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A psychic investigation of Joe Biden reveals he gets exposed for an extramarital affair and then makes a public apology for being a self centered fool hoping to make his public humiliation all go away! Will Joe Biden have a come to Jesus moment?

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🔮💫 The Psychic PowerBook: A Manifesting Workbook

Will the Democratic National Convention make headlines due to a surge of protestors aiming to target the party and start a riot? Furthermore, are these protestors actually paid actors staged by the Democrat National Convention as a way to blame their political opponents for sabotage? In today’s broadcast, I will be rolling in a clip of a psychic investigation probling into both conventions to see what is most likely to occur!

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🔮💫 The Psychic PowerBook: A Manifesting Workbook

Will Joe Biden be the center focus of a scandalous affair that will overshadow his presidential race? Will the release of photographic and video evidence of a sexual nature end his political career?

In today's broadcast I do a psychic investigation into the energy of Joe Biden where I pick up some very interesting information regarding an affair leading to a double life including, blackmail, sex and videotape!

Check out the Joe Biden Affair Pt2 where we dive deeper into the double life of the man in the whitehouse who discover that his political friends have become his political foes.
#joebidensextape #joebiden #priestesssekhmet

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Is a major political figure about to be exposed with photographic and video evidence of a hidden double life with which he has been blackmailed for many years? Will this information be the end of his political career? What other prophecies and predictions surround the exposing of this major political figure?

In today's broadcast I do a psychic investigation into the energy of Joe Biden where I pick up some very interesting information regarding an affair leading to a double life including, blackmail, sex, lies and videotape!

Check out the Joe Biden Affair where I tap into the double life of the man in the whitehouse setting up his political enemies and accusing them of doing the very thing he seeks to hide. #joebidenaffair #psychicinvestigation #priestesssekhmet

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🔮💫 The Psychic PowerBook: A Manifesting Workbook

Are the UFOs known as flying rods a sign that our Ancestors are present on earth with us? And, if so, do these beings of light have a message for us that will help us prepare for the future? In today’s broadcast, I will be sharing a clip of a message from our Ancestors to help us understand this very amazing phenomenon!

Pt2 Light Beings and Flying Rod UFOs:

Pt1 Light Beings and Flying Rods UFOs:

More UFOs as Ancestors Return:

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🔮💫 The Psychic PowerBook: A Manifesting Workbook

Are the UFOs known as flying rods a sign that our Ancestors are present on earth with us? And, is there about to be an increase in UFOs and other light being sightings reported in the immediate future? You don’t want to miss today's broadcast where I will be rolling in two clips of psychic readings I did on my own Light Being recordings and the messages that came forward from our Ancestors!

Flying Rods and Ancestor UFOs:

More UFOs as Ancestors Return:

For more psychic investigations and personal readings, please visit me at

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🔮💫 The Psychic PowerBook: A Manifesting Workbook

Are the flying rod UFOs being recorded in the sky simply an unexplained phenomenon that can’t be understood? Could this be a secret government project to confuse the public or could it be something even more extraordinary? In today’s broadcast I will be sharing a clip of a psychic reading I did on the flying rod UFOs and including my own footage as seen on my very own door cam!

The Jaymez Channel:

Return of the Ancestors and UFOs:

More UFOs as Ancestors Return:

For more psychic investigations and personal readings, please visit me at

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🔮💫 The Psychic PowerBook: A Manifesting Workbook

Do the ancient prophecies that herald the return of Christ refer to a mystical event that is speaking of our Galaxy? Does this mystical event also include the birth of the earth into a star? You don’t want to miss today’s broadcast where I will be sharing a psychic investigation into Part 3 of The Halo Around the Sun!

The Sun's Halo Pt1:

The Sun's Halo Pt2:

The Black Madonna:

See also Black Hole Sun Prophecy Decoded:

Artwork Credit:

Artwork Credit: Mysticism and Prophecy in “Tui bei tu” 推背圖

For more psychic investigations and personal readings, please visit me at

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🔮💫 The Psychic PowerBook: A Manifesting Workbook

Did Ancient Chinese Astrologers meticulously keep track of the sun’s halo? And did the halo represent the return of a future dynasty and a golden age? In today's broadcast, I will be sharing a clip of a reading I did on this topic as part 2 of my series on the Halo around the Sun!

