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Mukunda dasa 108


“WHAT IS THE PRACTICAL USE of a so-called approved book (Prabhupada’s 1972 Original Gita) if it contains mistakes made by editors or unclear statements etc.?”

PAGE 89 – Why Are The Original Books Changed? – BY PURUJIT AND THE BLISS BOYS.


So basically everything i quote from Prabhupada is correct you cannot refute it! But you will stick to your flat earth nonsense until Krishna kills you in a car crash!!! This is blind fanatical FOOL. CRAZY FANATIC NOT INTELLIGENT FOLLOWER OF PRABHUPADA.

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In this chapter we shall expose two offensive schools of thought in regards to Srila Prabhupada. They are as follows:

1. Srila Prabhupada lied to everyone in regards to the true nature of the earth. His numerous statements about the earth being a planet or globe were circumstantial truths. In other words he only spoke of the earth in this way because that was the conventional understanding of the human population.

2. Srila Prabhupada didn’t actually understand Vedic cosmology as described in the Srimad Bhagavatam. He was totally ignorant of the real dimensions of earth and simply spoke of it using the conventional understanding that it is a globe in space.

Anyone accepting the flat earth paradigm is directly or indirectly holding one of these offensive schools of thought.

One thing is quite certain —within a quarter of a century the Americans will either have become violently anti-semitic or they will be devoured by Jewry. If we should lose this war, it will mean that we have been defeated by the Jews. Their victory will then be complete. But let me hasten to add that it will only be very temporary. It will certainly not be Europe which takes up the struggle again against them, but it certainly will be the United States.

The Testament of Adolf Hitler.

Prabhupada: “Astronomer knowing the PLANETARY SYSTEM,” you can advertise. “Expert astronomer who knows the PLANETARY SYSTEMS as described in Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam.”

(Conversation with Vedic Astronomer, April 30, 1977, Bombay)

The flat earthers say Prabhupada needed an astronomer because he didn’t understand Vedic cosmology. NO PRABHUPADA UNDERSTOOD CLEARLY!!! His rascal disciples headed by Tamal couldn’t produce the correct map for the Vedic planetarium because they were prejudiced with their flat earth nonsense. Look at the advertisment Prabhupada gives above. He again says planetary systems!

Prabhupada to Tamal: You are prejudiced. That’s all. If I can understand, why don’t you understand? You are prejudiced.

(Discussion about Bhu-mandala, July 5, 1977, Vrndavana)

There are three discussions involving Tamal Krishna which form the basis of three philosophical deviations namely:

1.) The appointment of unqualified diksa gurus
2.) The unrestricted editing of Prabhupada’s original authorized books.
3.) The concept of Bhu-mandala as a flat earth plane.

All of the above mentioned discussions are the holy gospels of these deviations. In reality they were an attempt to supplant Prabhupada's authority and the authority of his books.

The scriptures say that anyone who considers the spiritual master to be an ordinary man has a hellish mentality. (Prabhupada From SSR 4)

No learned man should be willing to hear a person who does not represent the original acarya. (Srila Prabhupada from Srimad Bhagavatam 1.4.1)

Mayesvara dasa does not represent Srila Prabhupada. He is an offender who actually thinks Prabhupada is a mundane man ignorant of Vedic cosmology! So why are all these fools hearing from him like a bunch of prostitutes? Where is their connection to the Supersoul telling them to at least avoid this blasphemer?

If someone blasphemes a Vaisnava, one should stop him with arguments and higher reason. If one is not expert enough to do this he should give up his life on the spot, and if he cannot do this, he must go away. (C.C. Adi 7.50)


If one is Krsna, if one knows Krsna, he knows everything. He knows politics, he knows economics, he knows science, he knows philosophy, he knows religion, he knows sociology, everything. Tasmin vijnate sarvam etam vijnatam bhavanti, that is the Vedic injunction. If you simply understand God, Krsna, then everything will be revealed to you because Krsna says, buddhi-yogam dadami tam. If Krsna gives you intelligence from within, who can excel Him? Nobody can excel Him. But Krsna can give you intelligence provided you become a devotee, or lover of Krsna.

(Prabhupada Lecture, Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.2.6, New Vrindaban, September 5, 1972)

The scriptures say that anyone who considers the spiritual master to be an ordinary man has a hellish mentality. (Prabhupada From SSR 4)

No learned man should be willing to hear a person who does not represent the original acarya. (Srila Prabhupada from Srimad Bhagavatam 1.4.1)

Mayesvara dasa does not represent Srila Prabhupada. He is an offender who actually thinks Prabhupada is a mundane man ignorant of Vedic cosmology! So why are all these fools hearing from him like a bunch of prostitutes? Where is their connection to the Supersoul telling them to at least avoid this blasphemer?

