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Topics with Chapters (TimeStamps)
(0) complete after the show! its Live unscripted!

(rough time locations)
[00:00:00] (1) Gen Chat and wait for people to join the live show
[00:01:00] (1b) Coming Up! Weekly catch of viral UFO vids + MUFON
in court + Ryan Graves disinfo on web and TV show Skinwalker Ranch
[00:02:00] (1c) dot dot dot - Paul checks the streams and bits
[00:20:46] (2) Main Topic Begins - fill in after the show

Paul warps up for the night....
cheers Paul.

Thanks for watching, Liking, and commenting on video it really helps.. and join our serious UFO research group on Discord social text chat and optional voice group

All Links can be found here to socials and beyond!
our website is listed there
*** If you want to support my work with a donation as low
as $1 a month then thanks very much ***

ALL footage FAIR USE to reviews, criticism, fact checking and education
a transformative work with commentary with some Parody.

Topics with Chapters (TimeStamps)
(0) complete after the show! its Live unscripted!

(rough time locations)
[00:00:00] (1) Gen Chat and wait for people to join the live show
[00:01:00] (1b) Coming Up! Weekly catch of viral UFO vids +
Nasca Mommies lies spun as truth + Skinwalker ranc h and beyond
more hilarious claims exposed + MUFON exposed as promoting fake UFO cash
to drive 100 dollar streaming service and more!
[00:02:00] (1c) dot dot dot - Paul checks the streams and bits
and finds pilled changed some webpage code disabling
his new counter for live stats so decides to see if can fit it quickly
[00:20:46] (2) Main Topic Begins - Great Donation from ManLock
as Paul begins the live show on UFOs finally!
[00:20:56] (3) MUFON exposed trying to sell a fake UFO case
this is not the first time Ron James reputation is toast!
[00:29:00] (3b) Ron James cry baby damage control email to blackvault
[01:02:10] (3c) Ron James email to thirdphase exposes his motives in UFOLOGY
[01:24:00] (4) UFOman Tin promoting a blurry cube mylar balloon
[01:33:00] (5) The radar decoy balloon with cuve reflector inside that most likely
Ryan Graves talks about. but didnt actually SEE!
[01:36:00] (6) Faked UFO testing video at area51 is most likely
a modified video of a F117 landing gear being tested
[01:47:30] (7) Rojas promoting starlink train over exposed so no gaps seen
as a cigar UAP
[02:10:00] (8) Chat crashed and Paul restarts it
[02:12:00] (9) Warning disinfo poster
[02:15:00] (10) Nazca Mommies wont DIE - Paul revisits it and tries to
show how they are made with various animal and human bone mix
and how scientists can be fooled by tricksters like Jaime M.
[02:20:00] (10b) Fake Doctors PhDs in the team of mommy researchers!
[02:31:00] (10c) Paul finds images of latest 3 fingered mommy with
elongated fetus? to compare in editor so people can see how Paul
[02:50:00] (10d) comparing bones how it could been faked
[03:08:00] (11) Now Paul breaks down the claims of latest Skinwalker Rance
Guys from both shows. No UFOs just more bugs and satellite coms
Paul sums up some additional bits first on Mommies
[03:27:00] (11b) Now back to the slide show on SWR.. the thing near
heli looks like a spider on the seccam Lens I have examples from own
house cameras!
[03:31:00] (11c) MIL jet with Radio and Radar maybe the
source of 1.6ghz? and then talks cattle mutilations
and drilling etc
[03:40:00] (11d) Travis clueless on updrafts hanging
parachutes in the air for extra minute!
[03:43:00] (11e) Travis think spy gear from gov helis
doing the 900MHZ... but Paul finds many things that
use it like walkie talkies and wireless mics :)
[03:46:00] (11f) Calf with pink eye or microwave burns
or radon radiation damage?
[04:00:00] (11g) Indians and bugs on Beyond SWR.
Paul goes over each key part of thermal heat changes
due to cloud moving and thermal drift and bus
in 90 degree turns proven to be bugs as 2 cameras
setup and one got it only!
[04:45:00] (12) Fly me to the moon comedy

Topics with Chapters (TimeStamps)
(0) complete after the show! its Live unscripted!

