Joseph Z

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Joseph Z



“Be careful who you let into your cabin”.

Today, on the No Limits Q&A session, Joseph Z is in the studio with Heather, Allison, and Ariel, and they reminisce on God's wondrous work in people's lives through them, the miraculous healings, and faith impartations. Heather makes us realize that we shouldn’t go along with the report we’ve been given, but rest on God’s promise in the strong belief that He will make us whole, for He has called us to lay our heavy burdens at His feet.

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Next, Joseph references the Book of John 10:9-10 to remind us that Jesus is the gate and whoever goes through Him will be saved. He is also the author of Life and Came, that we may have life more abundantly. Moving on, Heather points out the importance of checking who we allow into our lives when we find ourselves in desperate situations, as they can either make our faith stronger or waiver in our faith in God.

On the other hand, Joseph shares the importance of monitoring people’s patterns, because patterns determine capacity. He goes ahead to share his dream, where God used a deathly scenario to warn him about the dangers of allowing certain people into his space. Interestingly, Ariel shares some thrilling testimonies from our viewers and we return all glory to God for all He’s doing through our ministry.

Joseph further assures us that our best days are yet to come, and we will begin to see restoration in our lives and various families as we continuously put our trust in God. They conclude with a prayer, declaring healing over ailing bodies, finances, and every other area that requires God’s attention.

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On today’s prophetic update, Joseph Z shares some prophetic revelations concerning the US and what to expect in the coming years. He informs us that the dominoes have been pushed behind the scenes and will begin to manifest soon. He urges us to be ready for the great change on the way because of a redemptive instability instigated by God. He also alerts us about the breakout of revivals, turmoil, economic shaking, electric war, solar flares, and geo storms, coming soon. However, the Lord assures us of a way in the midst of all these and another day. He further reveals that the redemption ark is in motion, for evil will slay the wicked but it will not come near the righteous.

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Next, Joseph reveals that change is coming to the white house, for America will not go down even if it suffers and goes through difficult times because God’s hand is upon this nation. He then prays for the diversion of tactical nukes and for plans to destroy small nations to fail while assuring us that redemptive instability is coming soon for there will be a good conclusion in the coming generations. He further reveals there is war in the “heavenlies” over many nations today while revisiting his experience at Trump Tower in 2015, where God revealed to him that America has one more round.

Joseph further insists that 2025 will be a year of fire and redemptive instability, and that “the attack will turn into a comeback” at a great cost. He then asserts that we’re going through a time of flames that will extend to the coming year, but we will come out on the other side. Also, he reminds us of his prophecy during New Year's Eve, where he disclosed that a new character will be introduced in the political scene while also sharing that oil will fix the economic breakdown the US is currently experiencing.

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“Great will be the reward of those who fainteth not on the day of adversity”.

It’s a special Independence Day broadcast, and we are encouraged as Joseph Z shares some prophetic messages about the future of America. Joseph and his team reminisce on their many memories about the 4th of July and its excitement. He shares his prophetic broadcast of June 7, 2024, where he urged us to be ready for the great change on the way because of a redemptive instability instigated by God. He reveals there will be a breakout of revivals, turmoil, economic shaking, electric war, solar flares, and geo storms, but the Lord assures us of a way in the midst of all these and another day. He further reveals that the redemption ark is in motion, for evil will slay the wicked but it will not come near the righteous.

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Next, Joseph prays for the diversion of tactical nukes, and that small nations will not be wiped out. He reminds us of his past broadcast of June 11, 2024, where he revealed a prophecy about a war in the ‘heavenlies’, recalling his experience also at Trump Tower in 2015 where God assured him that America has one more round. Although there will be collisions, Joseph assures us that the Lord will deliver his people. Once more, he discloses that 2025 will be a year of fire and redemptive instability. Interestingly, he discloses that the attack will turn into a comeback at a great cost while informing us that we’re going through a time of flames that will extend to the coming year, but we will come out on the other side. He further reminds us of his prophecy during New Year's Eve, where he revealed that a new character will be introduced in the political scene while also sharing that oil will fix the economic breakdown the US is currently experiencing.