If someone blasphemes a Vaisnava, one should stop him with arguments and higher reason. If one is not expert enough to do this he should give up his life on the spot, and if he cannot do this, he must go away. (C.C. Adi 7.50)

I made the following video in February 2018 but never uploaded it to my Prabhupada Truth Vlog. After Covid 1984 etc. and now the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza (due to Mossad’s false flag in Israel), I think the Ritvik devotees are starting to see the big picture.

Therefore i thought the message of this video would be more appreciated at this time.

Note: Ritviks are devotees of Krishna who accept Prabhupada as Guru and reject the cheaters posing as Gurus in ISKCON.

Nationalism without God is simply extended sense gratification and has no true lasting value. True nationalism is God centered and will empower us to drive the demoniac rulers from our countries.

This is my take on Harry Vox and his attack on the GDL (especially Handsome Truth) and his points about optics and controlled opposition.

This Bhagavata Purana is as brilliant as the sun, and it has arisen just after the departure of Lord Krsna to His own abode, accompanied by religion, knowledge, etc. Persons who have lost their vision due to the dense darkness of ignorance in the age of Kali shall get light from this Purana. (Srimad Bhagavatam 1.3.43)

This is my frank and straight message to the Hitler hating E. Michael Jones and all the other dogmatic Catholics.

“They’ve been telling us that something is going to happen on September 23 they put in over 30 movies.”

“For decades movies and musics have warning us about september 2023. I have watched some tv shows from 1960’s and 1970’s and there are de code. I can see code 239/236 in almost every movie I watch now. Something very very bad will happen this year.”

On the 13th of December 2018 Steven Hassan, an American cult expert or deprogrammer and mental health counselor of Jewish descent, interviews former Krishna disciple Henry Doktorski. Before we look at the transcript of the interview let us look at what Mr. Hassan writes about Prabhupada on his website.

You can know this world is now managed by the Jew Demon Man Eaters.

Raksasa are called man-eaters, more than tigers. They, for their self-satisfaction, they can eat, I mean to say, even, even their own sons. You see? They are called raksasas. No shame. “My sense gratification should be satisfied. Never mind. You go to hell.” So this is the age. So we, we create a machine that everyone comes and becomes smashed in that machine, and my sense satisfaction is there. Although I’ll never be happy by that sense satisfaction. This is going on. You can know this world is now managed by the raksasas. Raksasa. They don’t mind what is happening. They are prepared to sacrifice everything for fulfilling their whimsical nonsense. They are called raksasa. Raksasim asurim caiva prakrtim mohinim sritah. Why they are? Now, they are very much enamored by this material beauty. Not beauty. The material civilization.

[Srila Prabhupada from a Bhagavad-gita Lecture 9.11-14, New York, November 27, 1966]

The man snake is under pressure and puffing his neck out!!! Then the truth comes right out of his hissing mouth, confirming what those who walk in truth already know!

"Srila Prabhupada sometimes said that a “bear-like race of beings had come from a lower planetary system, and were attempting to take over the Earth planet.” This bear-like race of asuras had established themselves in Russia. And by promoting communism, a form of atheism, they were determined to convert the world to Godlessness."

Mother Govinda Dasi

In this video i will discuss the fundamental reason behind the culture distorters obsession with the white race. I shall also look at how this is part of a great fight for supremacy over the earth between the forces of divine and demoniac.

I am making these wonderful kirtans of Srila Prabhupada available so devotees can chant with Srila Prabhupada in his presence of transcendental sound vibration. In these very troubled times such association will purify the heart and elevate the spirit of the world.

“The potency of transcendental sound is never minimized because the vibrator is apparently absent.” (Prabhupada from Srimad Bhagavatam 2.9.8)

“He reasons ill who tells that Vaisnavas die when thou art living still in sound. The Vaisnavas die to live and living try to spread the holy name around.” (Bhaktivinode Thakur.)'s-Divide---Conquer:5

In 1970 Srila Prabhupada claimed that the great sinister moment was now inside his ISKCON society. In appendix 1 called “THE GREAT SINISTER MOVEMENT CONTROLLING ISKCON” I presented evidence that this movement is international Jewry.

I also showed how societies like ISKCON are conquered from within by agents of the sinister movement via the method of divide and conquer. I also claimed that Tamal Krishna was clearly manifesting the traits of such an agent due to his divisive behaviour.

