Puppy Training School

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Puppy Training School

John Aladin


As a dog owner, I love to take my dogs to the dog park where they can run around off leash and play with other dogs. It also gives them the opportunity to not only socialise with other dogs, but with other humans as well. Another great way to teach your pup how to socialise is through a good puppy school.

Reference: https://www.puppytodogschool.com.au/dog-training-in-sydney-dog-park/

The dog house that you would pick for your pup will be your pet’s second home. You should consider if your dog would be comfortable in it, would it be able to accommodate different seasons. It should be easy to maintain so it could stay clean and dry all the time. Your dog’s house should also be able to adapt to the weather. It should not be warm when it is hot in the summer or cold when it is winter.

Reference: https://www.puppytodogschool.com.au/personal-dog-trainer-tips-on-dog-house/

Toy Poodles are a beautiful, generally fluffy little dog associated with France. They are considered Water Dogs and are sometimes suited to owners with dog allergies as they shed the least hair of all the dog breeds.

Reference: https://www.puppytodogschool.com.au/toy-poodles/

People buy puppies without really knowing what they’re getting into. And yes I know that sounds horrible but ultimately we can get fooled by their cute little faces. We also tend to buy puppies without really thinking about the future. Who knew that cute Mr Sprinkle would turn into a demi-wolf? That is why it is important for you, your partner and or children to consider the following points before purchasing a puppy.

Reference: https://www.puppytodogschool.com.au/things-to-know-before-buying-a-puppy/

Dogs are naturally energetic and are full of life. Unless they are mentally or physically unwell, you would rarely see them feeling down. No matter what kind of dog food you are giving your dog, they need the same benefits that human beings require to stay healthy.

Read Full Story: https://www.puppytodogschool.com.au/homemade-pet-food-sydney/

When they say that dogs are loyal companions, they are not kidding. The best puppy schools in Sydney and all over the world can confirm that each and every pup that has set foot on their floors all love their owners and they will do so until the end of their days on earth.

Read Full Story: https://www.puppytodogschool.com.au/best-puppy-school-in-sydney-signs-of-puppy-love/

Dogs meals can relate to anything from what to feed your dog to how you feed your dog.

If you’re unsure about what to feed your dog, have a read of our article on dog food to determine the right type of food.

Meals times on the other hand can be challenging for some depending on whether there are any concerning behaviours.

Reference: https://www.puppytodogschool.com.au/dogs-meals/

Dogs are fun and loyal creatures, however at times they can be territorial. If you already have an older dog, and as they have less energy, it would be beneficial to adopt or buy an adult dog.



Created 3 years, 3 months ago.

8 videos

Category Pets & Wildlife

A videos of training puppies and techniques that can help your little dogs.