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C&C Red alert season 17 ladder grind
Vod from twitch stream 720p 60fps
Didnt play Red Alert for ages since im more Tiberian Dawn player dunno its more addicting must be Tiberium yt is still processing into HD
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Hellow and Welcome
First of all thank you Egosoft for sponsoring this DLC key for X4 Foundations now lets take a look what Timeless has to offer
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#egosoft #pcgaming #simulation #space

Hellow and Welcome
Some C&C Tiberian Dawn season 17 fun matches and rage :)
this old rts is so addicting :)
720p 60 fps stream vod from twitch
fun matches + rage -- Watch live at
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lets dig into Ghost of Thusima best shogun game ever made beat it on PS4 back in the days now finaly on PC
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Trying Stellar Warfare space game rts
Huge thanks to Thomas Vde for sponsoring CD key
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on my another zero to hero try we picked Microtec to search around what
we can find and sell or keep findings, explore a little bit.
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Sheppard22 log
Today we went to surwaying Pyro asteroid wreck site its massive but saldy we cannot mine there yet we found some stranded ship tough would be better off to go with salvage crew in the future.
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Me Harvester no 2 i want resources at base ASAP and no damn shortucts.
Haverster 2 respond: Moving out and proceed trough enemy base field
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just doing trading runs for my newly establish organization

We started off from Seraphin station above Crusader picking up cooper and haul it to pyro gateway where we picked up hepsaestanite and flew back to everest harbour, from it to Ita woodruf where we picked up berlyl for another profit.
Nice chill profitable sailing today
PS sorry for no 1080p stream today bad upload speed until they fix it. join up use referal code this will add you 5000 game credic upon making account
wonders of space exploration and the endless opportunities it presented for trade and commerce.
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lets resume with homeworld mission 5
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We are running mining ops in 3.23 to make some nice profit with fishing on gold boraese laranite there was some bad luck involved today.
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Some funny stuff while on mole mining adventure with the group
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#shorts #starcitizen

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just some more sc wtf moments
grind is real with 3.23 :)
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Just getting used of the new controlls and flight
Shorts Epic
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Homeworld mission 4 huge booms
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Just messing around in ARC corp A18
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back to some more funny star citizen moments
While doing deliveries box missions i came across this weird hercules behavior on landing pad.
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Lets dig trough missions 2 and 3 of Homeworld 3 :)
glad that they delayed :)
yt needs is stil processing into HD
gameplay controlls are now as they should be compare to wargames demo version.
Thank you for watching fleet command out

Eve Online Day 3 Learning Mining Trading & Chill
We did outfit wenture ship for mining did some skill training and trading.
Vod from twitch 720p 60fps
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Passing trough day 2 on Eve Online
Missions from agency
episode 3 getting proper mining outfit for venture
Broadcasted live on Twitch -- Watch live at

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ShepskaNova Log
First hours of Eve online new start with new empire, need to learn everything again :)
Third try of me to get myself into EVE online again and im finaly starting to liking it
Tutorial of EVE
Agent Missions (industrial) as im planing to do more mining and trading down the line
skill training
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Hellow and welcome
We take off from bajini to pyro gateway, where we offload scrap metal
buying hepsendite back to Hurston station and sold it for 341k profit, next we will check on berlyl down on ita or gold on bezdek moons in later episodes but if there is gonna be partial wipe we will do cargo box delivery again until we make enough money for trading once again.

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C&C funny stuff lets mine their ore field and build inside base :) While he was searching for me with his engineer on other side of the map :) we stream it here
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#shorts #rts #pc

Hellow and Welcome
Just another day in shep gaming :)
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#shorts #wtf


Created 3 years, 10 months ago.

97 videos

Category Gaming

The name is SheppardSG1 or call me shep, gamer from Slovenia also streamer on twitch same nickname as here, i will be sharing my gameplays from old games or new, mostly SCI fi ones and some rts or story games, with some music when i go live depends on the game. Streaming time is normaly Monday trough Saturday 16 PM till 21 or when im not at work i will try to go live at 8 AM and till 11 or noon AM Sunday i will try to do live streams here when if there is nothing else to do. Recording time when i fell free.