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The best things in life are free.

The purpose to life.

A loving rebuttal of Rabbinical authority by the word of God from the old covenant prophecies.

Jeremiah 8:1-15 KJVA
1 At that time, saith the LORD, they shall bring out the bones of the kings of Judah, and the bones of his princes, and the bones of the priests, and the bones of the prophets, and the bones of the inhabitants of Jerusalem, out of their graves:

2 And they shall spread them before the sun, and the moon, and all the host of heaven, whom they have loved, and whom they have served, and after whom they have walked, and whom they have sought, and whom they have worshipped: they shall not be gathered, nor be buried; they shall be for dung upon the face of the earth.

3 And death shall be chosen rather than life by all the residue of them that remain of this evil family, which remain in all the places whither I have driven them, saith the LORD of hosts.

4 Moreover thou shalt say unto them, Thus saith the LORD; Shall they fall, and not arise? shall he turn away, and not return?

5 Why then is this people of Jerusalem slidden back by a perpetual backsliding? they hold fast deceit, they refuse to return.

6 I hearkened and heard, but they spake not aright: no man repented him of his wickedness, saying, What have I done? every one turned to his course, as the horse rusheth into the battle.

7 Yea, the stork in the heaven knoweth her appointed times; and the turtle and the crane and the swallow observe the time of their coming; but my people know not the judgment of the LORD.

8 How do ye say, We are wise, and the law of the LORD is with us? Lo, certainly in vain made he it; the pen of the scribes is in vain.

9 The wise men are ashamed, they are dismayed and taken: lo, they have rejected the word of the LORD; and what wisdom is in them?

10 Therefore will I give their wives unto others, and their fields to them that shall inherit them: for every one from the least even unto the greatest is given to covetousness, from the prophet even unto the priest every one..

Psalm 92 KJAV
An Expose on true conspiracy and the root of all Anti Semitism and Anti Christian sentiment.

Tackling some misconceptions between Christians and Jews, and whether any choose not to accept Jesus Christ as the Son of God, this presentation is for all mankind, to warn and hopefully edify any that take the time to examine all that is presented, and to meditate on this most weighty matter, and to evaluate justly the findings that they can also warn their brethren, neighbours and friends, in the hope that it will increase their own understanding if any so lacks the knowledge presented.

This presentation clearly reveals the spirit behind anti Semitism, anti Christian, anti Muslims and anti mankind its root and it's working through conspiratorial ideation and intent.

Video correction: * I stated that Muslim leaders where Imams but I believe they are Mufti's

Book references examined for knowledge gained and for further research to any that so choose.

Edmond Paris: The secret history of the Jesuits + Vatican against Europe
Eric Jon Phelps: Vatican assassins.
Avro Manhattan: The Vatican Moscow Washington alliance + The Vatican Billions.
William Guy Carr: Pawns in the game.
Marvin Antelman (Rabbi): To eliminate the opiate Part 1 + Part 2.
David Talbot: The Devils Chessboard.
Jay Dyer: Esoteric Hollywood.
Des Griffin: Descent into slavery.
Christopher Story: The European commission.
Dr.L.A Lehman: Behind the dictators (showing that the Jesuits wrote "The learned Elders of Zion" document and propaganda.

Psalm 113 KJAV

First half is an outreach and a blessing to my brothers and sisters in Christ to share a witness of my personal experiences in Jesus Christ through out my life.

The second half is my witness of being an asset of the Illuminati/Freemasonry covert projects being a MK ultra type survivor and a targeted individual by their covert surveillance bodies through out my life and this part is a warning and a outreach to those luciferians along with their royal arch covens and those one step beyond them who are responsible for my abuses, and to confute their beliefs that Lucifer is God, and to reveal to them by the light of the one true and living God and His word what Lucifer's light really is, and why they believe he is the light bearer, and how they can deliver themselves from his deceptions and lies through no other way than through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ the Lord only, which will bring them true enlightenment rather than the absence of, which is what they practice in darkness, deception lies and murders and sexual abuses in their ritual magic practices, which will never make them gods but fools for Satan.

Definitely not religion continued.

See part 1

A comparative study of Religion vs Biblical Christianity.

Exposing the corruption and subversive nature of organized Christianity carried through into the politics of the world today.

Bible study from the King James Authorized Holy Bible, exposing the false by the true.

Important information for the publics attention !

A witness to the secret practices of the Government and the civil services, social services and the N.H.S and G.P surgeries and exposing their dual nature.

I have received no official response from the Health authority registration department to date of my complaint and the requests made.

The authors of conspiracy, their machinations and the use and the duel nature of their set up civil apparatus, its utilization and the associations and the root and cause of all evil manifest influencing and yoking the world world within a deception and illusion.

Witness to the power and the truth preserved in the King James Holy Bible , the word of God and its discerning and prophetical truths. Which Bible remains the authorized and untainted and true record and witness of God and Jesus Christ the Lord unlike religion and the various adulterated and corrupted bibles to discredit this wonderful faithful and Holy book.

Revealing the externalization of the covert hierarchy of the occult false Christian church and exposing the social modelling of society and society's conditioning, upon individuals and the general demographic by the use of arresting children's development on a select target number within society and the mechanics of this process.

Final part of this presentation contains some guidance and experience for seeking any help or support for a just and true diagnosis and service for P.T.S.D and this symptoms association to trauma and dissociation and guidance for any feeling suicidal and the potential causes and the remedy for such through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone for the forgiveness of all sin and a personal relationship to and with God forever the moment a person truly believes.

The Government have been ordered to accept 300,000+ Immigrants per annum who informed the press and all the news channels? Rishi Sunak pledged to stop the boats and control immigration?

Brexit was voted for to get control back of our borders, yet more lies from any two faced Government in power who cannot keep any genuine promises they want unless it is in line with the scripted narrative and agenda or they are prepared to be assassinated stepping out of line with it.

Here is why the UK and Europe have to swallow these lies and the constant influx of an exhaustible supply of Immigrants whether legal or illegal.

Because of the institutional child sodomite cult blackmailing our politicians and the willing silence of those who know this and keep quite, aiding and abetting the crimes and controlling shadow power, these problems will keep mounting up!

Israel's attempt to eradicate Hamas is just like clipping the claws of the Islamic beast or destroying the dew from off the grass each morning.

When Israel became a nation in 1948, Britain opposed the Jewish state, they backed the Arabs and disarmed the Jews and staffed the Transjordan Arab legion with British officers.

Because Britain applied to the then league of Nations in the 19 20's for Israel to be called Palestine rather than Israel, it caused a division which today is exploited and propagated against the Jewish people which all the Muslim Arab nations are quite happy to mask their criminal Jihadists activity's under this pretext, in the name of Palestine.

