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In order to stop "Gladioul", Ayase has Takumi help her collect the Di-Swords of the other Gigalomaniacs, or "Black Knights", before going to confront Gladioul directly. Collecting the swords themselves turns out to be a surprisingly easy endeavor thanks to the other Gigalomaniacs having been somehow incapacitated off-screen, including Nanami and Rimi whose exact fates are never even revealed, until eventually only Takumi's Di-Sword ended up being the only one that still needed to be collected, although since Takumi hasn't awakened this understandably puts a big wrench in Ayase's (admittedly unsound) plan.

Throughout their journey, Neo and Takumi catch glimpses of a terrifying world that looks like a twisted reflection of the one they inhabit, and it is eventually revealed that this very world is the world that Ayase perceives every minute of every day, shocking both Neo and Takumi. The only way to break Ayase free of such a world, along with saving all the other "worlds", is tied to the defeat of Gladioul, so if Takumi is unable to acquire his Di-Sword then the efforts of both him and Ayase would be all for naught.

Fortunately, helping Ayase deal with a manifestation of the negative delusions she was experiencing turned out to be the key needed for Takumi to awaken and acquire his Di-Sword, much to Neo's confusion. Although their celebration is cut short when a manifestation of Gladioul confronts them and gets ready to reshape the world, forcing Takumi and Ayase to quickly think of a method to counter it, and what they end up coming up with somehow manages to work.

At the end of their journey, Ayase gets to see the same sky Takumi sees, after seemingly putting an end to the villain's plot... although for Neo, he's left with more questions than answers as to what exactly was happening throughout Ayase's route, unsure of what to make many of the strange events and mysteries he witnessed along the way...

But with all that being said, Neo's go..


Forced to confront the reality of Rina's scheme towards her father, Rena finally decides to accept Keiichi, Rika and her friends' help in dealing with the situation. The trio return to Hinamizawa and meet up with Mion, who agrees to offer some additional help after being called ahead of time by Keiichi, who explains Rena's situation to her.

After parting ways with Rena and Mion, Keiichi and Rika head towards the Furude Shrine. Rika, perplexed by how different the Keiichi of this world appears to be compared to every prior iteration of him she's met up to this point, point-blank begins asking Keiichi for answers as to what, exactly, he is. In short, Keiichi is the same person Rika has always known, except for one crucial difference this time around: Keiichi was able to recall the events of all the previous worlds shown in the Main Story, and he was thus able to use the memories and knowledge gained from them to better help Rika tackle the underlying issues surrounding the rest of their friend group. Realizing the significance of this development and how it could turn the upcoming battle of fate against Takano in their favor, Rika can't help but be driven to tears of joy, her hope in overcoming her tragic destiny renewed... and it is then that she FINALLY reveals Takano's true identity to Keiichi...

The following day, the class gets into a game where a person draws a card and, depending on if they end up losing, has to do a random challenge set forth by members of the club, and when the scene starts Keiichi is the sole survivor going up against Mion, while the rest of the class has already been subjected to various humiliations prior to this moment. Hilarity ensues. Then when a VERY specific challenge ends up being issued to the loser of this final round... even MORE hilarity ensues, curtesy of Cupid.

Afterwards, the rest of the class ends without any major incident, and Keiichi has a tender moment with Mion when everything is all said and d..


In order to cure the depression he acquired from Orihara's route so he can actually blink his eyes, Neosekken gets to work on Ayase's route, and once he actually GETS to the meat of it... well, let's just say that his expectations for what he'd be in store for right out of the gate end up being HEAVILY subverted, while leaving him with LOTS of questions as to what is actually happening around Ayase this time around...

But HEY, in spite of all the chaos and confusion that they found themselves suddenly thrust into, at least Neo/Takumi learned ONE crucial piece of information that might be key to their survival: Ayase has a sweet tooth.

