - 6 min - Aug 5, 2008
I was one of the Oxford based organisers and press spokespeople for the Easter 1996 Wandsworth Ecovillage so here is what I consider the best film made about our bit of practical eco living political theatre.
Wandsworth (Guinness site) John Pendragon and other residents comment on how and why they got involved in the TLIO occupation of the Guinness site just East of Wandsworth Bridge at Easter 1996. In May 1996, 500 The Land Is Ours (TLIO) activists occupied 14 acres of derelict land along the banks of the River Thames in Wandsworth. The land, owned by Guinness, had been vacant for six years, but was scheduled to be the site of a superstore (the ninth within a 1.5 mile radius) and luxury apartments. A pre-fabricated roundhouse was constructed, raised-bed veggie gardens were planted and a small village was built out of recycled materials. Local campaigners, particularly a guy called Kirk, were involved in building and running the eco-community, and thousands of folks came to visit. After holding the "Pure Genius" occupation for almost six months, 150 people on site were ousted by bailiffs acting for Guinness and the eco-village was flattened. The site was due to be designated as a nature conservation site by the London Wildlife Trust the next day.
Incredibly, Guinness won an Ecology Sponsorship Award in Geneva the same week that they ordered the eviction.

Starting in coaches from Hammersmith Unemployed Workers' Centre on Sunday 5 May 1996 the group set up Pure Genius!!, an eco-village on squatted derelict former distillery site owned by Guinness in Wandsworth, London. The site was evicted on 15 October 1996. This was the day before the London Wildlife Trust were meeting to officially designate the site as a conservation site containing many species of flowers and birds classed as 'extremely rare' in London.

Julian Assange was monstered for doing what every journalist shouldHe became a victim of the cancel culture of the right, the left and the centre

By Patrick Cockburn, Special Correspondent June 25, 2024
LONDON, ENGLAND - MAY 19: Julian Assange speaks to the media from the balcony of the Embassy Of Ecuador on May 19, 2017 in London, England. Julian Assange, founder of the Wikileaks website that published US Government secrets, has been wanted in Sweden on charges of rape since 2012. He sought asylum in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London and today police have said he will still face arrest if he leaves. (Photo by Jack Taylor/Getty Images)US government pressure to criminalise Assange combined with cancel culture to keep him in Belmarsh without mainstream media saying too much about the case (Photo: Jack Taylor/Getty Images)Julian Assange is to be freed, if all goes according to plan, after five years of incarceration in Belmarsh high security prison for doing what every journalist should do. This is to find out information of importance and pass it on to the public.It has really always been as simple as that, despite unrelenting efforts by the US and UK governments to pretend that what the founder of WikiLeaks did in publishing a hoard of US government documents in 2010 was not journalism but espionage.Assange has taken a plea deal in which he will be found guilty of one charge of espionage, in return for the United States dropping its extradition request. After a hearing in the Northern Mariana Islands, he will walk free.It was depressing but unsurprising to find that even now, many commenting on Assange’s impending release are repeating long discredited untruths about the original WikiLeaks disclosures. One falsehood that never seems to die is that the leak led to the death or risked the lives of US agents whose identities were disclosed.But a Pentagon review taskforce headed by a senior counter-intelligence officer, Brigadier-General Robert Carr, which sought to show that at least some of those identified by WikiLeaks were endangered, came up with nothing.In testimony given at the sentencing hearing of Chelsea Manning – the US soldier responsible for the leak – in July 2013, Carr revealed that his team of 120 counter-intelligence officers had been unable to find a single person who could be shown to have died or to have been harmed because of WikiLeaks’ disclosures.As for the claim that the deep secrets of the US government were being revealed to its enemies, the classified documents published by WikiLeaks were available to some half a million US government employees, once they had obtained a simple password. I was told by a US security official in Kabul on the day after the WikiLeaks disclosure that the US government was not so foolish as to put truly secret information on SIPRNet, as the database was known, and imagine that it might stay confidential for long.Prior to those five years in Belmarsh, Assange spent seven years in the Ecuadorian embassy in London seeking to avoid deportation.His original offence occurred in 2010 when he published a great hoard of US diplomatic, military and political documents, many of them relating to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Extracts from these papers appeared in The New York Times, The Guardian, Der Spiegel, El Pais and Le Monde, to the acute embarrassment of the US and other governments, which have pursued Assange ever since.In practice, what Assange did by leaking was no different from what Daniel Ellsberg, the iconic whistle-blower of the 1970s, had done in leaking the Pentagon Papers to the press in 1971.What outraged the Pentagon and the US security services was not their enemies knowing these supposed secrets, but that a great trove of embarrassing information was now in the public domain. Suddenly 251,287 diplomatic cables, more than 400,000 classified army reports from the Iraq War and 90,000 from the war in Afghanistan were available. No history of these wars can be written without referring to them.How then did Assange, unlike Ellsberg, achieve pariah status in the eyes of much of the media and the public? The explanation is that he became a victim of the “cancel culture” of the right, the left and the centre.In the eyes of the right, he was a spy, while for liberals he was damned by allegations of rape made against him in Sweden in 2010, for which he was investigated but never charged. As with accusations of espionage made against Assange, the story of the rape investigation was widely misreported. Swedish prosecutors three times dropped the case and three times took it up again over nine years.What was really happening was best summarised by Nils Melzer, the UN special rapporteur on torture.....

Farage on Housing Two Homes Needed Every Minute To Cope With Migrants Galloway War In Six Months If Starmer Becomes PM NTBCFMPS-full-show-21Jun24

Labour Party inheritance tax story LINK**. Nigel Farage, Reform Party, giving a speech in Blackpool - Brexit, immigration. George Galloway, Workers Party, giving a speech - Armageddon is coming. Heiku Ku on why he's standing for the Workers Party in Putney. Putney election hustings - the Putney Debates. LINK**. Kier Starmer on Port Talbot. Ken Loach on Kier Starmer - witch hunt against 'anti-Semites' in Labour Party. Dia Moodley, preacher for Spirit of Life Reformed Baptist Church, in Locklease, on how he was arrested for preaching outside University. Isaac Rose, author of '.....', answering questions - how student accommodation is one of the best investments LINK**.

Part Two

Finklestein on a solution to the problems in Israel/Palestine .... Crispin Blunt on the Israel/Hamas conflict. Serbian President, Alexsandar Vucic, on how the train has left the station for war. Putin is a saviour sent by God - says Caraganov - story LINK**. Stoltenberg, NATO Chief, ..... The Cook Report - Roger Cook acquiring a nuclear weapon. Dave Starbuck - 23rd July 2003 - court marshall inside Lakenheath for child abuse - US Army found guilty. Jack Hargreaves on Stone Henge. Guy with planes ....

Armageddon warning as Galloway claims PM Starmer will drag UK into WW3 'within six months'George Galloway has made little secret of his distaste for both Sir Keir and Labour, the party for which he was first elected as an MP.By Ciaran McGrath, Senior News Reporter Thu, Jun 20, 2024 Galloway predicts a war if Keir Starmer is elected as PMBritain will be dragged into a full-scale war with Russia “within six months” if Labour leader Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer becomes Prime Minister, George Galloway has controversially claimed.The Workers Party of Great Britain leader, who is standing in the Rochdale seat he won in a by-election earlier this year, made his controversial remark during the launch of his party’s manifesto yesterday.Mr Galloway, who once again dismissed Sir Keir and Tory Prime Minister Rishi Sunak as “two cheeks of the same backside”, told reporters: “We are potentially headed to Armageddon.“And if we don't get out of this death spiral, then none of this will be worth arguing over at all.”He added: “I want to make a prediction. If Keir Starmer becomes the Prime Minister, within six months, Britain will be a war.“I don't mean a proxy war. I don't mean Special Forces dressed up as Arabs or Russians or Ukrainians.“I mean, an actual war, with British forces deployed within six months of Keir Starmer becoming Prime Minister.“And then it's game on, I'm afraid to say.”Mr Galloway has made little secret of his opposition to Britain’s support of Ukraine in its fight against Russia, recently claiming Vladimir Putin’s interview with Tucker Carlson would show people the Russian president is “not Vlad the Mad or Bad and that they’ve been lied to about him”.The manifesto itself commits to “a referendum on membership of NATO with a view to a national debate on all our collective security arrangements”.It adds: “Our own position is clear – under current circumstances, we will continue to campaign for Britain to leave NATO as a clear and present danger to the security of the British population and seek new collective security arrangements centred on the protection of peoples and not of states or industries.”It also states: “Our position on Ukraine centres on a condemnation of the expansionary provocation of NATO in alliance with another ethno-nationalist government that throws its own people into a perpetual meat grinder.

Team finds evidence of commonly conducted ritualized human sacrifice across Europe in the Stone Age

by Bob Yirka ,

NOTE Out Of Town - With Jack Hargreaves: Volumes 1-9

Saint-Paul-Trois-Châteaux pit 69. (A) View taken from the upper part of the 255 storage pit showing the three skeletons, with one individual in a central position (Woman 256 1) and the other two placed under the overhang of the wall (Woman 2 and Woman 3). The 257 photos were taken with a wide-angle lens; otherwise, all three individuals cannot be 258 captured in a single shot. (Credit: A. Beeching) (B) Reconstruction of the remains, 259 blocked under the overhang of the wall of the storage pit lined with straw (typical in 260 storage pits). The woman in the central position was separated from the other two by a 261 feature made of perishable materials. (C) Lastly, the storage pit was filled with stones, 262 most likely at a later point. (D) Detailed view of the individual (Women 3) in a prone 263 position with a box-shaped stone on the left half of her remains (white square). The 264 upside-down grindstone fragment next to the box-shaped stone covers the head of the 265 individual lying underneath (white circle). Credit: Science Advances (2024). DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adl3374

A team of archaeologists affiliated with several institutions in France and one in Germany has found that ritualized human sacrifice was common across Europe during the Neolithic.

As they report in the journal Science Advances, the group studied the remains of three women found in a tomb in France who appeared to have been ritually brutalized sometime between 4000 and 3500 BCE and compared the remains with others like them found at sites in Europe.

The work began with the study of the remains of three women found in a tomb in Saint-Paul-Trois-Châteaux—two of the bodies showed the women were buried in unusual positions, one on her back with her legs bent upward, the other in a prone position with her neck on the torso of the other woman—characteristics associated with incaprettamento, a murder technique used by organized criminals as a means of intimidation in modern times.

The third woman was lying on her side. One of the women also had a piece of a grindstone set on her skull and another appeared to have been buried alive. The positioning, the researchers suggest, indicates that the victims were likely killed where they lay. They also note that in addition to the odd positioning of the bodies relative to one another, they were also all oriented toward the solstice.
Saint-Paul-Trois-Châteaux and the area surrounding pits 69 and 70. Credit: Science Advances (2024). DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adl3374

The researchers suggest the positioning likely meant that the women had all been killed using a form of ritualized asphyxiation—ligature strangulation—where the weight of a victim's own body results in strangulation.

To add more credence to their theory, they searched the literature for other instances of similar finds in other parts of Europe. They found 20 cases, from sites in Spain, Catalonia and Eastern Europe. Some of the earliest examples dated to between 5400 and 4800 BCE., an indication that forced forms of positional asphyxiation were conducted as part of ritualistic sacrifices all across Europe for thousands of years. They note also that rock carvings found in a cave in Italy depicted the form of human sacrifice they observed in the cave in France.

STONE-DEAD Inside Stonehenge’s dark past on the summer solstice – from human sacrifices to skinned corpses and a twin torture site

Professor Wolfgang Neubauer, who worked at the site, believed the bodies were from around 3,800BC and explained the “very peculiar burial rituals”.

