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You guys enjoyed the drawing, so I figured why not spend a day's worth of effort into stepping it up? Now I can say it's the dumbest thing I've animated, too.

Author's Note: Wesker quacks because he sounds like a duck.


Resident Evil is Property of CAPCOM

#ResidentEvil #Animation #ShadowLeggy

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⭐ You want Shooting S.T.A.R.S.? I'll give you Shooting S.T.A.R.S.!

Though there are a handful of Resident Evil themed versions of the Shooting Stars meme, they're all made strictly with game footage, and none of them actually feature a S.T.A.R.S. member. So this needed to be done.

I dig this song, and just wanted to make something fun and stupid, regardless of the relevance or lack thereof. So consider this a high quality shitpost, but hopefully you enjoy it!


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#ResidentEvil #Animation #ShadowLeggy


Subtlety is dead.

Despite the light-hearted nature of this video, I really do think they butchered Chief Irons' character (among others) in RE2make. But hey, at least there's a lot to make fun of as a result.

This is a short freebie to make up for my prolonged leave of absence. It was originally going to be part of a bigger RE2make animation, but I had the issue of both wanting to include all of my ideas for this segment, but also not wanting it to drag on in the final video. So it seemed like a perfect little filler to have as a quick one-off instead.

Hope you enjoy the animation, and thanks for watching!


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#RE2Remake #Animation #ShadowLeggy


Ever since its official reveal at E3 2018, many people have been asking for my opinions on the Resident Evil 2 Remake... so here it is, in animated form!

It's sad but true... I am personally very disappointed with how the RE2 Remake is turning out to be. I've tried very hard to push my bias aside, and simply be excited for the fact that it's going to exist. But it just doesn't work that way, I'm afraid. With such missed potential and an ultimately broken promise, it's difficult for me to feel anything but betrayed by the whole situation, at least with what's been shown so far.

This animation alone couldn't possibly cover all of my exact reasoning for feeling the way I do, so if you have any questions or are further interested in my thoughts on the RE2 Remake, please take a moment to read this opinion piece I made to accompany the video:

Please also keep in mind that I don't think the RE2 Remake will be a ”bad” game by any means. If you're hyped for the RE2 Remake, there's no reason to take this video personally. My opinions are simply my own, and I don't intend to offend, discredit, or sway the opinions of anyone who may feel otherwise. Videos of this nature are always gonna have a touch of comedic anger, and that little jab at ”TrueREfan98” is satire that's only intended towards the fanatical types who lose their shit at even the most innocuous of criticisms.

Whether disappointed or hyped, your opinion is valid.
(As long as you're not being a complete dick to other people in the process, that is)

Thank you for watching!


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Resident Evil HD Speedrun:


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#RE2Remake #Animation #ShadowLeggy


To compensate for missing the deadline on the RE2 Remake Reaction, I give you a remake of Devil May Cry (In a Nutshell)! It was actually a surprise to me to see that the original video is in my top 10 most viewed animations, so I hope you'll enjoy this in the meantime.

As soon as I finished everything possible on the reaction video, I decided to work on this immediately, admittedly prioritizing speed first and foremost. Not only is it convenient to have the original video as a template, but I also opted to utilize a lot of stock images from to help with the creation.

Any feedback on this, whether positive or negative, is appreciated. If the stock images look too jarring or spoil the "mood" of the animation in any way, please don't be afraid to let me know. Quality is otherwise my biggest priority, so it would help to know so that I can make future videos can the best they can be.

Thank you for watching!


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Welcome to the REMusical Predictions, where truth is stranger than fiction!

In the decade of its existence, there has been an array of similarities between the REMusicals and official Resident Evil releases. While these "predictions" are likely nothing more than crazy coincidences, this was a topic that felt interesting and fun enough to showcase nonetheless.

This style of video will not be replacing regular animations. This is more of a one-off experiment that I've wanted to make for a long time, and wound up being even more fitting to make, what with the announcement of the Resident Evil 2 REmake. So if this type of video doesn't suit you, don't worry, regular animations are already in progress!

This video does not intend to claim that the REMusicals were the first and/or only videos to predict concepts from the Resident Evil franchise. If you've ever created fan content that also wound up "predicting" something from Resident Evil, feel free to share your story in a comment.

Thanks for watching!

Supporters featured:
Ash Bland • Hypergamer • Jeff Ortiz • Skornie • Shawn J.




If it was creepy for Claire, it's creepy for anyone!