The criminal shadow organization behind Israel, The US and Britain, and their infiltration, influence who coerce these Governments to propagate division and war upon the Jews, Christians and Muslims, using each against each other to further their own cause.

The Vatican is the main enemy of Israel and all the sovereign states of the whole world.

The last thing we will ever need is A New World Order, what we really need is the restoring of our Sovereignty..

Comments regarding the many Black Israelite prophets I have recently encountered which concerned me

Being disgusted how many people scoff and mock those who have taken the vaccines who rally others abusively as thought they are the only ones realizing the fake narratives as if they have been doing this for century's and who lead the charge who seem to overlook they to where once asleep and ignorant being edified by someone else, these who aggressively call on people to make a stand and to either fight or protest and rally the cause as if they own it and who forget to define what that exactly means or entails like a headless mob and who will be caught up in protests that go belly up and riot since they have a mind of their own and are often infiltrated for that purpose and the conspirators are not stupid and know full well what to expect and meet it and turn it to their own advantage at the cost of everybody else and the truth and any hope of justice or change which will make matters even worse who speak for their own belly's and no one else's in the name of their just cause and not the cause justly for all concerned, many Guru informants are New age shills, false prophets, antichrists, leading the opposition to overthrow it gaining control of it!

It is a true saying that when good men do nothing then evil dominates and persists in the injustices, yet many good men do and have done plenty but yet the evil persists and nothing changes, it takes good men in lawful office as well as good citizens to do good and rightly rather than lawlessly in aggression and rage, anger and blinkered rebellion to make a difference for good but I wonder if any good at all is done that it will be to little to late, I hope and pray not, but it looks like where fast approaching the door of prophecy when God judges the world and pours out his wrath on the wicked and unbelieving nations, it appears that way since the main protagonists of conspiracy are in charge to date and all appear to be under siege and only God can deliver therefore why would He bother to deliver the unbelieving accept for His own outstretched mercy not willing that any should perish in Hell, not that I am saying do nothing but do it right or don't do it at all

Most all of the investigative journalists and history revisionist that reveal the truth are Christians, not all of course but most of and many plagiarizers like David ike and Alex Jones jump on the band wagon and others follow their piping, its a coin-tel-pro and the likes wind up and stir rather than build up and edify with love and these wolfs knowingly or not serve the communist lucifurian revolutionary agenda who are loaded and evoke others to revolt in lawlessness to over throw Governments and the law which is the objective from within and from without, not all politicians are corrupt but many are compromised and corrupted and blackmailed and nations are more and more indebted to these despot conspirators to overthrow nations sovereignty's and lawful offices to do their bidding, they speak truth but no truth is in them!

There are many in this camp in the name of love and unity and world peace like Bob Marley, reggae musicians, Rastafarians, its false. True peace is born within believers of Christ and not through devils and idols professing love

Matthew 10:34 KJV
34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.

1 Timothy 2:1-6 KJV
1 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; 2 For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. 3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; 4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. 5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; 6 Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.

John 18:36 KJV
18 Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.

Ephesians 6:12 KJV
12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Proverbs 11:30 KJV
30 The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.

Luke 13:3 KJV
3 I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.

John 3:7 KJV

The truth about the Taliban, ISIS Al Qaeda all the fomented, sponsored by covert military intelligence, terrorist cells or naturally other wise, is that all the western powers could eradicate the Taliban with all their technology and bring them to their knees to surrender in one day without an invading army, the question is why haven't they?

Isaiah 21:6 KJV
6 For thus hath the Lord said unto me, Go, set a watchman, let him declare what he seeth.

Warning signs, Exhortation, the sure hope of the Gospel and praise.

False flags # Luciferian globalist agenda # Islam # Military phys-ops# shills # Mark of the beast # The wrath to come

The Islamic hierarchy and leadership are another branch of the Free Masonic model, the civilians are just pawns on the board and Luciferian globalists play one hand against the other like a Punch and Judy show having access through the top of the hierarchy on both hands and Governments and nations and their civilians are ultimately the victims of the consecutive deception governed by Satan the devil who pushes onto destruction regardless of the cost of the lives lost in the process

Nothing against refugees but I wonder how many terrorist cells infiltrate these planes rescuing the refugees? Do the majority of Islamic Afghans love the Taliban and are the displaced refugees just liberal Muslims and political pawns to further over burden the nations they end up in and to feed the propaganda agenda that Islam is a peaceful religion? Look how the Gurkha's have been treated and the Windrush generations and can they expect the same treatment? At least the Governments/Crowns heroin trade is secure

As I recall the reasons touted and that where media generated to go into Afghanistan in the first place where to fight the war on terror propagated by Roman Catholic supporters (Tony Blair and George Bush Junior) as a religious war (Crusade) in the name of Christ, falsely representing Christians as supposed Christian nations which only feeds Islamic Terrorism against the west and makes Genuine Christian bible believers the prime target as to pin the blame on Christ and believers in Him, another prime motive of the Luciferian globalist, Illumenist, for their new world order which is to undermine the Gospel, the law and governments and all's independence and freedoms

In this video I pronounce this man: "Geert Vanden Bossche " as "Gooche" apologies for any confusion and error see link below.

Bill Gates SENIOR VACCINATOR is throwing his reputation away in hope of stopping this vaccine NOW.

Israeli Dr teaches vaccine measures are futile.

In more dept to mammon's yoke for the propagated crisis, the UK Governments "Leveling up" means more public dept

Additional thought's and closing comments:Is there a virus or is there not a virus? I believe there is and if not then there could be! Are the deaths caused by 5G or the virus or are they all false or murders within the Hospitals? It could well be any of those things, even any one, two or three of them, but one thing is certain is that its all lies and confusion and if you have taken the vaccine barring the self elect who have had the placebo, then well you have one foot in your eternal coffin already if your not truly saved or born again and all you can do is repent and be saved if you have not been. Are the covid vaccinations the mark of the beast? If it is then where is the mark on the forehead or the hand? I believe it certainly is phase 1 of perhaps a 2 phase preparatory agenda coming very soon which more than likely will be the additional mark of prophesies eternal damnation! The vaccinations certainly have the ability to modify D.N.A and along with other ingredients within it and within the atmosphere which are ingested directly or through contamination. The concoction of the vaccine has the components to be activated by electronic and magnetic stimuli, it certainly could be the case that there are many variables and potential possibility's hidden within the lying motive for example to cause an activation of a contagious virus given within it or to cause fatality's and to activate ingredients to modify the D.N.A to synchronize the individual into the A.I centralized hive system or whatever you want to call it which today is a reality and which is on the table. This whole episode of the scripted plandemic could well be just a trial run to gauge reaction until the real event, many could be targeted and given placebos and others the real poison which of course fuels the ability for deceptions and propaganda and to foment division. And finally Q Anon is a straw man military Intelligence phys-op like many other supposed grass roots truthers and popular channels and websites for the purpose of shutting down and disabling any truth. All I really know is the Word of God is true and God and through Jesus Christ our Lord is the only Saviour and hope and the way out of this mess for each and every individual soul

