PostScript - The Arlington Institute

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PostScript - The Arlington Institute



In this enlightening video, we explore the importance of having diverse perspectives on different ways of living to effectively restructure your own life. Without a clear picture of alternative lifestyles, it's challenging to make meaningful changes, often resulting in recreating the same patterns. By expanding your consciousness and understanding how others live, you can inspire transformative changes within yourself. Join us on this journey to broaden your perspectives and reshape your life.

#RestructuringLife #DiversePerspectives #AlternativeLifestyles #ExpandingConsciousness #PersonalTransformation #InnerUnderstanding #LifestyleChanges #SelfImprovement #BroadeningHorizons #ConsciousAwareness

In this insightful video, we delve into the mechanics of how we create and interact with reality. By examining the processes within our brains and understanding the factors that shape our perceptions, we can grasp how we pull information from the vast potential around us. This awareness provides a mechanism for consciously altering our approach to life. Join us as we explore these profound concepts and learn how to harness this knowledge to make meaningful changes.

#Reality #BrainMechanics #CreationProcess #Perception #Consciousness #AlteringReality #BrainFunction #SelfAwareness #PersonalDevelopment #transformativethinking

In case you missed it, Penny Kelly gave her presentation at TransitionTalks: “How Reality Really Works”. You can get the full replay of it here:

#Discipline #SelfDiscovery #FollowYourHeart #PersonalGrowth #AuthenticSelf #SelfDiscipline #InnerJoy #PersonalDevelopment #LifeBalance #motivation

In case you missed it, Penny Kelly gave her presentation at TransitionTalks: “How Reality Really Works”. You can get the full replay of it here:

#Consciousness #Reality #Energy #SelfAwareness #MindfulLiving #PersonalGrowth #ShapingReality #NatureOfReality #ThoughtsAndFeelings #mindbodyconnection

Understanding the toxicity of our modern world is crucial. While healthy eating, exercising, and spiritual awakening are important, they are not enough on their own. Begin by eliminating parasites, then focus on heavy metals, and finally clear what is called cell wall detox to ensure your hormones function properly. This comprehensive approach to detoxification should be a regular part of everyone’s life for maintaining optimal health and well-being.

#Detox #Health #Wellness #Toxicity #Parasites #HeavyMetals #CellWallDetox #OptimalHealth #HealthyLifestyle #WellBeing

In this compelling video, we reflect on the US invasion of Iraq, discussing the false pretenses that led to it and the subsequent removal of a dictatorial regime. Drawing from personal experiences while working with Cisco Systems, we delve into how technological advancements facilitated military communications during the invasion.

We also explore the assumption that people inherently desire and understand freedom, contrasting it with the chaotic reality faced by Iraqis who had lived under prolonged authoritarian control. Join us for an insightful examination of liberation, chaos, and the human yearning for freedom.

#IraqWar #USInvasion #RegimeChange #Freedom #CiscoSystems #MilitaryCommunications #Dictatorship #Chaos #WarReflections #HumanNature

In this compelling video, we explore the emerging information that challenges traditional narratives about the Bible and historical figures. We discuss how certain individuals, possibly trained and paid, are propagating these controversial narratives. Importantly, we differentiate between spiritual traditions and religious institutions, emphasizing that it’s not the spirituality being dismantled but the dogma, rules, and interpretations put forth by organized religion. Join us as we delve into the complexities of faith and uncover the underlying truths.

#Spirituality #ReligiousDogma #BibleNarratives #OrganizedReligion #Faith #TruthUnveiled #ReligiousBeliefs #SpiritualTraditions #DismantlingDogma #ReligiousControversy

Discover the amazing capabilities of our brain's specialized neurons, which allow us to download and learn information at incredible speeds. While agencies like the NSA and CIA train their personnel to harness this potential, there's a growing concern about the impact of replacing our biological functions with technology.

As we rely more on external aids, we might be at risk of losing our innate abilities, including our natural immunity and cognitive functions. Join us as we delve into the fascinating world of neuroscience and explore the delicate balance between biology and technology.

#Neuroscience #BrainPower #RapidLearning #CognitiveEnhancement #NaturalAbilities #BiologyVsTechnology #HumanPotential #NeuralScience #HealthAndWellness #TechImpact

We don't have to wait for things to break completely. You're not starting from ground zero. Look at how you can move forward in a healthy way and just get started.

#FuturePlanning #BuildingSuccess #HealthyGrowth #SustainableDevelopment #ContinuousImprovement #Resilience #StrategicPlanning #FoundationForSuccess #ProactiveApproach #innovativethinking

Dive into a thought-provoking discussion about personal responsibility in the face of global challenges. This conversation explores the different ways people seek to escape difficult realities—whether through waiting for extraterrestrial intervention or relying on religious beliefs to be "saved." The discussion emphasizes that these perspectives can lead to relinquishing personal power and responsibility.

