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Name: Black Cat
Style: Stealth

Stat deployment
magic 2x health 1x stamina 4x

Black Cat joins the thieves guild so he can vender some of his loot after which the pair will head north because i want to get him some black book powers that will help with loot overflow and to protect Inigo from some not so friendly fire.

We begin to participate in a few of the larger battles.

We finish blackmailing a guard and get the shoes bosmer a free pass out as we continue on doing thieves guild quests

We get our hands on another Meitou quality weapon of the polearm type.

Some more C&C music this time Command & Conquer 4 Tiberian Twilight the music is interesting but their are other C&C games with better tracks and i am saving some of them for when we are ready to march.

Grim Dawn Extend limit mod
Elite difficulty

We advance further in Malmouth until we reach and breech the walls of the crown district.

We finish up with the earth cave and ready ourselves for class advancement.

Party composition
Monk/Black Belt
White Mage
Black Mage.

Name: Black Cat
Style: Stealth

Stat deployment
magic 2x health 1x stamina 4x

This guy was present during the whole of the Xhin run but i never encountered him because he is in a place i never go and once i had accidentally killed Xhin's first partner i was not interested in recruiting another.

Well we are back to rebuilding the army after losing it in the last video.

Despite me putting this game on the highest difficulty all the chosen companions no matter how low grade are still alive maybe i need to figure out how to raise some death flags, heh.

We do more quests for the thieves guild after spending a whole lot of money on stealth training.

We go on to do a little raiding this video and get a hold of the exile plank meitou quality weapon.for our little collection.

Also some C&C music for this round.

Grim Dawn Extend limit mod
Elite difficulty

We battle through the districts of Malmouth.

We now advance from Melmond to tackle the earth cave.

Party composition
Monk/Black Belt
White Mage
Black Mage.

Name: Black Cat
Style: Stealth
Class: (Thief?)

Stat deployment
magic 2x health 1x stamina 4x

After traveling though the wilds we end up in the town of Riften

For this video we burn a village one of our companions takes issue with that and then the lord of the western empire takes notice and we end up with a merc contract.

We do some more mages guild quests and some thieves guild quests between rounds of Wilhelm throwing around money like some minor noble for this video.

continuing where we left off we finish up with the animals and show off some of the troubles with training areas to close to working zones and i put a another set of musics on for this video.

Grim Dawn Extend limit mod
Elite difficulty

Doing a quest or two in the Malmouth area
low level or high level any enemy that can heal is a pain in the ass to deal with

From the Crown of the Marsh cave to the first town outside the starting area Melmond we continue on claiming the mystic key and all the treasures sealed away by it.

Party composition
Monk/Black Belt
White Mage
Black Mage.

Name: Black Cat
Style: Stealth
Class: (undefined)

Stat deployment
magic 2x health 1x stamina 4x

Black cat visits the city of Windhelm and a few off the trail places as per normal trouble abounds.

So recently i was looking up some of the class info from the older games to help me get a handle on what this character is and found out in ever game but Oblivion the Nightblade has stealth as one of it's leveling stats funny that.

We do some more trading and recruiting but this time i put some Ys chronicles 1&2 and ys oath in Felghana music to listen to thou some of it might be a bit more exciting then the game play at times.

The purpose of this is to see what kind of damage output I can get in this version of the game seeing as this will take awhile for now we are just going to enjoy the story as much of one as their is in this game and along the way poke at the bonus content now and then.

Starting Party composition
Monk/Black Belt
White Mage
Black Mage.

More battles more tournament fights.

Starting to think i should burn a village or two.

Picking up another quest for the fighters guild this one is more local and quickly resolved before heading back to Vivec city to hunt down a book.

Grim Dawn Extend limit mod
Elite difficulty

We bounce around Ugdenbog to clear up some quests.

Name: Black Cat
Style: Stealth
Class: (undefined)

Black Cat gets himself in a little trouble with the locals and has to flee from a few places.


Created 6 years, 4 months ago.

1435 videos

Category Gaming

What is this channel for?
This channel is here to show some of the games i play and once in awhile share my thoughts