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The legendary Christopher Knowles of the Secret Sun joins us this week to explain how to be a synchromystic. We learn

✅ What is synchronicity?
✅ What role synchronicity plays in modern mysticism.
✅ The importance of symbol sets in this pursuit.
✅ How this modern practice is really an ancient one described.

Whilst it's always a pleasure to have Chris back on the show, this particular episode happens on the occasion of the release of his latest book. The Secret Sun Synchromystic Handbook!

Get it here:

Follow Chris here:


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Rune Soup is a podcast channel that platforms the most important discussions at the cutting edge of magic, animism and spirit work.

Gordon is chaos magician, shamanic practitioner, podcaster, author and permaculture designer with a background in data and analytics gained at some of the world's largest media companies. He is the author of four books on magic, animism and star lore: Star.Ships: A Prehistory of the Spirits, The Chaos Protocols, Pieces of Eight and Ani.Mystic: Encounters With A Living Cosmos.

When not travelling, Gordon hosts his weekly show, Rune Soup, from a small permaculture farm in southern Tasmania.

Gregory Shaw, Professor of Religious Studies at Stonehill College, joins the show to discuss, theurgy, the work of Iamblichus, and how we have probably got the Neoplatonists' attitude to the body quite wrong.

We discuss

📖 The DESCENT of rather than ASCENT TO the gods.
📖 The theurgic imagination and how it relates to the spirit world.
📖 The role of divination in the development of the soul.
📖 How Imablichus can teach other a better way to compare between cultures.
📖 The necessity for ceremony.

Professor Shaws joins us to discuss his latest book, Hellenic Tantra, which I am pretty sure is the best book I've read this year.


Get Hellenic Tantra:


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Rune Soup is a podcast channel that platforms the most important discussions at the cutting edge of magic, animism and spirit work.

Gordon is chaos magician, shamanic practitioner, podcaster, author and permaculture designer with a background in data and analytics gained at some of the world's largest media companies. He is the author of four books on magic, animism and star lore: Star.Ships: A Prehistory of the Spirits, The Chaos Protocols, Pieces of Eight and Ani.Mystic: Encounters With A Living Cosmos.

When not travelling, Gordon hosts his weekly show, Rune Soup, from a small permaculture farm in southern Tasmania.

Are you hitting some walls in your magical campaigns? Well, God does NOT bless a mess.

Find out how to apply this frame to troubleshooting your magical campaigns:

✨ What are you doing in the physical to support your goals?
✨ How are you 'thinking with' the challenge?
✨ Are you targeting the correct 'weak spot' along your challenge or opportunity?

Watch other videos in the sigil series HERE:

How To Make Magical Sigils - A COMPLETE Guide

Setting And Achieving POWERFUL GOALS

How To Get Good At (Sigil) Magic


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Rune Soup is a podcast channel that platforms the most important discussions at the cutting edge of magic, animism and spirit work.

Gordon is chaos magician, shamanic practitioner, podcaster, author and permaculture designer with a background in data and analytics gained at some of the world's largest media companies. He is the author of four books on magic, animism and star lore: Star.Ships: A Prehistory of the Spirits, The Chaos Protocols, Pieces of Eight and Ani.Mystic: Encounters With A Living Cosmos.

When not travelling, Gordon hosts his weekly show, Rune Soup, from a small permaculture farm in southern Tasmania.

Can history ever describe magic, or is it a (sometimes useful) spell of materialism?

In the next FREE instalment of the grimoires course, Gordon examines:

👁️‍🗨️ Whether a physical process of making things can ever find something non-physical like magic.
👁️‍🗨️ HOW and WHAT kinds of things survive down to us that history cannot locate.
👁️‍🗨️ What sorts of Greco-Roman spells you can find in any modern supermarket.

In order to understand what is and is not contained in the grimoires and what we can ultimately find in there if we look, we have to understand the sort of things history can see, and the sort of things only magic can see.

This video is a standalone comment, and also part of the free offering of the latest Rune Soup Premium Members Course, which you can join below.


