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Is your dog stressed when you leave home alone? Do they resort to barking, whining, or destroying furniture out of anxiety? You're not alone! Separation anxiety is a common problem for many dogs, but it's easier to stop than you might think.

In this video, we'll guide you through easy steps to reduce your dog's separation anxiety, which actually have more to do with your lifestyle with your dog than just the crate behavior itself.

If your dog is following you around the house, always under foot, sleeping in your bed, and getting free run of the house--chances are all of this is stacking and creating even more anxiety in your dog.

you can start addressing Separation Anxiety by being more proactive with the way you live with your dog. Get them out of your bedroom, start doing more obedience and asking more of your dog throughout the day, don't just crate when you leave (use the crate as a place for your dog to hang out and nap even when you are home) and also start addressing all of the unwanted behavior like whining and barking.

you CAN correct unwanted behaviors in the crate without creating a negative association to it. We do this with every single separation anxiety dog that comes through our training program, and we have a 100% success rate with stopping it.

We show our entire process on how we eliminate separation anxiety in our course, Separation Anxiety Solutions.

Check it out here:

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Listen, there’s a time and place for reward based training. Whenever you’re working on new behaviors, wanted behaviors, and obedience. It’s thousands of reps positive reinforcement to pattern it.

But if you’re trying to STOP/eliminate bad or unwanted behaviors—barking at the door, jumping, counter surfing, poop eating etc. it’s going to require more than distracting your dog in the moment.

In fact- if you introduce food at the wrong time, like WHILE the dog is reacting or doing the unwanted behavior…you’re going to get more of that behavior 👀 (the reward reinforces it)

Corrections inhibit behaviors. Rewards reinforce behaviors.

It’s pretty simple stuff.

So if you’re trying to stop an unwanted behavior, you first need to correct it. THEN you can introduce food and pattern the desired behaviors you do want. That’s step two.

Keep it simple! It can be so much easier than you think to have a well trained and behaved dog.

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Is your dog barking and lunging around other dogs? Don't worry, you're not alone! This video dives into our most effective training techniques to help you and your reactive dog, so you can create a calm mindset on the walk. From correcting unwanted behavior, to identifying key body language, we'll equip you with the tools to transform your walks and make them stress-free for both you and your dog.

Our FULL start to finish leash reactivity courses can be found on

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One of the biggest issues in pet dog owners success is the lack of structure and leadership, kenneling up your dog is one of those important things to consider and we have seen it as a game changer for so many owners, keep in mind that a kennel is not a place you put your dog because they are misbehaving, I actually don’t believe in TIME OUT for bad behavior. I also don’t believe in kenneling a dog because they are doing something wrong, for that I believe in training what you want the dog to do and stopping what you don’t want to do.

Crating a dog though we actually have very specific protocols on (yes we have detailed how to videos on this) dogs are trained how to go into, how to come out and how to behave when in a crate, and its not about if the dog likes the crate or not (enough of this nonsense that we need to only do things are dogs enjoy) its a great leadership protocol.

Though I am not agains folks sleeping with their dogs, bottom line owners do it for their own emotional needs and not necessarily because it is the best thing for the dog. If your dog has separation anxiety, leash reactivity, resource guarding, “velcro dog issues” and a few more issues, having a dog out of your bed and even out of your room and sleeping in a crate along with training and behavior mod work will eliminate these things.

There are many folks that compare crating a dog to abuse, being in prison, that just blows me away how folks can even make that comparison, it is an emotional based thought process .

Not only is crating a dog when you are not home and at night the safest place for your dog it actually helps the overall training and state of mind for the dog. Many folks will just say, well if you trained your dog, then you wouldn’t have to crate your dog, that is an outright nonsense comment, explain to me how you take a out of control dog with no rules, boundaries, consequences and from day one and keep the dog from destroying your house, peeing and pooping, getting into ..

