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Secret Agent


Racism and discrimination are still alive and kicking in the sport of swimming. Why are there so few black people winning gold medals in swimming competitions? As with everything else, it must be because of white supremacy and systemic white racism.

Afrocentrists lament how many black people were taken from their homelands to serve as slaves in white countries and colonies. Had they been left in Africa, they would be living in peace and harmony with their African brothers and sisters. But black people living in black-run Africa aren't so happy. This video shows us a scene from Nairobi, Kenya, where Africans ran roughshod over the city for weeks in response to a finance bill that would have raised the cost of living. Interestingly, in the motherland, where there is no "white supremacy," black people get upset and "protest" by burning, looting, and destroying, just like in black-populated cities in the US.

We hear endlessly about the unforgivable and horrible racism of white people against blacks in majority white countries. But not much is said about what blacks are thought of in Asian countries like Japan. This video gives us an example. In places like the US, the black man's screams of "I can't breathe" would involve a media frenzy, nationwide handwringing, laments about white supremacy, court cases, riots, and million-dollar shakedowns. But in Japan, he's just another unruly miscreant who needs to be restrained and silenced.

A mob of lawless Negro youths runs rampant in the streets, destroying an expensive car and endangering lives. Black cretins like these will only respond to brute force being used against them -- with no mercy. A day of reckoning must eventually come, and hopefully, that day is quickly approaching.

Can anyone explain what is happening in this video clip? Why is this demented and perverted creep stroking the black man's arm with his hand? What a disgrace.

A man of diversity was recently seen with his female partner coming out of a Kroger Supermarket. Both had shopping carts loaded with food and other goods. And both were smiling from ear to ear. All of those groceries must have been quite expensive, so why were these two American Africans so full of glee? Well, they won't be paying for all of those items. You, the working man/taxpayer, have to foot the bill for these lazy and entitled individuals. Such has been the case for generations in America. A permanent dependent underclass has been with us forever, and a huge percentage of them have zero intention of assimilating and pulling their weight when it comes to working hard, being productive, and contributing to society. This is because, to them, having a job and working hard is like being in chains on a plantation. So "let the gubmint take care of us because de white people owe us."

For many years, it was believed that drinking wine moderately had some health benefits. But based on more recent medical and scientific studies, we now know that drinking even one glass a wine per day is not good for you and in fact causes brain degeneration. Heavier drinking, of course, does even more damage.

In the cartoons, you might see a kangaroo holding a dog in a headlock. Then you might see a man punching the kangaroo in the face to rescue the dog. You probably wouldn't see something like this in real life. Or would you?

The president of Kenya invites black people in the US and the Caribbean to return to their ancestral homeland in Africa, where they can thrive in the cradle of humanity. America is a racist, white supremacist country, so black people should jump at this opportunity to escape their oppression under the white man. How many black people will accept this offer?

The sign reads, "Please take a snack and a drink for the road." (That means one snack and one drink.) This way, there will be other snacks later for other people. We all learned this honor system as children: Take only one for yourself and leave the rest for others. Such charity works in high-trust societies. But there are people who don't follow the rules of high-trust societies. Maybe they didn't learn about virtue and fair play and moderation from their families. Maybe people in their community are simply greedy and grasping and not willing to follow any rules. And that ruins everything for the rest of us. The afro-headed delivery driver in this video is from that community. With so many videos like this one circulating on the internet, people are starting to notice. Our programming and brainwashing tell us not to notice. But we are.

Another video, another public brawl. Another amusement park, another melee. Another mob of those people, another beating.

America is becoming more diverse. Ocean cruises, for example, were at one time mostly attended by white people who had enough money to vacation in style. But now, people of color can be seen enjoying the cruise experience as with the Carnival Cruise depicted in this video. Unfortunately, black people still have a lot of pent up anger from being slaves at one time and not accepted by the white majority. Black people also remember what it was like to come over to America on slave ships. Being on this ship might have brought back those terrible memories. So we should understand their behavior and not judge them.

Another black man had his civil rights violated recently. In this episode, a clearly agitated man of color tried to gain entry into a public building. Someone probably called him the n-word or barred him from the building because of his race. So the black man did what any oppressed freedom fighter would do: he smashed into the glass/metal double sliding doors with his foot and proudly marched into the building. Unfortunately, white supremacists were on the scene in no time and started harassing the innocent black man. The black man reminded one racist police officer that he was a "citizen," but the officer nonetheless knocked the black man to the ground and even put his knee on the innocent black man's neck like George Floyd. When will this racism end?