(rough time locations)
[00:00:00] (1) Gen Chat and wait for people to join the live show
[00:01:00] (1b) Coming Up! Just a spooky hour in NZ special
show talking about a new UFO TV shows in UK with lots
of new credible findings
[00:02:00] (1c) dot dot dot - Paul checks the streams and bits
and explains why the special is for.. too test out his multistreamer
API counter that tells him the top 3 media sites watching and likers
[00:06:00] (2) Main Topic Begins - Paul reads out some of the
comments on his shares on REDDIT.. to see and feel the hate
and oddly some loving it and some already changed their mind
that Im not too bad after all and a good channel.
[00:38:40] (3) Not many about Paul checks side chats - Shelly and Shogun
[00:43:55] (4) Paul now talks about a new show on UK BBC that covers
new witness interviews for Wales UFO sightings around the 1970s to 80s
[00:50:00] (5) Adults around the school Broad Haven also saw a cigar shaped craft
which alters things a bit that its kids messing about!
[00:51:41] (6) Paul says its reminds him of some OLD UFO stories he
saw with art renderings of FLY SUBMARINES and thought the cigar
UFO with dome sounded like the same type of craft and does a search
[00:56:50] (7) Paul finds some images of fly subs and modern Naval
subs called manta-ray and other DARPA craft
[01:17:20] (8) Back to snaps of 2 of the episodes from the show
Randall the investigator box of notes is shared who was frighten
of the case.. but unknown WHY? MiB or Aliens arent all friendly?
Correction the BBC report is Welsh but to Paul sounded part Scottish?
[01:24:53] (9) Swansea UFO flap - next door to Broad Haven.. UFO
sightings migrated down the coast
[01:25:00] (10) new Wave of triangle craft sightings!
some USOs!!!
[01:30:00] (11) University Scientist tried to debunk it and
in end said he cant cos of the claims of sudden speed
that rules out a blimp/airship as he knows it.
[01:33:44] (12) Podcaster in UK now explains about
the Scottish Calvine UFO case which is diamond
which could it be same one seen near Swansea?
[01:37:00] (13) Paul re-Caps his analysis he did on Calvine
that his theory its a dropBlimp for dark station with side mounted
single winged fight jets and points out the glass cabins on each craft
[01:40:00] (14) Her email back from Gov dismissing UFOs
[01:42:00] (15) Paul finishes off catch up with side comments
and posting links to the show where can watch it.

Paul warps up for the night....
cheers Paul.

Thanks for watching, Liking, and commenting on video it really helps.. and join our serious UFO research group on Discord social text chat and optional voice group

All Links can be found here to socials and beyond!
our website is listed there
*** If you want to support my work with a donation as low
as $1 a month then thanks very much ***

ALL footage FAIR USE to reviews, criticism, fact checking and education
a transformative work with commentary with some Parody.

Topics with Chapters (TimeStamps)
(0) complete after the show! its Live unscripted!

(rough time locations)
[00:00:00] (1) Gen Chat and wait for people to join the live show
[00:01:00] (1b) Coming Up! Look over the weeks UFO news and
alleged UFO claims, video analysis live! SKINWALKER ranch
maybe future beyond SWR have some REAL footage to come?
clips from sneak peak!
[00:02:00] (1c) dot dot dot - Paul checks the streams and bits
and spends extra time sending out random free gifts to
[00:12:00] (2) Main Topic Begins - Re-Cap the Mojo UFO
encounters from last live and what Paul thought.. back
then drones werent about or cheap. Be good if they come
back like in 2011 now tech vastly improved again in 13 years
[00:14:30] (3) Google clearly has VIP channels who make
them money they can break the rules and keep streaming.
GUFON and LuReviews both stream copyright content
and have streams terminated but they can come back and
resume streams or next day.
[00:16:00] (4) Sky Fire News no better then thirdphase pushing
out fake UFO sightings with wrong facts.. Paul finds the
truth on a Bledsoe alleged UFO claim
[00:27:43] (5) Navy Female Pilot Alex Dietrich sucks up to Mick West WTF!
[00:36:00] (5b) Paul talks about real scientist and how to
study this stuff properly and how hollywood were
going to do a show with MUFON on how they investigate
and setup cameras to document cases but cancelled it
as too boring!
[00:44:00] (6) Skinwalker Ranch and Beyond S02
latest episode reviews and claims/findings and
Paul gives his science spin what is really happening
as usual! Paul needs nasal spray so 3min break.
[00:47:00] (6b) Resume Slides for S05E07
[00:51:43] (6c) Paul points out the deceptive hidden truths
about the ranch they do not tell the audience
and lack of real optical zoom drone teams
and security drones might debunk their claims
too easy!
[01:04:00] (6d) Why Laser stopped? Paul explains
and I heard Mick West posted days later the
same debunk for it!
[01:06:00] (6e) Paul explains how light from laser
is refracted of air particles.. decides on CoPilot
to find the links/info quicker as live debunk!
Paul has it setup in edge and at first open chrome
by mistake. (some redditor hater made
comment on it.)
[01:16:00] (6f) Paul talks about their Kraken Sensor
but finds it hard to remember its secret
details but triangulates location of
1.6ghz which is homestead 2.. but why?
Paul thinks someone with sat phone!
[01:27:00] (6g) More rockets of course? But why?
Paul offers some science on it,
[01:30:00] (6h) Drill has stopped!
[01:32:00] (6i) Analysis of Lidar maps.. Paul
explains it all.. and how smoke and dust can
make the cone images
[01:37:37] (7) Paul has a break but plays greenstreet
episode exposing Brandon Fugal, that got my a copyright claim sadly.. messing
up side chat after,
[01:39:50] (7b) Paul interrupts to correct Greenstreet on Mick
West claiming its just glare.. but fails to say Mick made
assumptions its engine heat not craft skin heat. so it could
be real shape!!!
[01:52:00] (7c) Lying to create a show!
[01:59:00] (7d) Side Chat catchup
[02:01:00] (8) Now analysis of Beyond SWR S02E01 Mt Wilson Ranch
Delta - MANTA-ray craft guessing from scans radio
[02:05:00] (8b) Paul brings up a map of Wilson Ranch
and how far its away from Skinwalker
[02:11:00] (8c) Drill Machine computer crashes
[02:12:44] (8d) Sneak peak coming up evidence
first a Mylar balloon? deflated on the ground?
[02:13:37] (8e) to air in future what might
actually be legit real evidence of paranormal
using a laser grid up close of something moving
[02:17:00] (8f) Orbs of light look like bugs on IR
[02:23:00] (9) Re-cap and summary of SWR
from my tweets
[02:32:37] (10) Rys (AS) calls out Greer and BS
[02:33:29] (11) Ashton Forbes exposed again!
[02:39:30] (11b) Mocking AI Songs!
[02:46:00] (11c) Breaking down the free energy vids
[03:00:00] (12) Trump talks about pilots seeing UFOs
but he dont believe its aliens
[03:04:30] (13) A Private quad drone you csn fly with!!!
4 props with 2 blades
[03:11:00] (13b) Paul says be cool to add his magnet platform
to it or even make a model for his pad
[03:26:00] (14) Ross AI Song
[03:29:00] (15) UFOman latest vids solved - Drones
[03:36:00] (16) Thirdphase latest vids solved - Highrise in fog

Paul warps up for the night....
cheers Paul.

Thanks for watching, Liking, and commenting on video it really helps.. and join our serious UFO research group on Discord social text chat and optional voice group

All Links can be found here to socials and beyond!
our website is listed there
*** If you want to support my work with a donation as low
as $1 a month then thanks very much ***

ALL footage FAIR USE to reviews, criticism, fact checking and education
a transformative work with commentary with some Parody.

Topics with Chapters (TimeStamps)
(0) complete after the show! its Live unscripted!

