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I had to put Zach's dog down because he was aggressive and dangerous, just like Zach was. This dog, which I named Zach the day before I put him down, was exactly like Zach because he was raised by Zach and therefore learned how to deal with people the way Zach does, which was to violently and aggressively get what he wanted.

Note that this was recorded on March 26th.

Zach will be in prison soon enough. And you will be joining him Dwayne.

Yes, me for president, for one single day, and then Trump, who will be my running mate, will step in as President and the Speaker of the House will be his successor if he should no longer be President for whatever reason. That way you can elect THREE Presidents: The one who fixes things, the one who gets to deal with the mess made by destroying the favor bank of jews worldwide, and the one whom the people decide would replace Trump.

So you have an actual presidential election folks, but ONLY if you write Michael Wolf in as President of the United States or get me on the ballot in every state as an independent.

One day and I can fix the whole world.

Zach was not like this until Dwayne Kollmar began to influence him. Zach became a terrorist because of Dwayne Kollmar telling him to commit crimes.

What we don't know is if Dwayne is an informant. But we also know he lies and his past may be a complete fabrication. So hand yourself over to the FBI, tell them about the gun and bullet proof vests you have and where they are. Tell them you bought the guns and brought them down after you met Dwayne and under his influence, tell them you destroyed my life on instructions from Dwayne.

Dwayne is a terrorist and needs to go to prison. You are a victim.

However; if you do not follow my instructions then you are admitting that you are the criminal and will be violently arrested as the dangerous psychopath you are.

That's right. I'm done.

I have said all I need to say.

I have no more interest in trying to convey my findings and observations to a world populated by the very problem itself. You people ARE the problem so of course I am preaching to the choir.

I am doing this because I realized Zachary David Watson is beyond hope. Despite every bit of evidence available to him that said I would take care of him, he still had to steal from me and my disabled friend, and he went off on us because we would not let him bring guns back into our lives.
So if my own livein caregiver who enjoyed my life and my presence cannot trust me and believe me, how the fuck can I ever expect any of you to believe me. And I am done being the subject of your ridicule and harassment. You people are ALL sick mother fuckers who just need to die, and that is going to happen soon enough (there will be 5 billion fewer of you in 5 years!)

So fuck off. Die. Suffer. And enjoy your slavery to the jews.

Figures I gain subscribers after my last upload...

You people are sick.

My ex caregiver decided he would steal from me, help defraud the man I now take care of, and steal away with a man who raped and kidnapped him. So my caregiver is being handed over to US federal authorities for trafficking military weaponry across the border into Mexico along with the crimes he committed while attempting to take care of himself because he didn't trust I would take care of him as promised.

By the way, what radicalized Zach was what was done to him in the name of harassing me.

I could handle it. Zach could not. He would not let me protect him, so I did the best I could. He developed a need to protect himself, either through fantasy or reality. He told me he was interrogated for 6 hours by CBP in 2019 and then was let out onto the streets where he was mugged and took the guy's gun instead, then buried the gun in Oregon but later never found it. He actually abandoned me for 5 weeks when he was supposed to have called me 24 hours later.

It's embarrassing to relate this because I now see how stupid I was to let myself be dependent upon him. This loneliness and these seizures and hernias literally hurt like hell, but I'd rather suffer this than another day of him.

Anyway, he later said he was detained for four days (they said they didn't have him, I believe them now) and then shot at when he tried to cross the border illegally. I don't believe he did that nor was shot at. I think he fucked with me and was with Dwayne instead. But what I do know happened to him was he was attacked on our ship in 2019, he was attacked with me in 2021, he was detained with me several times illegally (they even declared them illegal), he was attacked and detained with me on the ship when we were raided and they sank it, and he was later attacked with coffee on his own and then the boat he was living on was vandalized. All of those things were ordered by Daniel Shroyer, who runs Marina de La Paz, and anything to do with the sea or shore or marine tourism in Mexico and probably a lot more since he tells INM to fuck with me, as well as Tiktok...

So, you people, in attacking me, have created a monster hell bent on buying guns to protect himself from the threat he WITNESSED as being you jews. YOU unleashed the monster. I was holding him from causing anyone else any harm.

I wonder how many people he has killed so far.

Zach is a serial killer in the making and will likely make his first kill soon if he hasn't already. I even know who it will be. And I warned him. But he is helping Zach despite my warnings and deserves what he gets.

Zach will be on the run. As soon as he realizes he won't have access to his money he will turn to crime to survive. He won't do the right thing, he was given far too many chances. He is going to start taking from those who took from him and doing to them what was done to both of us.

Update: Zach also stole all of my disabled friend's passwords including to his $500,000 IRAs!

Zach is now a major felon on the run and likely has unregistered weapons. He is going to bury himself and clear my reputation in doing so!