Dog Training is a rollercoaster ride of not only emotions but also progress, whenever you are even doing basic obedience there are so many variables to working your dog and that is even with the best of temperaments. We currently are living in a time where we are seeing so many dogs who are struggling mentally with some serious cognitive issues as well as fear, anxiety and stress and this limits them to have a cap to what they can learn. Many dogs are not food motivated, many dogs have no interest in learning and many dogs have never been asked to do even the most basic of anything and that ends up looking like a miserable dog to work. Many dogs it seems like Ground Hog day.

One of the issues is that when most folks get dogs they do not instill the concept of learning into their dogs. So the dogs go through a lot of their life just doing what they want, then all of a sudden, you start stepping up as a leader, you start teaching the dog what you want to do and what you don’t want to do. Imagine going through life without any rules or structure and you have been not exposed to many enviormentals, never been stopped from doing an unwanted behavior, everything in life as just been carefree and fun. Well when it’s time to learn, many dogs struggle and the owners do as well.

The great thing is this all can be worked through, we have worked with the most unmotivated dogs there is, we usually work with dogs that don’t have great drive, don’t have great motivation and look at learning as something they really don’t want to do (if any of you where poor performers in school, you will understand this), that is why we stress so much that as soon as you get your dog, start them on a well rounded training program, that addresses everything, what you want them to do, what you don’t want them to do, creating a calm state of mind, how to be calm on command, how to turn on and off their play, figure out how they learn the best, do structured exercise with them, feed them a balan..

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Angelo drops some info on the history of cheese, jump on and listen and learn and ask questions.

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Is your dog freaking out during storms, fireworks, or even while you're gone? Many dogs experience anxiety, but there are ways to help them relax through proper training. This video shows in detail how we work dogs through their fears, without the need of thundershirts or medication. Anxiety is typically a behavioral issue that dogs haven't learned how to cope with. And instead of avoiding the issue, we address it by teaching dogs a strong obedience foundation, and then getting them out in front of their triggers. We pattern calmness through training, until it becomes habit for them. You can watch Vader's entire rehab journey in our "rehabbing a fearful dog" course.

Check out to learn more about how we can help you.

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something is holding you back from doing your best work. What It is. What Fear? What insecurity? What are you afraid to change?

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We are launching a brand new course today, Fear to Freedom, which is an intense deep dive into how to work with, train and rehab a fearful dog so it can live a full life.

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Created 5 years ago.

882 videos

Category Pets & Wildlife

Jeff Gellman
Solid K9 Training
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Solid K9 Training, founded by award-winning, internationally-acclaimed dog trainer Jeff Gellman, is one of the nations most effective and respected dog training services providing no-nonsense, "Real World" training methods throughout New England. Serving dog owners from Hartford, CT to Boston, MA in our multifaceted, secure and 24/7 staffed Solid K9 Training Center in Providence, RI, as well as all throughout the nation with Jeff's wildly successful RV Dog Trainer Tour. We will train any dog, regardless of breed, shape, size or history. We work to fix all dog behavior issues including excessive barking, growling, snapping, nipping, dog aggression (fighting), human aggression (biting), child aggression, pulling on leash, leash aggression, leash reactivity, skateboard reactivity, resource guarding, jumping on people, fear issues, anxiety issues, separation anxiety, chewing and destroying household items, running away, not listening, door bolting, stealing food, getting into the trash, cat aggression, chasing game, and killing animals/game. We also have a renowned reputation specializing in obedience training, which includes heeling and walking properly on a leash, sit/stay, down/stay, place, recall training (come to owner), and crate training. Our Training services include Board and Train behavioral modification, 1 on 1 Training, Obedience Classes, Puppy Training programs, Boarding / Board & Play, Daycare, and many free dog training resources including Dog training advice videos, dog training webinars, and Dog Training Q and A videos on Youtube Live weekly. Our behavior modification training is cutting edge, using techniques like modern low level E-collar (remote collar) training and food and clicker training. Solid K9 Training has a worldwide reputation of being able to handle the most challenging dog behaviors and often times other dog trainers will refer their more serious cases to us.