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If your standard information diet is TV you will most likely not understand this video. NASA, the U.S. government and the Vatican are working with Lucifer to set up a new world order which is really the old-sun worship order which leads back to Satan. Will there be a demon alien invasion this 4th? Or will Satan try to counterfeit The Saviour's coming? Read Scripture so you will not be fouled. Remember Lucifer make the fake look real. There will be nothing secret about The Saviour's coming. The trumpets will sound and every eye shall see Him. He will catch the believers up into the air. His feet do not touch the ground. We go up to Him. Pray that you receive the Spirit of Truth. Don't have time to view this video, then just listen to it. Love and blessings to you and your family.

Some say this must happen not realizing many things are happening but they don't see the forest for the trees. Keep praying The Saviour is coming soon. Millions have died from the covid vaccine. This is a religious war between The Saviour and Satan. We must choose sides. As for me and my house we will follow The Saviour!

When asked The Saviour when He would return, over and over He said, "Be not Deceived", .Sorry to say most folks do not know The Scripture to know if they are being deceived. Time to pray and study The Word of The Almighty to know what does He say. The whole world is going after the anti-christ and his policies. Stand like Daniel!!!!!!! Blessings!

What does the Pope, Trump, the Covid Vaccine have in common? Lucifer! We have been lied to from the cradle up, starting with Easter Bunny, etc. Now we have a FAKE SUN? This a must watch. We should be ready by now to face what is about to come up the world as a big lie. Do we have on the WHOLE armor of God? Keep praying, don't give up. Our deliverance is closer than we think! Read Scripture EVERY EYE SHALL SEE HIM! There is NO SECRET RAPTURE. We are about to go through a time of trouble as never has been or ever will be. YAHH will carry us through but we MUST TRUST AND OBEY HIM ! The TRUTH will set us FREE and evil will have no power over us. HallaleuYAH!

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. He created man out of the dust of the earth and breathe into his nostrils then he became A LIVING SOUL, We are electrical being. We eat food and it is converted to energy. We have a frequency and the earth has a frequency. Walking bare foot on the grass puts healing electrons into our body. Earthing has helped to relieve pain, heart problems, back problems, behavior problems, etc. The Creator has blessed us with natural remedies.

A must watch and share! The human race is under demonic attack! Pentecost is very soon, will The Creator's Spirit be poured out giving us the latter rain? More people are waking up to this war and are putting on the whole armor of God. We are not fighting flesh and blood. It is time to pray like we have never prayed. Millions have died and more are dying. Doctors lied to pregnant women about the covid vaccine which caused them to loose their babies or have horrible defects. The Saviour will be here sooner than most think. He warned us about these times in Revelation to let us know He is still in control, even during the storms of life. Keep praying! Blessings!

A MUST WATCH! Long but worth the time. Video divided into 4 very important parts. Would The Saviour join Candace Ownes true church? If this church regains rulership what will happen to true believers? Satan counterfeits, so, we must pray and read Scripture to know the truth that will sit us free. NO PERSON is to come between us and The Saviour who gave His precious blood for us on that tree. Few know the true history of Candace Ownes true church how it killed millions in some of the cruelest ways all in the name of their god during the dark ages when Scripture was forbidden to read. The Saviour saved us when He gave His precious blood on that tree which gave us the right to the Tree of Life again. If we love Him we will keep His commandments as it says in Revelation 14:12.

The Creator is warning us to be ready in this spiritual battle with prayer and fasting. We are not to fear any but The Creator. Read Scripture, trust and obey. The evil one, Lucifer, Satan wants to be like The Creator but he cannot create but only imitate and counterfeit The Creator. Yahh's (the LORD) appointed times show the plan of salvation as He weaves it through history into the garment of Revelation. Remember friends there are no denominations in heaven only those who trust and obey The Saviour who gave His precious Blood for us. John 3:16

Hosea 10:12-13 are verses for our times! Most folks are believing lies from the evil one wanting their way instead of The Almighty's WAY. Not accepting The Son of The Almighty and loving Him enough to obey His loving 10 commandments is a way that will keep us out of heaven. John 3:16 & Revelation 22:14. Time to pray fervently!