Furthermore, Joseph shares the year’s prophetic timeline, revealing what to expect in the political arena. He also discloses that the US will go down 30, 60, and 100-fold, witnessing an instability that will give rise to redemption. He warns that a storm will come with a shelter in the middle of it where everyone who runs to it will be safe, after which the nation will witness a revival and the birth of reformers leading to a new America. He then assures us that 2028 will be a new beginning. He further shares a vision where these words were revealed, “the river is broken, and the seal is real” while exposing that organic technology will be nurtured for transhumanism. Regardless, he assures us of hope for the future despite the battle at our doorsteps.

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“Perfect love drives out fear”.

On the prophetic live broadcast today, Joseph Z is in the studio with Heather and Allison; they share testimonies from partners while expressing appreciation towards all those who have partnered with the ministry. Also, Joseph shares words of wisdom for all those looking forward to starting a family, advising that likeness for each other is important, alongside having the same interests. He also emphasizes holiness, as an important virtue to attain holy matrimony.

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Next, he reveals that the Lord is bringing a turn of the tide in the political scene while revealing the recent interesting narrative about aliens. He shares a clip detailing aliens’ hate for Jesus which goes to show that the alien narrative is more spiritual than physical. One would wonder, what it is about Jesus that these aliens don’t like. However, this goes to affirm Joseph’s view about aliens, as he believes there’s no such thing as aliens but there are demons and fallen angels which best describes the spiritual identity of these beings.

Additionally, Heather shares her encounter with an alien, which departed immediately after she began to pray in the name of Jesus. She makes us understand that when we embrace the name of Jesus, we become bold and fearless enough to confront darkness. Joseph further makes us realize that Jesus’ name in our lives brings discernment and power; while urging us to stay in God’s word to overcome the devil’s tactics.

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July 2, 2024

Join Us this Thursday Morning, July 4th at 7:00 AM (MDT), for a Special LIVE State of the Union Prophetic Broadcast!

With the upcoming election season, Joseph will be sharing a timely prophetic word for the United States and the People of God. You don't want miss this prophetic broadcast. Let's unite in prayer and as one voice to reach a million for a billion!

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“For I am with you. Fear not! Enter these times with joy and thanksgiving, for there will be a good conclusion in the generations to come”. “Make ready, for great change is coming”.

Discover what’s coming next in today’s prophetic broadcast, as Joseph Z references Biblical events to expose what to expect in the coming seasons and times. He instructs that hell is not enough because God’s holiness was violated by a vile act of sin found in the devil because he was in love with money. This gave birth to his rebellion against God which led to the creation of hell which is an absolute response to the violation of God’s holiness; for there is no level of punishment enough to match the crime committed against God. However, to atone for this violation, God sends his son, our Lord Jesus to come to the world to redeem mankind.

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Next, Joseph explains that at the end of this world, the great white judgment will take place and all those who did not receive the salvation offered by our Lord Jesus will be thrown into a lake of fire, leading to the birth of a new heaven and earth. He then references the Book of 2 Peter 3:10 to remind us of the Biblical warning concerning the second coming of Jesus while informing us that we can alter timelines by our obedience. Also, in the Book of Matthew 24, we see another warning about the events that will occur during the end times; urging us to pray that the end does not come upon us at a particular season or time.

Furthermore, Joseph points out the importance of discerning the times and seasons as warned in Matthew 16:3-5; while urging us to embrace the wisdom of the sons of Issachar, who knew the signs of the time, what to do about it and were aligned with the right tribe. He makes us understand that when we find our tribe, we find our calling. He then informs us that there will be tribes merged into movements. He then moves into prophetic ministration, revealing what to expect in the coming season, urging us not to fear but pray, because God promises one more round for America’s redemption. Although everything that can be shaken will be, we will not be shaken for we will come out at the other side of the evil before us.