Even playing RE2 as a kid, I always thought it was both funny and creepy how Kendo addressed Claire specifically. This was long before even dreaming I could animate, so instead I'd imagine the scenario where that dialogue was instead used on Leon. Now it's finally a reality!

But actually, this idea has been done before on a few occasions - The other videos generally have edited audio over in-game footage, but I even managed to track down an old Flash animation that predates YouTube itself.

So while I didn't know of this video's existence beforehand, I still can't claim this to be a terribly original idea. If you wanna check it out, here's Baron-Fredrico's own rendition of the Kendo encounter:

I apologize for how long it took to release this video despite its short length. This was due to some Patreon issues that I didn't properly plan ahead for, but from this I've learned how to better manage my terms and conditions to prevent any other such delays.

Thank you all for your support and patience!

Cameos featured:
Ash Bland • Hypergamer • Jeff Ortiz • Skornie • Kibbycat

And special thanks to Shawn J. for his support!


Original upload date: Feb 16th, 2007

Great Scott!! Will the Resident Evil characters of the past be pleased with what they've become? Will the characters of the future be able to assist their past selves?? Hello?! McFly?! You'll just have to watch!!

When I made this, it was back in the day when no one knew who the "RE5 Guy" was.

Resident Evil Musicals™

Resident Evil is Property of CAPCOM

Original upload date: Feb 14th, 2007

Well, the title says it all.

Resident Evil Musicals™

Resident Evil is Property of CAPCOM

Original upload date: Feb 9th, 2007

Poor, stupid Alfred. XD

Used talking from AzuMichi's video about Alfred. It's funny! The voice is by... BEN! Ben who? Well that's for me to... not know.. and you either! The video they made was a tribute to Legendary Frog's version of Alfred, and I wanted to animate it. So special thanks to Joe Blachette for the inspiration.

Resident Evil Musicals™

Resident Evil is Property of CAPCOM

Original upload date: Feb 5th, 2007

Just a short little play sung by Alexia and performed by her and her brother Alfred. Special appearance made by Steve, that murderer! Enjoy.

Resident Evil Musicals™

Resident Evil is Property of CAPCOM

Original upload date: Feb 4th, 2007

WARNING: Fast-Paced and immature! Keep out of reach of children. The elderly and pregnant women are at risk. ...Okay, so it's not really dangerous... and is this even 'really' a montage? Well, it seems like one to me. Or at least, it has its moments. I just wanted an excuse to use this song. Muwaha. Stick around for the end~!

I now own and have played RE0. Yay!

Resident Evil Musicals™

Resident Evil is Property of CAPCOM

Original upload date: Jan 11th, 2007

This is more of just a music video, with 'somewhat' of a story. Albert and William overlook their monster creations wreaking havoc over Raccoon City. All different villains and creatures of the RE series run amok. Will the heroes of RE Outbreak survive? As well as a few returning heroes from previous games? Find out!

Resident Evil Musicals™

Resident Evil is Property of CAPCOM

Original upload date: Dec 20th, 2006

Thanks everyone, for watching and enjoying my video! It's awesome to know that this video brought so many people together from back as far as '06. With this being the video that 'started it all', I just wanted to show my appreciation here, so again... Thank you! Without you guys, many friends I have met and ambitions I've accomplished here wouldn't of ever happened.

When uploaded, I didn't know the name of the song was actually Dragostea Din Tei, so I just called it Numa Numa. Also, a few of the lyrics are misheard. This was intentional so that they would fit the scenarios that take place in the video. It's a parody, so, it's meant to be pretty retarded.

Hope you enjoy!

Resident Evil Musicals™

Resident Evil is Property of CAPCOM

Original upload date: Nov 17th, 2006

A sad scene where we find Claire confused and unable to battle some Cerberus. Standing ovation for good acting!

Watch the REmake:

Resident Evil Musicals™

Resident Evil is Property of CAPCOM

Original upload date: Nov 16th, 2006

One day I decided hey, wouldn't it be great if Resident Evil was a Broadway Show? Or maybe it's not such a great idea....

Resident Evil Musicals™

Resident Evil is Property of CAPCOM

Original upload date: Nov 5th, 2206

One day I decided hey, wouldn't it be great if Resident Evil was a Broadway Show? Or maybe it's not such a great idea....

Resident Evil Musicals™

Resident Evil is Property of CAPCOM


Created 6 years, 10 months ago.

17 videos

Category Anime & Animation

Welcome to the REMusicals!

I've been drawing and animating these videos since 2006. The programs I used from 2006 - 2012 were MS Paint and Windows Movie Maker. From 2013 and onward the artwork is drawn by hand, then colored.