NameTheJew Media Network

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NameTheJew Media Network

NameTheJew Media Network


Everyone a damn moron now. When I was a kid we did shit outside not just being fags on cell phone. This new generation gay, lame, and all they care about is internet clout. In 2000s if you were internet clout you were lame as fuck. How times change for the gayer.

We are in the end days, brothers. Survive until the war begins. o/

Yes, the Von Erich family is associated with what’s known as the “Von Erich curse.” It’s a series of tragedies that befell the family. Fritz Von Erich, the patriarch, rose to fame in professional wrestling and portrayed a Nazi character as part of his gimmick. This controversial choice led to rumors and superstitions about a curse. The curse allegedly resulted from a Holocaust survivor’s ghost putting a curse on Fritz for making light of Nazism. Sadly, five of Fritz’s sons died before his own passing, adding to the tragic legacy of the Von Erich family12. The curse remains a haunting aspect of their history3

"You're just gonna clip me and put me like a weirdo. That's your shtick." "What happened to a lot of the guys I worked with? They're fucking dead."

What happened to some of these dudes? Owen Hart went over the edge at over the edge. Benoit, there was no real investigation, UW gives a speech at Raw dies next day.

By now, everyone knows UW was whacked out.

Weird choice of words by Terry. Ultimate Warrior did a 2 hour shoot where he lays out all of Hulk's dirty laundry.

John Wick is for fucking niggers. Tom Cruise shows proper fire arm techniques multiple times, the main targets (Fat Asian and Mark Ruffalo Cop) He lays out with 2 to the body and a head shot. I like How Cruise pops Ruffalo, Stick to Faggot Movies Ruffalo lmfao That is the Mozambique Drill, Practice it, Learn it, It Will Keep you alive.

Capitalism is Jewish, read E Michael Jones "Barren Metal" for more info.

"You didnt buy em Rolexes or a car after they got they ass went to wingstop" In my life I have over 100 hood passes from nigs I met, I don't like em that makes them respect you.

If you remember this, you're a true legend. Pool's Closed boys. Context: 2005 Habbo Hotel Raids by WNs dressing as niggers closing the pool down and making swastikas and shit lmfao.

This may be the wokest game I have ever seen. Ubisoft and Sweet Baby Inc are like the Frankfurt School...they create and push communism, they must be shut down. Every game is a game against white heterosexual males.

On Black youtube they are upset about Officer Rick and his boys getting beat by whites. Hasaan Campbell told me Rick Ross took his boys to Wingstop after the fight. What kind of hazard pay is that? At 14 seconds is when Ross gets punched, white dude cocks back and punches ross in the face his drink explodes into the air. The rest is his crew getting stomped out by everyone in the crowd. Blame Jewtube this is best copy I could find.

This nigga gonna play around an get us audited mo'fucka

Nation of Domination = Nation of Islam, Farooq = Farrakhan, Stone Cold's response is based lmao. I miss the Attitude Era.

OG LOC - Tupac

Testing uploading on new bitchute

Context: Blacks saying black women only date thugs.

Source -

LMFAO, Can we run this guy for President? "Send the Jews Back" BASED

Israel was created by Jews bombing the King David Hotel and killing British soldiers, now they kill Palestinians over there. Synagogue of Satan.

The SS has the most lies surrounding it, such as blonde hair and blue eyes. The requirements were you had to be at least 5'7, of Pure Aryan Stock, and 100% understood International Jewry.


Created 2 years, 6 months ago.

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