LINKS: (Discord) - Want to stay up-to-date on ALL the latest announcements on Neosekken's YouTube channel while also having an additional, convenient messaging service to get in touch with him, put in requests for games you want to see him cover in future Let's Plays, as well as find other cool people to hang out with? Then consider using Neosekken's Discord


If having ONE whammy in the form of Teppei coming back to Hinamizawa right smack in the middle of what Rika suspects is her last chance to save herself and all her friends wasn't already bad enough, the single whammy turns into a double whammy by ALSO throwing in Rena Ryuugu's personal family troubles instigated by Mamiya Rina into the mix as well, creating a scenario where Rika and Keiichi have to resolve not one but TWO separate problems before they can effectively deal with Takano.

To say that the stakes have risen considerably from the outset would be an understatement.

Deciding to try and confront Rena over her father's relationship with Rina directly, Rika and Keiichi go over to her house after school to talk to her about it face-to-face. Rena, however, tries to deny there is even a problem, and THEN tries to downplay the severity of it when faced with mounting evidence against Rina, as though she's in denial over the reality of the situation. As Keiichi predicted beforehand, Rena becomes overly excited over the subject matter and quickly displays an air of hostility towards the two the more they try to talk to her about Rina.

Ultimately, how speficially Rika and Keiichi address the problem to Rena affects whether he gets Omote's second Bad End or successfully reaches out to Rena and sets in motion whatever needs to be done to help her. Naturally, Neo decides to choose the option leading to the second Bad End first, and in it Rena goes off the deep end by taking care of her problem in a very direct, lethal manner... before turning her murderous gaze on her friends...

After seeing this very brief ending, Neo then tells Rena EXACTLY what she needs to hear, and as a result Rika and Keiichi stick around long enough to see first-hand evidence of Rina's scheme playing out right before their eyes, along with Rena herself...

LINKS: (Discord) - Want to stay up-to-date on ALL the latest announcements on Neosekk..


What started as another day at school quickly spirals out of control into a literal bloodbath that sparks a wave of chaos on the campus grounds, with agents of NOZOMI working behind the scenes to add fuel to the fire.

The end result is... well, look at the title of the video. By Neo's estimation, Orihara's ending is pretty much the second worst ending in the game as far as the level of tragedy is concerned. A good case of a domino-effect going horribly wrong for the heroes (and some of the villains too).

And with this video, Neo completes another one of the Heroines' routes...

LINKS: (Discord) - Want to stay up-to-date on ALL the latest announcements on Neosekken's YouTube channel while also having an additional, convenient messaging service to get in touch with him, put in requests for games you want to see him cover in future Let's Plays, as well as find other cool people to hang out with? Then consider using Neosekken's Discord


Now that Neo's partnered up with Rika, Neo's first order of business...

... is to store some excess chalk that Chie-Sensei accidentally ordered in the store storage shed, as part of his duties as class rep. But at least he has Mion around to give him a little help!

Later, Neo meets up with Rika at the Furude Shrine, where Rika reveals to Keiichi what she suspects is likely to happen thanks to her happening to overhear a certain plan that a woman called Mamiya Rina is planning to put into action, which will end in her getting herself killed by the Sonozaki Group and THUS lead to Hojo Teppei, Satako's abusive uncle, returning to Hinamizawa and forcing Satako to come live with him to have her take care of housework and other demeaning tasks and abuses he decides to put her through, putting Satako in a very precarious position. The reason this is all important in the grand scheme of things, according to Rika, is that Teppei's return to Hinamizawa usually signifies to Rika that she is in a "doomed" world due to the severity Teppei's presence brings to both herself and her friends.

Keiichi proposes various ideas to Rika on what they could try to do to prevent this event from happening, but Rika shoots them all down, ultimately suggesting to Keiichi that they let events play out and improvise from there. Now, Neo's first reponse to such a proposal was to say "Eff you, Rika, I'm NOT gonna do that!"... but going along with Rika's stupid suggestion proves necessary for Neo to see one of Omote's Bad Ends, so he chooses this bad option... and is surprised by how quick the Bad End in question ends up being, thus allowing Neo to continue with the proper story without any lengthy deviation.