I believe it is only a matter of time that the non vaccinated will be blamed for the mounting vaccine deaths.

short video flagging up concerns of Christians with healthy immune systems who have naturally developed anti bodies who have become infected with Covid 19 again with the newer delta strain, whom the mainstream media show in the spotlight as foolish for resisting the voluntary experimental vaccines and who are to blame for the perpetuating of the problem, which of course is designed and a conspiratorial act and a lie to anger and divide peoples opinion against any holding to the truth to justify the ends to their means of their bias and unjust restrictions, vaccine passports no doubt leading towards the mark of the beast for an example and anything they say regardless of the endless stream of contradictions and illogical logic pumped out of their mainstream platforms by the deceived and by the willing participants of the overall conspiracy in action, which propagates this lie against common sense reason and the truth, continues unchecked!

My hypothesis that these persons are individually targeted and infected to reinforce the controversy and lie propagated by the wicked authority's and the mainstream conspirators that the vaccines are the only way out of their propagated false flag pandemic which profits the already rich at the expense of countless lives and livelihoods taken away during the unjust plandemic, past ,present and to come.

How can people who have developed natural immunity become reinfected unless it is a biological weapon designed to trick the immunity which I believe is only to reinforce the hype and propagated lie and agenda contained within the motive for this vaccine roll out and its long term plan of the globalist satanic agenda and their new world order infrastructure and its unlawfully regulated controlling mechanisms out rolling to date!

The contradictions are exasperating and plentiful, false promises not backed up or guaranteed but spun out lies, like the vaccine will offer immunity and at the same time the vaccines do not offer immunity, well which is it? People vaccinated still get Covid and infect the vulnerable so the minority in the non vaccinated camp cannot be all to blame, but they are! Simply because it is planned that way, truth is absolute and unwavering and not confusing, confusion is the fruit of lies and authored by the devil and those that profit from these perpetual false flags and deceptions which are consecutively inflicted upon the unsuspecting ignorant public bodies.

The Hegelian dialect, problem-reaction-solution.pressure from above ie criminal wicked governments and pressure from below ie lobby groups and fomentor's of public opinion and behavior modellers like extinction rebellion or black lives matter or vaccine promoters from the duped deceived public and by public servants for example.

Out of the horses mouth. Publication from GOV.UK :human-augmentation-the-dawn-of-a-new-paradigm

Covid 19 circus.(Corona crown virus.) ORIGINAL AND THE UPDATED VIDEO DESCRIPTION.

Spotting some Gnostic imagery from the BBC broadcasted news footage of Prime Minister Johnson, I then decided to piece this video of edited clips together from the mainstream news and to provoke some rational judgements to be considered regarding the main stream information bureau of social engineering that is portrayed as reliable and informed factual news which to all observing is far from the truth and it is simply a one way corporate sick cycle of spews, spun out news, blowing bubbles to sell more soap from the corporate run and owned soap box, is it not all about the $/£'s at the end of the day? Just a rolled out scaled up model of the Catholic run Magdalene Laundry's.

This is the updated paragraph I believe caused the removal of this video from YouTube 15/07/2021 which was first uploaded on the 7th August 2020.

Mason Prime Minister Boris Johnson again giving the sign of the select master which apparently has two meanings one is a sign of personal distress and a cry for help and the other is only work related which meaning I do not know but apparently there are two uses of this sign and masonic secret token, and he has used it several times when addressing the public on major issues and even when wishing the England football team well at the final which footage has vanished and nobody seems to have captured it which was broadcast the morning of the Euro 2020 final after the cold stream Guards played a tribute at Windsor castle the very same morning. Of course these things are easily dismissed one way or the other,and if it is so then no one secretly in a covenant of lies would openly admit their participation within a conspiracy now would they? So please make up your own mind.

Some obvious common sense facts:- The body or the immune system is very well equipped to deal with these viruses and diseases but each human is uniquely different because of genetic inheritance leaving a percentage at a disadvantage and weak immunity, if the correct diet is taken and a sick person has a restful and peaceful environment to convalesce in, the immune system can by itself identify the foreign bodies and begin to combat the alien visitor hosting in their bodies. The big whopping lie is this for generations by the food and medicines and cosmetic products regulatory bodies have allowed minute toxins into these supply chains which is to do one thing and one thing only, to make your immunity weaker so the corporate models can make merchandise of your misplaced trust and ignorance to take their false immunity remedies and the more you take them the sicker you eventually get which means more sickness and more profit for the prescriber's and manufacturers of medicines and a way to control the population and their is a long term plan in all businesses and as regard to health it is no different.

These inoculations have neurological toxins and nerve toxins and foreign viruses which once ingested remain in your bone marrow until the day you die and today we have the introduction of genetically modified organisms and ingredients to build upon this lie to get the public to accept what is what ever that is to be accepted to be ingested into the body, COVID in my opinion is just the catalysis to get these planned things into the human race and as each generation produces off spring these children will become weaker and weaker while the genetically induced building blocks take root into the human D.N.A. it is public knowledge, if researched that the worlds military's have weaponized cancer producing viruses, you simply cannot trust mankind or any government when it comes to yours and your family's well-being and health, period.
Jeremiah 17 ; Proverbs 3 ; Ephesians 2:3 ; Romans 3: 10 KJV

I invite viewers to watch and consider within the footage not only what is being said but what is being shown within the imagery and those behind the scenes editing and producing what is broadcast, within this video is a advert cartoon for the child's nasal flu spray to make it "cool" to have it and please note the images of Chinese writing placed in the cartoon, barring in mind this was over a year ago and the microchip satellite orbiting in space and the "Red shield" logo on the Flu Hero characters chest and costume, even the name and logo A-Z of the nasal flu spray manufacturer and consider is there any esoteric or Gnostic significance to the portrayal of these ideas having behind them multi million pound production teams who are called in to sell or promote their wares or ideals or ideas, is it a planned-demic or is it just all random chance and a coincidence, time will tell and ultimately God will be the final judge of all matters when the day comes that all man's works will be revealed, every thought action and deed whether done in secret or out in the open.

Do not allow yourself to become a drone.