Ultimately, it suggests that when all external beliefs fail, we are left to rely on ourselves. This video encourages introspection and self-reliance in navigating the complexities of our world.

#PersonalResponsibility #GlobalChallenges #SelfReliance #Empowerment #HumanResilience #FacingDifficulties #Introspection #TakingControl #PhilosophicalDiscussion

In this captivating video, we explore the fascinating convergence of physical and spiritual dynamics in addressing the challenges that threaten us. Discover how science and spirituality intersect, with science providing insights into current threats and potential solutions, while spiritual principles offer a different perspective on facing these challenges.

We delve into the idea that if we are part of a simulation, we possess the ability to influence outcomes. Join us as we discuss how these two realms can work together to shape our future.

#ScienceAndSpirituality #SimulationTheory #InfluenceOutcomes #FutureChallenges #SpiritualPrinciples #Convergence #ShapingTheFuture #PreventThreats #Interconnectedness #HolisticApproach

A few years ago, I was invited to an exclusive conference with no clear agenda, where the organizer believed that our collective achievements would naturally lead us to success. However, the event quickly descended into chaos as egos clashed.

Reflecting on this experience, I draw parallels to our current societal systems—banking, finance, engineering, technology, and freedom of speech—all buckling under pressure. As these systems collapse, a new level of freedom is emerging. But the critical question remains: are we, as a society, prepared to handle this newfound freedom effectively?

#SystemicCollapse #Freedom #BankingSystem #FinancialCollapse #TechnologicalChange #FreedomOfSpeech #Chaos #SocietalChange #NavigatingFreedom #FuturePreparedness

It's becoming increasingly clear that the systems we have relied upon for stability and control are collapsing. These systems, often unnoticed in their pervasive influence, have shaped our daily lives and behaviors.

As these structures disintegrate, we are presented with an unprecedented level of freedom, one that our generation and perhaps even our civilization has never experienced. Join us as we explore the implications of this newfound liberty and discuss how we can navigate and thrive in this era of change.

#SystemicCollapse #Freedom #SocietalChange #ControlSystems #Stability #UnprecedentedLiberty #CivilizationalShift #NavigatingChange #SocietalTransformation #AdaptingToFreedom

Explore the profound notion that deep truths from our past hold the key to unlocking our potential today. This conversation delves into the importance of recognizing and preserving these sacred truths, emphasizing that our humanness is both precious and essential.

As we face modern challenges, this video calls for an awakening to our intrinsic values and wisdom, reminding us of the timeless teachings left by those who came before us. Join us in this enlightening discussion about embracing the sacred aspects of our humanity.

#DeepTruths #HumanPotential #SacredTeachings #AncientWisdom #Awakening #Humanness #IntrinsicValues #ModernChallenges #Enlightenment #PreservingTraditions

In this eye-opening video, we explore the recent surge in new interpretations and translations of religious texts, including Hebrew and Christian scriptures. Over the past 60 days, people have been uncovering or rediscovering texts from sources like the Vatican, casting doubt and offering new narratives that challenge traditional beliefs.

As social bonds weaken, many turn to religion for stability, but these evolving perspectives are reshaping the foundations of faith. Join us as we delve into the impact of these developments on religious adherence and societal cohesion.

#ReligiousTexts #NewInterpretations #Faith #HebrewScriptures #ChristianScriptures #VaticanDiscoveries #TraditionalBeliefs #EvolvingPerspectives #ReligiousAdherence #SocietalCohesion

In this insightful video, we explore the profound effects of technology and social media on traditional belief systems and societal security. As technological advancements dismantle longstanding structures, many individuals cling to their beliefs despite new information, leading to confusion about religious texts and figures like Jesus.

We discuss how these changes are causing divisions among friends and fostering isolation due to fear and judgment. Join us as we delve into the challenges of navigating faith and community in the digital age.

#TechnologyImpact #BeliefSystems #SocialMedia #ReligiousConfusion #BibleInterpretation #Faith #Isolation #DigitalAge #SocietyInFlux #CommunityChallenges

In a world overflowing with news about politics, the economy, and global conflicts, it's easy to get caught up in the daily whirlwind. Join us as we take a step back with John to explore a concept that's often overlooked in mainstream discussions: the possibility that we might be living in a simulated reality.

As system thinkers, we aim to identify common denominators and delve into the core of complex issues. In this video, we discuss the intriguing scientific theories that suggest our reality may be more than it seems. Tune in for a thought-provoking conversation that challenges the very nature of our existence.


Technology is evolving at an unprecedented pace and is being embraced at varying rates across different societies. This rapid advancement is beginning to replace basic biological human functions, fundamentally altering our biology. One significant change is the use of gene editing before birth, which is reshaping the demographics of who we are as a society.