The furry fandom may seem like an unimportant hobby pursued by social rejects and perverts, but it actually represents an effort to be human by those who are attracted to the animal/sexual elements.
Presently, jews are trying to redefine what humans are to match what they are, which is not human. So in the furry fandom, jews are trying to tell you that bestiality and zoophilia are one in the same when in fact they are polar opposites.
This is not a subject to be limited in discussion in anyway. I have deliberately left it as normal content for 16 and over because everyone should watch and listen to what is said.
These are not my opinions, they are facts I am aware of and understand. Pay careful attention, because this video establishes the difference between human beings like myself, and inhuman monsters like all jews. It also begins to explain a bit about why jews are also just tools for those among them who are addicted to controlling others, those jews who hunger for power and recognition.
This is not just for furries, and no, I do not get explicit about fucking animals in this video. I explain how a desire to fuck animals or children is the polar opposite of people who happen to have sex with their animals because it is the most natural thing to do. After all, as I explain in the video, we would not exist were it not for a female primate getting her rocks off with a pig.
Oh, and I am not putting up a paywall because Bitchute has backend restricted my account to prevent people from donating or paying for my videos. They ("they" or "them" ALWAYS refers to those jews who are addicted to power and recognition) believe I am motivated by money because they are, and because they are so fucking stupid.

EVERYONE should watch this video, ESPECIALLY your children (teenage years or older, when they are capable of understanding their own sexual urges). I do not present my opinions, I present FACT. Jews are trying to change the definition of zoophilia so that their desire to fuck and control anything they want can be accepted as human when it is obviously the polar opposite.

Meet the biggest threat to jews: a non-jew who raised himself and therefore was not domesticated by jews, you know, like you were!

I cannot use any service, any website, or otherwise do what anyone else can do where those things are controlled by jews. I cannot get a license, a passport, buy anything online, use Craigslist, use ANY social media, have my own website free of censorship, have phones free of spying devices, Senators and Congressmen will not provide services to me, the media ignore me, the UNHCR ignored me (including the director). I cannot publish anything anywhere without it being censored. I am on a terrorist watchlist.

But I have done nothing wrong, committed no crimes, am under no indictment, have never hurt a soul or committed a crime.

So why am I so mistreated and excluded?

Two reasons: jews control everything, and I am their biggest threat because I represent what humans really are, not what jews tell you humans are.

As usual I can't get thumbnails because Bitchute CENSORS my content.

Just an idea for how to detect bubbles in batteries so that they can be prevented in charging, specifically in gel batteries. Bubbles mean there is too much current in charging. Current BMS technology does not adequately consider current directly. It's just derived from voltage and no feedback is accommodated in determining if there is too much charge current. Overcharging destroys batteries so detecting bubbles will lengthen the life of the batteries.

You're welcome.

You do not exist in reality, strictly in a make believe world based entirely on belief rather than truth.

How much of the world have you actually seen for yourself?

How much of what you know have you confirmed for yourself?

Imagine a solar panel with an odd look to it, that weighs about 200lbs, has outputs on the side for keyboard, monitor, mouse, USB, and a "power input/output" connector with only + and - terminals.

What you are imagining is the only possible way we can have viable AI in the future. These would be arrays of integrated circuits the size of the wafers presently used in semiconductor manufacture onto which single supercomputers would be created and then over which rectifying antennas would be created into the integrated circuits. The rectifying antennas, or rectennas, would gather power on a scale about 4x as efficient as solar panels, providing power for the integrated circuits and almost always with power to spare. These IC panels, the size of today's 300Watt or so panels, would be capable of being arrayed together to create more complex networks. Other units of similar design purposed for communication could be made to create a mesh network of all panels on and around earth to create a more vast and powerful supercomputer to host a single global AI. Or they could be networked on smaller scales or used individually for less powerful supercomputers and thus less powerful AI models.

Since these provide their own power, they solve the problem of power needs of coming AI technology. These are therefore the only way to have AI going forward.

You heard it here first

That's right folks, I want to run for President of the United States, serve ONE DAY, and then resign and hand the reins over to Donald Trump.

On that day I will dissolve the entire federal bureaucracy, fire every federal employee, dissolve every federal agency, and limit ambassadors to only one American staff member abroad. I will also order all our military including the Navy home from all foreign shores and order them to form militias with citizen. I will also order the immediate and permanent dismantling of our entire nuclear arsenal. I will then resign.

There are no good jews, no innocent jews. Because jews identify as a separate species to the rest of us, they support everything jews do over anything else. They have no loyalties except to each other.

Because jews have been discriminating against me all of my life as a genius, as someone a lot smarter than all jews.

Pay attention folks. THIS IS IMPORTANT. Jews loyalty is to jews OVER HUMANITY ITSELF.

