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LOL....Can't America find one decent family guy as President. We have had Pedophile Bill Clinton and his non stop visits to Eppstein Island for young girls as he was getting blow jobs from Monica Lewinksy in the White House, we have had Pedo Joe Biden touching and smelling little girls hair and now we have the almighty TRUMP who boasts about how he grabs women: "BY THE PUSSY". Come on America, find one decent family man who is not a sex pervert as your next President. That is a challenge. I really feel sorry for Trump's wife who he found in Ghislane Maxwell's KitKat bar for marriage.

Sigh....for some people, the only solution to any problem is shooting or stabbing the other person. There is no discussion or arguments anymore.

Surprise, the bird flu, which is only supposed to infect BIRDS and chickens, MYSTERIOUSLY and MIRACULOUSLY JUMPED into cows and infected them and FINALLY it JUMPED into human beings so the corrupt MODERNA is now developing a DEADLY MRNA vaxx for humans for this winter. LOL...if you believe this bullshit, you seriously need to take the new jabs.....the Bird Flu won't kill you but the vaxxes DEFINITELY will.

It is no surprise that the most evil organisations in the USA are the FBI and CIA who cover up successfully all of the EVIL they commit in America and elsewhere. They are just too powerful to stop now.

NOBODY appointed America as rulers of this planet but they have been ruling it in an EVIL way since WW2 and now the whole universe wants AMERICA to stop its bullying and focus on its own land and citizens instead of creating death and misery all over the planet.

At the start if you listen carefully you will realise that the smaller guy was driving by and the BIG MAN stood in the middle of the effing road and then punched his window. OBVIOUSLY NOBODY would put up with that so the smaller guy got out of his car and the confrontation began and then ended very quickly with a ONE PUNCH KNOCKOUT. The lesson is: Not all BIG MEN are tough, most of them have never even been in a fight their entire lives because of their size.

And she was ordered to put back the items she had stolen, which she did meekly.

But make sure you torch them on the way IN not OUT - that way your Amazon package will be safe outside your front door.

Not sure what the argument was about, but they beat him up real good and left him bloodied and unable to stand up.

The much bigger passenger got fed up of seeing this naked standing in the train as if it was normal to do so - so he kicked him off the train. Not sure where this was, can anyone identify the place for me?

So much violence everywhere, even these two old fools get into a physical fight over a silly dispute.

All politicians in Congress are fully bought and paid for.

All of her American friends have moved and she is surrounded by foreigners who don't even speak English. She feels conquered in her own country.

His neighbour put this on his car and he removed it with this simple trick.

I don't have any problems with them praying, but I do think they should do it in their homes or in their numerous mosques. It is not fair to pray in the middle of the road or on a train.

I know millions of Americans have pinned their hopes on him coming back to stop the destruction of America and its citizens, but I just hope he does not turn out to be just another wet rag like our newly ELECTED leader in UK is. They are all shills for Israel so there is only so much change they can bring, but the KALERGI PLAN will stay on course.

He is preparing for the next lethal jab for Bird Flu which they hope to release to the world this winter. They have already killed off millions of healthy chickens and then claimed the Bird Flu "jumped" onto the cows so they have murdered millions of cows too. Going to be a tough winter for us because the MSM will step up the pressure daily on national TV and the DUMB SHEEPLE that surround us will be trying their best to force us to get jabbed. Video Credit: DOLLAR VIGILANTE.

He shot back at them but missed.

She was provoking the other girl to the stage where she got beaten up.

However when the guy asked them a valid question: "how come they are enjoying everything that men have built", the dumbos did not have any reply.

In short America is trying to prolong the Ukraine war as long as possible just like it did in Afghanistan. They are hoping to bankrupt Russia in the process, but this POS Anthony Blinken knows that America is already bankrupt right now - how on earth will they continue funding Ukraine for the next 10 years? What a corrupt idiot with his dual passport. He should be dismissed from office immediately.

LOL so much bullshit to sell the crappy new Cyber Trucks. I would rather stick with my old car and not look BADASS.

LOL....can it possibly get any worse. London is already crumbling with excessive crime and multi culturism and now we have this prison officer having sex with a prisoner whilst his friend films it all and puts the video out on the internet. It is only about SEX and MONEY now.

This one is not only beautiful but has brains too and is NOT a ruthless feminist. She genuinely loves staying at home, cooking for her husband and the kids and making a family work. If she wasn't married, I am sure she would have millions of offers for marriage from men who are looking for this RARE TYPE OF MODERN, FEMININE, SOFT NATURED WOMAN. One in a million nowadays.

That is according to his religious book the TORAH. And here I was thinking that ALL Religions promote peace and getting along with each other. Boy did I get it wrong. Some of these religions only preach hate, violence and murder. I honestly don't believe that ANY GOD would want the destruction of other human beings, just because they belong to different religions but obviously the Torah and the Quran preach such things in order to dominate the planet.


Created 3 years, 7 months ago.

3765 videos

Category News & Politics

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