Back on the proper route, Keiichi basically does what Neo wanted him to do and tells Rika to Eff off and say they're gonna do things HIS way... his way just-so-happening to involve Shion and her bodyguard Kasai, who they meet up with in a coffee shop in the neighbor..


With Sena's route completed, Neo now moves on to the next heroine on his list: Orihara! He goes into it expecting to be on the receiving end of Orihara's psychotically violent tendencies almost right off the bat, and given Takumi's personality why WOULDN'T Neo assume this to happen?

But much to Neo's surprise, Orihara shows a remarkable amount of patience/restraint towards Takumi despite his mind being a somewhat literal open book to her (spoiler alert: not even getting caught thinking of her as stupid by Takumi was enough to actually enrage her, if you can believe it!). Sure, he gets to see Orihara go to town on the thugs who beat up Takumi (the same ones who'd later becomes the victims of the "DQN" New Gen murder), but past that she not only shows a mostly harmless, cutesy attitude towards Takumi, but even gives him gifts as a thank-you to, in her mind at least, their recently formed friendship.

Most of Neo/Takumi's time spent with Orihara has been surprisingly relaxing and wholesome so far, all things considered, although he suspects this won't last for long, especially when Orihara suddenly decides to leave Takumi alone at the Roft store with no explanation on her end given as to why. Neo's only getting started with Orihara's route, so he suspects there's still plenty more left to come that will certainly liven things up (unless you're whoever Orihara decides to target, then YOU won't liven up. You'll just be DEAD.). As if to underscore Neo's suspicions of what's to come, almost immediately after parting ways with Orihara, Takumi finds himself being hounded by who he (and Neo) suspects to be Shogun, who seems to have taken a somewhat more personal approach to his latest string of psychological warfare against Takumi...

LINKS: (Discord) - Want to stay up-to-date on ALL the latest announcements on Neosekken's YouTube channel while also having an additional, convenient messaging service to get in touch with ..


It was a beautiful day to stream Yakuza 0. The birds were singing, the neighbor that likes to stick their nose into everyones' personal business got run over by a moose, some shmuck somewhere in the country of Laos created/discovered 12 separate cures for cancer while taking a hot bath in a steaming pile of Bovine XXXXXX, some random nobody got famous for 2 minutes by accidentally streaming themselves getting attacked by a group of angry cats, and Neosekken decided to make his first order of business for THIS particular stream shaking down Mr. Shakedown.

God help this man for he has probably lost his moronic, sordid mind.


LINKS: (Discord) - Want to stay up-to-date on ALL the latest announcements on Neosekken's YouTube channel while also having an additional, convenient messaging service to get in touch with him, put in requests for games you want to see him cover in future Let's Plays, as well as find other cool people to hang out with? Then consider using Neosekken's Discord Server to do all these things as well as have access to other cool features! If you like what you see there, you can ask to become an official member of the server - I'm always happy to expand this channel's community!


The party that the club members decided to host for Keiichi in celebration of his promotion to class representative ends up turning into a completely DIFFERENT celebration involving marital vows, for both Keiichi AND Mion, and it looks like the village intends on making said marital vows stick, much to Neo's amusement.

Later on, Keiichi is guided to Rika by what sounded like Hanyuu's voice, and from this Rika ends up opening up to Keiichi about her struggles throughout the various timelines/worlds she has spent hundreds if not thousands of years of her life traveling though only to be tragically killed under mysterious circumstances, a fate she has been unable to escape on her own. But much to Rika's surprise, Keiichi vows to help Rika overcome her struggle any way he can, thus allowing Rika to obtain her first true ally in this final world she's found herself in...

LINKS: (Discord) - Want to stay up-to-date on ALL the latest announcements on Neosekken's YouTube channel while also having an additional, convenient messaging service to get in touch with him, put in requests for games you want to see him cover in future Let's Plays, as well as find other cool people to hang out with? Then consider using Neosekken's Discord Server to do all these things as well as have access to other cool features! If you like what you see there, you can ask to become an official member of the server - I'm always happy to expand this channel's community!