Join us as we explore the implications of these technological advancements on our biology and societal structures.
#TechnologicalEvolution #GeneEditing #HumanBiology #SocietalChange #TechnologyAndSociety #Biotech #FutureOfHumanity #GeneticEngineering #EthicalTech #InnovationAndSociety

In this reflective discussion, we explore the evolving concept of faith. Should it be confined within the structure of traditional religion, or can we place our faith in universally true values and spiritual principles?

Drawing inspiration from the New Testament and the life of Yeshua, we examine how his demonstration of these values during his time can inspire us today. Join us as we consider the ways in which timeless spiritual principles can guide us in modern times.

#Faith #Spirituality #TraditionalReligion #NewTestament #Yeshua #Values #Inspiration #ModernSpirituality #TimelessPrinciples #spiritualjourney

In this video, we explore the implications of climate policies proposed by the United Nations and the World Economic Forum. These policies aim to use climate concerns as a leverage point for significant social engineering, affecting how we live, travel, and work. Instead of resisting, we examine what this new world might look like.

Reflecting on our emergence 200,000 years ago, we consider unprecedented low levels of carbon dioxide, temperatures, deforestation, and extinction. The critical question is: who truly benefits from these changes? Spoiler: it’s not us humans. Join us as we delve into this thought-provoking analysis.

#ClimatePolicies #SocialEngineering #ClimateChange #UN #WEF #Deforestation #ExtinctionCrisis #GlobalImpact #EnvironmentalPolicy #WhoBenefits

In this thought-provoking video, we explore the alarming idea that Earth is being systematically prepared for a drastically reduced population, controlled through digital means. Discussing concepts like geoengineering and social manipulation, we examine how wars not only cause immediate destruction but also lead to disease outbreaks and infrastructure collapse, potentially aligning with proposals to reduce the global population to 500 million.

Delve into the unsettling possibilities of global conflict and its aftermath, and ponder the crucial question: who benefits from these catastrophic events?

#Geoengineering #DigitalControl #PopulationReduction #GlobalWar #DiseaseOutbreaks #InfrastructureCollapse #ConspiracyTheories #SocialManipulation #FollowTheMoney #GlobalEvents

In this compelling discussion, we examine the transhumanism movement and its proposal to integrate computer chips in our brains, sensors under our skin, artificial intelligence, and chemicals to replace our immune systems. These advancements, while innovative, risk stealing the very essence of what makes us human.

By following this path, we may lose our capacity for empathy and sympathy, much like the advanced life forms that appear to lack these traits. Explore the potential consequences of transhumanism and the importance of preserving our humanness in the face of technological progress.

#Transhumanism #Humanity #Empathy #TechnologicalAdvancement #HumanEssence #AI #EthicalConcerns #FutureOfHumanity #PreserveHumanness #BioTech

Explore the fascinating connections between the Egyptian Book of the Dead and the Ten Commandments in this enlightening discussion. Learn how the Book of the Dead, meaning "go forth by day," presents 42 statements akin to commandments, but framed as personal affirmations required to enter the afterlife.

Discover the similarities between these ancient texts and the commandments given on Mount Sinai, highlighting the continuity of moral principles across cultures and time.

#AncientWisdom #BookOfTheDead #TenCommandments #HistoricalConnections #MoralPrinciples #CulturalContinuity #EgyptianTexts #MountSinai #AncientHistory #spiritualteachings

Greg Braden and John Petersen discuss the intentional dismantling of social bonds, including economic, gender, race, and religious divisions. They emphasize the erosion of religious foundations, the necessity of personal and community resilience, and the potential for a new, more aware and responsible human and world to emerge.

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Created 5 years, 8 months ago.

430 videos

Category Vlogging

We encourage systemic, non-linear approaches to planning and believe that effective thinking about the future is enhanced by applying newly emerging technology. Therefore, we strive to be agents of change by creating intellectual frameworks & tool-sets for understanding the transition in which we are living. The Arlington Institute believes that we are living in an era of global transition, to a degree that our species has never seen before. The exponential increase of human knowledge, and the acceleration of its application through technology, is propelling humanity towards a new era of thought and endeavor. Society, science, ecology and commerce are converging at the intersection of danger and opportunity. A complexity and unpredictability that is beyond our past experience characterize the challenges at hand. If humanity’s preferred future is to be realized, new tools for strategic planning and problem solving must be invented and combined. We must think differently. We have made it our mission to help facilitate this transition, and to connect and associate with like-minded people so that we may together embrace the opportunities of this future. If you like what you're hearing here visit us at ArlingtonInstitute.Org and sign up for a FREE membership. That way we can notify you when more content is released.