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Another visit from the police to Dayak court in Peckham (26th June 24) but not to see me.

link to my Dayak or Demonic Court video:!AmStmDpR5xEIlkxdNlF77E7SnTOQ?e=PzMcjl

Here's another prime example of my delusional disorder as diagnosed by psychiatrist Dr Catherine Louise-Murphy. I have a paranoia about hearing disparaging remarks and threats directed towards me. Of course they are but a figment of imagination as the learned shrink quite rightly points out.
There's a pattern of verbal abuse, some of it of a sexual nature and the words used include weirdo, w@nker, loser, ugly and p@edo. I feel so much relief knowing it's all in my head and not actually happening to me in the real world. Phew!!

music courtesy of POWER MUSIC FACTORY #ActionBackgroundMusicNoCopyright

link to audio recordings I made of my first gangstalking neighbour, the Teshome family who interfered with my life, sleep and health from 2013-2017.!AmStmDpR5xEIjR03KIjMn0PhPdfQ?e=xApTe7

continuing with the every day weirdness and nightly tortures, the latter courtesy of gangstalking neighbours stalking and skulking around like the daemons they are in flat 7 Dayak Court, here's my latest (19th June 2024) round of surreal activity taking place in the lift of Dayak Court.

some more weirdness enters my life via my Sony audio recorder!

There are 12 deaths of the under 35s each week from a cardiac arrest. Is the cause of the majority of these deaths a faulty gene or does a heavily promoted prick of poison also share some responsibility? We need answers.

Not sure why at least three cop cars arrived - two police unmarked cars with sirens blaring - at the flat today Monday 18th June 2024 at around 6am. The viewer might know the previous visit was for the allegation of the crime of swearing, a crime committed over and over by the person calling the police along with her son and daughter and I have evidence of this unlike my next door neighbour. If the police were to follow up all the crimes of swearing there would not be time to deal with any other crime.
I do foresee a time when the police will have a very valid reason to see me though all could be preventable if they were honest and admitted their knowledge of, if not part played in my being made a sexual pariah and to repeat myself ad nauseum, this is one part of my targeting.

In times of darkness and despair, try to find something, anything, to help lift your spirit. The daily verbal abuse and threats from strangers and the nightly burning to areas of my body facing the flat below is both a psychological and physical reality I have to endure. To bring some balance and healing I look to those things which help lift my spirit.

The similarities between myself, St George and an Archangel is spooky! The St George connection is that I am English (I do know St George probably originated from Turkey) and the archangel in question has the same Christian name as me. It's like they're my doppelgangers!

Do leave any questions for a gangstalker in the comments below. Cheers, Michael

I did intend to record the chat with both the psychiatrist and care coordinator using my bikecam but failed to do so. In hindsight it was a poor move on my part. The psychiatrist's main objective was to learn more about threats I have made. These threats were in one or two of the later flyers I posted and in the letters posted into the mailboxes of the other tenants here in Dayak Court, Peckham. My earlier flyers were also used to glean information from residents of Peckham and areas I parked for my sleep when I had use of the car on what had caused me to be a pariah. They did not contain any threat.
Not getting a single response to them I tried to up the ante by using a threat of murder. In a video uploaded to youtube in advance of posting the more threatening flyer and made private, I explained the threat in more detail. Although I used the word murder or killing, I didn’t specify a person and stated it could refer to a fly, cockroach or mouse. The idea of the flyer was to fool the reader into believing I would kill unless he or she contacted me and offered me the information I wanted, namely what had caused my outcast status. That video would be shown to the police should they pay me a visit about those flyers.
The psychiatrist suggested I don’t post any more threatening flyers and I agreed to this. It did shock me that a murder threat and placing some of the responsibility for any murder with the reader of the flyer failed to elicit any response. Make of that what you will. The objective of the psychiatrist was to evaluate my state of mind and whether I might carry out the threat. I told her I wanted truth and justice but did say revenge might at some point be necessary should the truth continue to be withheld. My objective was for her to assess and type a report on my evidence and I failed on this as she wouldn’t do so. Michael (Crossley)

link to my evidence videos proving I'm a pariah and gangstalked:!AmStmDpR5xEIlkxdNlF77E7SnTOQ?e=BHt8QY!AmStmDpR5xEIjHfVv60zbUeKAL-1?e=uGDTvE!AmStmDpR5xEIjRx0UGXK8EskiYNJ?e=YvBoaM

gangstalker games?