Neo, Takumi and Sena find themselves pulled out of the rubble of the NOZOMI office they were trapped in by Hatano, who shows up out of the blue to help Sena. Sena, however, is antagonistic towards her father, and the two argue back and forth, and to complicate matters further the two Gigalomaniac's captors are seemingly shot dead by some unknown party. Shortly after this, while Sena and Hatano continue arguing among themselves, Takumi finds himself being contacted by people claiming to be members of the Committee of 300, who want to enlist his and Sena's assistance in stopping Norose's plan to use NOAH II to achieve dominance over the world.

Neo and Hatano are suspious of these people, but unfortunately they manage to convince Takumi and Sena to go along with their plan, and so they leave the ruined NOZOMI building and head for the subway in order to acquire a "cheat code" that the C.O.3. promise will help them stop Norose. Hatano, who was left behind by Takumi and Sena, presses the C.O.3. for further information, and soon realizes that Takumi and Sena are heading into a trap that was set for them by the mysterious group, but he meets his demise before he has the chance to go warn either of them.

Later still, Takumi and Sena arrive where they were told to go and find the "cheat code" the C.O.3. told them about, only it came in a form that makes destroying it in order to activate the "code" FAR harder to do than they initially thought it'd be, although this problem quickly resolves itself once Suwa arrives on the scene to cause trouble. However, Rimi shows up from the Deus Ex Machina portal to hold Suwa off so Takumi and Sena can go take care of NOAH II, and so Takumi and Sena leave and head for the planitarium where NOAH II is being housed.

However, the two of them run into one last challenge right as they arrive at the planitarium that they have to overcome before claiming their victory...

LINKS: (Discord) ..


A mistake Neo made on his end forces him to return to Miotsukushi Omote, and after doing so he finds himself presented with a scenario where THE ENTIRE CLASS in school has a chance to become members of the club Keiichi and his friends are a part of, but ONLY if they pass a test. Only there's more to the test than meets the eye, as Neo/Keiichi later come to find out after the fact.

Later, Rika starts to come up with a strategy to acquire herself some allies while also trying to learn Takano's objective in killing her like she had already done in previous worlds, although she can't help but feel apprehensive over things, not that Neo can blame her given the circumstances...

LINKS: (Discord) - Want to stay up-to-date on ALL the latest announcements on Neosekken's YouTube channel while also having an additional, convenient messaging service to get in touch with him, put in requests for games you want to see him cover in future Let's Plays, as well as find other cool people to hang out with? Then consider using Neosekken's Discord Server to do all these things as well as have access to other cool features! If you like what you see there, you can ask to become an official member of the server - I'm always happy to expand this channel's community!


Neo begins playing Sena's route, where Takumi tries to recruit Sena as a protector since he feels he can't depend on Rimi, Ayase or anyone else to protect him from Shogun. Upon meeting up with Sena again Takumi explains his situation to Sena, and in response Sena comes up with the absolutely brilliant plan to use Takumi as bait to lure out Shogun... by going to and directly inside NOZOMI's HQ with him in tow.

Predictably, things quickly start going south from there.

LINKS: (Discord) - Want to stay up-to-date on ALL the latest announcements on Neosekken's YouTube channel while also having an additional, convenient messaging service to get in touch with him, put in requests for games you want to see him cover in future Let's Plays, as well as find other cool people to hang out with? Then consider using Neosekken's Discord


Neo, now playing as Goro Majima, is a successful businessman who appears to have been forced into exile out of the Tojo Clan and is putting in all of his effort to try and get let back in, and the man Majima has to work with to arrange this deal, Tsukasa Sagawa of the Omi Alliance's Sagawa Family, quickly proves to be anything BUT supportive of his wishes. Complicating matters even further, Sagawa headhunts one of Majima's top girls in his business on top of demanding he produce 500 million yen that he apparently requires before he'll even entertain the idea of negotiating for Majima's reinstatement on his behalf, which puts Majima into the uncomfortable position where he quickly needs to do some headhunting of his own in order to help keep his business afloat and get the money he needs.

