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I took a business trip to Bellevue Washington and decided to set up my Insta 360 camera as a timelapse while I composed this song. Fortunately, on these trips I can stash my Akai mpk mini in my carry-on luggage for when there is downtime between the workdays to get a song composed. I have videos from wherever I go including San Antonio, Los Angles, Chicago and now Bellevue. I wish I had set up a timelapse for Mukilteo, but my room view was bad there for a timelapse. Now it has become a tradition to set up a timelapse and compose whatever comes to mind.

That's all for now, thanks for looking :-)

Robotic gastropods have been introduced into the oceans. They begin to assimilate the salt water and nutrients to form new structures and evolve their own unique movements. As they evolve they become more and more organic until there is hardly anything artificial in them. Eventually they begin to evolve into completely different sentient creatures. Over time the original organic creatures in the ocean are overtaken by these new lifeforms. The most intelligent gastropods begin to wonder who created them in the first place. Sadly all the original creators are now overtaken by their own creation.

Video was created in 3ds Max and Vray. Audio was composed in MPC and Cakewalk. #synthwave #mpc #vray

Robotic gastropods have been introduced into the oceans. They begin to assimilate the salt water and nutrients to form new structures and evolve their own unique movements. As they evolve they become more and more organic until there is hardly anything artificial in them. Eventually they begin to evolve into completely different sentient creatures. Over time the original organic creatures in the ocean are overtaken by these new lifeforms. The most intelligent gastropods begin to wonder who created them in the first place. Sadly all the original creators are now overtaken by their own creation.

Video was created in 3ds Max and Vray. Audio was composed in MPC and Cakewalk. #synthwave #mpc #vray

A mercury filled planet has formed sentient life. It has evolved into a humanoid form that walks based on TV waves that finally hit it from earth 10 million years ago. Up until now the chrome just formed geometric shapes that would randomly shift for millennia. Now it has a walking form that is slowly evolving the ability to think and have free will. Once it gets enough thought power nothing will be able to stop it as its mercury form can withstand anything space has to throw at it. Eventually it will form itself into a spaceship that will travel back to the now dried out planet called Earth to study the archaeological remains of its ancestor that inspired it to change its form into a chrome walker. Perhaps it will find some intact DNA to bring back the human race that invented the TV waves it encountered millions of years ago...

Video was created in 3ds max and vray. Audio was composed in MPC and mixed in cakewalk with a bit of extra effects from Guitar Rig 7.

That’s all for now, thanks for watching 😊
#mpc #synthwave

A mercury filled planet has formed sentient life. It has evolved into a humanoid form that walks based on TV waves that finally hit it from earth 10 million years ago. Up until now the chrome just formed geometric shapes that would randomly shift for millennia. Now it has a walking form that is slowly evolving the ability to think and have free will. Once it gets enough thought power nothing will be able to stop it as its mercury form can withstand anything space has to throw at it. Eventually it will form itself into a spaceship that will travel back to the now dried out planet called Earth to study the archaeological remains of its ancestor that inspired it to change its form into a chrome walker. Perhaps it will find some intact DNA to bring back the human race that invented the TV waves it encountered millions of years ago...

Video was created in 3ds max and vray. Audio was composed in MPC and mixed in cakewalk with a bit of extra effects from Guitar Rig 7.

That’s all for now, thanks for watching 😊

A strange species of succulent needs a human skull to grow in. They also require a special grow light that puts out infrared fractal rays. With these two components in place the succulents will sit in the infrared light and slowly grow until the entirety of the skull is absorbed. Botanists discovered this species growing in an old battlefield littered with skulls. As it turns out they have medicinal properties as well including increased strength and vitality. Unfortunately, the side effects are a berserker style rage experienced in the user. Perhaps these strange plants compel their hosts to create more fertile ground for them to grow in...

Video was created in 3ds Max and Vray with a few fractal overlays created in Fractal Now. Audio was composed in MPC via my Akai MPK Mini.
#synthwave #horrorsynth

A strange species of succulent needs a human skull to grow in. They also require a special grow light that puts out infrared fractal rays. With these two components in place the succulents will sit in the infrared light and slowly grow until the entirety of the skull is absorbed. Botanists discovered this species growing in an old battlefield littered with skulls. As it turns out they have medicinal properties as well including increased strength and vitality. Unfortunately, the side effects are a berserker style rage experienced in the user. Perhaps these strange plants compel their hosts to create more fertile ground for them to grow in...

Video was created in 3ds Max and Vray with a few fractal overlays created in Fractal Now. Audio was composed in MPC via my Akai MPK Mini.

The 17 year cicadas are swarming everywhere. I found a lone tree out in the middle of a prairie, and they were all gathering on this one tree making a huge ambient noise. I am familiar with the annual cicada sound but these 17 year cicadas seem to have a whooping noise as well. From a distance it sounds like some kind of machine, up close it is as loud as a concert with a sort of white noise ringing in your ear. Quite a few kept landing on me, the trick is to not let them sit on you too long otherwise they will try and stick you with a sap sucking mouth part. For the most part they are harmless and will just blunder around bumping into you as they try and find a spot on the tree. #17yearcicadas #cicada

The 17 year cicadas are swarming everywhere. I found a lone tree out in the middle of a prairie, and they were all gathering on this one tree making a huge ambient noise. I am familiar with the annual cicada sound but these 17 year cicadas seem to have a whooping noise as well. From a distance it sounds like some kind of machine, up close it is as loud as a concert with a sort of white noise ringing in your ear. Quite a few kept landing on me, the trick is to not let them sit on you too long otherwise they will try and stick you with a sap sucking mouth part. For the most part they are harmless and will just blunder around bumping into you as they try and find a spot on the tree.

This poor guy got lost in a maze again. Just when the route looks clear the maze shifts. Now he is stuck in one place and will have to create an advanced algorithm in his mind to be able to time the changes in the maze. Unfortunately, he failed his math classes and forgets the order of operation for the algorithm. His new tactic is to just wait it out until the walls of the maze crumble. The only problem with this plan is that once he gets out there will be another maze that will spring up. Moral of the story don’t fall asleep during math class…

The video was created in 3ds Max and Vray. Music was made in MPC and mixed in Cakewalk.

That’s all for now, thanks for looking :-) #synthwave #mpc

This poor guy got lost in a maze again. Just when the route looks clear the maze shifts. Now he is stuck in one place and will have to create an advanced algorithm in his mind to be able to time the changes in the maze. Unfortunately, he failed his math classes and forgets the order of operation for the algorithm. His new tactic is to just wait it out until the walls of the maze crumble. The only problem with this plan is that once he gets out there will be another maze that will spring up. Moral of the story don’t fall asleep during math class…

The video was created in 3ds Max and Vray. Music was made in MPC and mixed in Cakewalk.

That’s all for now, thanks for looking :-)

An alien ark device has traveled the universe collecting various warriors from numerous planets. As it returns to its planet of origin the samples have to be scanned to be sure they are still intact. Some samples had to be jettisoned into space because they were not sealed properly. Fortunately, most survived and will be brought back to their home planet for study. Each warrior will be thawed out and released at once into a colosseum to fight it out. The winner will then be spliced into a DNA slurry to have the strongest elements removed and placed into a new genetically engineered warrior. Eventually they will send shiploads of these engineered soldiers back across the universe to conquer each planet for various raw materials.

That's all for now, thanks for looking :-) #synthwave

An alien ark device has traveled the universe collecting various warriors from numerous planets. As it returns to its planet of origin the samples have to be scanned to be sure they are still intact. Some samples had to be jettisoned into space because they were not sealed properly. Fortunately, most survived and will be brought back to their home planet for study. Each warrior will be thawed out and released at once into a colosseum to fight it out. The winner will then be spliced into a DNA slurry to have the strongest elements removed and placed into a new genetically engineered warrior. Eventually they will send shiploads of these engineered soldiers back across the universe to conquer each planet for various raw materials.

That's all for now, thanks for looking :-)

Scientists have managed to culture a blood sample from an Egyptian mummy. Now they are dipping old skeletons in it. The skeleton starts multiplying and rotating in strange ways. The scientists try to stop the movement via a polymer substance. But the strange movements of the blood on the bones overcomes the polymer. The Egyptian mummy blood is multiplying the bones exponentially. Now they are forming patterns and evolving into something new. The bones have been absorbed into making more of the mummy blood. As it turns out this is not blood at all, rather it is a nanobot that replicates itself repeatedly. Earth's oceans get converted into nanobots and everything turns into a red nanobot. Finally, after absorbing enough human input the bots create a facsimile of the scientist that revived them. Soon more and more of these will be created and they will start rebuilding the pyramids until the sun hits them with another EMP that shuts them down again.

Audio was made in MPC and Cakewalk. Video was created in 3ds Max and Vray with some Tyflow simulations.
#synthwave #tyflow #mpc

Scientists have managed to culture a blood sample from an Egyptian mummy. Now they are dipping old skeletons in it. The skeleton starts multiplying and rotating in strange ways. The scientists try to stop the movement via a polymer substance. But the strange movements of the blood on the bones overcomes the polymer. The Egyptian mummy blood is multiplying the bones exponentially. Now they are forming patterns and evolving into something new. The bones have been absorbed into making more of the mummy blood. As it turns out this is not blood at all, rather it is a nanobot that replicates itself repeatedly. Earth's oceans get converted into nanobots and everything turns into a red nanobot. Finally, after absorbing enough human input the bots create a facsimile of the scientist that revived them. Soon more and more of these will be created and they will start rebuilding the pyramids until the sun hits them with another EMP that shuts them down again. Audio was made in MPC and Cakewalk.

Video was created in 3ds Max and Vray with some Tyflow simulations.

A strange race of aliens has made a 1,000 year trek to a planet with just the right radiation for them to worship on their pilgrimage. As they bask in the strange radiation light their brains evolve to a higher consciousness which will help them figure out how to cut their pilgrimage travel time to 10 years. They also end up going to a different planet to live as they now have new skills to test in a new environment.

Video was created in 3ds Max and Vray with Mixamo animations. Audio was created in MPC via my Akai midi keyboard with a bit of extra effects via Guitar Rig 7.