A sub-Saharan travels to Japan and quickly finds out that Afrocentrism isn’t the country’s religion. He is promptly removed from the civilization for breaking the law. Interestingly as the police insist that he is "going back" to Africa from whence he came, the black man will not accept the idea. Why does this African African not want to return to live among his people in his motherland? Why does he so badly want to live among foreign and strange people like like the Japanese? We know the answer.

If this scene were to play out in the US or another majority white Western nation with black populations, we would have protests, rioting, and calls to defund the police. But there are no lawless black mobs, no NAACP, and no Martin Luther Kings or George Soroses or other black or Jewish agitators to destroy the mostly homogeneous Japanese nation. And that's why Japan will remain orderly and civilized.

Black people are still breaking barriers. Weight discrimination is still a major problem in our country. People who struggle with their weight are looked down upon and not respected. Fortunately, this quartet of corpulent cheerleaders is smashing weightism and body shaming with their exciting tumbling routine. Once again, the black community is on the cutting edge of another civil rights movement.

A peaceful mob of African American amusement park attendees were apparently angered about not being admitted to a certain Ring of Fire ride. In the background, a group of terrified (but racist) white children can be seen observing the mayhem while waiting for the ride to start. Meanwhile, the very reasonable and peaceful mob of colorful people protested this racism by peacefully forcing back and kicking the iron fence, peacefully screaming in the face of a ride attendant, peacefully breaking past the fence, peacefully storming the ride attendant, and peacefully trying to force themselves onto the ride. Sadly, this mostly nonviolent black crowd was met with punches and oppression. How long will it take for black people to finally break free from the modern day plantation of white supremacy?

Alex Jones is often maligned as a kooky conspiracy theorist, but Jones usually backs up his reports with hard evidence. In this chilling example, an Infowars' reporter uses government/military documents, news reports, and the words of Democrat leftist totalitarians themselves to demonstrate how they want to "reprogram" all political conservatives as dangerous white supremacists, radicals, and reactionaries and send them and their children to internment/reeducation camps.

Two plus-sized men went before Judge Mathis to resolve their dispute. One of the men assaulted the other with a chicken and sought compensation for his injuries. Judge Mathis was incredulous after hearing both sides of the story. This clip might seem a bit frivolous, but the news today is often very grim. It's good to laugh once in a while to break the monotony.

High school graduation is supposed to be a time of celebration and joy. However, in some neighborhoods, the happiness is often replaced by hatred, cursing, and violence. There is one common dominator in these instances. Can you guess what it is?

One crime that African Americans are highly skilled at is eating for free at restaurants. Take a recent case from Frida’s Mexican Restaurant in Memphis, Tennessee. Memphis is about 62 percent black. That means crime rates are much higher in Memphis than in other places. And at Frida's, a group of Negros stayed true to the stereotype. Most restaurant servers already know that blacks, generally speaking, are very bad tippers or don't tip at all. Even worse, many of them don't even pay for their food. This growing and alarming trend testifies to rampant lawlessness in the black community that will continue and grow as long as society looks the other way and refuses to hold people of color accountable for their brazen crimes.

See story here from Fox News:

They learn how to steal at an early age. And why not? They learn from their people that everything is owed to them. Swiping a package from someone's porch is just another form of reparations.

Black people are generally not known for being good swimmers. Operating Jet Skis on lakes or oceans is another weak area for them. This video gives us an example.

A quick thinking clothing store clerk turned the tables on two would be thieves who barged into his shop with guns and started robbing merchandise. The clerk waited for the right moment to act and then dashed to the garage entry door. Before the thieves could respond, the daring store clerk had them both locked in the store. This time, the good guy wins!

Why would someone fake a hate crime? In the case of minority groups like Jews, they have to keep their victim status alive so they continue to get special treatment notwithstanding their negative impact on society. Victims are automatically considered innocent despite their wrongdoings and crimes. And since Jews are not persecuted as they claim, they have to stage imaginary crimes against themselves.

A black "anti-racist" activist named Mamadou Ba lives in a white country (Portugal) yet publicly calls for the killing of white people. Of course, the code language must be interpreted. Anti-racist really means anti-white, because in the imaginations of black leftists (and Jews) only white people are racists. Meanwhile, an activist is a black communist who seeks to subvert and dismantle the country that he lives in and benefits from. Activists want land, power, and resources taken from whites and redistributed to blacks in the name of "social justice." Killing white people is also justice because white people are all devils, and killing devils is good.


Created 4 years, 7 months ago.

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