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Disney will not survive

A police helicopter captured camera footage today of a shark near the South Padre Island shoreline ..

Four shark attacks have occurred ..

Multiple people being bitten during Fourth of July celebrations ..

Stay away from water..

FYI Trump turned the government over to the Military in 2017 after inauguration
Due to the level of corruption the military was the only way

Just Patriots that love this Country and the minority that hates America- no where to hide now

NEVER FORGET: This is how an 18 year old active duty service member was treated for refusing to take the experimental mRNA injection

We never went to the moon we live on flat earth with Firmament that has water above it

After World War II the British government decided to randomly drop a nuclear bomb right next to 20,000 British soldiers just to see what would happe

Hidden in plain sight.... it’s time these evil celebrities and elite are revealed to the sleeping for their horrific crimes 😡

The details on Anthony Weiner’s Laptop of what Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin did to a small little girl are horrific.

This show is for the sheep 🐑
It was over before it began

The best sinus/congestion medicine on the planet -try it

Relax Will Smith has been executed

But it's all scripted even blowing up the evil Capitol-Getty Museum -Vatican- Buckingham palace


Created 3 years, 8 months ago.

936 videos

Category None

Expose the Truth -Think about what makes sense