It is then that Neo, playing as Majima, is unleashed in the Osakan district of Sotenbori, giving Neo a whole new location filled with bloodthirsty thugs to pummel, pilage and plunder... and, undoubtedly, a fair number of good (or bad) people who need his help via subquests, which Neo decides to make his first priority as he begins familiarizing himself with the Osakan district....

[Additional information about this episode will be added later.]

LINKS: (Discord) - Want to stay up-to-date on ALL the latest announcements on Neosekken's YouTube channel while also having an additional, convenient messaging service to get in touch with him, put in requests for games you want to see him cover in future Let's Plays, as well as find other cool people to hang out with? Then consider using Neosekken's Discord Server to do all these things as well as have access to other cool features! If you like what you see there, you can ask to become an official member of the server - I'm always happy to expand this channel's community!


Today's episode is an exercise of things not happening AND a lot of things happening all at once!

Chisato and Tamako reflect on how their relationship with Natsumi has evolved and grown into something they all cherish as a result of the careful communication they all conveyed to one another, ensuring that there was no room for misunderstandings of each others' feelings, all the while wishing Natsumi and Akira the best in their newly formed romantic relationship.

Natsumi herself also reflects on the events leading up to her deciding to change her hairstyle, which is the result of a heart-to-heart conversation she had with Tomoe Minai, whom she has befriended. Later on, Natsumi and Tomoe both decide to have a dinner date at the local Angel Mort, where the two continue to bond while Tomoe terrorizes the staff with her ravenous gluttony. It is during all of this that Tomoe realizes she has an opportunity to learn more information about the Kimiyoshi family from Hinamizawa via Natsumi due to her being a relative of the mayor of the town, although she is hesitant to take advantage of the bond she's formed with Natsumi to do so, especially once Natsumi starts to refer to her as a sister-figure...

LINKS: (Discord) - Want to stay up-to-date on ALL the latest announcements on Neosekken's YouTube channel while also having an additional, convenient messaging service to get in touch with him, put in requests for games you want to see him cover in future Let's Plays, as well as find other cool people to hang out with? Then consider using Neosekken's Discord Server to do all these things as well as have access to other cool features! If you like what you see there, you can ask to become an official member of the server - I'm always happy to expand this channel's community!


Neo and Takumi find themselves held captive by Yua for an untold amount of time, Yua being unrelenting in her attempts to draw Shogun out of Takumi, but when Takumi notices an unusual detail about the diary allegedly belonging to Yua's sister Mia (which Yua shows during one of her interrogation sessions of Takumi) and tries pointing out said detail to Yua herself... it starts pulling out a thread that tears Yua's, Takumi's AND Neo's understanding of the events surrounding Mia's death COMPLETELY on it's head.

And as soon as this massive revelation is revealed, the Third Melt strikes Shibuya, and Takumi's captor, now face-to-face with a harsh reality, decides to bring Takumi with her on her way to join her sister in death...

LINKS: (Discord) - Want to stay up-to-date on ALL the latest announcements on Neosekken's YouTube channel while also having an additional, convenient messaging service to get in touch with him, put in requests for games you want to see him cover in future Let's Plays, as well as find other cool people to hang out with? Then consider using Neosekken's Discord


Continuing from where the events of the previous episode left off, Neo finishes acquiring alcohol for the group of homeless men that the Tachibana Real Estate Agency hired to help harass the business man that made an utter fool of Neo/Kiryu by selling out to a bunch of Tachibana goons in the most pathetically hypocritical manner possible. He hopes that he can get this group of men to divulge what they know about the agency that he can use as another lead to continue his personal investigation into the mysterious entity and the man running the entire operation, although everything Neo has seen and heard in his investigation so far has already lead to him concluding that Tachibana and his agency are NOT to be trusted...

(Description and thumbnail will be updated later to give additional details to the events of this episode.)

