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at least we are away from those god damn candle guys

no really fuck those candle guys

well it wasn't good, but it wasn't bad... and it was interesting so theres that

god damn im tired of trying to be sneaky

this game is just gonna be nothing but pain

well that was a shitshow

damn the guards just don't wanna give a humble thief a break man

you know that went better than i expected

That's it we are done... game over

well i thought it was the end... but i was wrong

Finally the man himself... well sort of

ok this is just stupid

oh goodie another nut job..... this time with robots

and so ends the tale of aisha the k-pop ai

worst mission ever

well that could have been a lot worse

It's the one the only SUPER MELEE!!!

phyphor's vid:

ok so maybe aisha isnt the sr aisha.... i guess we'll find out

enter the last agent.... wait what? where the fuck is gat?

finally gaunt is dealt with

the disappointment is immeasurable....

the new bad guy sucks

so uhhh yea we got daisy the benchwarmer and we are now franchise force

On with the main story.. i guess

so hollywood has a dark past... surprise


Created 5 years ago.

1363 videos

Category Gaming

Just a let's player who migrated away from youtube, cuz of their bullshit. I used to tag all my vids nsfw but that apparently disabled comments.