He said: “They had defleshment, they had cutting off heads – heads were actually treated completely differently than the other parts of the body. 

“There was preparation of the bones to be put into this large tomb, which was a tomb for the whole community."

Not only was all skin and flesh prized off but the bones were broken into small pieces that were then buried.

Once the tomb was full, Professor Neubauer believed they submerged it along and left other tributes to either the dead or the gods.

The Leader of the Lebanese resistance movement, Hezbollah says Israel and its western benefactors should avoid a direct conflict with Hezbollah due to the resistance group's high military capacity which is well-manifested in its recent operations.

Hezbollah Secretary General was addressing a ceremony honoring Talib Abdallah, one of the group’s commanders who was recently killed by Israel. The Lebanese leader stressed that Israel’s assassination of its top commanders would never sow doubt in the resistance group’s determination. Nasrallah described Lebanon’s battle with Israel as a supporting front for the resistance in Gaza, which has inflicted heavy losses on Israel. Nasrallah however said that Lebanon has acquired detailed information about Israel's vital sites and is prepared for the worst case scenario, in case of any direct confrontation. The Lebanese resistance leader also said Israel’s failures in face of Palestinians' brave resistance have forced the regime to fabricate a Gaza victory to deceive people at home.

Gaza will be the grave of the Western-led world order

By supporting Israel’s atrocities in Gaza, the West has shredded what remains of its credibility and brought the ‘rules-based’ world order it purports to lead to the point of no return.

Saul J Takahashi, Professor of Human Rights and Peace Studies at Osaka Jogakuin University in Osaka, Japan

No matter how it concludes, South Africa’s lawsuit in the International Court of Justice arguing Israel has violated the Genocide Convention will go down in history. It will either be remembered as the first step towards finally holding a rogue state accountable for repeated, longstanding violations of international law; or as the last, dying breath of a dysfunctional, Western-led international system.

For the hypocrisy of Western governments (and the Western political elite as a whole) has finally brought the so-called “rules-based world order” they purport to lead to the point of no return. Full-throttled Western support for Israel’s genocidal rampage in Gaza has truly exposed the double standards of the West with regard to human rights and international law. There is no turning back, and the West has only its own arrogance to blame.

The litany of war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by Israel in Gaza are clear as the light of day for anybody who has access to a smartphone. Social media feeds are overflowing with videoclips of hospitals and schools being bombed, fathers pulling out the lifeless bodies of their children from under destroyed buildings, mothers crying over the corpses of their babies. And yet, the reaction of Western governments – besides seemingly limitless military and political support – has been to label any criticism of Israel as anti-Semitism and attempt to ban outright any expression of solidarity with the Palestinian people.

West's policy of 'decapitation', assassination of Gaza's friends reveals fragility of their rule

The Putney Debates
Public Meetings

Come and Debate the Great Questions of our Time

In the historic tradition of the 1647 Putney Debates, The Putney Debates 2024 are public meetings and general hustings where the candidates and parties standing in Putney Constituency share their views and present their solutions to the great questions of our time.

The Putney Debates aim to revive grass-roots democratic participation in the electoral process.

The Putney Debates will be the most intensive and comprehensive election debates taking place anywhere in the country.

All candidates or their nominated representatives will be allotted equal time to speak and respond to your questions.

The Putney Debates include general hustings and in depth debates on specific themes and subjects

The public, the media and citizen journalists are encouraged to video and live stream The Putney Debates.

The Candidates
Peter Hunter Reform UK
Kieren McCarthy Liberal Democrats
Heiko Khoo Workers Party of Britain
Lee Jamie Roberts Conservative
Fleur Anderson Labour
Fergal McEntee Green
Felix Burford-Connole The Rejoin EU Party

Eilis Jordan (local teacher)

[email protected]

Independent Moderator

The Putney Debates are held in publicly funded meeting places booked under the Representation of the People Act 1983 – Section 95 & 96 for the purpose of promoting or procuring the giving of votes in the forthcoming election.

All the Putney Debates are non-selective hustings and are open to the public. 

Check the below for any additions or amendments to the listings and to watch videos of the debates





General Hustings

St Barnabas Church
146 Lavenham Rd, Southfields SW18 5EP

Monday 17 June

7.45pm- 9.30pm

General Hustings

St Mary’s Church
Putney High St,

SW15 1SN

Tuesday 18 June


General Hustings

Grannard School
Cortis Rd, SW15 6XA

Thursday 20 June


General Hustings

West Hill Primary School
5 Merton Rd, SW18 5ST

Friday 21 June

6.15pm -8.30pm

Political and Economic Philosophy -
Capitalism, socialism, liberalism, nationalism, etc. candidates explain their basic philosophy and economic theories.

Putney Library
5-7 Disraeli Rd,
SW15 2DR

Monday 24 June


General Hustings

Ashcroft Technology Academy
100 West Hill, SW15 2UT

Tuesday 25 June

War and Peace - People and Planet –What is Britain’s place and role in the world and what should it be? Climate change, the environment, Net Zero policies etc.

Putney Library
5-7 Disraeli Rd,
SW15 2DR

Wednesday 26 June


Health and Science what can be done to improve the NHS? What lessons can be learned from Covid? What is the proper relationship between science and society?

Putney Library
5-7 Disraeli Rd,
SW15 2DR

Thursday 27 June


Democracy, Power and Parliament– Is Parliamentary democracy in crisis? What reforms, should be considered? Is free speech under threat? What is the role of supranational organisations like the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, the European Union? 

Putney Library
5-7 Disraeli Rd,
SW15 2DR

Friday 28 June


General Hustings

Ashcroft Technology Academy
100 West Hill, SW15 2UT

Saturday 29 June

Education, Housing, Transport and Urban Life - Crime, National Security and Immigration
How should we solve education, housing and transport issues? How should we approach immigration, crime, policing?