After seeing Prime Minister Johnson smirk on the TV on the 12 July 2021 announcing another uncertain but certain irreversible reversible easing of lock down restrictions in the UK and also condemning those making racial slurs on social media to crawl back under the rock they came from, considering his own hypocrisy I though that was rich coming from an adulterous deceiving man and saw that this was the tip of the iceberg after seeing all the mainstream media footage associated to the fake generating of these scripted narratives which the deceived take up and naturally act out in blind obedience to the lies being deceived by the deceptions of the deceived.

I believe the Marcus Rashford mural was deliberately vandalized to generate a reaction by the antithesis, the anti racial prejudice arm of the false flag, Cointelpro, why now and timed with the finishing of the Euro final and plus all the media attention it generates potentially fueling and building up anger levels in the black community to later exploit, it wouldn't be the first time, look up the word Cointelpro and where this roots from and which groups was this false flag technique practiced on? This behavior is cultivated patiently, it doesn't manifest itself over night!

Also the storming of Wembley was lead by a cell of covenanted Luciferian believers.(Crisis actors.)
Which will later reinforce the false accusation and blame for further lock down restrictions of the non vaxxed since these selfish mob where lead to inflate that argument being the predominate voice for all concerned regardless of their individual reasons, beliefs for refusing the covid vaccines.

I could not find the video footage I was referring to of a Orthodox Jew spray painting a swastika outside the back of a Jewish restaurant in Jerusalem but i found another example and have placed a link. I do not condone any antisemitism by any body and many like acts take place wherever there is a Jewish community and I am not saying it is all the Jews doing, even the footage I saw may not have been a genuine Jew but someone dressed as a Jew but I wanted to show the example of the practice and how many wicked people create these false flag attacks and then point the finger at the generated straw man which does the Jewish community no favors neither the rest of humanity.

The Jews however wicked some behave and much of this practice is performed by non believing Jews who practice pagan ritualistic Kabbala rooted from Babylonian Talmudism, Idolatry, which gives all Jews a bad reputation, the Jews like all are in unbelief even the religious ones who are veiled to not see or to know their own God because Christ was rejected, but God loves them and they are all beloved for their fathers sakes and Jesus is outstretched to save all Jews and non Jews alike, those who live with the scars of the evil holocaust suffer the most from this propagated Antisemitism which the wicked and the deceived take up and run with the propagated fear campaign which is generated to persecute the true bloodlines of Israel and which is sometimes performed by Jews who are not Jews in Israel and around the world, which is the same game played on Christians, the black community's and the Muslims, its a false flag attack ultimately upon God Almighty, Jesus Christ and His beloved people. It is an illusion, a dirty trick and deception played upon us all ! Don't buy into it and fall for it, repent and believe, love God and your neighbor as yourself, as you have been loved by God, repent and believe for the remission of your own sins or perish eternally in Hell!

Jew caught spraying swastikas

Shocking truth of millions of child abuse websites orchestrated by satanic pedophiles produced by dark-to-light bitchute channel.
Warning Video shows some censored graphic images of child sex abuses, truly aweful but I wanted to demonstrate whats behind the Free masonic F.A. and the Olympics which are pagan ritualistic satanic altars where the deceived worship the image.

A compilation of signs and warnings produced by Mark Ekawamai Ministries channel which I thought was very good although I am very skeptical when it comes to the healing in Jesus name since Christ could heal all and everyone regardless of their faith so why not visit the hospitals and heal all the sick and dying? regardless judge for yourself the truth within the content produced.

Proverbs 11:30 KJV
11 The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.

Update*Aug 2021 Pfizer has now been passed by the FDA which is an admission of the vaccines being a trial which the public where not formally told but the information was publicly available, they just where not informed of the fact and led to believe they where safe, shamed and coerced into accepting them as safe by the media narrative and the Government behind it.

Their backsides are protected from prosecution and damages from any fatalities or chronic health effects and those in the bracket will receive next to no help when needed, double vaxed double blow.

Natural DNA cannot be patented/owned, the virus could not be it was rejected although it is genetically engineered, now vaccinated people have been modified therefore they are no longer natural but modified and therefore patented property of the Vaccine developers who consider them as there property of their experiments along with their genetically engineered patented vaccine.

Exposing a subtle media driven deception that the conspirators have used which will clear away the smoke and mirrors and confusion showing the subtleties of a psychological illusion to deceive the public's minds by simply showing the truth straight down the middle of both sides of the contradictions, one for instance is they have just shown on the news that unless you have a proper medically graded mask then they are useless which in itself is being economical with the truth and a delayed admission of what they have always known and that masks do not work at all.

Evidence based from the official sources that all the covid vaccines are in trial and the ingredients are toxic and immoral and have a sicker more twisted and a deeper rooted motive than whats perceived on the face of it, for an example you would not take a vaccine into your blood stream if you knew that a child had been ritually and publicly sacrificed/murdered and you where eating the unholy sabbath offering to Satan and the vaccine was blasphemous and evil and changing your DNA to rob you of your free agency and rights and your soul now would you, well guess what?

Under the whole global clinical trial which is voluntary not to mention the crisis has been premeditated and inflated and propagated has included three phases. Phase I+II+III as seen on TV, which has been a select few of informed public volunteers of being trial subjects at which point that part of phase III of the trial was presumed to be the end of the trials and shown as such, but now the uninformed public and civil services have not been informed of the continuation of phase III or phase II of Phase III which is shown here to be examined and authenticated.

A lesson to be learned from this is that the Government when addressing the public do not tell you anything, the way they tell and inform people of what they are really saying and doing is written on the bottom of tins which are kept on the shelves at the back of the larder at the government offices, that's the public notice board and what they say publicly on TV is the omission of the truth in the larder.

Worse case scenario for those that have taken the vaccine is they will all die prematurely, it is a fact their D.N.A has been modified and could further be engineered and therefore the likelihood for complications is a potential reality, so what will happen after the human trials will they certify it as safe to officially approve the vaccines, then what? Or will they rightly be condemned after the pandemic has passed therefore what will happen to those who accepted it? Mass medical malpractice claims and payouts, more public debt and lies and no doubt all outcomes from this scenario have been anticipated and planned for since the conspirators have the upper hand.

There is no shame in admitting your wrong, it takes humility and courage, the shame is in the wrong doing and denying it and staying within it and continuing to support it, which is the easiest thing to do.

A Telling and sober witness given on the UK colum by a NHS nurse taken from T4 Japan channel plus an exposure by project veritas secretly interviewing a CNN technical director by the name of Charlie Chester exposing the US TV networks



Out of the horses mouth. Publication from GOV.UK :human-augmentation-the-dawn-of-a-new-paradigm

A strong delusion is brewing, The lunatics are running the asylum, do not become an in patient!

