O'keefe Media Group

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O'keefe Media Group



BREAKING: ‘It’s the unspoken thing for children to see LGBTQ content,’ says Walt Disney’s Creative Marketing Director, Drag Queen Amit "Genie" Gurnani, into OMG's hidden camera.

Gurnani adds, "I’d love to get a drag queen at Disneyland,” furthering, “I’m sure that would happen at some point."

Gurnani insists, "Bob Iger is not axing LGBTQ content at all," supporting concerns that Disney is ramping up their LGBTQ content, influenced by DEI hiring practices and the inclusion of forced diverse storylines.


James O'Keefe investigates the transformative potential of scalar wave technology through Energy Enhancement with Unifyd Healing. Using a hidden camera to evaluate claims made by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Tony Robbins, including benefits for athletes avoiding pain medications, he delves into uncovering the truth. From revitalizing cells to cultivating a healing atmosphere, O'Keefe shares his positive journey. Explore more insights at EESystem.com and discover nearby locations at UnifydHealing.com. Join him in exploring the potential of holistic wellness!

BREAKING: Walt Disney Television's Director of Production/Finance, Sohrab "Dave" Makker reveals Disney won't hire anyone "who's not white or not Jewish" for C-Suite roles, confirming discriminatory hiring practices detailed in OMG's 'The Disney Tapes: Part 1.'

Makker, who tracks diversity in annual reports, reveals that the reports “tell us the diverse cast of members that are in there,” and that he has witnessed “the number count go up.”

Makker says Disney prioritizes LGBTQ stories for children, stating, “We insert diversity when it's not really organic to the story,” admitting shows have “flopped” because “the audience didn't connect” to forced diversity.

He calls Disney CEO Bob Iger “corrupt,” saying, “He just wants to stay in power.” He proceeds to criticize Elon Musk, calling him a “narcissist” driven by attention, yet agrees with Musk’s call for Iger’s firing.

Stay tuned for ‘The Disney Tapes: Part 3’...

The Walt Disney Senior Vice President Michael Giordano is confronted by James O'Keefe and OMG after uncovering Disney’s discriminatory hiring practices. The situation intensified when one of our American Swiper’s confronts Giordano about having a "tickle" in his throat to avoid seeing her, while on a date with another American Swiper. Both journalists leave the scene as James O'Keefe enters the stage to question Giordano.

Caught off guard, Giordano fled to his car with O'Keefe tailing him. The scene at Sunset Plaza didn't go unnoticed — Hollywood influencers Chase Hudson, Chiara Hovland, and Nick Higham, who witnessed the entire incident, praised OMG for "Saving the city" and pledged to check out O'Keefe Media Group.

James O'Keefe candidly chats with Walt Disney Company employees for 'The Disney Tapes.' With Part 1 exposing Disney's discriminatory hiring practices, employees seem shockingly forthcoming in their conversations. One staffer, recognizing O'Keefe as the Project Veritas Founder, practically extends the invitation to keep their conversation going after hours.
#DisneyTapes #BoycottDisney #Disney

BREAKING: Senior Vice President at The Walt Disney Company details discriminatory hiring practices: "Nobody else is going to tell you this, but they're not considering any white males for the job," says Michael Giordano, a Vice President of Business affairs, "there’s no way we’re hiring a white male.”
Giordano reveals Disney uses "code words and buzzwords" to avoid legal action and even mentions a candidate being rejected for not looking black enough.
Giordano also admits Disney gives bonuses to executives for practicing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), agreeing that "diversity helps with financial incentives."
Giordano further claims he’s been denied promotions due to his race.
Stay tuned for The Disney Tapes: Part 2...

In this episode, James O'Keefe sits down with renowned entrepreneur Grant Cardone as he shares his journey, motivations, and strategies for managing multiple businesses and over a thousand employees. They delve into the challenges and profitability of journalism, and Grant offers exclusive advice on thriving in citizen journalism despite corrupt influences.

Rep. Harriet Hageman highlights OMG's undercover investigation during a House Judiciary Committee hearing. The investigation revealed an IRS official admitting that AI is used to surveil Americans' bank accounts without warrants. This unconstitutional surveillance is controlled by the DOJ and Inspector General, attacking our privacy and constitutional rights.

Scammers are exploiting AI technology to impersonate James O'Keefe, targeting and luring OMG supporters to send money. Using his name, photos, and AI-generated voice, they offer fake meet-and-greets, charging thousands of dollars.

Cirone admits the show selects stories and uses contributors to align with their bias. He adds needing to "watch out for" James O'Keefe taking footage "out of context," unaware he's speaking to O'Keefe's undercover journalist.

James O'Keefe and OMG obtained body cam footage of Pima County Arizona sheriffs responding to their investigation at the secret converted illegal immigrant compound, Casa Alitas, a program funded by Catholic Community Services of Southern Arizona. The footage reveals a security guard panicking over O'Keefe's microphone, with an officer affirming their right to record. Another worker, in a frenzy, complains about the team photographing migrants, prompting the officer to advise, “Stop freaking out and secure your stuff."

The facility reportedly shut down after our investigation...


Created 1 year ago.

274 videos

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