The Eclectic Compass

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The Eclectic Compass



This video illustrates how the deep state controls the music industry from rock to country to rap.

This video gives a broad overview of Deism, its history and evolution to today.

This video reexamines the death of reporter, Michael Hastings.

This video shows how the United States established and uses ISIS to achieve its goals.

This video traces the history of the papacy and how that applies to today.

This video explores the possibility that the Las Vegas Massacre was a false flag.

This video illustrates the possibility of Joe Biden using a double in public

This video enumerates the tell-tale signs of a false flag operation and lists some examples.

This video give an overview of the supposition that Alex Jones is really Bill Hicks.

This video explored the possibility that alien/human hybrids are living among us.

This video gives and overview of mass hypnosis and how it is used on all of us.

This video explored the mechanics of homeschooling.

This video explores the possibility that otherworldly forces are giving us technology.

This video explores the possibility that Hitler got away.

This video addresses the Christian concept of the Rapture.

This video shows the deadly nature of Lyme disease and the lack of attention given to it.

This video shows why Democracy as a form of government is undesirable.

This video overviews how brainwave entrainment can be used to control both large groups and individuals.

This video explores the religious conviction that alcohol is evil.

This video addresses the topic of profanity, its use and derivation.

This video attempts to raise doubts about the establishment narrative of 9/11

This video provides a fresh perspective of the reptilian conspiracy theory.

The video gives an overview of the Reagan assassination attempt and the shadowy links that are implicated.

This video gives and overview of how the C.I.A. smuggled drugs into the United States and pumped them into black neighborhoods.

This video gives an overview of how organized crime infiltrates the schools.


Created 1 year, 7 months ago.

71 videos

Category Vlogging

A VLOG commenting of a variety of topics related to our current culture/zeitgeist.