(rough time locations)
[00:00:00] (1) Gen Chat and wait for people to join the live show
[00:01:00] (1b) Coming Up! Interview with Mojos Sky watcher filming
forest again + Skinwalker ranch S506 review and Beyond Skinwalker S201
and various UFO alleged captures analyzed like Gabbers Claims on AstroTrain
[00:02:00] (1c) dot dot dot - Paul checks the streams and bits
and audio with guest Joe (MoJo) a Sky watcher who filmed amazing
footage in 2011
[00:06:27] (2) Main Topic Begins - Introducing MoJo and background history
[00:12:00] (2b) Quick Re-Cap Alien Grey 2011 footage Paul enhanced
[00:16:00] (2c) Talk Sky Watching Cameras
[00:18:27 (2d) Back to 2011 footage
[00:22:45] (2e) MoJo's new footage for 2024
of orb lights in forest but is it aliens? or military?
[00:27:00] (2f) Paul recommends Expedition
Bigfoot as they caught some credible evidence
of orbs in Oregon and expedition X had a episode there too
for cattle Mutils.
[00:29:00] (2h) Aliexpress to buy radaition meters and tri-field EMF
meters for $30-40usd each and IP dual night vision cameras from
like Paul {eg}
[00:35:00] (2i) how to make these cameras mobile using a 12v gel battery
[00:50:00] (3) Ok Back to MoJos best video captures in the forest
[00:58:00[ (3b) flip back to portable gel and li-on batteries can use
[01:02:00] (3c) Back to the videos again! lol
[01:18:00] (3d) Daylight footage then overlay with night
[01:28:00] (4) Aliens and Lights moving between the Trees?
[01:34:00] (4b) UFO with door open looks like a LCD screen but is not
[01:42:00] (4c) The UFO from 2011 side view and the front view
[02:00:00] (5) Native Indian Blood and Venus Lady Texas Abduction account
[02:07:00] (6) Scott Browne on the side.. hard questions about Torch etc hoaxing
[02:16:00] (7) Mojos and Disc UK are the 2 most credible alien footages in Pauls opinion
[02:28:00] (8) Mojo leaves and Paul has a mini-break before resuming 2 hrs more
[02:31:46] (9) Paul is back, Now UFOman Tim promoting some analysis
GabberRoo did on 18wheels a Astrotrain.. But Paul shows its just a Jet
at 30k feet with a similar case by Truck Driver 6 years earlier!
[02:41;00] (9b) Now compare to a similar case with a Jet crossing motorway
[03:04:29] (10) Yes the sunsetting can cause a split in the color in the sky!
[03:07:36] (11) SKinwalker Ranch S05E06 best evidence and Beyond Skinwalker Ranch
S02E01 best captures and finds as well.. but is there a problem with them? Explain them
another way! YES!!
[03:21:00] (12) Lureviews Dumb**** thought he could get away with dead files airing
[03:26:00] (12) Zondo's Screen play HUH HUH!
[03:26:37] (13) Ross Coulthart boring nothing burger speech
at SCU group and insults debunk

Topics with Chapters (TimeStamps)
(0) complete after the show! its Live unscripted!

(rough time locations)
[00:00:00] (1) Gen Chat and wait for people to join the live show
[00:01:00] (1b) Coming Up! Gallaudet is the new (boring) Hot topic
in UFO community.. talking head 0 proof of UFOs.. but the paranormal
seems more interesting he talks about and being mocked over +
other vids of UFOs to look over!
[00:02:00] (1c) dot dot dot - Paul checks the streams and bits
[00:11:00] (2) Main Topic Begins - Paul talks about his Reddit page
and how toxic some are on reddit and so many believers believing
in stuff I have easily solved and promoting shills like Greer still
[00:41:56] (3) News this week was Trumps Trial and how corrupt
it was.. Paul shows why and how UFOLOGY is no different!
[00:57:36] (4) Paul catches up on side comments
[01:02:01] (5) Paul first talks about paranormal beginnings
and Physic Mediums a lead up to next topic below!
[01:19:40] (6) Paul shows Lureviews labelling Gallaudet and his family
is total wrong and disgusting!!!
[01:28:00] (6b) Paul proves LU is wrong about family not using shrinks etc
0 research by yet another talking head UFO show host.. shameful!
[02:02:00] (6c) Lu is lazy researcher using twitter only and talking heads
from twitter. Paul reads out replies to greenstreet article who
make good points
[02:13:00] (6d) Paul brings up a online test for mental health
[02:20:00] (6e) Paul reads out a Q and A from creator of Dead Files
how they operate and make sure no cheating. Paul heads
to toilet and grab some food while reads!
[02:39:00] (6f) Side chat catchup - on Telescopes
[02:48:25] (7) Paul gets reader to read out a 2 page story
from a Actor hired to work in a haunted house and they
experience paranormal!
[03:02:45] (8) Blue Angels UAP is just a darn bug
[03:10:00] (9) how common is paranormal in families
[03:11:46] (10) Paul dont trust Gallaudet on his UFO claims
though, hes adding in claims from shills like Corbell Zondo Grusch etc
who have all provided hear-say info
[03:17:00] (11) Atlas SciFi AI movie review
[03:26:00] (12) New UFO TV show coming called
Alien Encounters: Fact or Fiction
[03:36:32] (13) Rojas Dot UFOs - Paul thinks most likely LED Kites
[03:48:00] (14) Paul reCaps the best UFO vid of silver hat disc UFO
he brings up how he knows its heading in to head wind cos of the smoke
[03:55:30] (15) UFOman Tim still putting up banner planes
[04:11:00] (15b) 18wheels ORB Paul figures is just ISS
[04:36:00] (15c) GUFON pushing the square rectangle clouds with IN2THINair
Paul explains 2 ways they form short layered contrails and
only near coasts with a mountain range
[05:02:00] (16) A hoax CGI using ceiling LED light
[05:07:00] (17) Fishing net and LED Kite UAPs

Paul warps up for the night....
cheers Paul.