LINKS: (Discord) - Want to stay up-to-date on ALL the latest announcements on Neosekken's YouTube channel while also having an additional, convenient messaging service to get in touch with him, put in requests for games you want to see him cover in future Let's Plays, as well as find other cool people to hang out with? Then consider using Neosekken's Discord Server to do all these things as well as have access to other cool features! If you like what you see there, you can ask to become an official member of the server - I'm always happy to expand this channel's community!


Continuing from where the events of the previous episode left off, Neo finishes acquiring alcohol for the group of homeless men that the Tachibana Real Estate Agency hired to help harass the business man that made an utter fool of Neo/Kiryu by selling out to a bunch of Tachibana goons in the most pathetically hypocritical manner possible. He hopes that he can get this group of men to divulge what they know about the agency that he can use as another lead to continue his personal investigation into the mysterious entity and the man running the entire operation, although everything Neo has seen and heard in his investigation so far has already lead to him concluding that Tachibana and his agency are NOT to be trusted...

Technical mishaps on Neo's end forced him to split this episode off into two separate streams, with this being the second half.

(Description and thumbnail will be updated later to give additional details to the events of this episode.)

LINKS: (Discord) - Want to stay up-to-date on ALL the latest announcements on Neosekken's YouTube channel while also having an additional, convenient messaging service to get in touch with him, put in requests for games you want to see him cover in future Let's Plays, as well as find other cool people to hang out with? Then consider using Neosekken's Discord Server to do all these things as well as have access to other cool features! If you like what you see there, you can ask to become an official member of the server - I'm always happy to expand this channel's community!


Title says it all, really! It's more of the same as the last episode, only THIS time Neo plans to make some actual progression with his investigation into the mysterious Testu Tachibana this time IN ADDITION to whatever crazy tomfoolery he finds himself in along the way, intentionally or not!


(Description and video thumbnail will be updated later to give additional details as to what happens in this episode.)

LINKS: (Discord) - Want to stay up-to-date on ALL the latest announcements on Neosekken's YouTube channel while also having an additional, convenient messaging service to get in touch with him, put in requests for games you want to see him cover in future Let's Plays, as well as find other cool people to hang out with? Then consider using Neosekken's Discord Server to do all these things as well as have access to other cool features! If you like what you see there, you can ask to become an official member of the server - I'm always happy to expand this channel's community!


Following the recommendations of one of his viewers, Neo puts Miotsukushi Omote on hold in order to first play Miotsukushi Ura in it's entirety before promptly switching back to Omote, the reason being that this specific flow was originally how these two arcs were originally told, back before they were split into two separate arcs.

When Neo starts Ura, Neo watches as several of the first batch of key players on the external conspiracy outside of Hinamizawa, on the heroes' side, start to unwittingly move onto their respective places on the chess board of fate, first starting with Akasaka and Miyuki, followed by Ooshi and Tomoe Minai, which are THEN followed by a full head of long, green hair belonging to none other than Natsumi Kimiyoshi, as well as Natsumi's friends Tamako, Chisato, and her possible future boy toy Akira.

All the players seen so far in this beginning episode for Ura are for the heroes, so Neo can't help but wonder when he'll start seeing the players for the OPPOSING team in the game of fate will start to move into place on the chessboard of fate...

LINKS: (Discord) - Want to stay up-to-date on ALL the latest announcements on Neosekken's YouTube channel while also having an additional, convenient messaging service to get in touch with him, put in requests for games you want to see him cover in future Let's Plays, as well as find other cool people to hang out with? Then consider using Neosekken's Discord Server to do all these things as well as have access to other cool features! If you like what you see there, you can ask to become an official member of the server - I'm always happy to expand this channel's community!


Finishing off Nanami's route, Neo decides to move on to Yua, and eventually he finds himself on said route. In it, Neo eventually finds himself being held hostage in his own home by Yua herself after she, upon having her suspicions of Takumi thoroughly dismissed by Detective Ban, decides to act upon some information that Suwa goes out of his way to impart on her and try to find conclusive evidence of Takumi's guilt in the New Gen Murders.