Putney Library
5-7 Disraeli Rd,
SW15 2DR

Monday 1 July

Technology, AI, and the Future of Humanity
What are the advantages and dangers of technology? How can we influence, shape and control technology for the good of humanity and our local communities?

Bradlehow School
32 Brandlehow Rd,
SW15 2ED

Tuesday 2 July

General Hustings

Roehampton Church of England School
245, Roehampton Lane
SW15 4AA

Wednesday 3 July

George Galloway, The Workers Party - shut out of election coverage? Claire Daley, MEP, pushed out.... Craig Murray on why he joined The Workers Party - Gaza. Nigel Farage answering questions on shocking things candidates for The Reform Party have said. Mass immigration fuelling support for Reform Party. Nigel Farage being rude about Sunak not understanding our culture when he left D-Day event early. LBC - Farage on a Reform Party candidate likening Muslims to Nazis. George Galloway on voting for the lesser of two evils. Sky interviews Sunak and Starmer - Starmer called a robot. Reform Party have a lead over Tories. Starmer on military intervention action generally and Northern Ireland. Northern Ireland and British activity. Palestine Action throw paint on Barclays Bank. Report LINK**. Hedley Rees on the mis-regulation of pharmaceuticals by the MHRA. Celebrity Doctors promoted vaccines without revealing payments during Covid pandemic LINK**. David Miller's quote against Science Media Centre. The Royal Institute. mRNA jabs for cancer coming soon. Astra Zeneca Covid jab now discontinued. Follow Hedley Rees on Substack - Inside Pharma.

St Petersburg International Economic Forum this week - not covered in Western press hardly at all. G7 agrees to give more money to Zelensky. Putin lays out a peace offer for Ukraine - discarded. Sergei Karaginov thinks Putin is being too soft. Karaginov on how you deal with a dog that bites you. Putin on hyenas. Putin ending his speech at economic forum LINK**. General Sir Patrick Sanders on war with Russia ...? The Saker website has stopped. Skripal affair dossier by The Saker LINK**. Biden and ..... deal. F16 fighter jets near border with Russia - WW3. NATO Chief Rob Bower - NATO weapons striking inside Russia. Scott Ritter, at The Schiller Institute conference, on the inequal nuclear deterrents of different Countries and The West ripping up nuclear treaties. Russian war ships in Havana Cuba. Guterres on how Gaza is the worst war induced humanitarian crisis he has seen. Tedros, WHO, on the UN coming to an agreement on Gaza. Annie Machon - bombers .... Natalie Minis, of Purposeful Path blog, on how she can't get back in to her Facebook account after ditching Google LINK**. Jerusalem as the centre of a future new world order.

The Rentier City: Manchester and the Making of the Neoliberal Metropolis
by: Isaac Rose Bristol

In cities across the world, gentrification and the housing crisis are facts of life. But how did we get to this point? And is there any way we can fight back?

A good place to begin answering these questions is Manchester, England. Over the last thirty years, corporate developers, rentier capitalists and boosterist politicians have reshaped Manchester in their image, replacing its working-class communities, public spaces and affordable housing with skyscrapers, luxury developments and a private rental market that creates wealth for rentiers and impoverishes everybody else.

The Rentier City traces this story, showing how it fits within the longer history of Manchester. In doing so unveils a larger story of the relationship between capital and our cities, between rentier and rentee, and gives us a blueprint of how fight back against rentier capitalism and take back control of the cities we live in.
Categories Architecture, Politics

The Rentier City: Manchester and the Making of the Neoliberal Metropolis

Isaac Rose is a tenant organiser and writer living in Manchester. He works for the Greater Manchester Tenants Union, and his writing have appeared in Tribune, Novara Media, The New Internationalist and elsewhere.

"Rose's compelling evocation of Manchester as a symptomatic 'rentier city' will provide a crucial reference point for all those seeking a less exploitative and socially polarised urban future."
-- Neil Gray, editor of Rent and its Discontents: A Century of Housing Struggle

"A remarkable achievement.... The Rentier City is destined to become the definitive account of how and why Manchester has neoliberalised, while also suggesting how a different city trajectory can be realised."
-- Paul Watt, Visiting Professor, Department of Sociology, London School of Economics

"A compassionate account of how Manchester's traditions of ruthless capitalism and contempt for the urban working class got revived and rebranded, demonstrating how local government, property developers and the culture industry have worked together to create a landlord's paradise."
-- Owen Hatherley, author ofRed Metropolis: Socialism and the Government of London

"As a born and bred Mancunian I've been waiting for a book like this for some time! A wonderful, rich, yet accessible, account of the rise, fall and neoliberal resurrection of rentierism in Manchester over the longue durée. A must read for anyone interested in the past, and concerned about the present and future of this paradigmatic city."
-- Loretta Lees, international urbanist and scholar-activist, co-author ofGentrification and Planetary Gentrification

"Since the eighties, Manchester's public housing and sites of social communing, including the Haçienda, have been decimated by private developers working in tandem with city boosters. Has any other city ever lost so much of its soul in such a short space of time? Isaac Rose has provided us with a searing account of this history."
-- Tim Lawrence, author of Love Saves the Day: A History of American Dance Music Culture

"In this sharp, impassioned study, Isaac Rose shines a light on the endlessly nuanced, utterly venal yet irrepressibly soulful northern metropolis that is modern-day Manchester. This is an essential, searing and vital piece of writing."
-- Alex Niven, author ofThe North Will Rise Again

"An important and hopeful book, written in the spirit of resistance against the wreckage of rentier extraction, and an indispensable contribution to our understanding of neoliberal urbanism."
-- Tom Slater, Professor of Urban Studies, Columbia University

"Written by an author grounded in the struggles of his adopted city, The Rentier City is much more than a cautionary tale about "Manc-hatten"; it is a dystopian window into the global urban age in construction and a call to arms to rebel before it's too late."
-- Stuart Hodkinson, author of Safe as Houses: Private Greed, Political Negligence and Housing Policy after Grenfell

"Isaac Rose, like Engels before him, takes us behind the shiny façade of the creative city to reveal the mechanisms of capital accumulation and population displacement that drive the city. The Rentier City gives the lie to the heroic Manchester story and helps us talk about reclaiming the city for the common good."
-- Justin O'Connor, author of Culture is not an Industry

Thousands Of Starving Children In Southern Gaza Cut Off From Care, Says UNICEF

The nearly 3,000 Palestinian children experiencing acute malnutrition are at risk of "dying before their families' eyes" as Israel continues to attack Rafah.