A MUST WATCH TO THE END! Are we about to enter the time referred to as Jacob's Trouble? What does the bridge collapse, cern, April 8, and the Vatican have in common? God warned us before so we will not fear and to know HE HAS THE FINAL WORD! As a woman with child must go through the pain of child birth to receive a baby, we must be purified and ready for The Saviour's coming. There is only one we are to fear that is The Almighty. Like a woman in the last stage of childbirth she will have the most pain and it will be rapid so it will be during Jacob's time of trouble. Because we are not fighting flesh and blood our defense is trusting and obeying The Creator. If your church or synagogue is not accepting The Saviour and keeping His 10 commandments, then they are only a social club which will not enjoy heaven and not be there. There are no denominations in heaven, only those who trust and obey The Saviour. God is Love and He wants us to willingly obey. He never forces but Satan does. Time to pray and fast! Blessings friends!

Is this the last Passover until The Saviour comes to take us home? You can know when it is. All of The Creator's Appointed times point to the Saviour. We are at the end of time. Are we ready to meet The Saviour? Now is the time to trust and obey. Revelation 22:14. There will be no denominations in heaven only those that want to trust and obey The Creator and have taken the precious gift of The Saviour. As we go through this new year may The Saviour cover us with His Precious Blood and keep us until we see Him coming in the clouds. Knowing when the new year is important because all The Creator's Feast Days follow. Blessings!

A MUST WATCH! Satan is coming in every door he can to the human temple. He is having humans to break every commandment of The Creator. He knows he has to pay for the sins he has tempted humans to do if they turn to The Saviour and accept the free gift of His Precious Blood. The Saviour says if we love Him we will keep His commandments. By accepting The Saviour and keeping His commandments we will have right to the tree of life and may enter in through the gates into The New Yaharshalom! (Jerusalem) Revelation 22:14. We will have eternal life. Satan is the author of confusion and is bringing the kill shot back. We need not fear God is still on His Throne and rules in the affairs of man but gives us a choice. We are to have no other gods before The Creator. We are to reflect His image by doing as He did, work 6 days and rest in Him the seventh day Sabbath. Satan has put his DNA in the covid vaccine. It is the same thing they find in people who have been adduced by aliens which are demons. TIME TO PRAY AND OBEY THE CREATOR! Blessings friends!

A MUST WATCH! Only God knows the future. The Almighty King is still on His Throne though the new world order thinks they are in total control. Satan knows his time is almost up so he is doing everything to keep people away for The Creator's Word. The Saviour said Jonah was a sign for these last days. Signs are all around us and like the people of Noah's time they are too busy seeking the fish and loaves instead of The Saviour. God is making up His Final Assembly calling them out of the fallen churches to His Truth. He says if we love Him we will keep His commandment and have the right to The Tree of Life. He gave His precious blood on a tree that we may be saved from eternal death. Few are willing to serve Him. Now is the time to pray and ask The Almighty to lead us into His path of righteousness and to repent. Blessings friends

A MUST WATCH!!!!!!! This documentary will show you the antichrist and the Image of the Beast are all being controlled by the dragon which is Satan and are in plain sight! The covid vaccine, kill shot has killed over 17 million people, is changing the cells of the body putting the image of Lucifer where once the image of The Creator was. The next big move by Satan could be his final attack on God's blessing to man showing that show God created all and bless the day He rested to show His love to man.

We are living in the end times. Who are we worshiping, man or The Almighty YAHH (the LORD)?

We need to read Scripture or we will fall for this puppet show where Satan is pulling the strings. It will not be long before The Saviour comes. Are we ready?

YouTube took this video with the scientist telling the truth off. What are real scientist saying about climate change while other scientist are being bought out by the father of lies and promote his lie to their own demise. How is this going to bring in the great time of trouble? Do not be fooled God is not mocked. What we sow we shall reap. If we sow lies we will reap lies and eternal damnation.

A must watch to the end! This is a long video but a very important video. Many have
not heard what these folks are sharing but all need to know judgment is coming!!!!!!!! The sins of
Babylon and the daughter of Babylon has reached heaven. The earth is full of the blood of
innocent children. Time to pray, repent, trust and obey.

A must watch to the end! Satan is not hiding anymore it is just people can't see him for his evil acts. What has porn, the X pandemic, WEF and lies have in common? Remember, The Creator has already won, we need not fear. Trust The Almighty, obey, pray, and study Scripture. Blessings! Please share this video, thank you!

Lies, Lies, Lies and more lies! Only by praying and reading Scripture are we going to know the truth. Rapture? Alien? Pope says watch for antichrist-REALLY-when he is it. Jonathan Cahn tells the Pope like it is.

What is really going on? This war is almost over. The Saviour coming is our only hope. The 2024 election is a Satanic circus. These last events are going to be so rapid that all we may have time to do is pray. Keep the faith! Lies, lies and more lies. May The Heavenly Father cover us with His wings and through the precious blood of The Saviour may we hear, "Well done thy good and faithful servant."

What does alcohol have to with the mark of the beast? Seems the WEF knows and are pushing it big time. Alcohol is the 4th leading cause of death. Alcohol is glamorized but is death in a bottle to individuals, marriages, families and communities, destroying like a tornado leaving a path of destruction. Satan wants worship and he doesn't care how he gets it. When we disobey The Saviour we worship Satan. The Saviour gave His precious Blood that we through His Spirit could overcome ever sin and be sealed for the coming of The Saviour.

Are you seeing The Spirit of Truth working on people's heart? The Saviour is trying to warn people to read His Scripture that they may not be deceived by Satan. Is The Saviour using Alex Jones, Tucker Carlson, Stew Peters and others to get His Truth out bidding folks to read Scripture especially Revelation which was written over 2000 years ago? Are we going through a "Great Awakening"? What may be next? Are we closer to the return of The Saviour than we may think? Does Tucker think aliens are demons?

Please do not let children hear or see this video, it would be more than their little minds could take. It was hard for me to make it but folks need to know the devices Satan is using against them. Satan is more evil than one can think. Society is against purity. It has been proven to be exposed to sex or death in the wrong way as a child can lead to mental disorders or even demon possession. Pray! We wrestle not against flesh and blood but principalities and powers in high places. PRAYER is our weapon! YAHH (the LORD) will fight for us. We must trust and obey and claim the righteous blood of The Saviour. "Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit." was one of David's prayers which sends the demons running.

Dr. Ardis shares a formula of herbs he and Dr. Group have put together for shedding and the vaccinated. New Zealand whistleblower tells the truth about the deaths and vaccine. Dr. Sam tells what is coming up. The Vatican, the globalist & the Zionist all sit at the seat of Satan with BLACKROCK. The health ranger has an excellent speaker everyone needs to hear about how Satan is putting the wool over most Christian' eyes with the war in Israel. Few are awake but YAHH (the LORD) does has His remnant who study His Word and listen to His Spirit. Blessings! Please share this video.


Created 4 years ago.

145 videos

Category Health & Medical

We are in a war where the physical and spiritual meet. Adam and Eve taking of the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil was the shot that put us into this universal war but the Son of the Almighty dying on a tree has given us the right to be forgiven our sins by His shedding of His precious Blood that we may once again eat of the Tree of Life and be reunited into the Family Tree of the Almighty. "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Ephesians 6:12 Our powerful and only needed weapons are prayer and obedience for we have the Heavenly Family and the host of heaven fighting this war. There is no greater power we have than to pray with love for our friends and enemies. When someone wants to harm us it is the demon in them that is really calling the shots so we must pray for them. Like the demonic that the Saviour healed, casting out the demon that the man may have peace in the Saviour. Now is the time we are to stand like Daniel and his 3 friends. " Now if ye be ready that at what time ye hear the sound of the cornet, flute, harp*, sackbut, psaltery, and dulcimer, and all kinds of musick, ye fall down and worship the image which I have made; well: but if ye worship not, ye shall be cast the same hour into the midst of a burning fiery furnace; and who is that God that shall deliver you out of my hands? Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, answered and said to the king, O Nebuchadnezzar, we are not careful to answer thee in this matter. If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king. But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up." Daniel 3:15-18. Sorceries are pharmacia (drugs). Make your food your medicine and your medicine your food. The Creator gave us , " And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat." Genesis 1:29 Blessings!