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The Loudcry


Part 1 and 2 of this video should make it very clear the Ellen G. White was a true prophet and how satanic forces distorted her writings in order to accuse her of plagiarism and stamp her as a false prophet. If you look closely at the presented versions of the Great Controversy books you can see clearly that there exist at least 4 different versions. The 1858 is an inspired book and everybody should read it to understand what the Great Advent Movement of 1843/44 was all about. It is also available as free pdf download in the internet. It was published by her and her husband James White, who took care that the book was printed without undergoing an editing process and it was printed by Steam Press, Battle Creek, Mich. The second Great Controversy from 1884 was also written and published by Ellen G. White and was an extended version everybody should read. It is also available as free pdf. The prolem with this book is that the publishing was done by a different printing press, namely Pacific Press, Oakland, Cal. and James White died already in 1881. If this printing house did make some editing to the book, I cannot proof, but it seems obvious, because in this book the word "globe" appeared the first time in her writings. In the older books Ellen G. White did never use the word globe or planet in connection with our earth. She did use the terms our world or the earth a lot, but never the word globe. In "The Spirit of Propecy" book one or two she has a chapter where the shape of the earth is mentioned and she says that God had made it a great plain. In the 1888 version the word globe is implemented 3 times, and you should take a good look at the book cover. More videos soon to follow.

This is part 3 of the 3 part series of pastor Roy Farr from youtube channel "3AGM" or 3 Angels Gospel Ministries. For more interesting material please visit there. It is important for our time. Did anyone notice that it is almost 3 and a half years now from the worldwide covid lockdown in March 2021? The book "Is the Bible from Heaven? Is the Earth a Globe?" by Alexander Gleason used to be available in the Internet as a free pdf download. I don´t know if it still is. It was written in 1890 and revised in 1893 google as far as I can find out.

This is part 2 of the 3 part series of pastor Roy Farr from youtube channel "3AGM" or 3 Angels Gospel Ministries. For more interesting material please visit there. It is important for our time. Did anyone notice that it is almost 3 and a half years now from the worldwide covid lockdown in March 2021?

This video is taken from the youtube channel "3AGM" or "3 Angel Gospel Ministries". Pastor Roy Farr is the only pastor I could find who is teaching the truth about the true shape of our earth. On his channel you can find many more very interesting and eye opening videos. for example how his former beloved pastor friends quit their friendship and tried to convince him to remove his videos about flat earth. Please go to his channel and check it out and subscribe if you like it. I am sure this will also be a blessing to pastor Roy Farr and encourage him to continue the good fight. I hope he will forgive me because I posted his video material here. God bless the listeners who have an honest heart. Why are all the churches promoting the globe?? Maybe they are all part of babylon?? Please listen what the 3 angels in Revelation 14 have to say and the 4th angel that will come down from heaven in chapter 18. I will try to upload all 3 parts of the video series.

This video is about 20 years old and hard to find, but important for our time. I will try to put up more videos so the picture will become clearer. It is not easy because bitchute is heavily censored here in the Philippines or maybe it is just my computer or cellphone that will not let me watch or download any videos from bitchute anymore. But I still can upload slowly and as long that is possible, I will do so to get the message out. We have to be grounded in the truth so we cannot be shaken out, if we want to pass into the heavenly Canaan alive. God bless you all and give you strength for the events soon to happen. Because it will be a tribulation such as never was. See Daniel 12 and read Revelation 14, 17, 18 and 19 and pray for the Holy Spirit and Jesus promised He will be given and guide you into all truth. We need to start to work together now because soon there will come a time when nobody can work. As it is described in Daniel 12, whe the scattering of the power of the holy people will be finished .... please excuse my poor english.

Important information for the near future. Please watch carefully and prayerfully. God bless.

Great video, besides the music and some minor mistakes. The speaker in the video switched the numbers in the year Jesus was born. The Bible shows clearly that it was the year 3974 from Adam, not 3947. So if we add 30 years until He started His ministry we come to the year 4004. This was the year 27 A.D. in the roman calendar we use today. So in the year 4000 we wrote the year 23 A.D. That means in the year 2023 we will be in the 6000th year from Adam. To be in the 6000th year means we write the year 5999. After the hebrew calendar the year starts this year at March 23 with the first day of the first month. So next year at the last day of the 12th month the earth will become 6000 years old, simply because in the first year it is not counted as 1 year old. We can confirm this by dividing 6000 by 7. We get 857 cycles of 7 years plus one year. The sabbatical or release year 2022 ends at march 22 this year if the hebrew calendar is correct, then we will enter in the last year. I think you all know what that means.


Created 3 years ago.

8 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith