Modern Aikidoist Podcast

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Modern Aikidoist Podcast



Martial artists often believe that they will never take part in a fight willingly. Is this belief true? Watch this video and give it some thought.

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An in depth analysis of Steven Seagal's randori, and how his method translates to his movie action sequences.

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Audio Credits: Jingle Punks. Thank you for making royalty-free music available!

We discuss Shoji Nishio Shihan, his history and influence on aikido.

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We discuss Stanley Prannin and Josh's massive project of taking over Aikido Journal. We cover his experimentation with Jeff Imada and putting aikido's knife defenses to pressure testing.

Josh also shares his views on the future of aikido and his new leadership project.

Aikido Journal:

Budo Accelerator:

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Being an excellent uke (training partner) in aikido requires many skills and the right mindset.

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We discuss cultivating the martial spirit, teaching, commanding respect as an instructor, and much more.

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The interview is the process used leading up to many real world attacks. It isn't random, except to the target. I go into detail of the process and describe what you should be on the lookout for. This knowledge will help your awareness immensely.

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We discuss the new course I put together for Aikido University - Aikido-Based Self-Defense. This course is everything I did to overhaul the first belt test for new students, using aikido's easiest to learn and most reliable techniques along with more rounded skills from other arts.

Check out Aikido University:

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We discuss koryu arts and how they differ from practical arts, as well as some history of Miyamoto Musashi. We also discuss aikido in the real world, particularly in the health field - among other topics.

A great discussion and one you don't want to miss!

Reg mentions this post in the discussion, which caused some uproar in the aikido community. Here it is in it's entirety:
This group seems very responsive so I’d like to pose a question.
Which is more important, form or function?
As most of us are aikidoka I believe many of us are too concerned with form. Don’t misunderstand me form has it’s place, for example in a test. But what about function? When I worked in the security field I used my budo on a regular basis. I never thought about things like “if they attack me with a, b or c I’ll use defense e,f or g”. They would attack and in whatever the position ended up in I would apply a technique. Many times later when reviewing the CCTV I would recognize what I had done but it was not cognitive.

守破離 shu, ha, ri or take, break and leave is a common term in Japanese martial arts. I always think of it as form, logic and application (that’s not the dictionary or poetic translation, it’s how I think of it). In my opinion I’m more interested in seeing the function than the form.
Any interesting thoughts on this?

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Our discussion covers some of Azu's experiences with aikido on the job as a doorman and bouncer. We also get talking about how aikido training can evolve to be more real-world applicable and still be fun.

This was a fun conversation and very informative!

Aikidoflow Youtube channel:

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We start out the discussion on the topic of how tradition can degrade the quality of a martial art, and go from there. We also discuss real world violence and how it is different from traditional martial arts as well as sport fighting.

Don't miss this great discussion!

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We discuss the positive influences on our aikido which come from martial sport fighting. We specifically shed light on some major misunderstandings and myths about sport fighters and competitive training.

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An in depth analysis of some clips of Gozo Shioda's randori.

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An interview with Sensei Oliver Martinez. We discuss the background of Bill Sosa and the influences he brought into his aikido.

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Two recent, real-world attacks serve as good learning lessons for us. Violence can happen anywhere and be initiated by the most unexpected of sources.

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Today, these are separate and distinct arts. What is their relationship?

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Kicks are an integral part of fighting. What usefulness would kicks provide to an aikido practitioner?

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This discussion covers how to watch demonstrations and video, and identify specifics which make techniques useful and practical.

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Is the power we train to have a virtue, and what responsibilities and obligations go with that power?

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Some effective ways to increase the intensity of your training, and things to avoid.

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An examination on the weapons of aikido and how their study may be adapted to better fit modern times.

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Overthinking is a common problem with martial arts training.

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A different take on a probably the most important issue with martial arts training which results in students with no practical skills. Including, how we can solve the problem.

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We discuss aikido as a self-defense capable martial art, the current state and aikido's future, and other various topics in a friendly and provocative conversation.

Training in other arts is beneficial to your growth as a martial artist.

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Created 4 years, 7 months ago.

116 videos

Category Sports & Fitness

A podcast about topics related to the practical side of martial arts and aikido, as well as history and other relevant subjects.