Thousands of starving Palestinian children in southern Gaza are at risk of “dying before their families’ eyes,” according to the United Nations — a stark warning as Israel’s continued assault on Rafah cuts off access to the region’s health care facilities and life-saving treatment for malnutrition.

The nearly 3,000 affected children make up about three-quarters of the Palestinian youth in southern Gaza who were estimated to have been receiving care for moderate to severe acute malnutrition before Israel expanded its military offensive into Rafah, according to reporting from nutrition partners working with the United Nations Children’s Fund, or UNICEF.

“Horrific images continue to emerge from Gaza of children dying before their families’ eyes due to the continued lack of food, nutrition supplies and the destruction of healthcare services,” Adele Khodr, UNICEF’s regional director for the Middle East and North Africa, said in a statement on Tuesday.

“Unless treatment can be quickly resumed for these 3,000 children, they are at immediate and serious risk of becoming critically ill, acquiring life-threatening complications, and joining the growing list of boys and girls who have been killed by this senseless, man-made deprivation,” she continued.

Israel’s deadly military offensive in Gaza has entered its ninth month after Hamas militants attacked Israel on Oct. 7, killing about 1,200 people and taking about 250 hostages, roughly half of whom were released late last year. Since then, Israeli forces have killed more than 37,000 people — mostly women and children, according to the Gaza Health Ministry — displaced most of Gaza’s population, destroyed hospitals and blocked humanitarian assistance like food and clean water from entering the enclave.

“Numbers are numbing. Seeing this on the news over and over again, there is a kind of normalization that happens because people feel helpless,” Dr. Audrey McMahon, a pediatric psychiatrist who worked with Gaza’s children, told Doctors Without Borders. “But these children are human beings that have the same right to have a life lived in peace, to have access to good food, to grow healthy. They should have a right to have dreams and hope for the future.”

“Children are born where they’re born, and it doesn’t make them belong to any type of group,” she continued. “They are just children.”

Initially, images of child starvation in northern Gaza shocked the world as Palestinians grew desperate for humanitarian aid that was not arriving. Visibly emaciated babies and small children were shown clinging on to life while some families spoke of having to resort to eating animal feed and grass.

Humanitarian groups say that the aid situation has slightly improved in the north, but with Israeli forces still attacking Rafah and blocking major aid routes in the area, children in south and central Gaza are becoming malnourished, with virtually no access to proper health care.

Due to their metabolism, children are more susceptible to malnutrition, which leads to dangerously low blood sugar levels and stunts their growth, according to Dr. Tanya Haj-Hasan, a Doctors Without Borders pediatrician who has worked with Gaza’s youth.

“As adults, we need to eat so that we have energy, but our brains are fully developed. So if we are malnourished for some period of time, it’s very unlikely to impact our cognitive ability in the long term. Whereas in children, that’s not true at all,” she told the group earlier this month. “We know that starvation over time will eventually not only stunt the growth of their bodies, but also the growth of their brains and lead to developmental delays later in life and an inability to reach their full cognitive potential.”

Recent malnutrition screenings in Gaza’s southern and central governorates show that cases of moderate and severe malnutrition have risen since the second week of May, when Israel’s assault on Rafah drastically cut off aid access, according to UNICEF.

Treating a malnourished child usually takes between six and eight weeks of uninterrupted care, the agency said, and requires special therapeutic food and formula — items that are rare at a time when Palestinians also face infection and disease due to collapsed water and health care systems.

“Malnourished children also have compromised immune systems. So a simple infection like a virus or a diarrheal illness that would be totally recoverable in a healthy person could actually lead to a malnourished child’s death,” Haj-Hasan told Doctors Without Borders.

– Shakir Yildrim joins Tony and Martin. Shakir drove an ambulance full of supplies to Gaza at the time of Operation Cast Lead in 2008,
– Gives his story of this. He was also on the boat Marmara, part of a flotilla, taking supplies to Gaza in 2010.
– US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Hayley visits Wailing Wall and signs her name on a US bomb to be dropped by the IDF on Palestinians.
– Far-right Israelis attack journalists and Palestinians at Jerusalem ‘Flag March’
– Israeli airstrike on UN school in Gaza – Al Jazeera. Dozens feared dead in Israeli airstrike on UNRWA school in Gaza
– More than 35 displaced people were killed when an Israeli airstrike hit an UNRWA-run school in Nuseirat
– Kuds News on Telegram. Quds News Network (QNN) is the largest independent and comprehensive Palestinian youth electronic news network.
– Stella Perrett, cartoonist and activist, joins Tony and Martin. She and others have started a new political party The Party of Women.
– This is a protest party against non-binary ideology extremists. Kellie-Jay Keen is candidate in Bristol Central
– Tony’s phone call to office of Steve Baker MP to ask what he thinks about NATO strike against Russian radar system. Three Russian early warning radars destroyed – by NATO?
– Greens drop meat/dairy rationing plans on Kussenberg show! Smaller political parties in UK. Laura Kussensberg interviewing Adrian Ramsey
– Galloway’s Workers Party to stand candidates everywhere in challenge to Labour THE Workers Party will challenge Labour in almost every English seat at the general election
– D-Day twisted remembrance events this week, Russophobic charade led by King Charles.
– Russia won WW2 – but is only mentioned as an equivalent to Nazi Germany now.
– Bargaining for UK/Nazi post-war pact done by Churchill’s private secretary Morton with Nazi Bormann at the end of WW2.
– Biden takes aim at Putin: War’s ‘dark forces never fade’ despite Russia defeating Hitler in WWII.
– Dunkirk 26 May-04 June 1940: 330,000 ALLIED SOLDIERS WITHDRAWN FROM FRANCE Winston Churchill speech
– the end of Christian Civilisation, a dark age to come if Hitler wins – is that dark age with us now, imposed by the Bilderbergers’ financial 4th Reich,
– Dieppe was staged to appease Soviets who were losing tens of millions on the Eastern front – many Canadians used and died.
– D-Day 6th June 1944 – 150,000 SOLDIERS IN SUCCESSFUL SURPRISE NORMANDY LANDINGS key role of occult writer Dennis Wheatley in D-Day’s success:
– At the beginning of World War Two Wheatley was recruited to a highly secret department of the War Cabinet
– How a British Thriller Writer Helped Win WWII Before there was James Bond, there was Gregory Sallust.
– Sallust is a British secret agent, the hero of a series of World War II spy books that novelist Dennis Wheatley—then the most popular thriller writer in Britain—began writing in 1939.
– ‘OP JB’ book by John Ainsworth-Davis he was ordered to betray the Dieppe raid to the Nazis to embed his MI6 cover as a loyal Nazi spy.
– He was taken to Dieppe clifftops and told if the ‘surprise’ raid did not turn up he would be shot and thrown into the sea,
– Creation of post-war Financial '4th Reich' ‘Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile’ book by former CBS journalist Paul Manning (1981)
– Anticipating the defeat of the Third Reich, Reichsleiter Martin Bormann set up 750 corporations to receive the (Sullivan & Cromwell laundered) wealth of Germany
– Kier Starmer speech – slippery on Gaza – support for Ukraine, signals possible review of UK arms sales to Israel under Labour government
– Tories resisted pressure to halt licences, amid concerns that Israel could be in breach of international humanitarian law.
– Spain says ‘its ICC genocide’ in Gaza Spain says to join South Africa’s Gaza genocide case against Israel at ICJ
– SPIEF St Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) 2024 convenes – BRICS economic forum meeting.
– Scott Ritter passport taken off him this week – possible attacks by Russia on West if military infrastructure continues to be bombed by NATO
– Gilbert Doctorow – what we should expect from Russia after NATO takes out Russian radar system.
– Cuban Missile Crisis 2.0 by Gilbert Doctorow – most likely revenge attack by Russia will be….a massively destructive attack on Kiev.
– Biden Celebrates Deaths of Russian Soldiers in Ukraine Russia not invited to event in Normandy commemorating 80th anniversary of D-Day
– The West Has Placed the Survival of the World in the Hands of Three Artificial States by Paul Craig Roberts
– Three arrested in Hong Kong after failing to respect Chinese anthem. Hong Kong: Arrests over China anthem protest at World Cup qualifier
– NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

Scandal at Dolphin Square: A Notorious History by Simon Danczuk, & Daniel Smith

The first book to tell the scandal-filled story of Dolphin Square, the UK's most notorious address In 1937 Dolphin Square was built in London's Pimlico, a major development offering 1,250 flats to well-to-do private individuals. From the outset, it attracted the great and the good - in particular, a long roll-call of Members of Parliament and celebrities. It was perhaps inevitable that scandal would follow not far behind. In fact, in less than a century Dolphin Square has established itself as arguably the most notorious address in the country. This, then, is the story of the Square - not of its topography, but of its people, an extraordinary array of characters who have borne witness to and been pivotal in some of the most scandalous episodes in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. It is a story replete with mysterious deaths, espionage, illicit love affairs, glamour, politics and scandal - from Oswald Moseley, the Carry On gang and Profumo, to allegations of VIP sexual abuse rings. A saga of colour and shade, populated by a cast of Dickens-esque larger-than-life characters, that shines a light on the evolving nature of British politics and society over the last century.

'Climate Change' worse in 1975 (rained all year) & 1976 (no rain) Jack Hargreaves Out Of Town (1988)
YouTube Views When Banned: 461
Published on Jul 6, 2022

Jack Hargreaves Climate Change UK Dont Panic 1975 wet-1976 dry Out Of Town E6 (1988)

Heatwave UK: Five great British summers over the last 100 years
Julian Gavaghan
17 July 2013

Sizzling, sweltering or scorching – whichever way you describe it, this summer has already been a memorably hot one.

We are currently enjoying the longest spell of blazing sunshine for seven years after enduring a succession of washouts.

But what other historic heatwaves have stood the test of time to be remembered as truly Great British Summers? Below are our top five of the last century:


The highest temperature ever recorded in Britain was set during the sizzling summer of 2003, when the 100-Fahrenheit mark was broken for the first and only time.

The mercury soared to 38.5C (101.3F) at Brogdale, near Faversham, Kent, on August 10, smashing the previous 1990 record of 37.1C (98.8F).

Across Europe, around 70,000 people are believed to have died during the worst heatwave on the continent for almost 500 years.

Britain luckily escaped the worst following a cool and wet two-week period at the end of July and beginning of August.

It led to the worst drought for 27 years and wilting crops led to a 12% shortfall in wheat, causing the price of bread to soar.

But most Britons were simply content to enjoy what was the first sustained heatwave in almost a decade with, notably, a mud-free Glastonbury festival for once.


The hottest British summer on record was 1976, when for 25 straight days the temperature hit at least 26.7C (80F).

For 15 days during the spell, between June 22 and July 16, the mercury soared beyond 32.2C (90F) somewhere in England.

The temperature exceeded 35C (95F) for five blistering days of the heatwave, peaking at 35.9C (96.6F) on July 3 in Cheltenham.

It was perfect weather for women to wear the some of the decade’s notoriously skimpy outfits, although not so great for men with long hair and flairs.

But there were major downsides as Britain suffered its worst drought in history, with water being rationed in some places by standpipes in the streets.

Some areas went without rain from the start of the main heatwave until the last week of August.


Prior to 1976, the most memorably hot summer had been in 1959.

Blue skies dominated the horizons for weeks with most places in southern England seeing temperatures above 21C (70F) for at least 100 days.

It was remembered as a gloriously long and comfortable summer – with only five days exceeding 30C (86f) - and few downpours to spoil picnics.

In fact, there was so little rain that the five months between May and September remain the driest on record and resulted in a drought.

A British Pathé newsreel captured the mood of the nation by reporting – with a degree of astonishment - the first downpour of the summer.

"That stuff, yes it’s called rain, something we used to have in England a long time ago," begins the commentary before showing footage of a parched landscape.


The summer of 1949 – which was the hottest in 30 years – also saw one of the worst droughts on record.

A heatwave between mid-June and the end of July exacerbated the water shortages caused by an earlier dry winter.

In London, even nighttime temperatures did not drop below 24C (75C) during this period.

People took to sleeping in Hyde Park and other cool green spaces rather than sweating in their beds at home.

A British Pathe newsreel shows a host of parched landscapes and how Britons coped with water shortages.

Areas hit by drought included bone-dry Rivington Reservoir near Preston and the unnavigable Leeds-Liverpool Canal near Burnley, both in normally wet Lancashire.

Many in rural areas were left without any supply and water wagons – cars carrying the precious liquid in pails? – were filmed driving around offering it to houses.

And, in Derbyshire, a 100ft drop in levels at the Ladybower Reservoir brought to the surface the remains of the village of Derwent, which was flooded in 1943.

Kellie-Jay Keen is candidate in Bristol Central

By Martin Booth , Saturday Jun 8, 2024

Kellie-Jay Keen, also known as Posie Parker, has made an unexpected entry into the race to become Bristol Central’s first MP.

Keen, who used to live in Cotham, founded the Let Women Speak movement and will be standing for the Party of Women at the general election on July 4.

Her website describes her as “unapologetic and unafraid” who “believes that language is the key weapon in the arsenal of those who wish to erase women”.

Keen has also been referred to as an anti-transgender rights campaigner, a far-right transphobic activist and a bigot.

Red Flag Australia says that protests need to be held against her because her “myriad links to racist, homophobic and sexist far-right figures and groups puts paid to the idea that there is something progressive about Parker’s supposed concerns for women”.

The Party of Women is a private company that was first registered in Bath in February with Keen, who has a correspondence address in Trowbridge in Wiltshire, named as its sole director.

All candidates who want to stand for election in Bristol need to hand in their nomination papers in the council’s electoral services office at the B bond warehouse on Spike Island, where Keen left it until the last day possible but was accepted as a candidate.

On Friday, the self-declared “women’s rights advocate” also tweeted a video saying that there were no women’s toilets in the building that also houses the Create Centre and Bristol Archives.

She also told her followers on X that she does not think “it’s remotely appropriate for councils to be flying rainbow flags or wearing rainbow lanyards whilst pretending to have no political bias during an election”.

The Let Women Speak website says that their campaign “is to focus specifically on the word woman and other female language that clearly defines women and our rights”.

In Bristol Central, Keen has entered a straight two-horse race between two women candidates: the incumbent Labour MP Thangam Debbonaire and Green Party co-leader Carla Denyer.

Speaking in a live video on Friday, Keen mentioned how former Bristol Green councillor Jude English had been suspended and “treated abysmally apparently because she doesn’t think women have penises”.

Of Debbonaire, Keen said: “You might not have really heard of Thangam but that’s because she doesn’t really say anything of any interest.”

In her video, Keen said that there is an “existential threat posed by transgenderism and men in women’s spaces which I find frankly intolerable”.

She added that “the disruption has begun”.

“And to women in Bristol, at least one politician in Bristol gives a crap whether or not you can have a female-only space. And I say one politician, because I simply don’t know any others.”

On the same day as Keen handed in her nomination papers in Bristol, a trans and intersex activist who doused her with tomato juice in New Zealand in 2023 pleaded guilty to two common assault charges.

At an event on College Green in 2022 of Keen’s group that was then called Standing For Women, dozens of counter-protesters disrupted what they called “a transphobic rally”.

Keen has said that there will be a Let Women Speak rally taking place in Bristol on July 2, two days before the general election.

Gods Will - Tim Cohen Christian Zionist view of Israel Gaza land-grab NTBCFMPS 24May24#

Tim Cohen, author of 'The Anti Christ and a Cup of Tea', joins Tony and Martin. As a Christian Zionist he thinks Jews have a right to the Promised Land. He thinks Israel has been behaving Ok in Gaza, and it's God's wish. He thinks this is all part of God's plan. Gaza's Philistines, Edomites, Canaanites et al. are NOT innocent, as THEY have empowered Hamas and other terrorist factions, allowing them to remain. The whole Promised Land, including all Gaza, belong to ISRAEL, and shortly (years from now) The God of Israel and Christians will END Islam and all other false religions globally, and all Israel will turn to God through Christ Jesus, so that Israel's survivors are then saved. (Two-thirds of Israel in Judaea will first die.) The surviving "Palestinians" who are then in Israel's midst, whom The LORD allows to live in Israel's (full) land, who also shall then be newly born-again Christians, will be Israel's SERVANTS AND SLAVES until their natural deaths, though children born to them following coming judgments, will be like native Israelites in the Promised Land, with all the same rights, etc.

