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Sadhguru is a yogi, mystic and visionary. Named one of India’s 50 most influential people, and recipient of 3 presidential awards, Sadhguru has touched the lives of millions worldwide through his transformational programs. An internationally renowned speaker and author of the New York Times bestsellers "Inner Engineering" and "Karma," Sadhguru has been an influential voice at major global forums like the United Nations and the World Economic Forum, addressing issues as diverse as socioeconomic development, leadership and spirituality. He established Isha Foundation, a non-profit, volunteer-run organization supported by over 16 million volunteers worldwide, and has initiated several projects for social revitalization, education and the environment. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cPD7l1LEDA

July 2024 - If you only watch 3 minutes of the Joe Rogan podcast with Terrence Howard and Eric Weinstein, this is the 3 minutes. https://x.com/CitizenLenz/status/1808337793904697675

Davos 2024 - Katharine Hayhoe, climate scientist: "This last year 2023 it not only broke planetary temperatures as the warmest year ever recorded, it also broke all kinds of other records in terms of weather extremes...when I speak of climate change I don't call it global warming, because as individuals we don't experience the average temperature of the planet. But what I do call it is global weirding because whenever people live they recognize that something is weird..."

In 2020, G20 governments, in collusion with the World Economic Forum’s Stakeholders, discretely and undemocratically enacted a global ten-year transition to an authoritarian political system, called Stakeholder Capitalism. After propagating a Marxist idea that black and trans people are oppressed and indoctrinating us to fear climate change, the Stakeholders are mandating their pre-planned political system, which its criminal mastermind, Klaus Schwab, alleges is better for ‘people and planet’. Will we push back before A.I. takes our jobs, our wealth shifts to the Stakeholders and we become vulnerable to tyranny? Join tech entrepreneur, Richard Jeffs, as he investigates The Great Reset transition to Stakeholder Capitalism. CRITIQUE WELCOME BUT PLEASE ONLY COMMENT IF YOU'VE WATCHED THE FILM!

NTD’s Lee Hall sits down with investigative filmmaker Richard Jeffs to talk about his documentary, "Stakeholder Communism." He says we are in a transition to a new political system we didn’t vote for—and that technology is opening the door to new forms of tyranny.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is denying a Vanity Fair report saying he barbequed and ate what appears to be a dog. Kennedy joins NewsNation's Chris Cuomo to discuss. #RFKJr #Election #Cuomo Chris Cuomo hosts "CUOMO," a no-nonsense show featuring the day's most important news from all perspectives. "CUOMO" airs weeknights at 8 p.m. ET/ 7 p.m. CT on NewsNation. #CUOMO NewsNation is your source for fact-based, unbiased news for all America.

"Our kids are swimming around in a toxic soup. [Including]: glyphosate in Roundup, neonicotinoid pesticides, atrazine, which is in 63% of our water supply, PFOAs and PFASs...high-fructose corn syrup, cell phone radiation, Wi-Fi radiation, [and] fluoride..." Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (@RobertKennedyJr) describes for Eric Metaxas (@ericmetaxas) and a Socrates in the City (@SocratesITC) audience how kids these days are "swimming around in a toxic soup" of deleterious chemicals, including—but not limited to—glyphosate (an herbicide), atrazine (another herbicide), high-fructose corn syrup, and fluoride. RFK Jr. references Phil Landrigan, a prominent American epidemiologist and pediatrician, who's linked these toxins to diabetes, as well as other diseases. RFK Jr. also highlights "vaccines" as one of the "culprits" included in the toxic soup causing childhood disease.
Transcription of clip: "When I was a kid, a typical pediatrician would see one case of diabetes in his career, a 40-year career, one case of juvenile diabetes. Today in America, one out of every three kids who walks through his office door is prediabetic or diabetic...Just that one category of disease is greater than our military budget. Nobody is saying anything about it. It's the biggest issue because if our economy collapses, the dollar collapses as a global reserve currency, we have wars, whatever. We're resilient people. We're tough. We're innovative. We're entrepreneurial. We can recover from anything. We can't recover from this. "And if you have one of these lifelong diseases, your soul is crushed. You're dependent on pharma and drugs and they never get it right. There's a whole generation of kids that are damaged today. And they're damaged in ways that we see and they're damaged in ways that we don't see. A lot of the social awkwardness and all that, which is characteristic of vaccine injury and other injuries. "I'm not saying this is all from vaccines. The vaccine schedule changed that year [1989]. It's not the only thing. A lot of things happened that year. And there's about 13 culprits. There's a very famous scientist, toxicologist here in New York, named Phil Landrigan, who I've used as a witness in many, many of my cases...He has a claim to be the most important toxicologist in the country. He's looked at this issue and he said, there's about 13 things that it could be. But it's probably a combination of all of them. "Our kids are swimming around in a toxic soup. They're glyphosate and Roundup, neonicotinoid pesticides, atrazine, which is 63% of our water supply, PFOAs and PFASs, which I litigated on, they made a film about my case called Dark Waters starring Mark Ruffalo. These are the forever chemicals that are in, that are flame retardants. They put in all of our furniture that year. They put it in our children's pajamas everywhere. So that's ['88] and ['89]. Around that time. High-fructose corn syrup, cell phone rada...

