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We've been going down the rabbit holes for past two years. Studying Georgia Stones, UN, Rockefellers, ... OK, now it's enough, we know what we know and it's time to use that info and move on. Time to find actual solutions! Find peace and let's start moving.

[email protected]

One of the best doctors in the past two years is not well healthwise.

Today I've heard 4 ambulances in the background during 1h phone call to Melbourne.

Soon all your animals will be have to be reported to the authorities.

[email protected]

Situation with triple zero calls in Melbourne is getting even worse.
Positive experience at RMH emergency in 2020.
Who, wef, ... are pushing for more and more powers.

[email protected]

Join me for an improvised chat while watching sunset & preparing sauna.

Victoria, Australia is mandating 3rd shot for construction industry.
What issues to expect when starting the community.

[email protected]

Few thoughts from Sweden. I also forgot to say that in Victoria, Australia are mandating the booster shot today in construction sector. I might discuss it in my next video.

[email protected]

Calls for help are in Melbourne, Australia nowadays mostly unanswered. Why is that? Wake up!

[email protected]

We can read mainstream media news, but you should see through it as much as possible.

Do you have an integrity also in a situation when it's not beneficial to you?
What is your valuable skill which will make others happy to have you around in the new community?

[email protected]

What should you consider before coming to Sweden?
What will the future bring here?

[email protected]

Do you think an average politician would fit into your friend zone?
There's one good politician in Qld Australia.
There are also some politicians who are on completely different level. Unfortunately not in a good way.
Stay until the end to see some deers :)

[email protected]

If you observe, which people seem to be most compliant with the mandates such as mask wearing?
My friend's friend got into a big problem because of the vax :( Did they learn a lesson now?

[email protected]

Do you think there are more pale faces on the streets than prior vaccinations? I've had a chat with a nurse at vaccination clinic. What did you do today to stop this madness?

[email protected]

Canadian government is getting really desperate now and is introducing some insane stuff. Your bank account might be frozen and you might be considered as a terrorist now! What a lovely badge of honour!

[email protected]

I left Australia mostly because I saw clearly where things were heading and more importantly because people were not pushing enough against it.

spiritual desert,
no savings,
economic bubble,

People say australians are compliant. I never had that feeling really. But now I saw that they get compliant very quickly if they run into a bit of uncertainty.

Many people on visas followed the mandates and sold their soul/integrity. Many hard working, smart, very capable people left the country forever.

Canadian government can't get towing truck businesses to do dirty work for them.
In Australia "All States Towing" has no issues collaborating with an oppressor.

During Melbourne protests I was very disappointed with construction tradies. They didn't protest against mandates until it affected them directly... but then was too late... when the (in)famous CFMEU protest happened.

GOOD NEWS! It was pretty good to see now scenes of people gathering and forming sort of community together in Canberra. Some of my mates are still resisting mandates and finding ways to get by. Very challenging!

Also when I was attending protests in Melbourne, seeing warriors as Monica Smit was truly inspiring. One thing is to see her on internet, the other is to see her live giving everything out with such a courage.

Desperate governments, especially obvious in Canada and New Zealand might bring some more awakening!

See ya!

[email protected]

The overlords ala Schwab, Soros etc. are pushing their agenda too fast and too harsh. One of the side effects of this is mass awakening happening. More and more people now know who is behind all this. Overlords might soon regret they speak so openly about their own agenda.

[email protected]

I think attending rallies is the least you can do! Stop with excuses now!

[email protected]

Welcome to join me for an evening walk. Let's discuss a bit what would happen if the current protests turn violent. Would that be a possible solution?

[email protected]

Welcome to join me for an evening walk! A bit of a random topic this time. Are you being treated bad by your employer? A couple of small thoughts about that...

[email protected]

We can't really beat them by playing by their rules. But there might be a solution!

[email protected]

Welcome! Few thoughts on the next plan they are possibly preparing for us. Thanks for watching!

If you been awake for more than 5min you probably noticed how world governments (mis)used emergency powers for the past two years. They locked you in, made you to work/learn from home, took away rights to protest, rights for privacy, ramped up censorship, medical apartheid, shattered economy... And all of this for a flu.

What are other ways to trigger emergency powers? Natural disaster? War?

Now imagine there is a fabricated war scenario. Enables powers for property seizure, forced imprisonment/mobilization, complete economic/internet/power/gas/supply chain collapse ...

For example they portray you the conflict between East and West as the conflict between enemies. Consider they are not enemies and are the part of the same group. It is no secret that Putin is a member of the Davos WEF club. Perfect plan to trigger complete chaos, destroy society and rebuild it under the one world government which rules under the COMPLETE population control ~ credit social system, CCP style.

[email protected]

Welcome to my first walk and talk video. Please stay around if you're interested in topics I discuss or you just like the nature :)

[email protected]


Created 2 years, 4 months ago.

21 videos

Category Vlogging

Sharing a walk and talk with you. Just few thoughts here and there about the current situation. Let me know in the comment section if you have any suggestions or just say hi! See ya!