Adverse Reactions To The New Normal

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Adverse Reactions To The New Normal



Created to World Council for Health

We’re now in the fourth year of the worldwide distribution of a novel, experimental gene therapy distributed to more than half of the world’s population.

Whilst US courts have removed the rights of these injections to be called a vaccine as it does not prevent infection or spread and thus should be called a medication, and a court has labelled the injections a bioweapon, countries like Brazil continue to make the Covid injections mandatory to children.

It’s time for a resume on the safety and efficiency of this technology. That’s why we’ve invited some of the world’s leading experts to give us a summary of where we stand right now!

Increased censorship is making it difficult to remain up to date with what we all should know. Please take the time to watch this event and make up your own mind on this important issue. Whether you’re a health care professional, a scientist, a journalist, or you just want to empower yourself with the essential knowledge to navigate into the future, this is a must watch event.

Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to watch this extraordinary and important event featuring Assistant Prof Dr. Byram Bridle , Dr Jessica Rose, Prof Alexandra Henrion-Caude, Prof Sucharit Bhakdi, Kevin McKernan, Dr Peter McCullough, Dr Maarten Fornerod, Prof Karina Acevedo-Whitehouse, Dr Janci Lindsay, and Katie Ashby-Koppens as well as hosts Dr Mark Trozzi and Christof Plothe DO from the World Council for Health.



Credit to Credit to The John Cooper Show

RAISING THE BAR | John O’Looney | Funeral Director’s Urgent Expośe

Myself and co-host Kali spell (Dark Matters) welcome back funeral director John O'Looney to the show to bravely blow the lid off the C*V*D-19 deception and the mass gen*c*de he’s witnessing in front of his eyes, from the c*vid j*bs.

John unveils the facts about the erroneous inflation of C*V*D death numbers to give the impression of a p*ndemic (when there wasn't one), the horrifying medical protocols which were deliberately m*rdering people in hospitals and care homes. Plus the reality of all the tens of thousands of v*cc*ne injuries and deaths John’s seeing in young healthy people, outnumbering the death count from WW2.

This is a must-watch for anyone seeking the REAL facts, rather than mainstream propaganda. Learn how to protect yourself and your loved ones from a dystopian future being imposed upon us. Time is running out.


Credit to Yellow Forum

In 2020, G20 governments, in collusion with the World Economic Forum’s Stakeholders, discretely and undemocratically enacted a global ten-year transition to an authoritarian political system, called Stakeholder Capitalism.

After propagating a Marxist idea that black and trans people are oppressed and indoctrinating us to fear climate change, the Stakeholders are mandating their pre-planned political system, which its criminal mastermind, Klaus Schwab, alleges is better for ‘people and planet’.

Will we push back before A.I. takes our jobs, our wealth shifts to the Stakeholders and we become vulnerable to tyranny? Join tech entrepreneur, Richard Jeffs, as he investigates The Great Reset transition to Stakeholder Capitalism.


Credit to Disclosure Library

Shocking Truth Behind Julian Assange:
Julian Assange Associated with the Gatestone Institute.
Julian Assange, OJ Simpson, Mike Tyson, Harvey Weinstein, Jeffrey Epstein, Jesuit Zionist Donald Trump
Julian Assange & Palestine
Julian Assange's Witch Handler - Vivienne Westwood
Julian Assange Exposed (Vigilante Intelligence)
Julian Assange & Anne Hamilton Byrne "The Family" Cult
"WikiLeaks & Julian Assange: The Mainstream Media Pantomime" (2019)
The Truth About Julian Assange & Wikileaks - Israeli & Rothschild Connections


Event 201 all over again?

International Bird Flu Summit 2024:

International Avian Influenza and One Health Emerging Issues Summit:

Credit to Odessa Orlewicz

A healthcare worker is blowing the whistle that this looks nefarious. She thinks the CDC and WHO may be behind it. They are not showing who is behind this massive international event in Washington, DC involving international "stakeholders," health authorities, and tech companies. They are looking for the most "sensitive" screening tests possible. Rehearsals for mass vax of humans, travel requirements, mass fatality, pets, quarantining, morgue overflow, military help, carcass overflow & slaughter and more. Are they seriously going to do this again? Looks like it.

Odessa Orlewicz:

Credit to Shaking My Head Productions

Another unsettling look at predictive programming, know it to be unprogrammed from it.


Credit to Mark Devlin

Audio only podcast.

Rhys Dawney, host of the ‘Schism’ podcast returns, as we take a reluctant dive into the rancid cesspit of contemporary “popular culture” - particularly what outrageously masquerades as “hip-hop” and “R&B.”

We set the scene by zoning in on the allegations of sexual abuse and trafficking being levelled at both P Diddy and Drake, the former being accused of running a Jeffrey Epstein-style empire of orgiastic sex parties and high-level blackmail operations.

Rhys then moves on to examining the deeply sick output and symbolism peddled by the likes of Doja Cat, Lil Nas X, Lil Uzi Vert, 6ix9ine, Kodak Black, Machine Gun Kelly, Sam Smith, Madonna and others.

What this content amounts to is nothing short of satanism being made “acceptable” to the masses. As ever, our children and teenagers are the targets. The agendas will only get more and more morally depraved and repugnant until enough people start exercising care and take action to reject it and hold to account the diseased demons who put this garbage out.


Why 3D printed food is set to go mainstream:

Crops sprayed with 'barcoded' spores could help trace food poisoning:

Credit to David Knight

Bird Flu is their excuse to eliminate real food and become the richest people the earth has ever seen. The usual suspects, DARPA & C40.