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“I need your feet in certain locations during this time because great change is coming”.

In today’s prophetic broadcast, Joseph Z enlightens us about where we're headed. He informs us that God has anointed us to overcome these evil times, and we must unite to start changing things. He points out the importance of giving up criticism to cooperate with God while sharing his prophetic visit to the River Euphrates, where God gave him a message saying, “I need your feet in certain locations during this time because great change is coming and you represent America”.

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Also, Joseph enlightens us about the term, Sensus Plenoir, which means “a deeper fuller meaning”, used in describing events that have already happened but keep repeating until the final repeat that will manifest the end. Interestingly, he throws more light on eternity past, and future while reminding us that Christ has given us everything, and we must walk in His finished works and not succumb to pleading for what is already made available to us.

Joseph further explains that Jesus is the last Adam, who came to fulfill what Adam was called to do. He also brings to our understanding that the redeemed will be at the thousand-year reign of Jesus, where they will see Christ as He is. However, the devil will try to deceive the world one last time, until God sends fire from heaven to consume him alongside his followers.

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On the Red Church broadcast today, Joseph Z enlightens us about dreams and their relation to prophecy. He warns that if we meditate on a bad dream long enough, we can manifest it, so the best action to take after a bad dream is to pray against it and move on. He explains that God shows us things through allegories and parables because He loves to be pursued. Also, he reveals the steps to accurate prophetic experience: Revelation, Interpretation, and Application.

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Joseph clarifies that revelation happens in the spirit realm, then moves to the soulish realm where interpretation takes place, leading to the point of application; the right window, moment, or right timing for something to be done. He also outlines the impact of wrong prophetic interpretation, and the need to be patient and wait for the right timing before a prophetic application. He further instructs that emotional intelligence and people skills are needed in prophetic application.

Furthermore, he reveals that the spirit is first, followed by the soul and body. Once more, he clarifies that the word is spirit, and the body is a tool that follows wherever the spirit leads. He references the Book of Romans 7:21-22 to caution about the war within us, to choose between good and evil. He then enlightens us about the law of the mind, which is whatever we think about long enough that manifests into reality; it is an incubator, and whatever we put into it manifests at some point. He cautions that more of what we think about will be given to us, that is, if we think negatively, we will run the risk of manifesting more negativity. He then urges us to get our hearts in a place where we can hear and not frustrate the will of God for our lives, thereby delaying God’s plan for our lives.

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Learn how to navigate prophetic experiences in today’s No Limits session, as Joseph Z and Rick Renner bring clarity, to this discourse. Joseph outlines the different prophetic flows: Roeh, Nabi, Chozeh, and Chazah. He explains that Roeh is a visionary prophet who knows what to do and how to act. They are like the sons of Issachar, who knew the signs of the times, what to do about them, and had the right alignment with the right people.

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Joseph also explains that the Nabi is the most common form of the prophetic, it wields an inspirational gift and reveals the future through inspiration. Chazah, however, means to gaze as seen in 2 Kings 8:10-12. While Chozeh means to behold or lean into the future and can not be induced in any way as seen in Ezekiel 12:27. interestingly, Joseph reveals that he operates in Nabi, Chazah, and Chozah, but moves mostly in Nabi and Roeh; clarifying that one can move in all prophetic flows, although, there are minors and majors.

Furthermore, he discloses that for an interpretation to be free of bias, a prophet has to understand the revelation, be able to interpret it accurately and ensure a proper application. Rick then makes us understand that, sometimes, a prophecy may be correct, and we interpret it correctly, but the time of application is out of key and can ruin the prophetic experience. He further clarifies that no one prophet has it all, and we need one another to make most prophetic experiences complete.

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God treats us better than we deserve every day!!!