You have a flavor.

And my family SUCKS! This video was especially recorded for LeAnne Ashcraft, her family, and the Dulyea family. Worst families EVER!

Jews want this planet for themselves.

You see the world as you were taught how to see it. I see the same world but from an outside perspective. I was raised within society, but not by society. I am a natural human, at his potential, and represent what all human beings can and should be.

How about you? Are you even a responsible adult yet? Still depending upon mommy and daddy or society for your food and housing?

Sorry for the lack of thumbnail. Bitchute doesn't work on my browser anymore...

I have all the answers. People are asking, but jews are keeping them from hearing my responses...

I have been survivng on my own since I was 3 years old. I am THE expert on survival. Liatening to ANYONE else will get you KILLED!

How do you decide? On what basis do you judge? Do you assume you are right or wrong?

And given to the Palestinians.

Share this video or make your own if you agree.

My Bitchute accounts are shadowbanned, backend restricted, and subject to all sorts of efforts to censor what I have to say.

And what I have to say is the truth about jews like Ray, the founder of Bitchute and the fact that they are, by their own definition, a separate race of humans who believe themselves superior whem in fact they are inferior.

Jews like Ray don't want you to know what I know or that I even exist because my existence proves jews are inferior and evil.

Thats right Dwayne, Dave, Bonita, Jen, and everyone else who supports the way that I am treated by the jews who took over the US Government. I am being treated this way because I am a patriotic American doing his duty, and all of you who support how I am treated are TRAITORS committing TREASON, a CAPITAL OFFENSE! Thats right, all of you should be HUNG!


Created 10 months ago.

264 videos

Category Vlogging

I am unlike anyone else on earth. And I am persecuted by jews for it. And this site censors me and restricts my ability to upload!

I am an undomesticated human who raised himself from age 4 with full availability of the resources of a middle class family in Los Angeles County California. I took responsibility for myself and my older and younger brothers when I was 4 after my mother abandoned us with an abusive psychopathic father. I was resented for it socially and spent my grade school years in the county library. I was a fully mature human reasoning at Universal Ethics by age 8. My California Achievement Test scores were the highest ever recorded showing I had given myself a full high school education by 6th grade.

I AM a genius: (pardon my jewish ISP, they are censoring me again...just click past the stupid warnings...I wrote my site myself, it contains only HTML and some minor javascript.)

I suffered brain damage in 2004 while seeking my education to start a research facility working with wolves and livestock after relocating to Idaho and had no friends or family to support my recovery nor assist me in finding a live-in caregiver which I now require in order to survive. I had to teach myself how to speak again and overcame stuttering. I also had to create my own memory recovery therapies.

I have been persecuted and censored since I was in high school where I was kept from going to MIT and Caltech and now understand why, as it was revealed to me that I could not run for Commodore of Club Cruceros here in La Paz, BCS, Mexico because I am not a jew. I now realize that being a genius and not being a jew means you will be erased from existence because jews need to prove their superiority and they do so by cheating, by killing off anyone who actually IS smarter.

I fled persecution in America after suffering brain damage and came to Mexico to seek refuge where instead I found evidence of corruption by Americans, especially Malcolm Neil Shroyer Schoen and his son Daniel, who is responsible for torturing me and killing my Mexican/American friend. All evidence I have is online but censored thanks to the network of jews who run all media worldwide, likely including this site (Ashkenazi disinformation). The people who run Bitchute SUPPORT THE GENOCIDE OF PALESTINIANS DIRECTLY!

My videos are censored on Tiktok and have been censored from Youtube since 2012. My twitter account, also @TheGeniusWolf, has been backend restricted since 2 weeks after I started it and sent 1 tweet and 5 replies. Elon Musk himself is aware of my account status and is the one who ordered it restricted because I know his scam: he is a half jew benefits cheat, nothing more.

I have created this account in the hopes of breaking through censorship so that I can present my findings in my quest to understand society, humanity, and the Universe.

Finally, I am not antisemitic. For one, only Ashkenazi jews are antisemitic because semites are not all jews and all jews are not semites. Second, I do not hate jews: I hate what jews are doing to me and to humanity.

Please note that this channel is, from my end, set up for monetization. I was waiting for Paychute to become available so I could accept payments because the other systems are unavailable to me. Now that Paychute is available to me my channel should allow for tips and pledges but does not. I have contacted support who promptly replied with instructions how to monetize the channel which I repeated despite trying previously. I replied an hour and a half after the email was sent to me. I still await a reply from tech support... My account is not allowed to be monetized because these fucking petty stupid jews believe I value money the same way they do. They are stupid. I am a genius.

For now, please visit my Paychute page here if you would like to see other content from me or donate or subscribe.