Find out more about the show and where you can watch it at


DOJ’s Outrageous Political Prosecution of Whistleblower Dr. Eithan Haim:

Credit to David Knight

We need more principled, courageous people like this doctor who is feeling the legal persecution of the Biden DOJ just as the pro-lifers are facing the wrath of this evil administration, LITERALLY hell-bent.


Credit to Children's Health Defense

In the first hour, Karl Lambert, ARNP gives viewers an inside look at the vaccine injuries he has observed and treatment protocols being utilized for those adversely affected by injections.

To follow, Ron Bouchard speaks to the concept of ‘common law’ and its role in the judicial system. Then, Andrea Delaplane talks about a county-level battle in Washington over smart meters and its implications for the rest of the country.


Credit to The John Cooper Show

This is a powerful interview with Samantha Baldwin about her harrowing experience of losing her beloved children due to the corrupted family court system. Samantha shares how her sons began disclosing abuse by their father, only for the police to fail in their investigation and side with HIM!

Despite hair samples of the kids later testing positive for date rape drugs, the family court flipped the script and ruled Samantha had drugged her own children in a scandalous judgment by the corrupt Judge Jeremy Lee.

Torn from her children, Samantha was left devastated as the courts twisted Richard Gardner's discredited "Parental Alienation Syndrome" to rule against her. Learn how Samantha has bravely spoken out through her books, while still fighting tooth and nail to expose the truth about what happened. This raw and emotional interview provides key insights into how the inverted priorities of our family courts so often punish the innocent, reward the abuser and fail to protect the children. Don't miss this important discussion with Samantha Baldwin - you will be left questioning the state of justice for victims everywhere.


Credit to Maria Zeee

Dr. Rima Laibow joins Maria Zeee to describe the one-world government nightmare the UN is planning this September through their 'Pact for the Future,' and what must be done to stop it!

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Credit to Truth Ryder

Puff the Magic Dragons Fiery Reign Over the Lost Boys

The dots keep connecting, there's no real free choice until you take a step back, then turn away from a Hegelian dialectic system.


Credit to Vaccine Safety Research Foundation

On this week’s VSRF Live, Steve sits down with psychiatrist and molecular biologist Dr. Andrew Kaufman, M.D. who has risen to fame during the pandemic for his unorthodox views on germ theory and that viruses and germs, including the COVID 19 virus, do not actually cause illness.

Kaufman, an MIT trained scientist and Duke University trained psychiatrist, has deep expertise in analyzing scientific papers, data and general published studies and as such has come to believe that the traditional acceptance of germ theory since the late 1800s is not scientifically based but is rather fraught with contradictions, various conflicts of interest and even fraudulent claims. Conversely, Kaufman supports the more broadly defined “terrain theory” which promotes the belief that lifestyle choices alone force otherwise benevolent microbes to transform into pathogens; i.e. the body’s “terrain,” not germs, creates disease. These beliefs made Dr. Kaufman an early rejector of masks and COVID 19 vaccines and the subsequent attacks on our civil liberties, which the widespread societal acceptance of germ theory allowed.

Regardless of your personal position on germ vs. terrain theory, Dr. Kaufman presents a very interesting and compelling case which deserves greater consideration. Join us for this enthralling conversation and come to your own conclusions!


Credit to The Corbett Report


We all know the problems of the modern factory farming system. But, as bad things are, they're about to get even worse. New technologies are coming online that threaten to upend our understanding of food altogether. Technologies that could, ultimately, begin altering the human species itself. This is The Future of Food on The Corbett Report.


Welcomed Christian perspective.

Credit to HopeGirl Alternative News

The DOE has a database of over 500,000 mutated pathogens ready to unleash on society at a moments notice.

View the Database of Pathogens here:


Credit to Celeste Solum

Today we are going to be talking about the Rife Machine. It is another frequency device. As you know we have been going down a lot of rabbit holes with frequency. So we are going to talk to the Matthew Rife, great nephew of Royal Rife.

Real Rife Technology


Credit to Credit to Maria Zeee

Mike Adams and expert consultant Jason Fyk join Maria Zeee to announce an historic lawsuit by Brighteon Media against the US government and big tech to end censorship and restore free speech!

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Donald Trump and THE ECLIPSE:

The most worshiped man connected to one of the biggest psyop of all time, the horrific 9/11. Worshipers seem to have always an excuse, even if there is a trail of death at his hands of the orange Jesus.

Credit to LXXXVIII finis temporis

LXXXVIII finis temporis:

Credit to Children's Health Defense

Barbara is no stranger to the carnage that pandemic countermeasures have left in their wake. Her father got his COVID shot to attend a family event, and even having experienced two subsequent heart attacks was encouraged to continue with the injections. After a stroke, his health really took a turn for the worst; he ultimately passed away. Barbara speaks to this tragic loss on CHD.TV.


Credit to Odessa Orlewicz

If you want to support kayla:

Canadian mother is suing Moderna after the Canadian Liberal Government abandons her for 2 years so far with not a cent....but offers help to k!ll her 3 times in a humane way. SOS from Canada. Please share this information widely. Please share and SUBSCRIBE for updates about this lawsuit/story. *If you would prefer to share the SHORTENED version with the most important clips...the next video is the short version to share with friends and family.



Credit to Children's Health Defense

Terri’s story begins in 2021, when her mother was offered a Moderna COVID shot while living in a senior care facility. Despite her daughter’s warnings, the elderly woman got the injection. What happened next has been an utter tragedy for the family. Watch the CHD.TV interview with Terri to learn the details.


Credit to Maria Zeee

Maria Zeee discussing the passing of a package of amendments to the International Health Regulations, the escalations we can expect from here prior to the US election and what we need to prepare for.

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Created 4 years ago.

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