Pray for this to be checked and halted and overturned before it is to late and these vaccines are legitimized and so the negative future events can be stalled and avoided.

Apologies for my mispronunciation of Reuters (Roy-ters)

What it says on the tin, the one always being kicked up the road.

Talk about having your cake and eating it! And so brazenly in the face of the hungry oppressed public, what a mockery and hypocrisy. It is apparent that having an extra marital affair within the UK Government is a badge of honor and office, what the Prime Minister does, as his peers, his junior ministers follow suit.

Matt Hancock resigned 26th June yet nothing has changed, I do not rejoice in the fall of Matt Hancock considering all the effected lives from his and the Governments actions and their blatant lies which where even openly and subtly and divisively admitted on BBC's question time by a senior Tory M.P shown on the 1st July 2021 and I wonder even if it is just all part of the theater and he knows that he is just playing a role in a bigger conspiracy or that he is being set up and was made a scapegoat for the controversy caused to foment public division and further disorder and confusions, what I do know is that it is all a lie and deception and it is criminal insanity fixated on getting its own way by hook or by crook and the deceptions and subterfuge continues, the damage caused is irreparable and I sense this is the founding motive behind this drive and this cunning push

Hebrews 13:8 KJV
8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

Romans 3:10 KJV
10 As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:

We are all conceived in sin and born with sin, sin is the omission of Jesus Christ our only RIGHTEOUSNESS, the world is deceived in sin by it's own deceptiveness from sin and Jesus is the only way, truth and light and remedy for all sin once and forever which is a free gift by His grace alone through faith alone in Him alone. John 1 KJV The Devil is the author of sin and is behind all lies and confusion and deception and error who works through the omission of righteousness (lies/omissions/darkness) in mankind at will

Jesus said there would always be the poor in the world because of the wicked and injustice/inequality and double standards and that men, the most basest could not cease from lust and sin, behind all nations Governments is an occultist ritualistic satanic power and influence, an established elevatory masonic cabal which has pinched lawful powers/Governments by compromise and vice, especially child abuse and pedophilia and the blackmail that goes with it to get it in its own pocket and the likes of, which is all public knowledge and can easily be confirmed by research of the many lawful witnesses and knowledge available to the public who are without excuse as the lawful publicly appointed offices of Government who continually deny and wink at and cover over to bury the problem and fact which can only be a fruit of their own guilt and complicity to the practice

I, a sinner,now saved, believed in the Word of God, His beloved Son, His finished work on the cross and His resurrection unto life and it was accounted unto me as righteous by His RIGHTEOUSNESS, the Word of God, Jesus Christ the Lord. 2 Colossians ; 2 Ephesians KJV

Proverbs 9:10 KJV
9 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.

See Daniel chapter 4 KJV for the context of these verses.

Daniel 4:17 KJV
17 This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones: to the intent that the living may know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the basest of men.

Daniel 4:25 KJV
25 That they shall drive thee from men, and thy dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field, and they shall make thee to eat grass as oxen, and they shall wet thee with the dew of heaven, and seven times shall pass over thee, till thou know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will.

Proverbs 29:12 KJV
12 If a ruler hearken to lies, all his servants are wicked.

Proverbs 20:26 KJV
26 A wise king scattereth the wicked, and bringeth the wheel over them.

Psalms 37:32 KJV
32 The wicked watcheth the righteous, and seeketh to slay him.

Proverbs 11:8 KJV
8 The righteous is delivered out of trouble, and the wicked cometh in his stead.

Proverbs 19:28 KJV
28 An ungodly witness scorneth judgment: and the mouth of the wicked devoureth iniquity.

Psalms 9:17 KJV
17 The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.

Ezekiel 33:19 KJV
19 But if the wicked turn from his wickedness, and do that which is lawful and right, he shall live thereby.

Psalms 34:21 KJV
21 Evil shall slay the wicked: and they that hate the righteous shall be desolate.

Proverbs 12:13 KJV
13 The wicked is snared by the transgression of his lips: but the just shall come out of trouble.

My prayers for Matt Hancock and the UK Government, for repentance and reconciliation for Matt within his own family and marriage

Spotted motives behind the contradictions regarding anything Covid, especially the bias restrictions on the travel industry and the entertainment industry seeking to hold public events unsure and confused by the contradictions and confusing guidelines and lack of support disproportionately, the drive for people to get "Double dosed" and coincidentally esoterically/ "Subliminally" driven in adverts as witnessed during this filming popping up right on cue, praise be to God, and fake dishonest professionals and false faith leaders promoting and encouraging people to be vaccinated giving their guarantee and credence to the vaccinations being safe and supported by science which is never shown or backed up with the evidence, these people talk the talk but do not walk the walk.

Synthesis:- to blame the non-vaccinated for the confusion,contradictions and failings of the plandemic administrations to bring in the already in place globalist controlling infrastructure monopoly and for to persecute Christians and any conscientious objectors making a stand for the truth and common law in isolation while under this falsely imposed deception and umbrella taken up by the deceived public and civil bodies and Governments which is over shadowing all, and all common sense and reason and truth in the name of the common good and health, who are they speaking for ? not those suffering the injustice overall and those dead and their suffering grieving family's, and all those out of business and work! Oh no! but those that profit and excel by it.

Super-producer and composer Andrew Lloyd Webber has joined his fellow artists working in the beleaguered theater and music industries in taking legal steps to get the U.K. government to release results of its ongoing Events Research Program.. The program was set up to examine the risk of transmission of Covid-19 from attendance at events and explore ways to enable people to attend a range of ...

Again look at this videos cover photo ("Release the beast") !?! ("Dare to go Double") !? subliminal to plant suggestions by repetitive hidden messages in plain sight, #predictive programming.

Once "They" get their own way then the beast will show its true colours and those helping the push will become like those they helped crush and barge out the way and walked over and bypassed them lying destitute in the street, judge not that ye be judged, serves you right for not getting vaccinated they'll say and when they cry out in Hell, Jesus will laugh, serves you right for being foolish, self righteous and trusting liars and believing the lies to be deceived.

Lies do not add up! neither the lies to cover the lies which is why there is confusion!

Human Augmentation – The Dawn of a New Paradigm -Knowledge of weaponized viruses and specifically design to target solitary individual targets as well as groups.

UK Nurse speaks out and publicly resigns 2020

Picking out some fine telling threads,the fruits of a deception and conspiracy due to the omission of the truth and right retrieved from the BBC news for the discerning eyes and hearing ears and sharing these select highlights and how the BBC dishonestly bias the news and control any opposition within the staging and being instrumental in a much larger conspiratorial agenda to control and generate the public narratives and dichotomy's, to win hearts and minds, blowing bubbles to sell more soap.