Scottish Chief Executive MAP, Melanie Ward, aid worker in Gaza on LBC, is witness to how terrible it is in there. 22 charities welcome ICJ order to halt Israel’s military offensive in Rafah, urge UK to uphold its measures “As an aid worker in Gaza the current situation is deeply distressing. The feeling of helplessness and frustration is overwhelming. Our primary mission is to help those in need, but with the borders closed and no aid coming in, our hands are tied. We are acutely aware of the worsening conditions and the urgent needs of people, and it is heartbreaking to witness their suffering without being able to provide the necessary support.” On 24 May 2024, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ordered additional provisional measures regarding Israel’s alleged violations in Gaza of obligations under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. The court ordered that, in light of the worsening conditions in Rafah, Israel must immediately halt its military offensive, and any other action in the Rafah governorate, which may subject the Palestinian population in Gaza to conditions of life that may lead to their physical destruction, in whole or in part. The court described the conditions in Rafah as ‘disastrous’ and is ‘not convinced that the evacuation efforts and related measures that Israel affirms to have undertaken to enhance the security of civilians in the Gaza Strip, and in particular those recently displaced from the Rafah Governorate, are sufficient to alleviate the immense risk to which the Palestinian population is exposed as a result of the military offensive in Rafah.’ The ICJ reaffirmed provisional measures indicated in its orders of 26 January 2024, and 28 March 2024, applicable throughout Gaza, including Rafah, and called for their immediate and effective implementation. This includes the unhindered provision at scale of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance, and the maintained opening of land crossing points, particularly the Rafah crossing. The Court also ordered Israel to allow unhindered access for any commission of inquiry, fact-finding initiatives or other UN bodies to investigate allegations of genocide. It also reiterated calls for the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages. Israel is required to submit a report one month from today, outlining all measures taken to comply with these orders.

President Raeisi of Iran is killed in a helicopter crash - but is this foul play? Some insight from Times of India about yesterday's Iran president 'crash' - fact there was no distress call, if true, points to foul play, these choppers are known to be reliable beasts and have a ceiling of 18,000ft which should put them above bad weather and cloud. Also if engine fails or similar, they can autorotate and come down reasonably slowly giving plenty of time for distress calls... Is anyone in Israel saying 'God killed Iran's president'? I bet they're all thinking it and this spiritual aspect is IMO a major motive for the West to deal emotional psyop blows by bumping off 'enemy leaders'. And capitalising on it at home... Ie 'God is with us'. Even though Mossad MI6 and the CIA are, in fact 'god' carrying out heaps of covert actions. Welcome to 'the summer of hate'....?

'When NATO Dogs/Hyenas Attack You, Hit Them With A Stick. If They Still Persist, Just Shoot One Or Two, The Others Will Soon Run Away'. Sergey Karaganov with Putin at SPIEF (the anti-Nazi WEF) in St Petersburg ... where Scott Ritter was prevented from flying by confiscation of his US passport this week Fri07Jun24

Ukraine-Russia war latest: Vladimir Putin repeats warning he could send weapons to adversaries of the West

Speaking at the St Petersburg International Economic Forum, Vladimir Putin also says he does not see the conditions for the use of nuclear weapons as set out in Russia's nuclear doctrine - but adds he could not rule out a change to it.

Putin says he sees no threat warranting use of nuclear arms but warns Russia could arm Western foes
Updated 6:01 PM BST, June 7, 2024

ST. PETERSBURG, Russia (AP) — President Vladimir Putin said Friday that he sees no current threat to Russia’s sovereignty that would warrant the use of nuclear weapons but again warned that Moscow could send arms to countries or groups to strike Western targets.

Speaking at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, Putin said use of nuclear weapons is only possible in “exceptional cases” and that he does not believe “such a case has arisen.” The Russian leader has repeatedly raised the specter of a nuclear attack since he sent troops into Ukraine in 2022.

On Friday, he repeated a warning made days earlier that Moscow “reserves the right” to arm Western adversaries as a response to some NATO allies allowing Ukraine to use their weapons to strike targets inside Russia.

“If they supply (weapons) to the combat zone and call for using these weapons against our territory, why don’t we have the right to do the same?” Putin asked.

“But I’m not ready to say that we will be doing it tomorrow, either,” Putin added, suggesting that it might affect global stability.

He didn’t specify where such arms might be sent. The U.S. has said that Russia has turned to North Korea and Iran to beef up its stock of relatively simple weapons, but Moscow could dip into its stock of high-tech missiles to share with adversaries of the West if Putin decides to fulfill his threat.

The United States and Germany recently authorized Ukraine to hit some targets on Russian soil with the long-range weapons they are supplying to Kyiv.

On Wednesday, a Western official and a U.S. senator said Ukraine has used American weapons to strike inside Russia under newly approved guidance from President Joe Biden that allows American arms to be used to defend Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second-largest city. The official, who was not authorized to comment publicly on the sensitive matter, spoke on condition of anonymity.

Putin also said he sees no need for a new round of mobilization to beef up Russia’s forces in Ukraine because, he said, “people come voluntarily and go to the front lines to defend the Motherland.”

Russia mobilized 300,000 reservists in the fall of 2022 amid a series of military setbacks in Ukraine, an unpopular move that prompted hundreds of thousands to flee the country to avoid being drafted.

Putin made the comments during a question and answer session with a pro-Kremlin moderator at the forum, which has been used by Russia for decades as a showcase for touting the country’s development and to woo investors.

Earlier in a speech, he said the Russian economy is growing despite international sanctions and said Moscow has increasing economic ties with countries in Africa, the Middle East and Asia.

Putin said Russia “remains one of the key participants in world trade,” despite the sweeping sanctions, imposed for sending troops into Ukraine, that cut off much of Russia’s trade with Western Europe, the U.S. and their allies.


Created 3 years, 7 months ago.

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Beginning his working life in the aviation industry and trained by the BBC, Tony Gosling is a British land rights campaigner, historian & investigative radio journalist.

Over the last 20 years he has been exposing the secret power of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) and élite Bilderberg Conferences where the dark forces of corporations, media, banks and royalty conspire to accumulate wealth and power through extortion and war.

Tony has spent much of his life too advocating solutions which heal the wealth divide, such as free housing for all and a press which reflects the concerns of ordinary people rather than attempting to lead opinion, sensationalise or dumb-down.

Tony tweets at @TonyGosling.
Tune in to his Friday NOT The BCfm Politics Show at