Link to the video which features the tenant and her children living at 10 Dayak Court and the same video presented as one of two in my complaint against London's metropolitan police:!AmStmDpR5xEIlkxdNlF77E7SnTOQ?e=6ScCxt

#Londonmetropolitanpolice #organizedstalking #dayakcourt

London police's dirty tricks. Difficult to countenance they're at it again, making mental health referrals to distance their collusion in my targeting and their cover-up of what is being done

Police oath of allegiance: I do solemnly and sincerely declare and affirm that I will well and truly serve the Queen in the office of constable, with fairness, integrity, diligence and impartiality, upholding fundamental human rights and according equal respect to all people, and that I will, to the best of my power, cause the peace to be kept

A different oath of allegiance:
I, ___________, of my own free will and accord, in the presence of Almighty God, and this Worshipful Lodge, erected to Him and dedicated to the holy St. John, do hereby and hereon most solemnly and sincerely promise and
swear, that I will hail, ever conceal, and never reveal any of the secrets, arts, parts, point or points, of the Master
Mason's Degree, to any person or persons whomsoever, except that it be a true and lawful brother of this Degree, or in a
regularly constituted Lodge of Master Masons, nor unto him, or them, until by strict trial, due examination, or lawful
information, I shall have found him, or them, as lawfully entitled to the same as I am myself. I furthermore promise and
swear, that I will stand to and abide by all laws, rules, and regulations of the Master Masons Degree, and of the Lodge of
which I may hereafter become a member, as far as the same shall come to my knowledge; and that I will ever maintain
and support the Constitution, laws, and edicts of the Grand Lodge under which the same shall be holden. Further, that I
will acknowledge and obey all due signs and summons sent to me from a Master Masons' Lodge, or given me by a
brother of that Degree, if within the length of my cable tow. Further, that I will always aid and assist all poor, distressed,
worthy Master Masons, their widows and orphans, knowing them to be such, as far as their necessities may require, and
my ability permit, without material injury to myself and family. Further, that I will keep a worthy brother Master
Mason's secrets inviolable, when communicated to and received by me as such, murder and treason excepted. Further,
that I will not aid, nor be present at, the initiation, passing, or raising of a woman, an old man in his dotage, a young
man in his nonage, an atheist, a madman, or fool, knowing them to be such. Further,

two LINKS to the videos mentioned:!AmStmDpR5xEIlkxdNlF77E7SnTOQ?e=zTwAnX!AmStmDpR5xEIjHfVv60zbUeKAL-1?e=6mbEbb

#notouchtorture #Londonpolicecollusion #gangstalkinginLondon


Created 5 years ago.

289 videos

Category Education

A channel to try to expose a secret harassment, stalking and surveillance programme (program) to the wider world. It commonly goes by the name of gangstalking which might be a disinformation term. Other phrases and abbreviations used to describe the gangstalking programme include targeted individuals or T.I.s, organised stalking and domestic torture programme. The mostly psyops (psychological based operations) though more worrying and potentially very harmful technology which plays its part in our targeting, revolves around stalking or tracking those secretly selected; harassing in various ways - noise, character assassination, sleep deprivation, surveillance and monitoring and the alluded to tech which may include v2k (voice to skull or voice of God); electromagnetic, microwave and other sinister hardware which can penetrate walls as though they weren't there so in effect attack any target invisibly. There's no cogent proof of these weapons - which do exist - being used on us but as many targets often mention similar health problems such as burning sensations, chronic joint aches and pains to name just two, this should not be overlooked or dismissed.
I have been a target of this since at least 2009 and can date it to 2009 because that was the year I attended the G20 anti-capitalism protest in London's financial district commonly known as the 'Square Mile'. It was the first and only time I have experienced the Police's kettling tactic and so was held in a small area encircled by Police and riot police for a number of hours. That same year saw a new neighbour move in to the flat below the one I shared with my brother. The block contains six one bedroom flats yet this new neighbour often had 4, 5 and sometimes 6 people stay. From day one of his tenancy he (and they) waged a deliberate noise campaign daily and at night slamming doors multiple times within the space of a few seconds, banging on the walls and ceiling. So began what I was to learn would be one aspect in my targeting. I didn't learn about gangstalking until at least three years later