Yua is convinced that "Shogun" is an alternate personality of Takumi's that does all the killings, and so upon tying Takumi up proceeds to try and draw Shogun out. Takumi, however, adamantly denies Yua's allegations, but Yua refuses to budge. This ends up creating a stalemate between the two, and Yua shows no intention of stopping until she gets the "proof" she wants...

LINKS: (Discord) - Want to stay up-to-date on ALL the latest announcements on Neosekken's YouTube channel while also having an additional, convenient messaging service to get in touch with him, put in requests for games you want to see him cover in future Let's Plays, as well as find other cool people to hang out with? Then consider using Neosekken's Discord


Neo, per his own efforts, manages to get himself expelled from the Dojima Clan in order to try to divert attention away from the group while he promises to hunt down the hitman who killed the debter in the vacant lot the Dojima Clan is desperate to try to acquire and thus prove both his and his father figure, Kazama, of being innocent of the crime. However, the head of the Dojima Clan, Sohei Dojima, tells him that Kazama must still be held accountable for the situation the debter's murder has put the rest of the clan in before being told to let the rest of the clan take care of the matter, thus putting even more pressure on Neo to find the hitman before anything can happen to Kazama.

Wandering the streets after the fiasco over at Dojima HQ had ended, Neo finds himself approached by a man known as Tetsu Tachibana, who as Neo comes to find out is a real estate mogul running the Tachibana Real Estate Agency that's recently been making waves throughout the city quickly acquiring various businesses and properties under quick and mysterious circumstances. After allowing him to get himself patched up at his residence, Tachibana makes his objective with Neo/Kiryu clear: he wants Kiryu to help him acquire the same vacant lot that the Dojima Clan and the other Yakuza clans are after. Neo/Kiryu, understandably, are distrustful of the man, and make that fact clear before parting ways, although Tachibana didn't seemed bothered by this and told Kiryu to contact him should he reconsider his offer.

Neo/Kiryu then discuss all the recent developments with Akira Nishikiyama, including what he knows of Tachibana, and it was him who gave Neo/Kiryu additional information revealing how Tachibana could be a potentially powerful ally in their endeavors should they manage to get him on their side, although like Kiryu he also expresses caution in dealing with the man.

It is then that a plan is made between to start investigating Tachibana the following day, which br..


It's time for Neo to begin the Miotsukushi Arcs that serve to act as an alternate grand finale to the story of Higurashi When They Cry, after being set up via both the original story AND the Console Arcs.

In this first episode, the stage is set for the conflict that's about to unfold, although unlike Chapter 8 of the main story there is one VERY big difference that stands out to both Neo AND Rika Furude compared to previous timelines/worlds: a certain key player is, without any explaination, now suddenly nowhere to be found, and so Neo and Rika both have to figure out how to proceed without them.

In the meantime though, everyone of Rika's friends continue to enjoy their peaceful lives at school, although Neo can't imagine their shared peace will last terribly long before things begin to escalate.

Although the ground work for Miotsukishi Omote has been set, Neo has to put this particular arc on hold after this episode and play it's sister arc, Miotsukushi Ura, in it's entirety before proceeding with the rest of Omote in order to experience the story told in both Arcs as was originally intended...

LINKS: (Discord) - Want to stay up-to-date on ALL the latest announcements on Neosekken's YouTube channel while also having an additional, convenient messaging service to get in touch with him, put in requests for games you want to see him cover in future Let's Plays, as well as find other cool people to hang out with? Then consider using Neosekken's Discord Server to do all these things as well as have access to other cool features! If you like what you see there, you can ask to become an official member of the server - I'm always happy to expand this channel's community!


Neo/Takumi find Nanami mysteriously appearing right at his doorstep missing her clothes, which just so happens to occur right after opening the package "Shogun" left Takumi inside his crate in order to try and draw him out to O-FRONT, only to find just a bloody cell phone inside. Neo finds this detail surprising because of the fact that there's a certain other thing that's missing from the package, although his attention is temporarily redirected at Nanami and trying to figure out what happened to her.

