The New American

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The New American

The New American


There exists a diabolical international network of people conspiring to destroy the United States, the sovereignty of every nation, and the liberty of all people, and create a totalitarian one-world government to be ruled by them. Over the last eight years, the conspirators have been blatant in a manic mission to destroy Donald Trump, used a fabricated crisis as an excuse to strip average people of their unalienable rights, pushed onto billions of people an unproven and destructive technology, and stolen the American presidency from the rightful winner. Considering all of this — as well as an additional train of abuses — at what point is armed resistance justified? In this episode, the editors of The New American tackle one of the most complex and serious questions, one deserving the utmost care

Today's holiday celebration is often called the Fourth of July. But a better way of thinking of the holiday is Independence Day.

Celebrating today via fireworks, parades, and picnics is entirely appropriate. But Independence Day is also a time to recall the sacrifices of the Founding Fathers and the principles of freedom they championed that made America the greatest country on earth. It is also a good time to resolve to become better informed and also involved in today’s freedom movement to ensure that American stay independent and that the wonderful blessings of liberty we have inherited will be passed on to generations yet unborn.

In a major repercussion from last Friday’s Supreme Court decision on presidential immunity, Judge Juan Merchan postponed Trump’s upcoming sentencing to September 18. The possibility that the sentencing won’t happen at all is very real. The New American’s editorial staff discuss what this could mean when it comes to the Deep State’s strategy.  
Also in this episode: 
Calls for Joe Biden to step down are getting louder; 
Rudy Juliani has been disbarred; 
Wisconsin legislator discusses the Dairy State’s electoral prospects. 

Judyth Vary Baker was a whiz kid. As a high school student in the 1950s, she had attracted the attention of top scientists and medical doctors for te cancer research she had done. But the fame very unexpectedly brought her incredibly close to the John F. Kennedy assassination in 1963. She published her memoir, Me & Lee: How I Came to Know Love and Lose Lee Harvey Oswald, in 2010, and more recently has released her updated Lee Harvey Oswald and Me: The Weaponization of Cancer, the Monkey Virus, and the Kennedy Assassination.

It is not unusual for people with power to imprison those who make them look bad and threaten their rule. This kind of thing has happened all the time—in Soviet Russia and communist China. It has also begun happening in the United States of America. Steve Bannon is the latest victim. Will Trump be thrown in prison next? 

Also in this episode: 

The New American is producing a documentary on the carbon capture scam; 

A damning report on the World Economic Forum reveals an organization packed with perverts and actual racists, people who have no taste for their own Kool-Aid.

JBS Constitutional Law Scholar Dr. Joe Wolverton, J.D. and The New American's Christian Gomez debunk claims made by both Prof. Robert Natelson and the Convention of States organization that "previously undiscovered pre-1800 sources" prove that the phrase "convention of the states" is the correct name for an Article V convention for proposing amendments, rather than the term "constitutional convention." The COS organization narrowly defines a "constitutional convention" to only mean a convention with the power to draft a new constitution. COS leaders and advocates, such as Mark Meckler, Michael Farris, Robert Natelson, Rita M. Peters, and neoconservative former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum, claim that the Philadelphia Convention of 1787 was a constitutional convention and that a "convention of the states" is an Article V convention for proposing amendments. Dr. Wolverton and Christian Gomez set the record straight on yet another COS lie.

The Deep State played a crucial role in the rise of both the National Socialist (Nazi) movement in Germany and the Chinese Communist Party in China, explains The New American magazine's Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. Citing a wide range of different sources including official government documents, Newman shows that none of this is a secret. It is all part of the plan to bring the world under the control of a global tyrannical system. 

Is Biden toast? That’s what Politico declared after a debate performance against Donald Trump that was as awful as anyone paying attention would’ve expected. Mainstream media uniformly broadcast the same sentiment. Biden froze, he rambled incoherently, he lost his train of thought, and spoke with a raspy voice that only emphasized his already his feeble condition. In this episode, we break down many aspects of the debate.

