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What a smart young man!
Why do you think Rockefeller wanted ALL holistic medicine banned? Here's why!


There were three Stonehenge interventions, in 1901, 1919 and 1958 when the site was virtually cleared of all stones, and then excavated.

When the stones were brought back they were fitted into re-made holes back-filled with ready mixed concrete.

The current site is merely a modern representation of something that used to be there. The original placement of the stones and what they were aligned with has been lost forever.

Take your time and think about this for a moment!
This is more proof that we live on a flat plane!
Water above and below.

Ocean discovered about 700 kilometres below the Earth's surface. It's triple the size of all the Oceans on Earth combined.

The Truth About "The Final Experiment":

Recently a wealthy globe-Earth proponent named Will Duffy launched a campaign dubbed “The Final Experiment,” which he claims will finally settle the globe vs. flat Earth debate forever...


Created 5 years, 10 months ago.

2318 videos

Category Science & Technology

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When traveling in a car we observe (in side view) that objects closer to us move faster compared to the objects away from us, that's called parallax. If we live on a spinning globe and the stars are spread millions of miles or "light years" away, we should see star parallax. But we don't see such phenomena in real life observations.

So it makes more sense for the stars to be close to us and fixed in their position relative to each other. Though no one knows what the stars really are, but the fact that we've been seeing exactly the same star constellations throughout our history without any parallax means that we're stationary and not moving through infinite space.