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Exploring ravens' intelligence, adaptability, sociability and image. The raven is a sign of life in Amerindian mythology, while Europeans associate the bird with death. Also: how ravens take advantage of other predators' skills; their ability to enjoy themselves in play; and their precision-flying abilities. Patricia Clarkson narrates.

LINK (https://youtu.be/Nwoek9Ed6u4?si=stfWsb_PKMhHwJ3C) 🔗

with any gatekeeper ‘revealing the method’, there is very valuable and sound data to extract

music by sun vessel - no fook off in this one for me !!!

got 3 hours of dead jabbed athletes coming up - should be a gripping watch !!! that is if it ever uploads and of course i don't expect you to watch it - just send it to your jabbed ex/friends or parents who ignore you all those who knew best !!

(((they))) completely blocked your video share Mr Beard Van Damme
never seen that on here until now but i don't watch much !!!


probably a trannie - has mr e done him yet ??

anyway fook all that enjoy the song

fook the bread and circuses here's a comp !!!

i did smirk at England's goalscorers name - JUDE -and yes he is an African
....we certainly have been jewed since 1066 !!!

oh yeah i'm hollow earth this week ''''

Watch this Jewish handler train Sweden Democrat Member of Parliament what policy and tone she should adopt.

-Advocacy of Zionism,

-Palestinians are terrorists

-Christian church in Sweden is corrupt

Apollonian Germ Who Christianized the North? Genealogical Study of the Elite

Apollonian Germ shows several examples of non-Europeans/Jews that took over and pushed Christianity in Northern Europe

take the glasses off norweigan lasses - show the sun those eyes ...

A new video shows a different angle that exonerates the murdered ZOG police officer.

▪️ The man in the blue vest accidentally mistakes one of the helpers for an attacker and punches him several times.
▪️ The rushing policeman jumps on him and loses sight of the migrant.
▪️ The Afro-Arab takes advantage of this to stab him twice in the neck from behind.

👉 According to this new information, the police officer did nothing wrong. He couldn't have had a better view of the situation. He is even the only one who really intervened, while 7(!) colleagues sometimes even ran away.

The new video also shows the extent of the police failure:

▪️ After the first attack, 7 police officers stand right next to the suspected Islamic terrorist who is lying on the ground. Islamic terrorist lying on the ground.
▪️ They do NOT intervene. Only one of them bravely rushes forward and unfortunately hits the wrong person (through no fault of his own).
▪️ Some of the policewomen even cowardly run away right afterwards.

👉 This failure led to the Afro-Arab getting up again and stabbing his colleague in the neck.

👉 English channel (https://rumble.com/c/c-4190288)

Knife attack in Germany.
Islamic critic Michael Stürzenberger and 2 others were stabbed in Mannheim. It happened during a livestream.

i have probably covered this filthy ' oh so deep ' kike before but some of our 'so-called' people still don't get it (or maybe they do hhmm) !!!



Created 3 years, 8 months ago.

919 videos

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