Reclamation Freedom

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Reclamation Freedom

Reclamation Freedom


In this episode, I explore the true essence of resistance. I emphasize importance as to why you need to exercise your know/learning muscles and the importance of saying the lost word "NO!". In order to reclaim our freedom and have true progress in our world each of us needs to be exercising these muscles. If you know, you "NO!".

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In this episode, I cover the current events of June 2024. Looking at both what the government media wants you looking at and thinking about and what they don't. I relate all of the high stress daily events to the objective moral first principles to further expose the current state of disunion and how to return to unity with nature and our reality.

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In this episode, I explore how all government is created. I break down the two similar yet opposite ways in which all government comes to be. Closing out with a couple of really great and really simple examples you can use in every day life to help explain these concepts to just about anyone you meet.

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In this episode, I conclude my exploration of the advice that UFC fighter Renato Moicano recently gave in a most-match interview with Joe Rogan. Moicano called on the American people to learn and adopt the teachings of Ludwig von Mises. More specifically he called people to read Mises' Economic Policy: Thoughts for Today and Tomorrow. This is a multi-part reading of this piece of literature so you don't have to. Additionally, I will be relating these teachings back to first moral principles and freedom.

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In this episode, I cover the current events of May 2024. Looking at both what the government media wants you looking at and thinking about and what they don't. I relate all of the high stress daily events to the objective moral first principles to further expose the current state of disunion and how to return to unity with nature and our reality.

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In this episode, I continue my exploration of the advice that UFC fighter Renato Moicano recently gave in a most-match interview with Joe Rogan. Moicano called on the American people to learn and adopt the teachings of Ludwig von Mises. More specifically he called people to read Mises' Economic Policy: Thoughts for Today and Tomorrow. This is a multi-part reading of this piece of literature so you don't have to. Additionally, I will be relating these teachings back to first moral principles and freedom.

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In this episode, I continue my exploration of the advice that UFC fighter Renato Moicano recently gave in a most-match interview with Joe Rogan. Moicano called on the American people to learn and adopt the teachings of Ludwig von Mises. More specifically he called people to read Mises' Economic Policy: Thoughts for Today and Tomorrow. This is a multi-part reading of this piece of literature so you don't have to. Additionally, I will be relating these teachings back to first moral principles and freedom.

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In this episode, I cover the current events of April 2024. Looking at both what the government media wants you looking at and thinking about and what they don't. I relate all of the high stress daily events to the objective moral first principles to further expose the current state of disunion and how to return to unity with nature and our reality.

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In this episode, I explore the advice that UFC fighter Renato Moicano recently gave in a most-match interview with Joe Rogan. Moicano called on the American people to learn and adopt the teachings of Ludwig von Mises. More specifically he called people to read Mises' Economic Policy: Thoughts for Today and Tomorrow. I will be doing a multi-part reading of this piece of literature so you don't have to. Additionally, I will be relating these teachings back to first moral principles and freedom.

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In this episode, I cover and expose things many people turn to and do that they think are helping the freedom community/movement/cause when those things are actually fall into one of these three categories. More times than not, I see people wasting their time by taking certain action that is unproductive and can be counterproductive towards the end goal, a state of freedom. A common root among those wasting their highly-valuable time is that they themselves do not full have their grammar understood which leads to their actions differing from what they say they want.

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In this episode, Emily Onorato and I finish off our movie and book review combo with part 2 of The Jones Plantation book review. The incredible allegorical insight into the attitudes, methods, and thought processes of the social engineers and controlled masses contained in the final chapters of this book are crucial to understand our world today. This is a monumental one-of-a-kind film and book combination that paves the way and sets the standard for all freedom oriented content into the future. But really, you and everyone you know needs to take in these works of art.

For all things Jones Plantation:

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In this episode, I cover the current events of March 2024. Looking at both what the government media wants you looking at and thinking about and what they don't. I relate all of the high stress daily events to the moral first principles to further expose the current state of disunion and how to return to unity with nature and our reality.