Natasha Owens is an award-winning Christian and pop music sensation. An accomplished artist since 2016, her fame exploded after the 2020 election with release of her hit: “Trump Won.”  She has just completed her fifth studio album, “American Patriot,” which combines her love of country with her worship of God.
Her sophomore album, We Will Rise, was named "Inspirational Album of the Year" at the 2018 We Love Christian Music Awards, which led to a deal with Nashville-based Radiate Music and extensive media coverage including appearances on Fox News, Newsmax, OAN, Real America’s Voice, HLN, TBN and more. Natasha has been making regular appearances on the conservative circuit including appearances at CPAC Texas, CPAC Orlando, Hero’s Honor Festival, Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America Black-Tie Gala, Cotton Belt Festival and a concert performance for President Trump at the America First concert event at Mar A Lago. 
“The definition of a patriot is ‘a person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend it against enemies or detractors,” says the Texas native. “I’m proud to be a patriot… I love this country so much.”
Natasha joins The New American senior editor Rebecca Terrell  to discuss the bold, powerful message she has for all Americans in her music.
American Patriot (featuring “America First”) is available now:
You can find Natasha Owens on social media:

Randy Pullen is a name familiar to anyone acquainted with Maricopa County’s audit of the 2020 election in Arizona. He was instrumental in it from conception to execution. He has held numerous titles in the Republican Party in that state, being chairman from 2007 until 2011. He is also a former Republican National Committeeman and former treasurer of the Republican National Committee.
He also sought the Republican nomination for Arizona State Treasurer in 2014, but lost the primary to Jeff DeWit, who earlier this year was exposed in a conversation with Kari Lake, asking her not to run in 2024.
Randy Pullen joins The New American senior editor Rebecca Terrell to discuss the findings and what they  mean for the 2024 election in November.

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The so-called unipolar world order dominated by the United States has "ended" and the world is entering a new period of potentially great conflict, warned leading Budapest-based geopolitical analyst Zoltán Koskovics at Hungary's Center for Fundamental Rights in this interview with The New American magazine's Alex Newman.

"The era of American dominance is over," he said, suggesting U.S. foreign policy was to blame for the development. This will lead to great and small conflicts. With the U.S. severely weakened and in decline as the leader of the Western world, Koskovics said Hungary and other nations were being forced to examine a new type of "more open" foreign policy that is defensive in nature.

In the interview, Koskovics also details the Hungarian government's thinking on a range of issues including immigration, the role of government, and more as Prime Minister Viktor Orban prepares to take the rotating presidency of the European Council. The main agenda will be to "Make Europe Great Again" by reining in bureaucratic stifling of economic competitiveness.

With the backdrop of the recent elections to the so-called European "Parliament," the Hungarian geopolitical expert ridiculed U.S. media misinformation about the "far right." However, he also explains the fact that conservative parties—especially in nations such as France—performed very well. Their goal is not Nazism, but the preservation of the nation state and Western heritage. ​

Congress just released a report confirming that the effort to discredit the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop was a CIA operation. The report reveals the Biden official who triggered the operation and active CIA contractors involved in the operation.

Also in this episode:

The Supreme Court accidentally leaked out an upcoming abortion decision—and it’s not good;

Denmark becomes the first country to impose tax livestock flatulence;

Did Trump endorse the wrong candidate—again?

In 2018, Alex Jones became one of the most banned persons in the world. Nearly every mainstream internet platform erased him overnight. Two years later, they came for millions of other “conspiracy theorists,” prompting a complete media landscape reorientation. Now the spotlight is on Jones again, this time on the attempt to shut down his media platform, Infowars. Is Alex Jones the canary in the coal mine—again?

The Supremes thumbed their collective noses today at freedom of speech and the First Amendment by saying that the challengers to government censorship of the Internet have no standing.

A congressional investigation reveals that White House officials bullied the largest book retailer in the world, Amazon, to suppress a pile of books critical not just of the Covid injection but vaccines in general. The list of childhood vaccines has grown exponentially over the last half century. All this begs the question: Since the government has made it clear that public safety is not its primary concern, why is it so obsessed with the public perception of vaccines?