Watch the first of the free videos here:

Watch the episode with Erzebet Barthold


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Rune Soup is a podcast channel that platforms the most important discussions at the cutting edge of magic, animism and spirit work.

Gordon is chaos magician, shamanic practitioner, podcaster, author and permaculture designer with a background in data and analytics gained at some of the world's largest media companies. He is the author of four books on magic, animism and star lore: Star.Ships: A Prehistory of the Spirits, The Chaos Protocols, Pieces of Eight and Ani.Mystic: Encounters With A Living Cosmos.

When not travelling, Gordon hosts his weekly show, Rune Soup, from a small permaculture farm in so..

Let's make the most of my jet lag and jump right back into regular live streams the morning after he gets back to the farm!

But it all seriousness, this fraught topic of sacred travel and adventure and such is plainly top of mind.

So join me for that, as well as some spicy anecdotes, as well as tips for your own adventures.

We will follow this up with a Q&A for those in the chat.


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✅ Book a shamanic healing session with Gordon:


Rune Soup is a podcast channel that platforms the most important discussions at the cutting edge of magic, animism and spirit work.

Gordon is chaos magician, shamanic practitioner, podcaster, author and permaculture designer with a background in data and analytics gained at some of the world's largest media companies. He is the author of four books on magic, animism and star lore: Star.Ships: A Prehistory of the Spirits, The Chaos Protocols, Pieces of Eight and Ani.Mystic: Encounters With A Living Cosmos.

When not travelling, Gordon hosts his weekly show, Rune Soup, from a small permaculture farm in southern Tasmania.

Gordon examines the grimoiric legacy of Jake Stratton-Kent.

This largely breaks down into 3 main areas:

👁️‍🗨️ The centring of the Ancient Greek components of what we can broadly call grimoire magic.
👁️‍🗨️ The attempted rehabilitation of the blue grimoires.
👁️‍🗨️ Early efforts toward cross-cultural comparison between European magic and New World magic, in particular South American magic.

The grimoire revival and Jake's contribution is also explored.


Watch the episode with Erzebet Barthold


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Rune Soup is a podcast channel that platforms the most important discussions at the cutting edge of magic, animism and spirit work.

Gordon is chaos magician, shamanic practitioner, podcaster, author and permaculture designer with a background in data and analytics gained at some of the world's largest media companies. He is the author of four books on magic, animism and star lore: Star.Ships: A Prehistory of the Spirits, The Chaos Protocols, Pieces of Eight and Ani.Mystic: Encounters With A Living Cosmos.

When not travelling, Gordon hosts his weekly show, Rune Soup, from a small permaculture farm in southern Tasmania.

Hadean Press’s Erzebet Barthold returns to the show this week, on the occasion of the release of Cyprian’s Offices of the Spirits -the posthumously published final volume in Jake Stratton-Kent’s Night School.

🗣 We talk about goetia.
🗣 We talk about the sublunar.
🗣 We talk about English Qaballa.

All the Jake hits, really. And, inevitably, we reminisce about the man himself:

✒ His main ideas and contributions.
✒ Who influenced him and who he influenced.
✒ What future generations will make of his work.
✒ Who he was as a friend and a person.

All in all, a lovely chat, and especially timely as the snappily-titled premium member course 'Grimoires: Our Greek Inheritance (The Jake Edit)' starts this weekend!


Get the second volume of Night School, Cyprian’s Offices of Spirits here.

Join Rune Soup here.

Gift a 3 month Rune Soup membership to someone here.


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✅ Book a shamanic healing session with Gordon:


Rune Soup is a podcast channel that platforms the most important discussions at the cutting edge of magic, animism and spirit work.

Gordon is chaos magician, shamanic practitioner, podcaster, author and permaculture designer with a background in data and analytics gained at some of the world's largest media companies. He is the author of four books on magic, animism and star lore: Star.Ships: A Prehistory of the Spirits, The Chaos Protocols, Pieces of Eight and Ani.Mystic: Encounters With A Living Cosmos.