Thanks for watching, Liking, and commenting on video it really helps.. and join our serious UFO research group on Discord social text chat and optional voice group

All Links can be found here to socials and beyond!
our website is listed there
*** If you want to support my work with a donation as low
as $1 a month then thanks very much ***

ALL footage FAIR USE to reviews, criticism, fact checking and education
a transformative work with commentary with some Parody.

Topics with Chapters (TimeStamps)
(0) complete after the show! its Live unscripted!

(rough time locations)
[00:00:00] (1) Gen Chat and wait for people to join the live show
[00:01:00] (1b) Coming Up! Skinwalker best UFOs S505 questioned +
The best classic Discs filmed since 2015 + Other UAP vid + A amazing meteor lights up Portugal sky
[00:02:00] (1c) dot dot dot - Paul checks the streams and bits
since now LAN connected via USB cos motherboard fault
[00:11:58] (2) Main Topic Begins - Big Bright Green Fireball over Portugal Videos
[00:22:24] (3) Weird Sheeple - suspected GUFON fans and Tyler Fans
[00:26:13] (4) Brandon Fugal promoting new season of beyond Skinwalker
which Paul does a quick break down about the tech guy being ex-CIA
and claimed to believe hoaxer Bledsoe and Paul plays
him failing a lie detector about the aliens
[00:31:20] (5) Paul catches up on side commenters
[00:34:00] (6) Classic Saucer Discs caught on Film
which are Legit Real Alien Craft and what are mistaken
Paul covers in full details with overlaying image matching
[00:41:00] (6b) Paul enhances the Disc Frame
[00:48:00] (6c) Paul believes he found a balloon match for it
[00:56:00] (6d) Comment catch up - Paul side tracked on AI
and terminator bots topic again so re-Caps it incase others
new to channel!
[01:00:00] (6e) Other possible Mylar's that could match?
[01:09:00] (7) Paul now brings back a old UK disc case
that only got permission to share 2 frames not the video
Paul says this one is real Craft and lists reasons why
comparing to the last video from TPOM!
[01:09:30] (7b) Key Points why its not balloon - Its level
flight mostly throughout video - the steam smoke is venting
and going behind.. showing its heading into a wind.. if balloon
it would move same direction as smoke in a wind!
[01:15:00] (7b) Paul steps last 5 frames every 5 steps
of how it gets smaller and vanishes once the gas venting
[01:16:42] (7c) Paul thinks this craft is the same one in 1965
captured in CA by Rex Heflin and overlays to prove exact match
to the hat saucer!
[01:26:00] (7d) Comparing it in the editor 1965 craft? with 2018 craft?
[01:32:36] (8) Gravity WAVE generators is a load of Bollocks
and Lazar is proven wrong on it Paul explains!
[01:36:00] (9) Disc videos now finished with.. check comments!
[01:37:00] (10) Why its not a UFO Ad balloon!
[01:41:48] (11) Paul plays 10min clip of Earl Grey
talking about his scary alien grey abduction while Paul eats his Lunch
[01:58:10] (12) Biggest Lie Told? and describe Biden in one word LOL
[02:02:00] (13) Gov demands corps to send them dead aliens?
[02:08:00] (14) Ross Coulhart show us the evidence
[02:14:00] (15) Ashton forbes debunked again over MH370x new found vid errors
[02:16:43] (16) Skinwalker Ranch S05E05 reviewed
[02:29:00] (17) Snubbed by Brandon Fugal for date time
on UFO footage.. proves hes not transparent and wanting
real answers.. or maybe it will show his scientists are conning him
[02:38:00] (18) UFOman Tim is trying to tell us LED Kites
are Alien crafts again!
[02:52:00] (18b) Clearly a highrise with room lights.. hoax!
[03:05:00] (18c) Contactee is lying based on NLP
[03:13:00] (18d) Not the best UFO footage it was just
a RC kite drone with a IR optical zooming camera,
Paul proves his camera lights up distant trees the same!
[03:28:00] (18e) Birds? but most likely Buffterflies migrating
[03:31:00] (19) GUFON does not understand video compression
damage.. Paul explains and shows lizards on tv is cos
of this damage on live tv!
[04:11:00] (20) Movie recommend - Pirates of Silicon Valley {Apple vs Gates}

Paul warps up for the night....
cheers Paul.