In today’s live broadcast, Joseph Z teaches about selflessness and the need to stay small in our eyes so that God can use us. He shares how he gave up some years in ministry to obey God’s command because he is assured that when we do the difficult, God will do the impossible. He makes us understand that surrendering to the guidance of God and letting go of our titles and egos make it easy for God to use us. He also informs us that God is drawing a line between the holy and the profane, citing the Book of John 5:31-36 to teach how to withstand the present evil age.

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Again, Joseph outlines that we need to be lined up with God’s word, be aware of God’s calling in our lives, and do the work that aligns with the call of God in our lives, including having peers in that same field where we’re called to serve, to overcome the present evil age. Next, Heather ministers to us, severing every assignment that is not of God in our lives while encouraging us to let not our hearts be troubled but rejoice in the Lord.

Once more, Joseph assures us that anybody who sacrifices for the Lord by giving up will certainly go up if he doesn’t faint. He prays that God moves in the political arena, to elect a God-fearing leader that will re-position America where it belongs. He further discloses that the opposite of holiness is common, hence, when God blesses us with a gift, we must make it holy by valuing it. He then concludes with a prayer, asking God for freedom to a level that hasn’t been seen before for every one of us.

0:00 Introduction
01:44 Stay Small in Your Eyes
07:51 You Know What I’ve Called You to Do
09:43 A Dividing Line Between the Holy & Profane
10:50 John 5:31-36: Withstanding the Present Evil Age
16:04 Heather’s Ministration
19:19 Give Up to Go Up!
23:04 The Attack will be a Comeback!
28:33 Conclusion

June 20, 2024


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“As He is, so are we in this world”.

Learn the secret to spiritual warfare in today’s live broadcast, as Joseph Z opens our eyes of understanding, to the natural and spiritual phenomena. He informs us that the natural which comprises our five senses, comes before the spiritual. He explains that faith is when we act on the word of God while grace is what Christ did for us on the cross of Calvary.

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Also, he explains that we reap a supernatural reaction when we do anything in the natural by faith. Interestingly, he reveals that reading our Bible and praying in tongues are the best ways to grow in the spirit. Again, he insists that reading the Bible and praying in tongues are the ways to activate our spiritual gifts and it also heightens one of the four prophetic flows, Chozeh.

Joseph further explains that when we start to know who we are in Christ, we will walk into a room and our presence will demand an explanation. He also clarifies that wielding our spiritual gifts becomes easier when we acknowledge our identity in Christ. He then concludes by reminding us that Jesus loves us more than we can fathom, and wants us healed, and to move in the fullness of what he has for us; for as He is, so are we in this world.

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“The only power the devil has is the power you give him”.

It’s Joseph Z’s twenty-fifth marriage anniversary today, and we’re grateful to God for how far He’s brought him and his family. To mark his anniversary, Joseph has a special message for us. He reminds us of how God uses the foolish things of this world to confound the wise, thus, He will use the misfit island to save this nation. He also reminds us that Jesus poured His blood to pay for our deliverance, liberty, revelation, prosperity, healing, wholeness, mental well-being, peace, and joy.

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Also, Joseph makes us understand that religion bows us down like slaves, while Jesus stands us up like sons and daughters; for slaves get afraid when it gets dark while sons and daughters revel in their sonship. This confirms the scripture, “For as many as has received him, to them he gave the right to become sons and daughters”. He then points out the differences between disciples, converts, and sons and daughters while informing us that Jesus wants us to live, move, and have our being.

Joseph further urges us to emphasize Jesus because when we do so, darkness flees from us. He insists that when we begin to know who God is in us, the manifestation of darkness becomes a non-event because greater is He that is us, than he, that is in the world. He concludes by reminding us that our presence begins to demand an explanation whenever we embrace our identity in Christ.