When not..

In the final video in a series exploring animism filmed in La Paz, the highest capital on earth, Gordon takes us up into the Andes and across to Gulaga, the sacred creation mountain of the Yuin people on Australia's East Coast.


🧿 What makes mountains such a powerful universal archetype.
🧿 How mountains can be libraries.
🧿 What it means to learn from landscapes made of meaning.
🧿 What 'western' magicians can 'do' with this understanding.

This is the third in a video series covering the key metaphysical aspects of animism. Watch the first video on the animist understanding of place here:

And the second video on the animist understanding of sacred objects here:


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✅ Book a shamanic healing session with Gordon:


Rune Soup is a podcast channel that platforms the most important discussions at the cutting edge of magic, animism and spirit work.

Gordon is chaos magician, shamanic practitioner, podcaster, author and permaculture designer with a background in data and analytics gained at some of the world's largest media companies. He is the author of four books on magic, animism and star lore: Star.Ships: A Prehistory of the Spirits, The Chaos Protocols, Pieces of Eight and Ani.Mystic: Encounters With A Living Cosmos.

When not travelling, Gordon hosts his weekly show, Rune Soup, from a small permaculture farm in southern Tasmania.

Some lessons on how to get good at magic, specifically sigil magic, learned on the road in Bolivia.

The short answer is your first hundred sigils will teach you more about magic than any book ever will. The long answer is.... this podcast.

Here I share my notes and observations from spending time in mountaintop villages with lineaged shamans descending directly from the Incas, San Pedro ceremonies in the mountains and client encounters in the Witches Market in La Paz.

We talk about:

👉 Desire cross-currents
👉 Incorporating oracle cards into your enchantments
👉 How to REALLY 'forget' about your spells so they actually come off.


How to Make Magical Sigils: A COMPLETE Beginner's Guide

The Missing Witches Fundraiser is back this year!


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✅ Book a shamanic healing session with Gordon:


Rune Soup is a podcast channel that platforms the most important discussions at the cutting edge of magic, animism and spirit work.

Gordon is chaos magician, shamanic practitioner, podcaster, author and permaculture designer with a background in data and analytics gained at some of the world's largest media companies. He is the author of four books on magic, animism and star lore: Star.Ships: A Prehistory of the Spirits, The Chaos Protocols, Pieces of Eight and Ani.Mystic: Encounters With A Living Cosmos.

When not travelling, Gordon hosts his weekly show, Rune Soup, from a small permaculture farm in southern Tasmania.

How do you make a magical sigil? In this video, Gordon White describes the COMPLETE process from beginning to end:

👉 WHAT materials should you use?
👉 WHEN should you activate them?
👉 HOW should you activate them?
👉 WHERE and WHEN do you dispose of them?

Join Gordon as he takes you through the whole process, including situating sigil magic in its true historical context. Spoiler: It's 100,000 years old!

And check out the show notes below for additional resources and material.


Read the original Sigils Reboot post from 2012 here:

Watch the Sigils and Desire Statement video here:


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✅ Book a shamanic healing session with Gordon:


Rune Soup is a podcast channel that platforms the most important discussions at the cutting edge of magic, animism and spirit work.

Gordon is chaos magician, shamanic practitioner, podcaster, author and permaculture designer with a background in data and analytics gained at some of the world's largest media companies. He is the author of four books on magic, animism and star lore: Star.Ships: A Prehistory of the Spirits, The Chaos Protocols, Pieces of Eight and Ani.Mystic: Encounters With A Living Cosmos.

When not travelling, Gordon hosts his weekly show, Rune Soup, from a small permaculture farm in southern Tasmania.

Oracle cards are generally looked down upon by serious magical practitioners -at least in the Anglosphere.

In this video, Gordon explores why that needs to change while unboxing several new oracle card decks and a tarot deck:

🃏 Fortune's Fools Lenormand
🃏 Cyprian's Deck of Cards
🃏 Divine Gypsy Mother
🃏 The Tarot of Light and Shadow


Sign up to be notified when Fortune's Fools reprints

Get Saint Cyprian's Deck of Cards

Get Divine Gypsy Mother

Get Two Esoteric Tarots

Get The Tarot of Light and Shadow


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✅ Book a shamanic healing session with Gordon:


Rune Soup is a podcast channel that platforms the most important discussions at the cutting edge of magic, animism and spirit work.

Gordon is chaos magician, shamanic practitioner, podcaster, author and permaculture designer with a background in data and analytics gained at some of the world's largest media companies. He is the author of four books on magic, animism and star lore: Star.Ships: A Prehistory of the Spirits, The Chaos Protocols, Pieces of Eight and Ani.Mystic: Encounters With A Living Cosmos.

When not travelling, Gordon hosts his weekly show, Rune Soup, from a small permaculture farm in southern Tasmania.

Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio's Miguel Conner returns to the show this week for an in-depth unpacking of claims made by Jordan Peterson, James Lindsay and others in the Online Right that Marxism is actually Gnosticism.

We look at

👉 The origins of these claims.
👉 Exactly WHERE and HOW they are wrong.
👉 The origins of Gnosticism.
👉 The 'true' origins of 'woke' thought.

We also explore some possible points of consent with the analysis Jordan Peterson presents regarding Lucifer and the archetypal significance of clowns, jesters and evil.

Many thanks to Miguel for coming back on the show again. I have actually tried several different ways of doing this topic as a solo show since catching the discussion between Jordan Peterson and James Lindsay back in June of 2023.

But imagine trying to have a discussion on the history of Gnosticism without Miguel? Turns out that was the very obvious unlock I needed all along.



Catch Aeon Byte here:

Here is the video I reference regarding Jordan Peterson and Shadow Projection


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✅ Book a shamanic healing session with Gordon:


Rune Soup is a podcast channel that platforms the most important discussions at the cutting edge of magic, animism and spirit work.

Gordon is chaos magician, shamanic practitioner, podcaster, author and permaculture designer with a background in data and analytics gained at some of the world's largest media companies. He is the author of four books on magic, animism and star lore: Star.Ships: A Prehistory of the Spirits, The Chaos Protocols, Pieces of..

In the second video in a series exploring animism, Join Gordon as he visits a giant outdoor stupa and then the museums of Australia's capital city


🧿 What makes an 'object' a person.
🧿 How so-called modern humans have never actually been modern.
🧿 What we can learn from the 'primitive accumulation' of sacred objects.
🧿 How agency works outside the human sphere.

This is the second in a video series covering the key metaphysical aspects of animism. Watch the first video here:


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✅ Join the Rune Soup Telegram Group:

✅ Book a shamanic healing session with Gordon:


Rune Soup is a podcast channel that platforms the most important discussions at the cutting edge of magic, animism and spirit work.

Gordon is chaos magician, shamanic practitioner, podcaster, author and permaculture designer with a background in data and analytics gained at some of the world's largest media companies. He is the author of four books on magic, animism and star lore: Star.Ships: A Prehistory of the Spirits, The Chaos Protocols, Pieces of Eight and Ani.Mystic: Encounters With A Living Cosmos.

When not travelling, Gordon hosts his weekly show, Rune Soup, from a small permaculture farm in southern Tasmania.

Join Gordon for a livestreamed episode of the World Without Sin series, exploring the truly insane meme landscape we must ride sandworms across during this particular apocalypse.

There will also be a bit of a a life update and a traditional Q&A for those who join the live.

In the first video in a series exploring animism, Join Gordon as he visits and encounters Lake Mungo -an ancient, dried-up lake bed that is home to thousands of Aboriginal artefacts that is also Australia's original World Heritage listed site.


🧿 The difference between 'space' and 'place'.
🧿 Places as beings: how they have agency and destinies.
🧿 How sacred time works very differently to the premise of linear time.
🧿 Why Lake Mungo is so important to world history, and what she might do next.