Thanks for watching, Liking, and commenting on video it really helps.. and join our serious UFO research group on Discord social text chat and optional voice group

All Links can be found here to socials and beyond!
our website is listed there
*** If you want to support my work with a donation as low
as $1 a month then thanks very much ***

ALL footage FAIR USE to reviews, criticism, fact checking and education
a transformative work with commentary with some Parody.

now 10 parts shorts combined to 10min
story for ease

now 10 parts shorts combined to 10min
story for ease

now 10 parts shorts combined to 10min
story for ease

now 10 parts shorts combined to 10min
story for ease

Alien Abduction.. Beware what you wish for?


there will be a copy here on BC as well

now 10 parts shorts combined to 10min
story for ease


there will be a copy here on BC as well

now 10 parts shorts combined to 10min
story for ease


there will be a copy here on BC as well

now 10 parts shorts combined to 10min
story for ease


there will be a copy here on BC as well'

now 10 parts shorts combined to 10min
story for ease

Topics with Chapters (TimeStamps)
(0) complete after the show! its Live unscripted!

(rough time locations)
[00:00:00] (1) Gen Chat and wait for people to join the live show
[00:01:00] (1b) Coming Up! Skinwalker did Eric Lie about no planes?
Passing of Bruce :/ ? +viral vids + other UFO vids to look over + neverending Alien
puppets and dolls
[00:02:00] (1c) dot dot dot - Paul checks the streams and bits
and gives away 10 memberships to random selected subscribers
[00:15:00] (1d) New UFO psychopaths' in reddit and Pauls eye Op thursday? we will see!
[00:19:00] (1e) and a Hater attacks the best UFO case and Robert and Paul
[00:20:26] (2) Main Topic Begins - A Live Tribute to Bruce Maccabee who died on 10th may 2024
[00:29:00] (2b) Amazing Interview we did and also did a jukebox video for his website and
to promote his talent
[00:32:00] (2c) 2 Jets chase a UFO at Gulf Breeze clip from interview live show
[00:36:30] (2d) User comments and Paul explains the ED model found
[00:44:10] (2e) Honoring Bruce featuring some clips of his music
[00:52:50] (3) Paul brings out some of his MUSIC since all on show enjoying
and music pace today
[01:11:00] (4) Paul catches up on side folks and plays a interesting music from Mike King
[01:17:20] (5) The Alien Interview is still doing the rounds now
Whitney Schreiber is claiming its legit cos of the green blip?
[01:23:00] (6) Paul shows hes re-arranged his YT Home tab
with the best links
[01:29:00] (7) Project Unity - Senator admits abduction by greys
[01:34:00] (8) Side chat on music LGs etc still lol
[01:37:00] (9) The Pope, Spirits and aliens?
[01:46:00] (10) Bill Gates wants to pollute air to block sun?
[02:06:00] (11) Bushman alien doll and fate UFO images
doing the rounds again!
[02:11:00] (12) Alien Scientist is mad about all the noise from
the big grifters
[02:17:00] (13) Bledsoe is at it again!
[02:25:00] (14) Vimana;s again!
[02:32:00] (15) Anjali vs Charle Wiser DRAMA
[02:40:40] (16) A51S pointing out a massive Sun Ejection heading
our way
[02:45:00] (17) Blackvault talking Kirkpatrick attackers
[02:50:00] (18) Paul b1tching about not winning lotto again :/
[02:53:40] (19) Time to laugh at how stupid GUFON and his fans are :D
but google has sabotages the time stamp again lost place.
[03:02:28] (20) Paul finds the bit he want to show on shark and turtle
and how he was too dumb to verify it before hand.. when its a fake!
[03:11:00] (21) More proof GUFON is shilling to keep subs of gullible
folks who donated all the time.. but not showing them what it
really was.. He knows as in the past lives he exposed it and
called out the LA summoners!
[03:32:00] (22) Is the pyramids aligned latitude values match the speed of light?
Paul heads to toilet while people ponder this slide
[03:51:00] (23) Did Eric on Skinwalker ranch lie about 0 planes
when on tv it showed the screen covered with planes in range?
[03:56:00] (24) Best fast speed camera at trillions of frames
per second!
[04:02:00] (25) Paul talks about Jose Escamilla disappeared and
whats the deal about RODS.. are they camera artifacts
and what camera did you need to be sure.. 1/2000 fps? Paul explains
if anyone captures a rod at that.. then its REAL!