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“Before Abraham was, I am”

In today’s live broadcast, Joseph Z provides some prophetic insights into the April eclipse and his 40-day prophetic journey, which began on April 8, 2024. He revisits his vision where God commanded him to “Come up higher” while reminding us of how religion gave Jesus the hardest time because the religious leaders at that time were hard of hearing and never believed there would be another, greater than Abraham. However, Christ responds to their doubts saying, “Before Abraham, I am”.

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Next, Joseph shares his visit to Noah’s ark, reminding us of how God made a covenant with Noah, that he would not destroy the world with a flood again. This covenant was sealed with a rainbow after Noah’s first sacrifice to God at the end of the flood. He explains that the flood and the ark situation was a redemptive instability. On the heels of this, he assures us of the Lord’s promise to rescue America, thus, we will begin to see a redemptive instability just like Noah’s scenario.

Joseph further reveals the location of John’s home, his impact on prisoners' lives, and where he wrote all three Books of John, including the Book of Revelation. In addition, he assures us that God will rescue this nation and we must keep praying until the bad leaders step down to make way for God-ordained leaders.

0:00 Introduction
05:21 April Solar Eclipse: Sign of Redemption
12:24 The Rainbow: God’s Promise to Himself
13:19 Redemptive Instability
16:55 The Temple of Diana & the Abode of John
23:13 God Saved America!
23:43 Conclusion

June 17, 2024

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“Those who regard worthless idols, forsake their own mercy”.

Today on the live broadcast, Joseph Z cautions all mockers of God to beware of His coming judgment. He references the Book of Jonah 2:8 to remind us that those who regard worthless idols forsake their own mercy. Moving on, we see a clip detailing the immediate repercussions that befell all those who mocked God and the most interesting one was the incident with the Turkish MP who immediately fell to his death after issuing threats at Israel and God.

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More interestingly, the Book of Galatians 6:7 cautions against being deceived into believing that God can be mocked because God can not be mocked; for whatever a man sows, that, he also reaps. Next, he cautions about what we sow into our future, for whatever we sow, we shall reap; if we sow corruption or wickedness, that, we shall reap.

Joseph further frowns at the older generation who go with the flow of the evil culture rather than standing up to oppose it and redirect the steps of the younger ones who are derailing from the truth. He urges us not to be discouraged nor faint in doing good while citing the Book of Psalm 73 to further warn about the ugly fate of the wicked. He then urges us to stay encouraged, enthusiastic, and filled with faith, about what God has called us to do.

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In Red Church today, Joseph Z brings us a message from the Lord, revealing that there will be a rescue for the nation and that God will break us out of captivity. He discloses that oil will come to the rescue of the nation’s economic woes. Interestingly he informs us that spiritual things are not judged by the natural and that God is raising a unification to push back the strongholds of hell off of our children. He insists that tribes will be merged into movements, for the Lord loves the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob.

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Next, Joseph informs us there will be a downtime but the Lord assures us of preservation and will take us through times of challenges and difficulties in a way that we will be convinced that only God could have done it. Once more, he reveals there will be times of decline and darkness, but we should be encouraged because, although it was dark in Egypt, there was light in Goshen. He also shares his vision of a storm, where God urged us to run towards the storm to be safe, for the name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous run to it and are safe.

Joseph further explains that the storm will also bring reformation with it and that there are accusers who will be silenced. He also brings to our understanding that the natural comes before the spiritual because we face the natural daily. However, when we apply the word of God to the natural, we get a supernatural reaction, just like speaking in tongues, even though we don’t understand it we’re breaking barriers in the spirit realm.

0:00 Introduction
03:49 The Two Contradicting Prophesies
06:00 Don’t Jude Spiritual Things with the Natural
07:44 The Church Will Stand!
08:44 Time of Decline & Darkness
11:10 Reformation after the Storm
13;52 The Spirit & Natural
19:00 Speaking in Tongues: What You Need to Know
21:13 Conclusion

June 16, 2024

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Created 1 year, 11 months ago.

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Category News & Politics

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