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Join Gail Golec tonight as she brings together a special panel of guests as they discuss the New Hampshire audit (fraudit?)
We the People are taking Our Country back peacefully and with the Constitution.
Special Guests include:
Dr. Douglas G. Frank, renowned physicist who has taking the time to put together the data we need to show how the election was stolen with a spreadsheet.
Daniel Richard is a Constitutional Scholar in New Hampshire who has successfully taking on the Legislators in New Hampshire with a Remonstrance. I will be connecting him with the NH activists to take them on again!
One of our favorite activists from New Hampshire, Marylyn Todd will be joining us to discuss this current situation in NH and how we can all help.
Susan Settenbrino, our favorite Constitutional attorney from NYC will be will be weighing in as well.

Important video concerning the Bio-Terror that has been created since the early 2000's and is now being waged upon the people of this world... God Help Us!


Created 3 years, 5 months ago.

2 videos

Category Health & Medical

I place these videos here for public to learn from... Enjoy viewing :)