Paul warps up for the night....
cheers Paul.

Thanks for watching, Liking, and commenting on video it really helps.. and join our serious UFO research group on Discord social text chat and optional voice group

All Links can be found here to socials and beyond!
our website is listed there
*** If you want to support my work with a donation as low
as $1 a month then thanks very much ***

ALL footage FAIR USE to reviews, criticism, fact checking and education
a transformative work with commentary with some Parody.

Topics with Chapters (TimeStamps)
(0) complete after the show! its Live unscripted!

(rough time locations)
[00:00:00] (1) Gen Chat and wait for people to join the live show
[00:01:00] (1b) Coming Up! Skinwalker Ranch S05E03 evidence
of more bugs and radiation? +viral Spirals + other UFO vids to look over
[00:02:00] (1c) dot dot dot - Paul checks the streams and bits
[00:10:20] (1d) Paul talks about subs and promoting on Reddit now
and see what looks like a suppression to silence me still
and some dumb commenters and haters downvoters and
rant with side pilled chatter lol
[00:28:00] (2) Back talking about Reddit and the best UFO
footage I have they are downvoting it.. crazy
[01:08:20] (3) Remind people of new Tyler of Secureteam Clips
of him confessing to being a hoaxer
[01:20:00] (4) Main Topic Begins - Skinwalker Ranch TV Show
analysis and comments from other Xers
[01:31:00] (4b) Paul interrupts to find Pilled has stopped
streaming and tries to fix it
[01:40:20] (4c) Paul resumes and points out their best
evidence for episode 3 for UFO is obvious bugs again
[01:45:46] (4d) Next Paul points out radiation kills bacteria
and explains the slow decay and the Dire Wolf tooth also can
be explained as something more common!
[01:53:00] (4e) Fantasy Ranch imaginary Worm Hole
[01:54:30] (4f) GPS corruption firing more Rockets. SIGH!
[01:56:30] (5) Dark Matter TV Series.. review and how its fits my
Multi-Verse theory as talk about in past live shows
[01:59:51] (6) Jesus, illusion - art while Paul eats hot sausage rolls!
[02:02:00] (7) Paul plays PINWHEEL video again ftom
1 year ago.. as couldnt remember its name last live debunk for it
while he finishes eating and mutes mic finally HEH!
[02:11:00] (8) Bob Lazar cult minds
[02:17:20] (9) Spiral viral UFOs again... SIGH!
only shills promote them.. bingo AlienGirl111 and thirdphase
[02:43:00] (10) Look at a fake UFO on thirdphase
[02:48:00] (11) Re-Cap NASA airbrushing - Luna Cognita claims debunked
[03:02:18] (12) Corridor Crew prove jelly fish ufo is balloons and Miami
aliens were 3 people walking not 10 foot tall nonsense!
[03:15:00] (13) UFOofinterest catch up on virial videos
doing the rounds again!
[03:32:00] (14) Ring makers of Saturn - is easy debunked as
garbage poor videos with UFOman promoting it
[03:52:00] (14b) Kite UFOs by UFOman Tim
[03:54:30] (15) Is Quantum Physics just Theories

Paul warps up for the night....
cheers Paul.

Thanks for watching, Liking, and commenting on video it really helps.. and join our serious UFO research group on Discord social text chat and optional voice group

All Links can be found here to socials and beyond!
our website is listed there
*** If you want to support my work with a donation as low
as $1 a month then thanks very much ***

ALL footage FAIR USE to reviews, criticism, fact checking and education
a transformative work with commentary with some Parody.

Topics with Chapters (TimeStamps)
(0) complete after the show! its Live unscripted!