Srila Prabhupada said the great sinister movement entered ISKCON in 1970. There has been much discussion in regards to what this sinister movement actually is. Some say it is a group of ambitious pseudo disciples. Others say it is the envious Godbrothers from the Gaudiya Math. And still, others say it is a secret society such as the Illuminati. Let us look in more detail at this interesting topic by analyzing Prabhupada’s various statements.

Not only is the transcendental Jaladuta pastime not worshipped by devotees in ISKCON but it isn’t even mentioned in the Vaishnava calendar. Yet in the same calendar we will find Yom Kippur, Hanukkah and Halloween. These are totally demoniac rituals that have no place in a calendar for devotees of Krishna. The fact that they are in the calendar proves clearly that the great sinister movement now controls ISKCON.


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Created 6 years, 7 months ago.

553 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

I was first blessed with Prabhupada’s association in 1988.

Even though I wasn’t raised a Christian, I always remember appreciating Jesus Christ through my school years, especially during Bible based assemblies and Church visits.

When I was 20 years old and living alone in my flat, one day I picked up an old Bible from my book shelf and looked at the section of Jesus preaching his Sermon on the Mount. I read parts and remember thinking: “I would love to have been a real disciple of Jesus”. The Lord in the heart noted my desire and shortly thereafter, He sent to me the Jesus Christ of our times, namely Srila Prabhupada.


I accepted Srila Prabhupada in my heart the moment I saw his face on the book I received from a friend. I could immediately feel that here was a personality that I could fully trust. He didn’t want anything from me but was simply coming to help me, to give me a message of profound truth.

My feelings were confirmed when I started to read Prabhupada’s books. Here was a Divine Messenger from the Lord conveying the highest spiritual knowledge in a most easy-to-understand fashion. I was totally captivated!

I gradually developed my relationship with Prabhupada through hearing his lectures, chanting kirtans with him and reading his books. In a short period of time, I was chanting 16 rounds and I was determined to surrender and become a full time devotee in his ISKCON movement.


After giving away most of my belongings and selling my home, I went to live in a small temple in Birmingham. I was very disappointed to hear from the ISKCON leadership that Prabhupada was no longer available as the guru, but had instructed that all future devotees coming to his movement accept his advanced disciples as initiating spiritual masters and be guided by one of them.

I served for nearly four years in ISKCON mainly doing full time book distribution and also cooking. I approached various gurus but they could never compare to Prabhupada who had won my heart by his purity. In fact he saved me from surrendering to one of those rogues and nondevotees posing as a pure devotee by the following words he spoke to me:

“This is the first condition. First of all find out such person whom, upon whom you have full faith that whatever he will say, you will accept. That is guru.”

(Prabhupada Lecture, Bhagavad-gita 13.1-2 Miami, February 26, 1975)

I never had full faith in any of these men, thus I couldn’t surrendered to them. Eventually by my prayers, Krishna sent me a real disciple of Prabhupada who helped me understand that rotten smell that lingered in ISKCON, that thing that just didn’t seem right. After preaching the truth about Prabhupada being the only diksa guru for ISKCON, I was quickly banned from the movement.


Thus I returned to my former position of taking direct shelter of Prabhupada as I had done before my ISKCON experience. I was like a withered flower that was blessed and drenched from the heavens by the mercy of the rain clouds. I regained my intelligence and enthusiasm. I regained my very life!

I was now very determined that I would never be deceived again. I made it my mission that I would hear every lecture and conversation Prabhupada ever gave. I would read all his books. No rascal would push his concoctions past me ever again!


During this period, around 1993, I read The Guru Business by Sulocana prabhu. This book had a powerful effect on me. “Here was a true disciple of Prabhupada who gave his life to expose the deceivers and re-establish Prabhupada’s true mission” I thought. I was deeply impressed by his example and powerful message.

The most powerful instruction I received from Sulocana prabhu was the following:

“He left us his own autobiography, as it is.” (Sulocana dasa, Guru Business Preface – A Rude Awakening)

These words were implanted in my heart by Prabhupada’s perfect disciple, and eventually manifested in November of 2001, as the wonderful autobiography of His Divine Grace called “Srila Prabhupada Lilamrta As It Is”.

So from 1993 as I was hearing Prabhupada constantly, I was collecting all the beautiful words from his lotus mouth about his life, character and qualities. These formed the basis of the book. I also printed The Guru Business as a photocopy booklet.


Along with this I decided that I should also compile a book of Prabhupada’s quotes about the importance of hearing from the pure devotee. From my own experience I was seeing that hearing from Prabhupada was giving me back my life which was gradually fading away in the ISKCON cult. I knew that if others would take to this process then the original mission of Prabhupada could be revived. I named the book “All Of Us Should Hear Prabhupada”. It was printed in late 1993.