Here is evidence of our governments conspiring in an undemocratic plan to transition us to an authoritarian political system called Stakeholder Capitalism. Must watch clip on what’s happening across the Western World & the shift from Stakeholder Capitalism to Stakeholder Communism. By 2030 it will be Technocratic Communism - every single person needs to fight this.

Corruption in Ukraine? You will be shocked!!! Watch till the end!!! Please share.
Diana Panchenko - Journalist of the Year in Ukraine. TV host

SILENCE HAS BECOME CRIMINAL IN NZ...I've been asking myself "what is the breaking point" for the cone of silence encasing NZ? The culture of silence that allows our Ministry of Health, Doctors, Government and media all simply to look the other way as the mythology of mRNA "safe and effective" unravels at rapidly growing speed. I walked past NZ pharmacies this week with flags outside saying "get your Covid vaccine here". I peeked inside and there were trusting Kiwi's standing in line for a needle full of danger. I feel like I am living in a dystopian scene from The Twilight Zone. In the past few days we learned...
*A huge German state study finds that all cause Excess Mortality is closely associated with mRNA uptake from state to state. The more injections - the more deaths
*A 200,000 plus persons study in Italy finds a LOSS OF LIFE EXPECTANCY for 1, 2 and 3 mRNA dosed, vs that of the unvaccinated.
*The same Italian study concludes BOOSTERS DON'T WORK
*A UK million person study finds ONLY VACCINATED CHILDREN AND TEENS ARE GETTING MYOCARDITIS - none (zero) of the unvaccinated.
*Australia's Channel 7 features vaccine injury. The former President of the Australian Medical Association shares of the CATASTROPHIC vaccine injury of herself and her partner.
*The likely mechanism for the PROVEN harm to female menses, is uncovered. Largely it's the bio-accumulation of Lipid Nano Particles in the ovaries AND EGGS - something ALL the drug regulators (including Medsafe) knew about before authorising the drug.
*The Australian Journal of GP Practice publishes a letter asking "should we now talk about mRNA harms"? It details IGg4 class switching (an immune disturbance) in the 2 plus injected....and the likely implications for Auto Immune disease and cancer.
We have long since passed the point of CRIMINAL CULPABILITY for all those in authority who stay silent...or even worse, actively encourage ongoing Pfizer injections in NZ. Every day that passes with the cone of silence still in place, is another day more culpable.

Thank you SPOTLIGHT In Australia for allowing people to honestly express themselves about vaccine injuries. They are rightfully mad! But the grotesque conflicts of interest of Robert Booy should have been disclosed. Hat tip to @_aussie17 for digging those up!

July 2, 2024 - Jordan Vaughn, MD: "Spike protein, specifically the S1 subunit of this protein is pathogenic, it's immunotoxic, it's cytotoxic, it's coagulopathic, it's amyloidogenic, it's every word you probably don't want to be associated with whatever disease somebody tells you about. The proposed solution was a novel mechanism of injecting lipid nanoparticle coded modified messenger RNA that encoded for a stabilized for of this very thing..."

July 1, 2024 - Crowd Roars As Tucker GOES OFF On Vax + MASSIVE Increase In Heart Failure In Young Adults, Wake up everyday and choose freedom, order at https://1775coffee.com/BRAND Tucker Carlson Goes Off on Vaccine Makers Being Protected from Lawsuits While the Injuries Accumulate. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zlyP16u6Ns

Eric Weinstein holds a PhD in mathematical physics from Harvard University and is a member of the Galileo Project research team. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrOaFxNex7U
Terrence Howard is an actor of stage and screen, musician, and researcher in the fields of logic and engineering.

Check out the poison they spray on the organic produce - July 2, 2024

Freedom Fighter, associate of Freedom Train International and representative of the Covid vaccine injured victims in the Netherlands, Anne Merel Kloosterman, joins me for a summary of our work across four countries in the last 4 weeks. Digital ID, 15 minute smart cities and CBDCs are all part of a control grid that the Globalists are installing to subjugate the free people of Earth and turn it into a Prison Planet. BVNL International is also playing a pivotal role alongside Wybren van Haga and is working with us together. It’s time to get on board with us and get ready for what happens next.
#BVNL #StichtingCoronaschade @annemerel_

Rep. Darrell Issa: "How many shots has the President of the United States had? If I'm correct he's had at least 5 Covid shots...A man who never gets out of the office practically has had Covid like 5 times. We have high profile people who have taken all the shots including the boosters and they've demonstrated that they keep getting it...If we gave everybody antibiotics all the time wouldn't we somewhat reduce infection well in fact making otherwise decisions that anybody in the antibiotic business would say don't over prescribe..." https://x.com/newstart_2024/status/1808015295228838275

COVID Was a Hospital Holocaust, and the Ventilators Are the New Gas Chambers

BlackRock CEO Larry Fink: "I've actually had conversations with many of the G7 government leaders who have declining populations that the growth of productivity through AI robotics us going to be your only way of growing out of your economy...As you have declining population, obviously fewer mouths to feed create less economic activity, rising deficits, we're gonna have to rely on different mechanism..." Source: The Aspen Institute

Former U.S. Marshall: Human Trafficking is Worse Than You Think | JAMIE WALDEN (End Times Productions 2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=932C-TuUqn4

July 1, 2024 - There's a narrative doing the rounds that the first lockdown was understandable, permissible, required. It wasn't. Lockdowns, masks, perspex screens and media hectoring were all about setting the scene for - and product positioning - the vaccines. To suggest otherwise is patently ridiculous. Any politician who endorsed any of the Covid authoritarianism is our enemy - the enemy of the people, and the enemy of freedom. @bobscartoons articulated this very succinctly recently when I interviewed him for http://thenewera.uk https://x.com/JeffreyPeel/status/1807762749474198014

Pierre Poilievre SLAMMED the organizers of Pride, stating he does not support pedophiles that show off their junk in front of children. Do you stand with Poilievre?

July 1, 2024 - I am so fucking upset man. Two days ago I made a post, pouring my heart out to the world in defense of my home, my people. And now, I feel and look like a fool. Here you see a pride event, and yes that is indeed an old man sucking the dick of a young man as he pisses in his mouth. This is my home, this is what I defend. This is what I would have died for in some fucking country I never belonged in. These are the people that I was there for. I stood against the rest of the world online, was willing to watch my follower count drop to zero in defense of Americans and then I see this. I am beyond embarrassed and I feel like a God damn idiot. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm completely wrong. Maybe there isn't a damn thing worth defending here anymore. If this is what our country is I would happily open the front door for Russia, China and Iran. Maybe we don't deserve America. And where the hell are the gay people to police their own community? Where are the lgbtq people to condem this? I'm sick to death of being embarrassed by this shit. How do you think it feels to be an American speaking out and trying to defend this fucking bullshit? And the fucking police, look at the police? "Back the blue!" Right conservatives? Good ol police! Serve and protect! If I were to let a woman suck my cock in the streets I'd be arrested for public indecency but if I'm fucking gay I can piss in a man's mouth and fuck him in the ass infront of kids right? Guys I have to get off for a moment, I have to cool down before I lose my mind.


Created 2 years, 6 months ago.

3435 videos

Category Education

PI4PSI established January 2022

2 Channels on Odysee

"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world that He is God." Gnostic

"For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction." ~ Natural Law

"That's the way the ruling class operates in any society. They try to divide the rest of the people. They keep the lower and the middle classes fighting with each other so that they the rich, can run off with all the f---ing money. Fairly simple thing. Happens to work." George Carlin

"The people who do not underestimate the severity of this are but few. Because this is an all annihilating force that hate our guts. It hates creation, it hates life. And it will do anything to destroy us completely. And the way to do that is to divide humanity. Divide and conquer is their truth. Humanity is a manifestation of light, that is the true creation. As long as you divide them based on political parties, skin colour, you name it. Then you - from a Luciferian point of view, that is - suppress the full capacities of your enemy, their full power. They can’t stand up for themselves because if that would happen, the Luciferians would lose. Then this monster, the greedy monster would disappear. I tell people about this old American general who puts an entire room of people in the dark. The eyes adapt to the darkness, but you can’t see thing. Then general doesn’t say a word and suddenly he flicks on the lighter, one little light, and due to the prolonged darkness, you experience a manifestation of light from a single point an everyone can slightly see each other again. And then he says: ‘that is the power of our light’. Unite. Unite." - Bernard

"War is a place where young people who don't know each other and don't hate each other kill each other, by the decision of old people who know each other and hate each other, but don't kill each other." Erich Hartmann

"They have no beginning. They do not come into being. They are and always have been and always will be." - Walter Russell

"All of you make a tremendous effort to move out of your human viewpoint and start to look at this in terms of the eternal beings that we actually are." Vivian Vanessa Kubrick (June 2024)

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