This is the first in a video series covering the key metaphysical aspects of animism.


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✅ Book a shamanic healing session with Gordon:


Rune Soup is a podcast channel that platforms the most important discussions at the cutting edge of magic, animism and spirit work.

Gordon is chaos magician, shamanic practitioner, podcaster, author and permaculture designer with a background in data and analytics gained at some of the world's largest media companies. He is the author of four books on magic, animism and star lore: Star.Ships: A Prehistory of the Spirits, The Chaos Protocols, Pieces of Eight and Ani.Mystic: Encounters With A Living Cosmos.

When not travelling, Gordon hosts his weekly show, Rune Soup, from a small permaculture farm in southern Tasmania.

What is the difference between prayer and magic? Are they the same? When should you use one or the other?

In this video, I am releasing the first module of the premium member course in prayer for FREE. We explore:

💥Why we might be squeamish about prayer.
💥What are the differences between prayer and magic?
💥When might you use one versus the other?

Then we look at some practical opportunities to deploy prayer:

💥On a continuous basis.
💥On a daily basis.
💥On a project basis.

In the FULL COURSE, we explore:

🪔The prehistory of prayer.
🪔The rise of prayer inside monotheism.
🪔The difference between praying TO and praying FOR.
🪔How prayer works in the grimoires.
🪔How to incorporate prayer into your spell work.
🪔How to use prayer in the powerful, transitional moment on earth.

If you'd like to join us, sign up to the premium membership below and get FULL ACCESS to the prayer course, as well as all other Rune Soup Premium Member courses, including

🪬Ancestors and the Dead
🪬Energy Healing


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✅ Book a shamanic healing session with Gordon:


Rune Soup is a podcast channel that platforms the most important discussions at the cutting edge of magic, animism and spirit work.

Gordon is chaos magician, shamanic practitioner, podcaster, author and permaculture designer with a background in data and analytics gained at some of the world's largest media companies. He is the author of four books on magic, animism and star lore: Star.Ships: A Prehistory of the Spirits, The Chaos Protocols, Pieces of Eight and Ani.Mystic: Encounters With A Living Cosmo..

Join Gordon for a New Year livestream covering off everything you need to enchant your best life with and in the face of these crazy apocalyptic conditions.

- Setting targets and intentions
- Different methods of magical activation
- And if you are joining us for #SigilADay2024, get updates and initial thoughts and suggestions at the very opening of the year.

Click the link below to join the telegram group if you wish to actively participate in #SigilADay2024. (You can always just play along at home, too.)


✅ Sign up to the newsletter so you never miss a podcast or blog post:

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✅ Join the Rune Soup Telegram Group:

✅ Book a shamanic healing session with Gordon:


Rune Soup is a podcast channel that platforms the most important discussions at the cutting edge of magic, animism and spirit work.

Gordon is chaos magician, shamanic practitioner, podcaster, author and permaculture designer with a background in data and analytics gained at some of the world's largest media companies. He is the author of four books on magic, animism and star lore: Star.Ships: A Prehistory of the Spirits, The Chaos Protocols, Pieces of Eight and Ani.Mystic: Encounters With A Living Cosmos.

When not travelling, Gordon hosts his weekly show, Rune Soup, from a small permaculture farm in southern Tasmania.

Forget about new year's resolutions! To pursue and achieve your dreams in 2024, look instead to setting intentions and replacing goals with areas of infinite growth.

Gordon will walk you through

🔥The differences between resolutions and intentions.
🔥How to use the momentum of the new year.
🔥Why you should NOT rely on willpower.
🔥Some useful examples of the difference between resolutions and intentions.


Find out how to do YOUR yearly review in this video:


✅ Sign up to the newsletter so you never miss a podcast or blog post:

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✅ Join the Rune Soup Telegram Group:

✅ Book a shamanic healing session with Gordon:


Rune Soup is a podcast channel that platforms the most important discussions at the cutting edge of magic, animism and spirit work.