The Deep State has been manufacturing real and imagined enemies for generations to justify escalating attacks on liberty, prosperity, and humanity, warns The New American magazine Senior Editor Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. This pattern is becoming more and more obvious. In part 1 of this series, Alex focuses on the "why" and also one of the most important examples, the Deep State's funding of the Bolshevik Revolution. 

Charles Cole has been a lifelong student of the Russian language and of Russian and Soviet culture, history, and politics. He graduated from an intensive, 18-month Russian Course at the Defense Language Institute (DLI) in Monterey, California, after which he served in signals intelligence with the Army Security Agency at a border listening post in West Germany monitoring Soviet military radio communications.  In 1973, Cole returned to DLI to teach Russian to American military personnel and worked alongside hundreds of former Soviet citizens until retiring in 2002. While in California, he also served six years as a Warrant Officer in a U.S. Army Reserve Psychological Operations (PSYOP) battalion writing leaflets and broadcast materials targeted at Soviet forces in East Germany until 1991, at which time the Soviet Union dissolved.
After military service, he obtained a degree in Russian and German from Kent State University in 1972 and promptly joined a United States Information Agency (USIA) cultural exchange exhibit which traveled throughout the Soviet Union from July through December of 1972. This experience provided Cole with a solid understanding of Soviet Communism and its lasting impact on the lives of citizens forced to live under it. In his first book, “In Russian Wonderland: An American’s Odyssey in Soviet Russia,” Cole wrote about his experiences during the six-months he spent in the USSR from the viewpoint of a (then) young Russian-speaking American. It gives Americans a "bird's eye view" of life in a socialist/communist society.
Cole’s new book, published in 2023, is entitled “America In Name Only” in which he uses what he calls “societal fingerprints” from a variety of utopian collectivist regimes throughout history to compare them with events, policies, and societal elements in vogue in our country today. He links past efforts from history with efforts of so-called “progressives” to “fundamentally transform” our republic into something which has proven on many occasions in a host of places over long periods of time to be utterly destructive.
This book uses historical facts and the author’s personal experiences to demonstrate how our country is drifting toward a place called “America In Name Only.” Things we’re witnessing today evoke some of history’s worst nightmares. The book encourages Americans to carefully consider what kind of country they wish to live in, and what kind of society they wish to pass along to their children and grandchildren.

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For more from Rebecca, see In The Spotlight at

In overturning a lower court's decision, the Supreme Court recently ruled that anyone with a domestic-violence restraining order leveled against him is barred from having firearms. The chief justice said the decision aligns with traditional laws preventing people posing a danger to fellow citizens from being armed. Constitutional law expert Joe Wolverton Jr. joins us to discuss the constitutionality of the decision.

Also in this episode:

23:05 | SCOTUS upheld a Trump-era corporate tax on foreign investments.

37:10 | Nearly half of current electric-vehicle owners want to go back to gas-powered vehicles.

51:25 | Donald Trump made a campaign promise Reagan made but never delivered on regarding the education department.


Read "Clarence Thomas: The Court's Leading Constitutionalist."

Watch "Red Flag Laws in SC? Guns Taken in SWAT Raid, Unconvicted."

Take action to Save Our Children from Public Schools HERE.

George Carneal is the author of the book “From Queer to Christ: My Journey Into the Light.” He was raised in a Southern Baptist home where he struggled with the juxtaposition of his Christian faith and same-sex attraction. He would eventually spend 25 years immersed in the homosexual lifestyle in Los Angeles, but he says that Our Lord rescued him from that bondage.
His story is more important than ever in this age of epidemic trans-gender confusion. Carneal exposes the source of this vice, and gives advice for both young people and parents faced with these battles.
Find George on X (formerly Twitter), YouTube and on his website

For more great content, visit

For more from Rebecca, see In The Spotlight at

Tear Gassed, SWAT Raided, & Guns Confiscated over an Alleged Misdemeanor Harassment Charge

Today on 2A For Today, we interview Brian Verburg and his son Cole. This story is part of a larger documentary involving the weaponization of government, the evolution of the Domestic Violence courts, and the what happens to Americans who get trapped in a system that is biased against them. 

