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This was 5 years ago:

Last week Joe Rogan devoted yet another entire episode of his podcast to calling out me, Eric Dubay, and the Flat Earth. Proving once again what a sold-out traitor he is, Joe has even taken to wearing a "Round Earth Shill" shirt to mock those of us who are exposing him. He is visibly concerned at the rapid rise of the flat Earth movement and what it will mean for him, his Mason friends, and their cozy lucrative shill-jobs. In this video I debunk every argument he and Mick West attempt to throw at me. To learn more about out flat, motionless Earth, please visit:


Note: Why they use the terminology of Water level & Earth level? and why not instead of Water curve line and Earth curve line? Is because the ocean is one continuous flat body of water, its surface tends to seek the same (flat) level throughout the world.

Theoretically, almost anything you can make it possible in terms of formula calculations and artificial applications (like Einstein did). But in practice, other universal laws apply. A football is easy to include in the image. Well, try to do it yourself by encompassing the universe as a whole in your imagination. That is impossible to comprehend! Everything beyond the Ice wall and far above the Earth was all found on theoretical bases and not practical bases. We are rich in becoming, and knowing a lack of realistic nature. or one knows, but chooses to remain silent. Otherwise everything will have to be rewritten again.

Note: I think I'll leave this one for my dog ​​to eat, and stick us on to the well trusty "fake law of the sea / admiralty law came from England."

This is that interview of Joe Rogan - Eric Weinstein & Terrence Howard

They only brought Terrence back on to discredit him and make him look like a fool. He was setup from the start on purpose undoubtedly.

They only brought Terrence back on to discredit him and make him look like a fool. He was setup from the start on purpose. I'm still with Terrence 100%

Note: Terrance knew what he was doing...they only made themselves look bad...cuz they cudnt prove him wrong️ !! Remember this, They all stick together no matter what. Their existence depends on it here in America. We need to stop wanting validation from any society. Create our own. . simple.

Has The World Sold out to Satan ?

Yep, It's slowly starting to look like that, Especially if you watch the concerts, almost everyone joins in raising the devil horn, although it doesn't have much value for most of them there yet, but the clue is that they are doing it now have already accepted. And now comes the next phase. The Subversion is being developed in phases. The end goal is Sodom and Gomorrah. No more distinction between humans and animals, animals that have no norms or any sense of shame. amen in wahella.

Who gets to write the history textbooks? Where do the history teachers learn about history? What documents are allowed into the historical record, and what documents are excluded? These are not merely academic questions, they go right to the heart of the question of history itself. Join James Corbett for today's edition of The Corbett Report and an in-depth exploration of the formation of the historical record about World War One.

The Fabrication of History : Roman Empire By New Earth.

video Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UI4BAaSG2t4&ab_channel=NoRace

max igan and Jason Breshear. The great wall of china is not what it seems

What was the real function of the great wall? Was the great wall a trading route known as the silk road? And that it's design was not built for defense against hostilities..

Note: The only thing I have a different opinion about, is that they unfairly give Rome all the credit for the construction of the Great Wall. And I don't think so...Why would Rome want to invest so much money and effort into this inaccessible area, with all the Mongolians warriors all over this area... no...I rather think we should look at the direction close to the borders or closer to Russia. Because the builders had knowledge of mathematical calculations. Rome's entire history itself is already under the magnifying glass, because many do not match the time line and the gigantic granite blocks used in some structures are not correct. Because a lot of the material comes from far away. and how were the Romans able to move these heavy granite blocks with their horse cart? Granite blocks that a crane cannot lift on their own.
Many wars have been fought and many nations have been completely wiped out, and some have taken over their identity of some of the exterminated nations, if that could offer them some advantage or undercover, in the past. We, of the present, know only a fraction of our actual world history. Whoever comes to power can destroy and erase and rewrite everything from his previous ruler.

Ancient China in Terms of the New Chronology

In the 5th episode of the Forgotten History series on the radio station GOVORIT MOSKVA, December 12, 2015, the discussion revolves around ancient China in light of the New Chronology. Are there confirmations of ancient Chinese history? In particular, astronomical evidence cited by historians is examined. Why is the history of China important to us?

Video Source: https://www.bitchute.com/video/A88LoY9duZbO/

Dr. Morse talks about symptoms called "cancer". It's a loaded word, triggering countdown to imminent death in everyone who is assigned to the task of carrying a label "cancer patient". Turns out cancer is a boldfaced lie, condition that is more or less easily to reversible when untouched by the medical maffia but you have a good chance to do it even if they did.

Original videos has been remove or whatever.. they, YOUTUBE blocking all that is too real and true:
( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5n_bRmMA5Q&t )

With the Covid-911 we have experienced worldwide that all these mega "so call" social video platforms have significantly suppressed the truth. By removing accounts that dared to talk about the Covid 911 scam and hoax. I know and do not forget who was on our side as ordinary peoples all over the world, and that was certainly not the peek a boo media and all those "big tech" social platforms such as mainly Facebook and YouTube. I can forgive, but I will forget I never consciously introduce anything or was introduced to cause as much damage and death as possible. That is unforgivable! Only you by your own cannot fight against an organized worldly criminal power structure, that's suicide. Unless you don't give a fuck anymore. . ⚠!!

How The US Suppressed Native American Identity

How did the US deal with Native Americans? By forcing their children into boarding schools so they could become "civilized." Dennis Banks, founder of the American Indian Movement, shares his personal experiences with Abby Martin in The Empire Files.

Council on Security and Intelligence: http://www.aimovement.org/csi/index.html

Dr. Ivan Van Sertima is a literary critic, historian, anthropologist, and author of “They Came Before Columbus: The African Presence in Ancient America.” In this interview Dr. Sertima spotlights America’s pre-Columbian history, stating that Africans played a significant role in shaping America. Dr. Sertima describes how historical narratives have often marginalized Africa. Dr. Sertima presents archaeological findings and maps along with African artifacts, he challenges conventional history, igniting a thought-provoking interview.

Note: The consequences of lying and academic fraudulent implementation activities mean that credibility is damaged for the time being. And that feeling comes over me every time I see something from Western historians or from the so many amateur bluestocking internet scholars. The so called anthropologists and archaeologist. Persons who studies human history and prehistory through the excavation of sites and the analysis of artifacts and other physical remains.

But what is the difference between an archaeologist and an anthropologist? An anthropologists focus on the ways of life, languages, and other characteristics of people throughout the world. And an archaeologists' research past cultures' impacts on the customs, values, and habits of societies in the present.

Many are guilty of self-aggrandizement by wanting to link events to their own race, against all logic and time. Even the courage that some dare to show that in some areas, in Africa, they were ahead of the Africans. Suppose an African comes to Europe and he "discover, (you discover it like Columbus did)" a place where no one has ever been before, can this dark-skinned person claim it as his own, a place in the European area of ​​'pale-skinned people' that does not border his own country of birth? Arrogance is for the kingdom of the stupid. Just because you think you have the power to dominate doesn't automatically mean that only you can determine the "truth." as it once was! unfortunately with all the confusing and merging consequences that entails

History of EUROPE is a LIE,

I had noticed for a long time that many Europeans, and especially the Turks, and Afghans have many characteristics of the Mongoloid mix nations

Long before the variety of different tribes had thought to settled down in Europe, there were already the Eskimo (Sámi) Laplanders living across most areas of the so-called today Europe. The Sámi they are one of first Europe's indigenous peoples.

I was in Sweden, and there the contrast was clearly noticeable many black haired Swedish people,
also blonde and other variations of hair color, but the facial shapes and eye sockets always attracted my attention. I was looking for an explanation for this phenomenon that I observed during the invasion of the Mongols, but there are more players in the field, but that is for another topic... But anyway,
I also draw and paint, those are one of my hobbies. This way I look at my environment and the people in it with different lenses.
I also have a habit of aggravating people with their pets, to see if I can notice any aggravation in the owner and his pet. And sometimes you can see that in their character, and that they almost seem to take on each other's facial shapes. Not literally, but... well, it's a bit complex to express what I want to say here in a few short sentences. So we are going to leave it at that, that after a long stay together with their attached animal, then if you look carefully, you will notes that the owner's face shape has becomes different than before he had a pet.

How the Airborne Protected the Little Rock Nine.

Imagine how racist and sad your life gotta be to drive from a different state to watch black people go to school.

Note: I'm only interested in that elderly white woman that helped Elizabeth

Since the modern resurgence of the Flat Earth subject in 2014, the main methods of engagement by the masses have unfortunately been denial, ridicule, and once in a while, a so-called “debate.” With most any other topic, debates take the shape of formal conversations where opposing positions are presented, argued, and rebutted in an effort to better understand an issue. However, with this hot-button topic, since it is widely perceived as just an incorrect archaic assumption of our ignorant ancient ancestors, those arguing against it tend to have such arrogance and contempt that the debates usually devolve into nothing but repeated interruptions, name-calling, sarcasm and logical fallacies. While I applaud and appreciate everyone who brings attention to this important issue, I would argue that what we really need to help bring alternative cosmology center-stage is more genuine discourse, dialogue, discussions, and demonstrations, not debates.

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Everything seems to be movement. But only not in the right direction, in which we as the majority of the ordinary people” in the world that would like to see it go.

Note: On the one hand, this would be a relief from the animal suffering and unnecessary shedding of animal blood, but I refuse to be dictated to what I should and should not eat, or what I should do outside of my will. I just make sure that I don't break the law, and don't disrespect my fellow human beings unnecessarily, and for the rest, just leave me the fuck alone... don't bother me, then we'll cool! And I'm sure there are many others who think the same way. You don't have to worry about us. If we need help, we'll ask for it ourselves.

Subject: Classic Shock documentary: very disturbing images material

This is a mix of dramatization and real clips. It's posed as a documentary about the nature of death and man's relationship with death, but the real intent is to shock and gross out the viewer. Despite the intentionally harsh content there is enough here to make the viewer stop and think about how precious and fragile life is. That said, most will be turned off by the onslaught of gore. There are scenes of animals being slaughtered, real surgery, and real dead bodies mixed in with plenty of fake bodies and fake deaths that still look convincing almost 50 years later. Definitely not for the squeamish.

Even bar stools are getting a gay vibe lately..

Mommies against the LGBT indoctrination and grooming of children interfered with a drag book reading at the Central Library of the town of Blackpool, Lancashire, Great Britain, by singing traditional nursery rhymes, for which they got kicked out by security, who actually physically dragged (pun intended) a mother with a stroller with a toddler in it (at roughly 1:13).

Taxi driver takes carjackers on the ride of their life - plead for their life


Created 1 year, 4 months ago.

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Take It Cool before Cool Take You - B. Diamond