That's all for now, thanks for looking :-) #synthwave

A strange race of aliens has made a 1,000 year trek to a planet with just the right radiation for them to worship on their pilgrimage. As they bask in the strange radiation light their brains evolve to a higher consciousness which will help them figure out how to cut their pilgrimage travel time to 10 years. They also end up going to a different planet to live as they now have new skills to test in a new environment.

Video was created in 3ds Max and Vray with Mixamo animations. Audio was created in MPC via my Akai midi keyboard with a bit of extra effects via Guitar Rig 7.

That's all for now, thanks for looking :-)

A yogi master is trying to transcend their ego. Try as they can the ego fights back with multiple forms of personalities to stay alive. As the yogi gets closer to enlightenments all sorts of distractions flood into place. Various portals are opened and closed only to reveal more distraction before transcendence can finally be achieved. Finally after years and years of practice the yogi reaches enlightenment and becomes one with the architect of the universe.

Video was created in 3ds Max and Vray with the music created in MPC and Cakewalk with a bit of Guitar Rig 7 effects.

That's all for now, thanks for looking :-)

A yogi master is trying to transcend their ego. Try as they can the ego fights back with multiple forms of personalities to stay alive. As the yogi gets closer to enlightenments all sorts of distractions flood into place. Various portals are opened and closed only to reveal more distraction before transcendence can finally be achieved. Finally after years and years of practice the yogi reaches enlightenment and becomes one with the architect of the universe.

Video was created in 3ds Max and Vray with the music created in MPC and Cakewalk with a bit of Guitar Rig 7 effects.

That's all for now, thanks for looking :-)

A group of friends has a member who is in a bad mood. They try to console him but it gets worse and worse. Now everyone is worried and they do their best to get him out of this foul mood. Unfortunately it spirals out of control and absorbs them all and the whole group crumbles into nothing. Perhaps it is because they were trapped in a concrete room with a bright light... Or maybe they realized they were all just retro fashion mannequins with no new outfits to display as all the malls are moving to giant baggy clothes that won't fit them anymore.

Video was created in 3ds Max and Vray. Audio was made via my Akai MPK Mini in MPC on my commute into work.

That's all for now, thanks for looking :-) #synthwave #vray #mpc

A group of friends has a member who is in a bad mood. They try to console him but it gets worse and worse. Now everyone is worried and they do their best to get him out of this foul mood. Unfortunately it spirals out of control and absorbs them all and the whole group crumbles into nothing. Perhaps it is because they were trapped in a concrete room with a bright light... Or maybe they realized they were all just retro fashion mannequins with no new outfits to display as all the malls are moving to giant baggy clothes.

Video was created in 3ds Max and Vray. Audio was made via my Akai MPK Mini on my commute into work.

That's all for now, thanks for looking :-)

Aliens have figured out how to catch clouds. With their newfound skills they start jumping all over them and being reckless. Eventually the clouds fight back and end up as a fog that covers everything causing mayhem in the alien world. Finally the clouds and the aliens reach a truce and stay in their contained areas. As it turns out the clouds are composed of trillions of tiny sentient organisms.

Video was created in Vray, 3dsmax with Mixamo character animations. Audio was created in MPC with Guitar Rig 7 on the lead.

That's all for now, thanks for looking :-) #synthwave

Aliens have figured out how to catch clouds. With their newfound skills they start jumping all over them and being reckless. Eventually the clouds fight back and end up as a fog that covers everything causing mayhem in the alien world. Finally the clouds and the aliens reach a truce and stay in their contained areas. As it turns out the clouds are composed of trillions of tiny sentient organisms.

Video was created in Vray, 3dsmax with Mixamo character animations. Audio was created in MPC with Guitar Rig 7 on the lead.

That's all for now, thanks for looking :-)

The general population has been trained to argue relentlessly for no reason. Perhaps a frequency has been beamed out by nefarious characters. Now everyone just assembles and argues the same point without listening to each other. As the argument carries on it gets out of hand and spins out of control creating a wormhole that everyone is sucked into. Now the nefarious characters can rule the earth by themselves... Until they get into an argument with each other...

Video was created in 3ds Max and Vray with character animations by Mixamo. Audio was composed on my commute into work via MPC and my tiny Akai MPK keyboard.

Thanks for listening :-) Avoid large groups of arguing people... #vray #mpc, #synthwave

The general population has been trained to argue relentlessly for no reason. Perhaps a frequency has been beamed out by nefarious characters. Now everyone just assembles and argues the same point without listening to each other. As the argument carries on it gets out of hand and spins out of control creating a wormhole that everyone is sucked into. Now the nefarious characters can rule the earth by themselves... Until they get into an argument with each other...

Video was created in 3ds Max and Vray with character animations by Mixamo. Audio was composed on my commute into work via MPC and my tiny Akai MPK keyboard.

Thanks for listening :-) Avoid large groups of arguing people...


Created 6 years, 2 months ago.

326 videos

Category Music

Original artwork including drawings, digital art and animation as well as original music compositions created on various stringed instruments.