(rough time locations)
[00:00:00] (1) Gen Chat and wait for people to join the live show
[00:01:00] (1b) Coming Up! Skinwalker Ranch S05E02 evidence
of bugs birds drones or sky seeds + other UFO vids to look over
[00:02:00] (1c) dot dot dot - Paul checks the streams and bits
[00:05:00] (1d) Paul wiped out by sugar free jellies and front tooth broke
and spending time on my reddit channel and flood of haters trying
to kill the karma.. such babies.
[00:09:00] (1e) Ufology is full of cult mentally.. Paul plays a trailer
for Idocracy 2006 movie.. A classic and sums up UFOtwitter well
or USA teens in general
[00:27:00] (2) Main Topic Begins - Skinwalker ranch Season 5 - so far , Breakdown!!!
first up ... pro's dont use Emboss filter!!! So funny.. and streaks
and blobs dots look like Bugs again! or sky clutter or tree seeds/cotton
[00:28:40] (2b) 1.6GHZ aka 1600mhz again!!! what could it mean
[00:46:00] (2c) Instead of GPS with 1.6GHZ that could use
a smartphone sensors to calc eqv GPS and see if that corrupts
[00:53:00] (2d) USA freq allocations chart
[01:11:00] (2e) Balloon Letter "A" from Heli referenced again as UFO
[01:12:50] (2f) 3D tower referenced by Travis as same spot GPS and Drone
coms go down so Paul points out the tower is fake due to a known error
on terrain mapping for that system
[01:22:00] (2g) Skinwalker Dead Birds and Cows.. arent so strange as Paul
[01:30:00] (3) UFOman is back with stupid allege UFOs with
LED colored lighting on them.. so what is it Kite/Balloon/drone?
[01:41:50] (3b) Call out Dennett using UFOman Tim to promote book
is super bad of him
[01:42:39] (3c) McKinnon on what he saw while hacking,, Paul
thinks hes legit but mistaken what saw.. as thinks he stumbled
on a star trek or space game NASA employees probably were
playing in lunch time without the bosses permission.
[02:05:00] (3d) single balloon tied to a bunch of balloons
on super low-red
[02:09:00] (3e) Wind fan toy close to car window
[02:24:00] (3f) Fish Kite/Balloon. Paul frustrated can
think of the name of the fish to search it better
[02:31:00] (3g) Paul recommends Halt and Catch Fire Series
if youre a computer buff
[02:32:00] (4) Four Planes in formation can look like Disc's
on low-spec phone cam
[02:36:00] (5) Navy Officer claims Aliens in the bedroom
since the gimbal sightings? Paul questions it as suspect
[02:45:30] (6) Magnet Hole over Russia
[02:57:00] (7) Now confirm CGI VFX for lightning laser beam one
[03:01:10] (8) Kratos secret plane caught on film near AFB
[03:08:00] (9) Manta Ray UUV sub DRONE
[03:18:23] (10) The Vertical Plane - A story of time travel communications
in UK using a 8bit Micro BBC computer with EdWord. Believe it or
Not. Paul says the UFO investigator said it was true as he was
scared of a case for some reason.. after a message from year 2109
[03:46:00] (10b) Paul sets up the proper article.. as other was a promo
summary only but had the images this one dont have of location and computer
[03:54:00] (10c) Paul draws a diagram that fits this story to his multiverse concept!
[04:28:00] (10d) reading out the comments back and forth with the UFO
investigator.. Gary Rowe
[04:49:00] (10e) Paul thinks hes worked out the Canada case that 2109
claim was them = "Charlie Red Star" as numerology comes into
play with the double chapter 7... is 77 and characters in charlie redstar is 77
[05:07:00] (11) Paul ends the comment reading, may resume more of
this case another time. Now shows a Gary's UFO cases and him
on YT presentation on cases he investigated

Paul warps up for the night....
cheers Paul.

Thanks for watching, Liking, and commenting on video it really helps.. and join our serious UFO research group on Discord social text chat and optional voice group

All Links can be found here to socials and beyond!
our website is listed there
*** If you want to support my work with a donation as low
as $1 a month then thanks very much ***

ALL footage FAIR USE to reviews, criticism, fact checking and education
a transformative work with commentary with some Parody.


Created 5 years, 5 months ago.

1310 videos

Category Science & Technology

Time to get to the real truth.... Money has corrupted everything in the UFO Field.
Looking at and Analyzing UFO - UAP videos and photos. Exposing Fraud.
Interviewing UFO key people. Live Stream Video Analysis. Lots of Fun.