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In this episode, I invite my girlfriend Emily Onorato back on the show again to do a full comparison between the Jones Plantation movie and novel. This book and movie duo was written by Larken Rose and directed by Andrew Treglia. This is a monumental one-of-a-kind film and book combination that paves the way and sets the standard for all freedom oriented content into the future. But really, you and everyone you know needs to see this film and read the book that goes with it.

For all things Jones Plantation:

Full show notes at:

In this episode, I invite my girlfriend Emily Onorato on the show again to do a full recap and review of the Jones Plantation movie. This movie was written by Larken Rose and direct by Andrew Treglia. This is a monumental one-of-a-kind film that paves the way and sets the standard for all freedom oriented films into the future. But really, you and everyone you know needs to see this film.

Watch the Jones Plantation at:

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In this episode, I cover the current events of February 2024. Looking at both what the government media wants you looking at and thinking about and what they don't. I relate all of the high stress daily events to the moral first principles to further expose the current state of disunion and how to return to unity with nature and our reality.

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In this episode, I explore and outline an education method that everyone can enact to help their fellow man increase their knowledge and care levels. I had previously coined and explored this method back during my GO-AUF Podcast days and wanted to revisit and revamp it for Reclamation Freedom. I cover the best ways to maximize effectiveness in helping to educate others so that they can raise their knowledge and consciousness levels and we can continue to work towards a state of freedom.

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In this episode and for the final part in this five part series, I am joined by Emily Onorato, my girlfriend, who walks through the final two chapters of slides of The End of All Evil with me. This is a book that I consider required reading for all those trying to understand freedom and evil and putting the work in to educate others these simple yet hidden truths. Please find the download for the book in the show notes below.

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In this episode, I finish the reading of chapter 7 and my slides for chapters 6-7. I then read through the entirely of the remaining chapters 8-9 and concluded my reading of The End of All Evil by Jeremy Locke. This is a book that I consider required reading for all those trying to understand freedom and evil and putting the work in to educate others these simple yet hidden truths.

Full show notes at:

In this episode, I finish my slides of chapters 4-5 of the book The End of All Evil by Jeremy Locke and read through all of chapter 6 and almost all of chapter 7. This is a book that I consider required reading for all those trying to understand freedom and evil and putting the work in to educate others these simple yet hidden truths.

Full show notes at:

In this episode, I read through chapters 4-5 of the book The End of All Evil by Jeremy Locke. This is a book that I consider required reading for all those trying to understand freedom and evil and putting the work in to educate others these simple yet hidden truths.

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In this episode, I read through chapters 1-3 of the book The End of All Evil by Jeremy Locke. This is a book that I consider required reading for all those trying to understand freedom and evil and putting the work in to educate others these simple yet hidden truths.

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In this episode, I go into depth regarding property rights and wrongs. What is your property and what is not? What do you have the right to own and what do not? I add in an expose of the invisible and implicit social construct belief system that our society is plagued with and what you can do to end it.

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In this episode, I cover the term anarchy and the true meaning of the word and concept. Reading from What Anarchy Isn't by Larken Rose, I explore the simple examples outlined by Larken in this short picture book. This will serve as a primer to this weekend's (Saturday, December 16th) public screening of Jones Plantation hosted by Inquire & Inspire at the Oaks Center Cinema in Oaks, PA. We have currently sold over 50 tickets out of the 100 tickets available. Get yours now at!

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In this episode, I continue with the State of Disunion presentation that began in Reclamation Freedom #7. Covering topics such as education, politics, and culture I give my perspective of the current state of the world both at the individual and societal levels in each area. I want to challenge the listener to take my perspective and put they to the test with their own experiences.

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In this episode, I give my perspectives of many aspects of society. Here I detail my perspectives on the micro (individual) and macro (societal) levels of each aspect. I challenge the listener to go about their next week with my perspectives and lens in mind to see if what I am saying holds up to their experiences.

Full show notes at:


Created 9 months, 2 weeks ago.

31 videos

Category Education

Reclamation Freedom is a strong source for all things freedom! Freedom is the absence of all violence. The more violence in the world the higher degree of slavery will exist. This is THE simple yet true Law of Freedom that exists in nature. We reclaim our freedom through objective morality, knowing ourselves, and caring for the world around us.