First clip is a BBC/NHS/UK Gov. PR exercise to show that vaccines are safe, well at least the one they administered to Margret.

*Note the mirror image (used by occultists) of the screen shot of Margret on the BBC used as a front cover of this video,

Margret Keenan 91 year old lady selected to take part in a public relations exercise to show the vaccines are safe, she also took part in a vaccination trial in the fifty's so she has been on their radar obviously and no doubt psychologically profiled, also nurse May Parsons was invited and given the role of publicly administering the vaccine, both these persons I believe have been profiled and chosen and approached to stage this public relations exercise, I doubt the cameras and the BBC turned up on the day and started filming any old body having their inoculation that day but rather hand picked who where and when for the cameras which truly is not reality but a cosmetic imitation and should be outlawed for it's deceptive nature by the omission of the background reality and story, It is obvious the idea was proposed and the NHS Hospital took up the idea and run with it without question, both lady's where extremely proud and chuffed to take part not realizing they are being used as props in a criminal propaganda machine to deceive the public to believe the vaccines are safe and any thing said otherwise is phobic and conspiracy theory and who laid on the vaccine vial and syringe, probably a placebo dummy or taken from a whole duff batch of placebo vaccines for the propagated theater by those conspirators within both the running and privatizing of the NHS and the BBC obviously the same hidden evil behind and amongst the public face of it.

Look out for the staged and planted Illuminati UHCWi - Capstone (Cabal) all seeing eye imagery in the news footage/video picture cover, that is through out all the satanic corporate world.

Mystery Babylon! her sorceries and image and her deceptive mark and design forthcoming.

Second clip is what remains of a full BBC News interview of Nicola Williams representing Fair play for Woman given by Victoria Derbyshire on the subject and her objections to the sponsored "Transgender, Homosexual, gender neutral rights brigade" which supersede woman's rights and men's rights and the monogamous rights within the family dynamic and standard model for Male's and Female's to reproduce and have offspring which interview was butchered/edited/censored to one or two sentences and a whole disproportionate pro transgender argument was added onto the miserly clip straight after it was shown live on the morning of the 21st June 2021 to later be shown well into the afternoon minus the edited out truth spoken.

Strangely or unsurprisingly this interview is not on the Victoria Derbyshire or BBC website or within their achieves and oddly enough it has yet to be posted on Fair play for along with their other interviews.!? Feigned opposition perhaps just to keep the mind mincer turning? False opposition in the dialect to distract from the omitted truth?

Lies do not add up! neither the lies to cover the lies which is why there is confusion!

UK Nurse speaks out and publicly resigns 2020

Covid 19 vaccine coercion presentation for the body of Christ.

Removed falsely by you tube claiming I contravened their guidelines and the official information by the official data! strike two and if they can pick and choose what and when to remove videos I presume any number of my videos being censored is imminent and my site closed down without warning.

God The Father, God the Son Jesus Christ our Lord and God the Holy Spirit are sovereign over all dominions, praise be to Him.

Important Disclaimer.

This is in no way to spread fear, rebellion or false information.
All of the information regarding the UK AstraZenica Covid Vaccine presented is from the official sources from the UK Gov website, see links below, this video and all the information presented is to help any person unsure whether to have the vaccine or not, for them to examine the information presented honestly, for those to then be more enabled to make a reasoned and informed conscientious decision rather than to feel coerced into making an uniformed choice that personally may be detrimental to themselves. If this video is taken down it would constitute a criminal conspiratorial act against the Law of the UK Government and God Almighty and each and every UK and world citizen.

Covid 19 official status (Non-lethal to the majority/low risk)

Aluminum should never be ingested which is in the Astra zenica vaccine, this is a neurological toxin! and having a test may possibly be an excuse to gather your D.N.A which contains your life blueprint which can be hacked and tracked and put on a military intelligence data base to target dissenters at the push of a button, even to design a personal or cultural weaponized virus to only effect those with a certain D.N.A signature which are as unique as fingerprints and highly personal and which information is replicated and sold on to various third parties.

To date 5/3/2021 Now the missing Brazilian variant infected man has been found, self isolating, The Government/Medical Pro's profess they do not know as yet if the Vaccine will be effective against this Variant or any of them for that matter regarding transmission once vaccinated, therefore how is this man ever going to get better unless he develops immunity and gets over this variant of the virus? Therefore the vaccine is obviously a misnomer and a complete fraud and brainwashing exercise to create a cognitive dissonance within peoples minds using many contradictions backed up by so called health professionals who are all P and importance.

Since learning to date 22n June that the Indian Government have appealed and stated that there is no such thing as the Indian variant and the name was changed to the Delta variant instead, I suspect they will be a bit more careful in naming the next variant whenever they choose to do so, look out for the ECHO mutation mutation mutation.

Dr Christiane Northrup Discusses Covid19 Vaccine Dangers/Agenda - BANNED
Examine and test all with scripture, I do not agree with the belief systems proselyted especially having faith in the rosemary and earth/heavenly mother.

#Predictive programming/conditioning #Social sciences #Occult/Paganism/lucifurianism/Satanism #Covid19 #Pandemic #Vaccines

This video and commentary, which is founded on evidence based research and knowledge, first hand experience, in part with hypothetical theories and conjecture based upon the founding knowledge of the overall conspiracy fact taking place and the reality of these conspirators which is briefly and some what clumsily being examined and pointed out in this video and which explores the topic of predictive programming through the occultist ritualistic esoteric imagery and allegorical patterns woven and consistently broadcast through countless mediums which all lawful governments accept and also utilize, this video looks particularly at three examples of the knowledge of a premeditated genocidal conspiracy disguised within the reality of this simulated reality of a global virtual pandemic as portrayed by the main stream dictatorial narrative which all neatly dovetails into the military scientific intelligence agency's and lucifurian bloodlines and occult bodies and their associations to corporate lawful and political bodies and persons, the occult ritualistic practices of trauma based conditioning in a ritualistic context, social engineering and sciences and the dominance of this cabal upon the corporate world stage and its media power, which hidden motive and intent and conditioning program is esoterically revealed through craft and imagery of this power and their sorcery woven into the lawful establishment and education complex whose craft is revealed through magazine pictures and articles, books and story's, cartoons, TV programs + Ad's, crafts and artwork, films and cinema and computer video games which all is circumstantial evidence of intent which warrants honest legitimate lawful investigation since denying these crimes and facts and labeling all as conspiracy theory alone just allows the brazen practice to continue hence why there is an overwhelming amount of evidence firsthand and circumstantial evidence to lawfully address this practice but the fact it is ignored is evidence in itself of a conspiracy in their complicit denial, if this practice was to face just lawful scrutiny it would easily be established by the evidence as fact and would be prosecuted successfully as genocide and conspiratorial to deceive, murder and make gain, financially and unjustly over peoples lives to control them and their circumstance by the manufacture of a conspiracy to do so

Viral pandemic sighted predictive programming in other games: Tom clancy's Division I+II, Arma III
Film 'Ultra violet'

*Hypothesis that the covid 19 virus and the vaccines are weaponized implements to be utilized in conjunction with a new cabal governed infrastructure and order and the regulated behavior model and system of governance to go hand in hand with it, a bio-tech virtual human hive conscious network, compartmentalized and hierarchically governed/regulated, the vaccine being designed with multi functional multi variable applications and uses which are utilized/triggered by the transmission of microwave radio frequency pulses via the next generation 5G military communications network in conjunction with A.I and high powered quantum processing ability, its tracking ability of many individuals at anyone time and the correlation and analysis of the relayed data it processes to run the system designed to contain and control, it having part in the governance and running of the overall controlled biological program which is deceptively used and coincides with the trauma based behavioral conditioning model played out covertly upon society to mold it into its own image and what that is is idolatry, idol/icon/status/image worship/self worship which boils down to paganism/occultism/lucifurianism/satanism which historically has been practiced consecutively among the Jews and the gentile nations alike, past, present and future, the world today is as Sodom and Egypt

This information shared is for any to examine themselves that they may establish what is the truth of these things, I don't claim to know and understand and see all things about this practice and conspiracy, I am just sharing from what I know is fact myself and any conjecture relevant to the context as a warning to the signs I see, what the viewer chooses to do with the information is their choice, please do not trust anyone's word but examine and investigate for yourself that the truth may establish your views and opinions and not the one way dominate corporate media thought and speech behavioral modification force

God has judged and the truth will find the guilty out, repent and believe the gospel for the remission of sins, the mercy and forgiveness of God personally and His free gift of eternal life once and forever in and through and alone by Jesus Christ the Lord.

John 3 ; 1 Timothy 2 ; Romans 10; Psalm 55:19 ; Proverbs 9:10 ; Job 28:28 KJV

Lies do not add up! neither the lies to cover the lies which is why there is confusion!

#Pandemic lies#Bio tech vaccines and viruses#Vaccine passports#Possible mandatory vaccinations#Bill Gates #Genocide#False flag engineered crisis scenario#Synagogue of Satan#Mark of the beast and the outpouring of a strong delusion like 3/5g is safe, mercury and aluminum are safe to ingest along with fluoride, vaccines are safe along with their neuro toxins carcinogens and viruses and aborted murdered baby cell cultures g.m.i's and bio engineered nano tech along with foreign D.N.A to alter your personal and sacred D.N.A as to tweak your immunity and there is no such thing as conspiracy or conspiratorial powers or anything to insight genuine fear, not now not past and not ever all's hunky Dorey and anyone who says otherwise is a conspiracy nut case, rather than part with the concision of compromised experts and false fraudulent scientists and the diverse/divided socially multi-cultured/diversely engineered, public/celebrity fan base and the portrayal and standing behind winking governments with the one way voice dominating media scripted rhetoric!

Salvation is now, after death is the judgement which is eternal, if anyone dies without receiving Jesus Christ, His finished payment for all sin taken up willingly in our place, today and forever and His free gift of eternal Salvation and life in His resurrection, being born again will suffer eternally in the lake of fire and torment,not the right side of life to realize the truth is Christ and He lives and is true to His word! Now is the time, today is the day of our Salvation, for God is Holy and just and eternally now and forever, and died to save you, He died for all mankind that none would eternally perish in Hell and be lost to Him, if you die lost you forever remain lost.

God is not a lie, Jesus Christ is YES.

Jeremiah 20:13 KJV

This video is part my testimony of Him, His surety and righteousness accepted of Him on my behalf and received only through faith believing, whole heartedly in Him with God, His word,the truth to receive the truth, He said if you know the truth then the truth would set you free, free from spiritual bondage to sin and lies and from the separation from God, He is that truth and the author and finisher of all things created, He is the life and the only way to eternal Salvation in God's Kingdom once and forever which is with Him and within the heart of the saved believer now and forever.

And part testimony of trauma based social engineering, which is more common and widespread than most people realize and one of the key components to this COVID 19 Plan/Scamdemic'o'phon I believe, part of the phys-op, the M.O to this genocidal pre meditated socially engineered false flag project and my conjecture and prediction of what will take place once the UK Government announce what they have decided regarding the easing of lock down restrictions from their "Data" ("Script") or rather their scientific advisors data who cannot be seen or approached for comment or to examine their data and evidence based research so claimed and said of in a self justifiable sense "Oh we got it wrong, we didn't know now what we knew then now we have new "Data". At least we foresaw to insure that we are not able to be sued for any loss of life or chronic injury caused by 5G or the Vaccines." ! ? ! And a summery of the variations of Hypothesis among the conspiratorial and factual knowledge which can be publicly verified and affirmed regarding the virus and the highly toxic carcinogenic bio engineered pathogenic death vaccines and the plain simple truth to cut through the real fake news as opposed to the straw man fake news usually the truth which is fabricated by the mainstream corporate fake news and their smoke and mirrors and the subtle distractions and subversive tactics the Disney theater play out in real time against the truth and the core spirit driving the hearts of this lying wickedness concealing the truth of itself hence why the assaults against and the put down of and the attacking of the truth.

M.O.D knowledge of nano/bio-tech, hive mind, there own research and development of:

Discovered this post of an alleged leaked plan of the covid conspiracy after I posted this video ?

Some great informative videos revealing many gems of truth which condemn the false narrative I'd like to share, I do not agree with every opinion but that knowledge which is true:-

Chasing the dragon. Taken off You tube 29th March 2021.

Warning signs of the coming anti Christ one world one governing head beast system which is working through the ambiguous unbelieving mass of ignorance and by various conspirational fingers and machinations past present and future who craft and cultivate/foment the ignorance in unbelief and in denial, and some red flag warnings within this Covid pandemic and vaccine roll out agreeable to this same conspiracy as it is with the Apostasy of Christianity and the inter faith ecumenical movements.

Looking at the root cause of this compromising yokes machinations and its choking the individual believer who associates with it and it's hedging and choking the way to Salvation, the gospel and the word of God for the hope of the lost world and the eternal saving of their individual souls.

The Covid vaccines are variant pacific which unlike natural immunity do not fight and kill the virus but instead replicate anti bodies which are variant pacific to each new strain requiring the new variant designed vaccine which only help block the contamination but not the virus which as a consequence allows the virus to mutate rigorously and adapt itself for survival, natural immunity would first attack and defeat the strain and its variants and then produce the antibodies to prevent further infection eventually to beat the virus and keep its development and increasing strength down to a minimum at the first which fact has been denied and avoided. Chasing this dragon which is simply among other things just a con trick to make huge dividends for its investors which will have tragic consequences to both those vaccinated and those not who will be more vulnerable to this ever increasing created released beast.

Pharmakeia (legitimised drug pushing by deception/devices/mischiefs/sorceries) One hand makes you sick and the other provides the remedy for large profits, exploiting the created dependency much like illegal street pushers preying on addicts dependence and depressed or oppressed state.

Because the world denies any conspiracy it also denies the truth and the reality of conspiracies past, present and to come.

To date and seen on the news today Artificial intelligence and technology are being used for varying tasks, diagnostic algorithms, monitoring, correlating and analysing various data and the control of robotics, search engines and security cameras which are trained to learn how to spot shoplifters, tag them on screen and to track them. Privately funded corporate big brother is here, it is growing, and which is heavily invested in for the profitability of the merchandising of souls.

In a previous now removed video I noted to date at my local NHS Hospital they have employed UV sanitation robots to sterilise each ward, I mentioned why not use UV like the Koreans do to kill the virus, thankfully today this again has been instituted which if done or rather had not been undone long ago may of prevented the flourishing of these penicillin resilient super bugs.

Our loss is eternal gain, the worlds gain is their eternal loss.

Bill Gates SENIOR VACCINATOR is throwing his reputation away in hope of stopping this vaccine NOW.

Gov UK Covid status.It is no longer given HCID status. Low mortality rates over all.

Medical Apartheid in Israel & Beyond! (Another video being blocked everywhere!)

Dr Christiane Northrup Discusses Covid19 Vaccine Dangers/Agenda - BANNED.

Examine and test all with scripture, I do not agree with the belief systems proselyted especially having faith in the rosemary and earth/heavenly mother.

UK Nurse speaks out and publicly resigns 2020

Watchman warning of the multiple signs against truth justice and our God given freedoms which are by deception willingly being given up as if it was recyclable rubbish to freely throw away for the false cause of the greater good.

Please excuse my poor grammar and dysphasia where I often say "Virus" when I mean to say "Vaccine" and occasionally vise versa, please apply your own conceptual contextual sense to auto correct my weakness rather than pettily pointing out the weakness at the expense of dismissing out of hand the weightier matters of truth and life and Salvation that I freely offer and being the new voice for the self righteous speak and spell police and please research all information for yourself.

Contextual observations and analysis of Trauma based social engineering, the fruits of the M.O of the Hegelian dialect in play within the vaccination roll out, the recent Queens speech (No concern or consideration given for humans and the oppressed and poor and vulnerable people accept to restrict and burden them further!?) and the possible easing of lock down restrictions? Theater! History repeating itself, and some Freudian tells picked up upon within the mainstream media, psychological linguistic programming by repetitive indoctrination's and shock waves from lies through sound bytes and images and word titles within adverts, films and on programs and through the traumatically spun contrived news broadcasts bombarding the mind, words like " The Switch"? "Pandora's box" "Wash your hands, wear your mask and socially distance" , ect.

UK Nurse speaks out and publicly resigns 2020

Gov UK Covid19 Status blood clots vaccine safety first uploaded to YouTube on 16/03/2021

Update* Around Aug 27th mainstream media news outlets broadcast a statistic as if it was fact, no verifiable evidence or documentation to back up their statement which was "the likelihood of people developing blood clots is higher for those catching COVID than those Taking the vaccines?". When has the common cold or flu virus ever caused blood clots I ask you, the main stream media make it up as they go along to conceal their lies regarding vaccine safety and efficacy, and to dictate the lying narrative also supported by the UK Government, its a shame that a majority of people are blind to the fact.

Covid status UK Gov document updated July 2020 stating the status of the Covid19 virus that it is not High risk and no longer deemed a (HCID),High consequence infectious diseases, however blah blah blah business in lockdown and the vaccine roll out as per usual and still on course as an urgent crisis behind all the other cultivated crisis, this indifference is propagated by the mainstream media and all those employed to speak in support of it in the name of scientific fact including M.P's, G.P's and the Police and civil justice bodies and the pc public which follow blindly. This is the world we live in, this is the reality the world has created for itself and it is in complete wilful denial of the truth and the fact of it.

It has been reported that some people vaccinated experience blood clots and many European countries have suspended using the AstraZenica vaccine but also this has been denied or played down as a concern by others,it all depends upon the expert believed in, also it has been known from the beginning as reported by China that Covid 19 virus causes blood clots.

Bill Gates SENIOR VACCINATOR is throwing his reputation away in hope of stopping this vaccine NOW. This video must be seen and shared everywhere:

Gov.UK Covid status:Now not a HCID causing low mortality rates for that particular risk status, so far anyway.

This video is in no way intended to insight lawlessness or rebellion against the law or the unlawfully behaved Government, neither to spread misinformation or to cause division, this is just simply to show what can be seen and researched honestly to any person who looks themself.

UK Nurse speaks out and publicly resigns 2020

Signpost2Christ you tube channel is suppressed (shadow banned), most comments containing a link are removed seconds after they are posted, and the viewing figures are modified, over shadowing monitoring intelligence is a reality which can target and control an individuals information which is done secretively, and unjustly in the name of justice, equality for all and to filter out any prejudice when in fact the opposite is true, it is to preserve itself and the corruptions practiced from being identified and awareness of them and those behind them..


Created 3 years, 3 months ago.

25 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

A signpost to Christ.

I believe there is one God in three separate persons, God The Father, God the Word, The Lord Jesus Christ who came in the fullness of the Godhead bodily and God the Holy Spirit, three in one and one in three.

I believe we are saved by grace alone by the precious Holy blood of Christ, His finished work on the cross, His death, burial and resurrection through faith alone in Him, who died to save all mankind from sin that believe , no man can save themselves by any other way

I believe those who die in unbelief/sin will perish in Hell!

I believe The Word of God preserved by God and contained in The King James Holy Bible is inerrant and fully capable of providing each believer with the authority of God. Psalm 149 ; 2 Tim 3:16-17

I believe once saved always saved.

I believe in the pre-tribulation rapture of God's church.

I believe God's people today, His purchased church have Not replaced his beloved people Israel. Ezekiel 34

John 3 ; 1 Tim 2 ; Romans 10 KJV