Gordon is chaos magician, shamanic practitioner, podcaster, author and permaculture designer with a background in data and analytics gained at some of the world's largest media companies. He is the author of four books on magic, animism and star lore: Star.Ships: A Prehistory of the Spirits, The Chaos Protocols, Pieces of Eight and Ani.Mystic: Encounters With A Living Cosmos.

When not travelling, Gordon hosts his weekly show, Rune Soup, from a small permaculture farm in southern Tasmania.

What are you supposed to do if your spell isn't working? When do you call time on them and chalk them up to failure?

The answer is not as obvious as it sounds.

First, you need to determine whether this is a SETBACK or a FAILURE.

Then, you need to run your target and your goal through a series of checks:

👉 Technical components
👉 Overall probabilities
👉 Fate vs Destiny
👉 Desire mapping


✅ Sign up to the newsletter so you never miss a podcast or blog post:

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✅ Join the Rune Soup Telegram Group:

✅ Book a shamanic healing session with Gordon:


Rune Soup is a podcast channel that platforms the most important discussions at the cutting edge of magic, animism and spirit work.

Gordon is chaos magician, shamanic practitioner, podcaster, author and permaculture designer with a background in data and analytics gained at some of the world's largest media companies. He is the author of four books on magic, animism and star lore: Star.Ships: A Prehistory of the Spirits, The Chaos Protocols, Pieces of Eight and Ani.Mystic: Encounters With A Living Cosmos.

When not travelling, Gordon hosts his weekly show, Rune Soup, from a small permaculture farm in southern Tasmania.

In which Gordon explains

➡ Why he took a year off alcohol.
➡ What happens to you when you do.
➡ What his thoughts are on alcohol moving forward.

As well as the role alcohol does and does not play in modern magic.

➡ Does it help or hinder you?
➡ Should you avoid it?
➡ Do spirits like spirits?


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✅ Join the Rune Soup Telegram Group:

✅ Book a shamanic healing session with Gordon:


Rune Soup is a podcast channel that platforms the most important discussions at the cutting edge of magic, animism and spirit work.

Gordon is chaos magician, shamanic practitioner, podcaster, author and permaculture designer with a background in data and analytics gained at some of the world's largest media companies. He is the author of four books on magic, animism and star lore: Star.Ships: A Prehistory of the Spirits, The Chaos Protocols, Pieces of Eight and Ani.Mystic: Encounters With A Living Cosmos.

When not travelling, Gordon hosts his weekly show, Rune Soup, from a small permaculture farm in southern Tasmania.

You know the festive season has begun when Austinmas rolls around! Join Gordon White and Austin Coppock for a look into the first half of 2024 and how to navigate it.

We look at:

✅ Risk of war.
✅ What we can and can't learn from 2024.
✅ The best time of year to GTD.
✅ The Year of the Dragon.
✅ Mars, Mars and also some Mars to go with your Mars.

Plus there's this whole subplot about fish.



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✅ Book a shamanic healing session with Gordon:


Rune Soup is a podcast channel that platforms the most important discussions at the cutting edge of magic, animism and spirit work.

Gordon is chaos magician, shamanic practitioner, podcaster, author and permaculture designer with a background in data and analytics gained at some of the world's largest media companies. He is the author of four books on magic, animism and star lore: Star.Ships: A Prehistory of the Spirits, The Chaos Protocols, Pieces of Eight and Ani.Mystic: Encounters With A Living Cosmos.

When not travelling, Gordon hosts his weekly show, Rune Soup, from a small permaculture farm in southern Tasmania.

The one and only Dr Dean Radin, chief scientist at the Institute Of Noetic Sciences (IONS) drops by to introduce his fascinating new research project that YOU can be part of.

Check out our discussion and find out more at the project's website:

And if you are joining us for the #SigilADay2024 project, this might dovetail really well with your magical plans! (More details on the project can be found by joining the Telegram group below.)


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✅ Join the Rune Soup Telegram Group:

✅ Book a shamanic healing session with Gordon:


Rune Soup is a podcast channel that platforms the most important discussions at the cutting edge of magic, animism and spirit work.