Brian was charged with harassment in the second degree and when the officers came to make the arrest they came with the SWAT team, battering rams, and tear gas. This is part 1 of a series on the Verburg family crisis and how a father has been abused by a system designed to protect the vulnerable. Stay tuned for the whole story.

In 2018, Mark Moyar, a senior political appointee at the US Agency for International Development (USAID) revealed to agency executives that he had found evidence of wrongdoing involving five career bureaucrats. A sophisticated retaliatory conspiracy, masterminded by senior bureaucrats, started when a Special Operations general falsely accused Moyar of disclosing sensitive material and resulted in Moyar's removal.

Moyar, the author of the new book Masters of Corruption: How the Federal Bureaucracy Sabotaged the Trump Presidency, joins Conversations That Matter with Alex Newman for The New American magazine to break down his story, plus share solutions for how President Trump can avoid the infiltration of his cabinet in a second term. 

Recent news reports say homeowners are struggling with higher property taxes, higher insurance premiums, higher repair costs, and declining savings. Meanwhile, young people can’t even afford a home. Most Americans can’t afford vacations or name-brand food either,
but demand for luxury items like cruises is booming among the rich. In this episode, the editors of The New American discuss how dire the situation is for the middle class, why the globalists need to wipe out the backbone of America, and how to reverse

The military industrial complex is itching to make boatloads of cash off of foreign wars and conflicts and perhaps the beginning of World War III as Congress makes moves to add women to the draft, explained former Texas Congressman Dr. Ron Paul in this episode of Alex Newman's Conversations That Matter for The New American magazine. 
Additionally, Dr. Paul, a former presidential candidate for the Republican Party in 2008 and 2012, also explained the plot to undermine the U.S. economy through inflation and the intentional weakening of the dollar and the solution to it: constitutional currency through gold and silver.
But despite the enormity of the battle Americans face, Dr. Paul challenged listeners to "stick to your guns and stick to the Constitution" while endeavoring to save the homeland. 

In a rare moment of sanity, Congress passed a nuclear energy package designed to unleash one of the greatest sources of cheap, reliable, powerful energy. The bill is heading to Joe Biden’s desk, which he’s expected to sign. Reviving the once thriving nuclear energy sector will be a boon for Americans, which begs the question: Why the sudden turnaround on energy that has for decades been unjustly vilified? 

Also in this episode: 

@ 22:28 | For the first time in history, the U.S. faces a nuclear-armed alliance in Russia and North Korea; 

@ 43:05 | It is summer, it is hot, and—right on cue—the climate stooges are freaking out; 


Read "Environmentalism’s Opposition to Nuclear Energy"

Watch "U.S. Needs to Ratchet Up Natural Gas, Oil, and Nuclear Energy Sectors: Frank Lasee"

Read "Climate Alarmists Unmasked"

Joe Biden’s illegitimate administration just unilaterally implemented a policy that provides amnesty to half a million illegals. Republicans are rightly calling it what it is, an invitation for more illegals to break into the country. Meanwhile, the legal immigration system has been broken for decades.

Also in this episode:

19:25 | Kansas’ Attorney General is suing Pfizer for lying about its Covid-19 injection;

34:57 | The White House is gaslighting Americans who believe Joe Biden is experiencing severe mental decline;

49:58 | Voter fraud is real, the governor of Texas has declared. What do we do about it?


Read "The Biden-UN Immigration Invasion Scheme"

Watch "Rep. Biggs Addresses Biden Corruption, Immigration, Deficits, the UN, and a Con-Con"

Learn more about election integrity with The John Birch Society's "Restore Election Integrity" action program HERE


Created 3 years, 9 months ago.

2894 videos

Category News & Politics

Since 1985, The New American, news magazine has covered the real issues that affect Americans and the American Republic. The magazine’s motto is “That Freedom Shall Not Perish”, so readers can expect fiscally sound, constitutionally correct, and morally attuned news and political commentary that is rarely “politically correct”.

The printed news magazine is published twice per month and its website features free daily content from articles to podcasts to videos. All news sources have bias, and this magazine’s bias is that of the truth — not simply facts with which the staff agrees.