Takumi questions Nanami about the circumstances behind Nanami's appearance at his home, but she appears to have no memory of the events prior to that point, thus leading Takumi to speculate what could've happened to her, and his ensuing freakout understandably leads to Nanami to question him what is wrong, thus forcing Takumi to reveal the existence of Shogun and his suspicions regarding his involvement in both the New Gen Killings and what has been happening with Takumi himself ever since Shogun first contacted him. And so in response to this revelation Nanami agrees to do what Takumi says in order to ensure their safety, and so the two hole themselves up at the rooftop where Takumi's container is located, spending the days trying to make the most of their current predicament and growing closer as a result.

Neo, however, grows more and more suspicious as to the exact nature behind what is happening between Takumi and Nanami, and the evidence suggesting something is indeed off gradually piles up over time.

By the end of the episode... let's just say that Neo's suspicions as to what's really going on end up being proven correct.

LINKS: (Discord) - Want to stay up-to-date on ALL the latest announcements on Neosekken's YouTube channel while also having an additional, convenient messaging service to get in touch with him, put in requests for games you want to see him cover in future Let's Plays, as well as find ..


You what the inherent problem of being a law-abiding is? It's boring, because you gotta follow all the rules the government, society, and your parents impose on you the second you show enough cognitive development to utter your first word as a baby. Sure, there are a CRAP ton of positives in life to being a law-abiding citizen (if the place you live in isn't some kind of totalitarian hellhole or something. Or France.), but it would be too long to list all of them. But the bottom line is, if you follow all the rules to the best of your ability, you MAY have a relatively comfortable life, but the monotony of it all, if you can't handle monotony, will get to you eventually.

And one day, it got to Neosekken. It got to him PRETTY hard. He decided he needed some excitement in his life, and so he decided to look into organized crime and, being the weeb that he is, felt that the Yakuza from Japan would suit his tastes perfectly.

Only there was a couple problems: Not only does Neo NOT live in Japan, but he's too much of a boy scout at heart to actually go through with joining a mafia group in real life.

So Neo, refusing to let his boring itch go unscratched, instead decided to do the next best thing: live the life of a Yakuza member vicariously through the "Like A Dragon" video game series, "Yakuza 0" specifically, which will be the first game in the series he'll play! And so that brings us to this very series you see before you!

Join Neosekken as he gets to experience a taste of the life of a Yakuza as two different characters: Kazuma Kiryu, and Goro Majima, two men who have ties to the "Tojo Clan", which, in the story of this very game, seeks to gain control of a prime piece of real estate and thus tip the balance of power in the world of the Yakuza in their favor: a vacant lot that is the centerpiece of the "Kamurocho Revitalization Project". Although given the nature of an underworld power struggle taking place, Neo suspects that there will be..


In this latest episode of the Higurashi Console Arcs, Neo finally finishes "connecting" the remaining fragments he needs to see, and upon doing so he now once again has a full deck of cards which he intends to use in his second battle against fate itself, although THIS time he now has a "joker" card in his deck to help shake things up.

Upon completion of the Connecting Fragments Arc, Neo sets his sights towards the next series of Console Arcs, where the new battleground in this game of fate will be held...

LINKS: (Discord) - Want to stay up-to-date on ALL the latest announcements on Neosekken's YouTube channel while also having an additional, convenient messaging service to get in touch with him, put in requests for games you want to see him cover in future Let's Plays, as well as find other cool people to hang out with? Then consider using Neosekken's Discord Server to do all these things as well as have access to other cool features! If you like what you see there, you can ask to become an official member of the server - I'm always happy to expand this channel's community!


Created 6 years, 3 months ago.

710 videos

Category Gaming

Greetings, my name is Neosekken. Welcome to my channel! I mainly do Let's Play videos of games I and what my viewers want me to play, popular and obscure, new and old, but I also occasionally use this channel to create whatever kind of content I want whenever I want. Whatever you came here for, I sincerely hope you enjoy checking out my content - have fun!

I publish at least 2 videos a day every Monday, Wednesday and Friday each week, although I may throw in some extra content from time to time.

If you want to find me anywhere else outside of YouTube, here's a list of other websites I use:

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