Gordon is chaos magician, shamanic practitioner, podcaster, author and permaculture designer with a background in data and analytics gained at some of the world's largest media companies. He is the author of four books on magic, animism and star lore: Star.Ships: A Prehistory of the Spirits, The Chaos Protocols, Pieces of Eight and Ani.Mystic: Encounters With A Living Cosmos.

When not travelling, Gordon hosts his weekly show, Rune Soup, from a small permaculture farm in southern Tasmania.

After tabling the possibility in the last live stream, and thrashing out some of the details with the Rune Soup Premium Member brain trust, we'll be moving forward with the goal of launching one sigil a day for every day of next year.

In this video, you'll learn

♦ WHY you might want to join this project.
♦ WHERE you can find out how to launch sigils.
♦ HOW you can join.
♦ WHAT are the 'rules'. (Lol. Rules for sigil magic.)

The audio version of the announcement is a bit more involved than this one. That's because 58% of YouTube watchers aren't subscribed, so it needs to make sure it is invitational to newbies -who are always welcome at any time.

But you can listen to it HERE:

And if you want a complete guide to launching magic sigils, you can find it HERE:

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Rune Soup is a podcast channel that platforms the most important discussions at the cutting edge of magic, animism and spirit work.

Gordon is chaos magician, shamanic practitioner, podcaster, author and permaculture designer with a background in data and analytics gained at some of the world's largest media companies. He is the author of four books on magic, animism and star lore: Star.Ships: A Prehistory of the Spirits, The Chaos Protocols, Pieces of Eight and Ani.Mystic: Encounters With A Living Cosmos.

When not travelling, Gordon hosts his weekly show, Rune Soup, from a small permaculture farm in southern Tasmania.

We come at last to the final in the AI For Magicians series of solo shows!

This time we explore how we co-create with non-human beings and what that AI co-creation looks like for magicians.

Join Gordon for an exploration of archons, Siberian shamanic shapeshifting, Ursula K. LeGuin and also Margaret Thatcher for some reason.


Ursula K. LeGuin and Donna Haraway discussing technology

James Bridle discussing Ecological Technology on the Emergence Magazine podcast

Previous episodes in the AI series:

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✅ Book a shamanic healing session with Gordon:


Rune Soup is a podcast channel that platforms the most important discussions at the cutting edge of magic, animism and spirit work.

Gordon is chaos magician, shamanic practitioner, podcaster, author and permaculture designer with a background in data and analytics gained at some of the world's largest media companies. He is the author of four books on magic, animism and star lore: Star.Ships: A Prehistory of the Spirits, The Chaos Protocols, Pieces of Eight and Ani.Mystic: Encounters With A Living Cosmos.

When not travelling, Gordon hosts his weekly show, Rune Soup, from a small permaculture farm i..

Join Gordon for an annual round-up livestream exploring the how and the why of performing a yearly review.

Did you have your face paralysed on a tiny island in the Philippines or were you hospitalised in South America's second-poorest country? Then you might even come out ahead.

As is now traditional, we will follow up the episode with a live Q&A. Stick around for that!


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✅ Join the Rune Soup Premium Membership for hundreds of hours of magical training:

✅ Join the Rune Soup Telegram Group:

✅ Book a shamanic healing session with Gordon:


Rune Soup is a podcast channel that platforms the most important discussions at the cutting edge of magic, animism and spirit work.

Gordon is chaos magician, shamanic practitioner, podcaster, author and permaculture designer with a background in data and analytics gained at some of the world's largest media companies. He is the author of four books on magic, animism and star lore: Star.Ships: A Prehistory of the Spirits, The Chaos Protocols, Pieces of Eight and Ani.Mystic: Encounters With A Living Cosmos.

When not travelling, Gordon hosts his weekly show, Rune Soup, from a small permaculture farm in southern Tasmania.


Created 3 years, 10 months ago.

30 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

Just in case.