The Sun's Halo Pt1:

The Black Madonna:

See also Black Hole Sun Prophecy Decoded:

Artwork Credit:

Artwork Credit: Mysticism and Prophecy in “Tui bei tu” 推背圖

For more psychic investigations and personal readings, please visit me at

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🔮💫 The Psychic PowerBook: A Manifesting Workbook

Is the sun's halo revealing the opening of a stargate and the reflection of a black hole? Or is it simply a meaningless reflection from ice crystals? In today's broadcast, I will be sharing a clip of a reading I did on the Suns halo to share the revelations that come forth!

The Black Madonna and The Great Central Sun:

See also Black Hole Sun Prophecy Decoded:

Artwork Credit:

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In this video I do a psychic reading on the Milky Way Galaxy and the Great Central Sun only to discover a mystery hidden right before our eyes! Is the Great Central Sun in the center of our Galaxy the hidden Black Madonna? Is the mystery of the Black Madonna being revealed through Psychic Readings as the history of a Fallen Star that created our Galaxy? In today's broadcast, I will be sharing a clip of a reading I did on the Great Central Sun of our galaxy and the amazing story that came forth!

See also Black Hole Sun Prophecy Decoded:

Artwork Credit:

For more psychic investigations and personal readings, please visit me at

🔮💫 7 Day Mini Manifesting Course

🔮💫 The Psychic PowerBook: A Manifesting Workbook

Is there an accumulation of energy coming from the cosmic realms merging with the material realm to create a brand new state of existence? Are these incoming galactic super waves about to destroy the veil of physical reality and what does this all mean? In today's broadcast, I will be sharing a clip of a message I received from the ancestors to help us understand the recent solar storms and solar flares that are part of this cosmic convergence happening around June 21st that will change the way we see and experience this new earth reality!

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🔮💫 The Psychic PowerBook: A Manifesting Workbook

Does the recent UFO sighting in Tehran Iran signal the return of Free Energy to the planet? Are the Ancestors trying to get our attention to convey to us important information that the media is not telling us? In todays broadcast, I will be sharing a clip as Part 3 of My Tehran UFO Sighting and the Return of the Royal Guard which will go into deeper depth on this very important issue!

Third Phase of Moon Massive UFO's Have SHOCKED The WORLD TODAY! 2024:

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🔮💫 The Psychic PowerBook: A Manifesting Workbook

Was the recent death of the President of Iran a sign of a new transitional government in the country? Is a media blackout covering up a mass of UFO sightings as the ancestors return to the Middle East to reclaim their homeland? In today’s broadcast, I will be rolling in a clip as PT2 of my Tehran UFO sighting announcing the Return of the Royal Guard!

Third Phase of Moon Massive UFO's Have SHOCKED The WORLD TODAY! 2024:

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Is the recent UFO sighting of a large spaceship with glowing green lights circulating around it’s perimeter a CGI hoax or is it a sign of our Ancestors return? Is the return of Christ being heralded by his own Royal Guard through these UFO sightings? You don’t want to miss today's broadcast where I will be rolling in a clip of my psychic investigation into this recent sighting in this never-before-heard message from our Ancestors!

Third Phase of Moon Massive UFO's Have SHOCKED The WORLD TODAY! 2024:

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Are generational curses a real thing that can lock you into a karmic loop of repeating patterns of negativity and toxicity? Can toxic energy block your manifestations from occurring and attract toxic people and experiences to you? In this broadcast, I will be rolling in a clip where I break down these topics in depth so that you can manifest your desires effectively!

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Are the current tornados moving across the nation random in nature and a result of global warming or is this an ancestral message from our Creator and Divine Ancestors? In today’s broadcast, I will be rolling in a clip from a psychic reading I did on the tornados that just hit Kentucky in part two of my psychic investigation into the Kentucky Death Storms!

Kentucky Death Storms Pt1:

Storms and The Great Chastisement:

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Are the current UFO sightings seen all over the world a sign of the ancient prophecies predicting the return of our Ancestors? Are the Ancestors using interdimensional space travel to enter our realm through sealed stargates that were predicted to be unsealed in the last days?

You don’t want to miss today’s broadcast where I will be rolling in a clip sharing vivid detail of an experience I had with our Ancestors and one of these high functioning flying machines!

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Can you manifest your dream vacation with unexpected money by using mental magick? Can mental magick cause things to occur in your day to day that would not normally occur leaving you stuck in a rut and never having enough money to manifest the things you truly desire? In this video, I will be sharing with you the techniques I used in my Level 3 Mental Magick Course and how you can apply them to your spiritual routine to balance your energy, elevate your vibration and attract unexpected money into your life to go on vacation and more!

