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WWII German Chancellor gives a speech in Munich on April 10, 1923

Translated & remastered into English through A.I.

Backup accounts for updates and video's "oracleofantiquity" on: X, YouTube, Internet Archive and Rumble.

For educational purposes only

WWII German Chancellor gives a speech in Munich on September 18, 1922.

Translated & remastered into English through A.I.

Backup accounts for updates and video's "oracleofantiquity" on: X, Youtube, Internet Archive and Rumble.

WWII German Chancellor gives a speech in Munich on July 28, 1922.

This video has been remastered and translated into English through A.I.

Backup account "OracleofAntiquity' on Bitchute and Youtube

Follow "oracleofantiquity" on X for updates

German Chancellors first speech translated into audio in English through A.I.

German Chancellor from WWII gives short speech on the path of Victory and Peace.
This has been translated into English with the help of A.I.


Created 1 month, 4 weeks ago.

6 videos

Category Education

Unveiling the past through the lens of AI. Witness ancient speeches reborn in English. Explore history's voices, now accessible to all