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In this video I remote view the recent Atlantic ocean wave anomaly caught on satellite radar to discover that it is actually a portal opening up from another dimension. Check out this video for full details about the portal, what came through into our dimension and what it means for our future! #atlanticocean #psychicreading #atlanticoceanportal

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How Psychic Readings Predicted the Return of the Ancestors - My actual experience of how the Ancestors are using psychic readings to communicate their return and how they need our assistance to help them return sooner. #psychicreadings #priestesssekhmet #returnoftheancestors

In this broadcast, I roll in a clip of a message I received from The Ancestors about their return. They give specific instruction of what we need to do to help our collective consciousness to shift so that we can experience higher levels of consciousness where they exist.

They also go into detail about the negative forces working to stop our ability to connect to The Ancestors and what we can do to counteract those negative forces. Ultimately, psychic readings do reveal our ability to communicate with them and help us to properly understand the significance of the current UFO sightings all over the world.

Please watch this video all the way to the end, to do your part to help bring more peace to the planet and experience heaven on earth.

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How Psychic Readings Helped Tiffany Escape an Abusive Relationship - My actual experience of how psychic readings can be used to assist victims of domestic violence. #domesticviolence #priestesssekhmet #psychicreadings

This is a true story describing how psychic readings helped Tiffany escape a domestic violence situation, giving her the guidance she needed to move on to a better life.

I met Tiffany when she was living with an abusive husband. She was afraid to leave him, and she didn’t know what to do so she reached out to me for a psychic reading and advice. She had been in the relationship for many years, and she had been isolated from her friends and family. She was also struggling financially.

It took time and effort, but Tiffany eventually left her abusive relationship. She moved to a new state, and she started a new life. She landed an amazing job, went back to school and she made new friends. She is now thriving, and she is pursuing her dream of becoming a doctor.

If you know someone who is in an abusive relationship, please reach out and offer your support.

Domestic violence is a serious problem, but it is one that can be solved. By working together, we can create a world where everyone is safe from abuse.

Here are some tips for helping someone who is in an abusive relationship:

Be supportive and non-judgmental.
Listen to their story and validate their feelings.
Help them to understand that they are not alone.
Encourage them to seek help from a professional.
Offer to help them make a plan to leave the relationship.
Be patient and understanding. It may take time for them to leave the relationship.

There are many resources available to offer support. If you or someone you know needs someone to talk to or if you are feeling unsafe, please reach out for help. You can call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233), or you can visit their website at

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In this video I describe my Dream of the New World Order Conspiracy from 2005 and how I dreamed about seeing Artificial Intelligence being used to monitor and control society through alien technology. I also share my painting of the dream showing an alternate reality where biochips are being implanted in the human body to disconnect the soul from God by removing human consciousness. Must see content! Please like and share! #nwo #psychictarot #priestesssekhmet

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Are there underground tunnels beneath the famous music mogul PDiddy's Hollywood mansion? Did the recent raid on the rapper's high profile mansion for the crime of trafficking humans turn up something dark and sinister? In today's broadcast I will be remote viewing the area beneath PDiddy's Hollywood Mansion in Holmby Hills to see if we can confirm whether these rumors be true?

In a swift and concise turn of events, federal agents executed a raid at Sean “Diddy” Combs’ Holmby Hills mansion in Hollywood. The cause behind this dramatic operation appears to be linked to a federal trafficking investigation based out of New York.

The reason this investigation has caught my attention, is related to dreams I've been having about this topic and how those dreams relate to nonconsensual activities between groups of people (see my video called Sex Train on the Astral Plane, and another dream I had about nonconsensual activities with young people (see my video called Jeffrey Epstein and You) a link to both these videos will be posted below.

I'd like to insert a trigger warning. In both these videos, I discuss upcoming arrests related to trafficking of humans and minors and how our Ancestors desire to speak to us about these very important issues. These issues are alarming in nature and please use your own discretion when listening to this part. It may trouble you.

*Jeffrey Epstein and You:
*Sex Train on the Astral Plane:

#pdiddy #undergroundtunnel #psychicinvestigation

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This psychic investigation reveals the nature of a dream I had about Jeffrey Epstein, pedophilia and it's move toward legalization. I also decode the meaning of the dream which also reveals a divine message from our angels in reference to the Divine Mother's presence manifesting in the earth plane as a UFO and UAP flap that is being covered up by the media. The media and other forces in power seek to hide from the public the recent opening of earth's stargates and the return of our Angels/Ancestors and Christ Consciousness to the planet. For more psychic investigations please visit me at my website:
#jeffreyepstein #psychicreading #psychicinvestigation

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Created 3 years ago.

72 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith